"That's the seal of approval for the rock community.
Bowie says it cool.
Must be then.
It doesn't get much cooler than Bowie."
"Britain is ready for a fascist leader...
I think Britain could benefit from a fascist leader. After all, fascism is really nationalism...
I believe very strongly in fascism, people have always responded with greater efficiency under a regimental leadership."
"Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars"
"You've got to have an extreme right front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up."
They had silenced him on drugs for many years... His wife, I believe, Ono, may have been part of that - she's the one, I believe that got him into the Heroin... And she's no picnic herself... her father was the only Japanese banker, during World War II who was allowed to travel freely between the United States and Japan, while other Japanese-Americans had been rounded up and sent to camps, he was free to come and go as he pleased - she's still one of the richest people alive on the planet..." - John Judge
1st movement: Darkness
2nd movement: Mommy, Where Are You?
3rd movement: Light
1st movement: The first statement “Be Not A Cancer On Earth…” is a direct quote from the message carved on the Georgia Guidestones in in Elbertson, Georgia. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones)
The statements following that are by John Lennon, Martin Luther King and a survivor of Auschwitz, in that order. The cries intercut with the bass guitar accompaniment are those of an elephant.
2nd movement: This section starts with the First World War and ends with the Third World War. The moan you hear underneath is that of whales.
3rd movement: The monk’s chanting with a chime accompaniment in the beginning and the end of the piece is a wake-up call for the monks in the temple of China. The statements are made by children who belonged to the “Children of War” organization. They come from Namibia, the Philippines, Guatemala, Lebanon and South Africa. All of them are saying “I remember my country. My country was beautiful,” in their own tongues.
--Yoko Ono
“Planned genocide has begun,” read the Facebook entry on one of the groups I browse daily. The link: a picture of five monoliths looming like an American Stonehenge over a lush and lonely hill in remote Elberton, Georgia. I was only an hour away at the time, and decided to visit them in person.
The nearly twenty-foot granite slabs, known as the Georgia Guidestones, have sparked controversy around the world – praised by Yoko Ono, defaced by conspiracy theorists, featured on the History Channel, and the subject of the conspiracy web series Guidestones. The monument – five upright stones topped by a capstone – weighs nearly 240,000 pounds and is inscribed in eight languages with ten instructions for humans post-apocalypse. Three decades after being erected, the monument’s true purpose is still being argued, and its quasi-commandments can seem either sincere or satanic.
The most controversial instruction is the first: that humanity should be maintained under half a billion.

Bowie later retracted and apologised for his statements, blaming them on a combination of an obsession with occultism, the Thule Society and Friedrich Nietzsche, as well as his excessive drug use at the time.
[Personal Opinnion : Crystal Meth can make you a sexual deviant and potentially a child-molester;
I do not believe that Cocaine and Qualuudes can change your racial beliefs.
If it can, would would have seen some changes in George Clinton - he's our control subject]
[I forgot all about Rick James - damn]
He said:
"I have made my two or three glib, theatrical observations on English society and the only thing I can now counter with is to state that I am NOT a fascist."
Bowie Washes his Hands.
Pilate: - "That makes you just another Jewish politician..."
Pilate: - "You're more dangerous than the Zealots, do you know that..?"

"...just why it is that occultists yearn toward politics and titles of nobility, as well as to military campaigns and even espionage, is a problem quite beyond the scope of this book.
The Kaiser's republic has collapsed with the defeat of Germany in the First World War, and the whole country is up for grabs. It appears as if Germany is about to fall apart into the warring city-states from which it had been assembled nearly fifty years ago. The victorious Allies are demanding enormous concessions from Germany. Kurt Eisner -- an intellectual and a Jew, a defender of the League of Nations -- takes the initiative and proclaims a Socialist Republic in Munich on the seventh of November, 1918. It looks as if there is going to be a Communist regime in Germany -- or, at least, a Socialist one in Bavaria -- after all. Hysteria grows among the nationalists, and with it despair that their nation is on the verge of realizing the dreams of Marx and Engels as codified in their famous Manifesto.
Whereas Communism set itself up in opposition to all religion, Nazism supported a pagan revival to replace the existing religions.
