“My Rebel Spirit says to me,
‘There’s Something about Our Society That FEARS This..!!’”

“ Every part of our personality
that we do NOT Love
will become HOSTILE to us.
We could add that
it may move to a distant place
and begin A •Revolt•
against Us as well.
A lot of the Trouble
Shakespeare’s Kings experience
blossoms in that sentence.
Hotspur “in Wales” rebels against The King.
Shakespeare’s poetry is marvelously sensitive to the danger of these
INNER revolts.
Always The King
is endangered.”
A Lois Lane :
I think we just found our Paragon.
A Lois Lane :
We need you to come back with us.
I know this sounds insane, but you might be the key to saving the multiverse.
The Superman of 1977 :
That's actually one of the least insane things I've ever heard.
A Superman :
First, we stay and face Luthor.
And you won't do it alone.
A Lois Lane :
We won't let him kill you.
A Lex Luthor :
Oh, I've moved on from that.
Never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of killing Supermen.
So much more fun making SUPERMAN Kill Superman.
The Superman of 1977 :
You don't belong here.
A Superman :
We're here because
we need your help.
The Superman of 1977 :
Help? I couldn't even save
my wife, my friends —
I Don't CARE about Your Universe.
A Lois Lane :
Yes, you DO —
You're The Paragon of TRUTH.
The Superman of 1977 :
There's only One Truth :
I Serve Lex Luthor.
A Superman :
Kal, STOP. Unh!
A Lois Lane :
Oh. What did Lex DO?
A Superman :
You have to get Luthor out of your head, Kal.
The Multiverse needs you!
The Superman of 1977 :
And what about what I need?
A Lois Lane :
Come on, honey.
You got this.
A Superman :
Kal no. Gah!
The Superman of 1977 :
Let me SHOW you how it feels
to lose the ones you love.
Oh, my God.
Get away from the window!
A Lex Luthor :
This should be fun.
Agh! Huh!
You can read about it later.
A Lois Lane :
Help me with the book.
A Lois Lane :
Picture the Clark that we met.
Focus on what The Universe knows he's meant to be.
The Superman of 1977 :
There's only room in
This World for one of us.
I'm pretty sure it's not working.
It's like it's like Lex turned all of his love into hate.
A Lois Lane :
Love. Clark, this isn't you,
not the real Clark,
the one that Perry White respected
and Jimmy Olsen looked up to
and Lois loved.
The Superman of 1977 :
You know nothing about me
or them!
We know more than you think.
A Lois Lane :
They would want your memories of them to lift you up,
not drive you to Darkness.
That's The Truth, Clark,
and The Truth means everything to you.
Remember Who You Are.
A Superman :
You okay?
The Superman of 1977 :
Actually — this is the second time I've gone nuts and fought myself.
I can see why you married her.
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