Thursday 12 November 2020

Action Comics

“What gave Spencer Perceval’s killing this resonance was His Faith. Writing to George Butler, the headmaster of Harrow, the Prime Minister once said that his ambition for His Eldest Son was that he should be 

‘A Champion of True Religion in A Careless World

By this, he meant something quite SPECIFIC

The True Religion was that of the Evangelical Anglicans who in the 1780s had begun to shake an almost moribund Church of England into new life. 
Although divided in their methods – the brothers John and Charles Wesley preached to thousands in the open air, whereas the father and son pairing of Henry and John Venn restricted their message to middle-class church congregations – the founding Evangelicals were united in holding that 
True Belief came from an IMMEDIATE, PERSONAL Experience of God, 
To be Found in The Bible 

It was a PHYSICAL rather than an intellectual Faith – ‘Experience,’ declared Henry Venn, ‘is a Living Proof, stronger than a thousand arguments’ – and, unlike The Careless World that agreed with Lord Melbourne’s clever dictum that 
Things are coming to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade private life’, 
Evangelicals believed that 
The WHOLE POINT of Religion 
was to 
TRANSFORM both Private and Public Life 
[ by dressing as a Giant Bat. ]

The word they used to describe 
God Working in The World was PROVIDENCE’

Any ACTION that made 
The World a Better Place 
was therefore termed PROVIDENTIAL

The Spread of Civilisation itself and the general Improvement of Mankind through Laws and Moral Education could therefore be taken as 
Evidence of a Divinely Ordered Creation. 

‘God has so assigned to Things their General Tendencies,’ declared William Wilberforce, a standard-bearer for The Faith, ‘and established Such An Order of Causes and Effects, as . . . loudly proclaim The Principles of His Moral Government, and strongly suggest that Vice and Imprudence will finally terminate in Misery’. 

Thus to Be Good was NOT ENOUGH
In order to Help The Work of Providence, 
it was necessary to DO Good. 

Action is The Life of Virtue,’ 
wrote Hannah More, the Evangelical poet and friend of Wilberforce, and 
The World is The Theatre of Action.’ 

It was not just The Church of England that needed to be actively reformed, but 
Society ITSELF had to be cleaned-up. 

Consequently, some Evangelicals, and especially the followers of the Wesleys who broke with The Church of England to form the Methodist Union, became radicals
Devoting Their Lives to 
The Poorest in Society. 

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