Sunday 2 February 2020


Here in the Book of Acts several times, Paul stands in judgment for what he believes.
At times, we all have to do that.

I mean, we don't see with His eyes so we don't know the glory of his plan.
Our lives unfold before us like puzzling reflections in a mirror.

But on The Day We Rise, we will see with clarity and understand the mystery of his ways.

Let us pray.

There are three types of people in This World.
Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs.

Now, some people prefer to believe that Evil doesn't exist in The World.

And if it ever darkened their doorstep, they
wouldn't know how to protect themselves.

Those are The Sheep.

And then you got predators.
They use violence to prey on The Weak.

They're The Wolves.

And then there are those who've been blessed with The Gift of Aggression and The Overpowering Need to Protect The Flock.

These men are a rare breed that LIVE to confront The Wolf.

They are The Sheepdog.

Now, we're not raising any sheep in This Family.
And I will whup your ass if you become a Wolf.

But We protect Our Own.

If someone tries to fight you, or tries to bully your little brother, you have my permission to finish it.

Then you know 
Who You Are.

You know 
Your Purpose.

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