Wednesday 15 September 2021

Eat Cakes.

“We’ve reached the 21st century, and we’re now approaching Basic Perinatal Matrix 4

Which is: Victory after War. 
Which is: The Struggle is Over. 
Which is: We’re all HERE; What Do We Do NEXT?

[ A. : “Let’s KILL Superman…!!” ]

There WAS no Apocalypse. 
There WAS no Christ. 
There WAS no Rapture. 

There is •nothing•. 

All this stuff is •shit•.
There is only Us

And we’ve still got another thousand years, 
and maybe another thousand beyond that, 
and maybe another twenty thousand beyond that.

What are We gonna DO?
Who ARE We?”

Shower on him every blessing, drown him in a sea of happiness, give him economic prosperity such that he should have nothing else to do but sleep, eat cakes, and busy himself with the continuation of the species, and even then, out of sheer ingratitude, sheer spite, Man would play you some nasty trick.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

"I love what Dostoevsky said in Notes from the Underground. It’s a great, great book. It was an early criticism of the notion of a political utopia. He said, "Look, if you gave people everything that they wanted — they had nothing to do eat cake and nothing to do but sit in warm pools and busy themselves with the continuation of the species — the first thing they would do was go half insane and smash everything up, just so that something they didn't expect would happen, so that they’d have something interesting to do." It's so right. The utopian notion that if you just had all the material stuff you wanted that you’d be…Well, what would you be? What would you do? You’d just sit on the couch and watch TV? I mean, you’d be…I don’t know what you’d be. You’d be cutting yourself just for entertainment in no time flat, and that's the sort of thing that people do. 

We’re not adapted for security and utopia. We’re adapted for a certain amount of security, because we are vulnerable, but mostly we want to have one foot out where we don't know what the hell is going on. That’s where you’re alert and alive and tense, and with it. I believe that it actually has something to do with the hemispheric structure of the psychology of your brain, because the right hemisphere looks roughly adapted to what you don’t know and the left hemisphere—this is an oversimplification, but a useful one—is adapted to the world that you do know. The right place for you to be is halfway between them, and you can tell that. 

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