Friday 15 January 2021

The Manumission of Flt. Lt. Bobo

"The bright western sun disappeared as the sky quickly darkened, and a low rumbling sound was heard in the humid air. There was a swift rushing of many feathered wings, yet not of bird. A great chattering and laughing filled the atmosphere and when the hot sun came out again, the light showed the Wicked Witch of the West that she was surrounded by a large crowd of wild monkeys, each with a pair of immense and powerful wings on his shoulders."

―The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) 

Your file says that you're an...
Machine, Correct, sir. 
Does that trouble you?
To be honest, yes, a little.
Understood, sir. 
Prejudice is very human.
Now that does trouble me. 
Do you consider yourself superior to us?
I am superior, sir, in many ways, 
but I would gladly give it up to be human.
Nice to meet you - Pinocchio. 


"I am not your puppet anymore." 

- Lt. Commander Data channels his Inner Rage, after recieving a bit of initial prompting, courtesy of his elder brother Lore, the galaxy's first and only Malignant Nacissitic synthetic person.

[Enterprise-E crew lounge]

(Picard is handing out glasses of Chateau Picard)

 The first time I saw Data, 
he was leaning against a tree in the holodeck 
...trying to whistle. 
...Funniest thing I ever saw. 
...No matter what he did he couldn't get the tune right.
What was that song? 
I can't remember the song.

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