Hmm. Oh, Agent Starling....
You think you can dissect me
with this blunt little tool?
You're so ambitious, aren't you?
You know what you look like
to me with your good bag
and those cheap shoes?
You look like a rube —
a well-scrubbed, hustling rube
with a little taste.
Good nutrition's given you
some length of bone,
but you're not more
than one generation
from poor white trash,
are you, Agent Starling?
And that accent you've
tried so desperately
to shed ? Pure West Virginia.
What does your father do?
Is he a coal miner?
Does he stink of The Lamp?
And, oh, how quickly
The Boys found you ?
All those tedious, sticky
fumblings in the back seats
of cars while you could only
dream of getting out,
getting anywhere,
getting all the way
to The efF-Bee-Eye.....
You see a lot, Doctor --
But are you strong enough to point
that high-powered perception at yourself?
What about it? Huh? Why don't you ?
Why don't you look at yourself
and write down what you see?
Or maybe you're afraid to.
(The sliding Food-
tray slams closed)
A census-taker once tried to Test me --
I ate his liver with some fava beans,
and a nice Chianti; uhf-uhf-uhf-uhf-fff --
You fly back to school now, little Starling.
Fly, fly, fly --
Fly, fly, fly --
Fly, fly, fly --
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