Saturday 22 December 2018


The Man :

What are you doing there, fella?

Luke :
I just cut these.

The Man :

You better come along with us.

meter (n.1)

also metre, "poetic measure," Old English meter "meter, versification," from Latin metrum, from Greek metron "meter, a verse; that by which anything is measured; measure, length, size, limit, proportion," from PIE root *me- (2) "to measure." 

Possibly reborrowed early 14c. (after a 300-year gap in recorded use) from Old French metre, with specific sense of "metrical scheme in verse," from Latin metrum.

The Man :
Lucas Jackson.

Luke :
Here, Captain.

"Maliciously destroying municipal
property while under the influence."
What was that?

Cutting the heads off parking meters, Captain.

We ain't never had one of them before.
Where do you think that's going to get you?

I guess you could say I wasn't thinking, Captain.

It says here that you did real good in the war.
A Silver Star, Bronze Star, couple of Purple Hearts...
Then came out the same way you went in.
Buck Private.

Like I was just passing time, Captain.

Well, you got yourself some time now...two years.
Well, hell, that ain't much.
We got a couple of men here doing 20 spots.
We got one that's got all of it.
We got all kinds, and you're going to fit in real good.
Of course, in case you get
rabbit in your blood...
...and you decide to take off for home,
you get a bonus of some time...
...and a set of leg chains to keep you slowed down just a little bit.
For your own good, you'll learn the rules.
It's all up to you.
Now I can be a good guy or I can
be one real mean son of a bitch.
It's all up to you.
All right, let's move it.
One at a time. Move it!
Them clothes got
laundry numbers on them.
You remember your number and always
wear the ones that has your number.
Any man forgets his number
spends a night in the box.
These here spoons
you keep with you.
Any man loses his spoon
spends a night in the box.
There's no playing grab-ass
or fighting in the building.
You got a grudge against another man,
you fight him Saturday afternoon.
Any man playing grab-ass or fighting in
the building spends a night in the box.
First bell's at five minutes of eight
when you will get in your bunk.
Last bell is at eight.
Any man not in his bunk at eight
spends the night in the box.
There is no smoking in the prone
position in bed.
To smoke you must have both legs
over the side of your bunk.
Any man caught smoking
prone in bed...
...spends a night in the box.
You get two sheets.
Every Saturday, you put
the clean sheet on the top...
...the top sheet on the bottom...
...the bottom sheet you turn in
to the laundry boy.
Any man turns in the wrong sheet
spends a night in the box.
No one'll sit in the bunks
with dirty pants on.
Any man with dirty pants on sitting
on the bunks spends a night in the box.
Any man don't bring back his empty pop bottle spends a night in the box.
Any man loud talking spends a night in the box.
You got questions, you come to me.
I'm Carr, the floor walker.
I'm responsible for order in here.
Any man don't keep order spends a night in...

Luke :
...The Box.

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