Monday 13 January 2020


Is not this your son, my lord?

His breeding, sir, hath been at my charge: I have
so often blushed to acknowledge him, that now I am
brazed to it.

I cannot conceive you.

Sir, this young fellow's mother could: whereupon
she grew round-wombed, and had, indeed, sir, a son
for her cradle ere she had a husband for her bed.
Do you smell a fault?

I cannot wish the fault undone, the issue of it
being so proper.

But I have, sir, a son by order of law, some year
elder than this, who yet is no dearer in my account:
though this knave came something saucily into the
world before he was sent for, yet was his mother
fair; there was good sport at his making, and the
whoreson must be acknowledged

Bruce Wayne: 
Targetting me won't get their money back.
I knew the mob won't go down without a fight, but this is different. 
They've crossed the line.

Alfred Pennyworth: 
You've crossed the line first, sir. 
You squeezed them, you hammered to the point of desperation. 
And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand.

Bruce Wayne: 
Criminals aren't complicated, Alfred. 
We just need to figure out what he's after.

Alfred Pennyworth: 
With respect, Master Wayne, perhaps this is a man you don't fully understand either. 

A long time ago, I was in Burma. 
My friends and I were working for the local government.
They'd been trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious stones. 

But their caravans were being raided in the forests north of Rangoon by a bandit. 

So we went looking for the stones. 

But in six months, we never met anyone who traded with him.
One day, I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. 

The bandit had been throwing them away.

Bruce Wayne: 
So why steal them?

Alfred Pennyworth: 
Oh, because he thought it was good sport. 

Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. 

They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. 

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

[Later, as the two discuss Rachel's death]

Bruce Wayne:
That bandit, in the forest in Burma - did you catch him?

Alfred Pennyworth:

Bruce Wayne:

Alfred Pennyworth:
We burned the forest down.

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