Thursday, 20 March 2025


Zo —You are ze two English flying-aces
responsible for ze spilling of ze precious 
German blood of many of my finest
and my blondest, friends!

Sparacus - Adam Rickitt plays Ben Chatham
Transcript on poster Sparacus's discussion 
on the Doctor Who Forum about 
his fictional creation Ben Chatham. 
A proposed Doctor Who companion 
as played by Adam Rickitt.

Unsolicited Request! | PREVIEW
Dot and Bubble | Doctor Who

Adam Rickitt - I Breathe Again

You forgot to add that Adam Rickett the proposed actor to play your Doctor Who companion Ben Adam is a talentless little git who thankfully hasn't graced our screens in years because of his jaw-dropping lack of acting ability and who only ever got on Tully in a crappy soap opera where he would presumably appeal to the key demographics of teenage girls and raging homosexuals 

Adam is more than just an actor he also had a successful pop career I Breathe Again was a major hit and the video was outstanding um no it's a completely generic pop video consisting of a naked Adam Ricket in a glass Booth which was superbly presented there's no point to it it's just him more or less naked in a tube I missed the good old times when music videos actually at a point and a story to tell I think that the video is saying that we are all imprisoned by Society symbolised by the tank but it is possible to break free 

Since when did one hit equate to a pop career? 
The video was crap, the singing was crap 
he looked crapsounded crap and 
his career generally has been crap 

not the case at all some points one Adam had three major hits and a successful album good times two Adam is a fine actor who has landed several major soap opera roles three Adam has been the cover star of attitude magazine three times four Adam is a physically beautiful blonde if Adam Rickett was any good as a singer or actor there' be record labels and TV producers falling over themselves to secure his Services there aren't draw your own conclusions Adam is currently starring in New Zealand's most popular soap opera that would be shortland Street On a par with 70s Crossroads it's SF out of date employs terrible actors and can't sell itself around the world IV screened it about 15 years ago and they dropped it like a hot brick and if Adam Rett was so damn good then why can't he get employment in the UK because he's crap I must confess to not really remembering shortland Street however a recent interview with Adam stated that it gets really high ratings Adam can get employ in the UK he was in Coronation Street for many years so are a lot of people of midlink to poor acting ability and talent Adam is a fine actor he was always my first choice for Ben he's been about for a good few years now and still has yet to appear in anything significant outside of Coronation Street in which he was rubbish he was great in the Tod niik story line Adam is a fine actor he was always my first choice for Ben did you have any other choices if he wasn't a available no I didn't it is very worrying for me that Adam May soon be a tad too old to play Ben I've no idea who I would cast as a replacement Roland from Greer Hill an old trap from water L Bridge Peter Andre a steaming pile of dog Pew 

This is very silly. Ben is blonde and beautiful and will remain a Doctor Who companion for a long time.

“Thankfully not in reality.” 

Ben is a doctor who companion in my stories just not in the TV series yet.

“Or big finish or the official book books or the annuals or any other official merchandise.” 

Of course Ben Chatham has not appeared in these things yet;
however this does not diminish as status as 
a popular Doctor Who companion 

look at what has happened — Ben started out 
as just a second companion for 
The Doctor alongside Rose;

since then it has widened to him having his own spin-off stories and team Katy Ryan Kyle Scott anel mashford Craig chattam and isable have all been introduced the bench atam Universe has become a major offshoot from doct who 

“Perhaps you could at a range of 
Ben Chatham action figures?” 

This would be excellent! I'd suggest all the main team plus a selection 
of popular aliens and enemies. The first batch could be Ben Chatham 
Katy Ryan, Kyle Scott ancel mashford Craig chattam isal the ranty Beast Henry VII Hodson from face of death 

“You’ll have to buy a lot of spuds to make all those figures.” 

They would be proper plastic action figures 
or alternatively they could be on card in 
the style of the 1970s Weetabix 
standup Doctor Who figures 

“I've been been a member of this forum for the last 3 years
read the old forum for at least 3 years, been a doctor who fan
for the last 29 years and a DWM reader for nearly as long —
never heard of Ben Chatham until this week —

So far as I can tell he appears in a few 
short fanfics written by yourself 
that's hardly a major offshoot of 
the Doctor Who Universe 

Have to be honest, Ben Chatham doesn't come 
across as being particularly likable either….”

I have tried to make Ben very likeable; 
he is human — I.e. not perfect.
He has faults yet always 
wins through in the end 

“That he always wins through in the end is not a good thing 
when The Audience is rooting for him to get torn 
limb from limb by rabid vampire squirrels —”

This is not the case. Ben is someone The Audience can 
relate to precisely because he isn't perfect —

The Audience think “I wish Ben could find 
some happiness in a stable relationship — 
he is like us” and yet he keeps winning through.
He makes us feel good about ourselves.

Untrue. The Audience think “I wish a piano would 
fall out of the sky crushing Ben to death —

This is just wilful negativity — 
I suspect most Ben Chatham readers 
identify with aspects of his character.

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