It is perhaps this strategy more than any other that has allowed Nazism in various forms to survive its calamitous defeat in World War II and to continue to exert an influence over young people and old down the years into our present decade.
Hartmann is of considerable interest to this investigation as it was he who helped create the Ordo Templi Orientis, a German occult society formed around the idea of sexual magic.
Other illustrious members of the OTO will include another Theosophist, Dr. Rudolf Steiner, who will go on to form the Anthroposophical Society in 1912; Gerard Encausse, who -- under the nom de plume of "Papus" -- had written the first definitive text on the Tarot as a book of concealed illuminism; and Aleister Crowley, whose A...A..., or Argentum Astrum ("Silver Star"), was founded in 1907, the same year as the Order of New Templars mentioned above....
When it came to Magick, Crowley was a genius....
Ordo Templi Orientis, or the Order of the Eastern Temple. This was the brainchild of one Karl Kellner, a wealthy German Freemason of high rank in a rather distaff branch of Freemasonry (the Rite of Memphis and Mizraim of John Yarker), who claimed that he was instructed in the techniques of sex-magic by a Hindu adept and two Arab magi during his travels in the East. He introduced this concept to his associates, Theodor Reuss, Heinrich Klein, and the ubiquitous Dr. Franz Hartmann, all of whom were also high-ranking Masons in Yarker's sect...
Theodor Reuss -- the Outer Head of the Order (OHO) of the OTO -- visited Crowley in London in 1912 ... and accused him of revealing the core secret of the Order in a publication of Crowley's called the Book of Lies... Reuss pointed out a revealing phrase having to do with a "Magick Rood" and a "Mystic Rose."...
Another personal friend of Mme. Blavatsky was Dr. William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925), another coroner and a Theosophist who founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in England in 1888, the same year as The Secret Doctrine was published. Westcott claimed that the Golden Dawn was in reality the English branch of a German occult lodge...
Whatever the reason, we have the Theosophical Society, the OTO, the Anthroposophical Society, and the Golden Dawn all intertwined in incestuous embrace....
The Golden Dawn -- that fabulously complex jewel of European occultism.....
The names List and Liebenfels soon became synonymous with the Pan-GermanicVolkisch movement that eventually gave birth to the Nazi Party....List adopted the Golden Dawn system of hierarchical and initiatory degrees....the volkisch romantics of List's day believed in continuing contact with the Supermen. It was a theme that vibrated subliminally throughout a lot of anti-Semitic literature and in more open form among their British counterparts in the Golden Dawn, who posited a race of "Secret Chiefs": superhuman beings who, they said, live secretly among us, and in the Theosophical Society, which held that Hidden Masters (the Great WhiteBrotherhood) were guiding the world's destiny....
"Sex-magic" is a loaded term with all sorts of connotations....It is, quite simply, a method of sublimating sexual energy to the will of the magician in a variety of rituals, for a variety of purposes, using the sexual practice appropriate to the desired end. Thus, everything from the missionary position to sodomy to masturbation has a magical analogue and refers to a different quality of occult power. The choice of partner is also a matter for some concern, and the practice of sex-magic has become so refined by later initiates of the Order that even the specific days of a woman's menstrual cycle (for instance) each has its own occult correspondence....Hitler was (probably unconsciously) putting this same knowledge to good use...Hitler had so sublimated his sexual urges that he ...had long ceased to be interested in normal sexual intercourse with women. On the other side, his speeches were so mesmerizing that even foreigners who spoke no German at all were captivated by Hitler's oratory. In other words, the magical, tantric technique worked....He transformed his sexual desire into a tool for obtaining power, and became the leader of Germany....Quite simply, we are dealing with the subordination of the sex act to the Great Work by the magician and mystic of every age.
Interestingly enough, the degree structure of the Golden Dawn was based on the famous Tree of Life symbol: a complex diagram of ten spheres connected by a total of twenty-two paths (each path representing a letter of the Hebrew alphabet) that can be consulted in any one of a variety of books on qabalism and Western occultism. This same Tree of Life diagram was used by the old Wotanist Guido von List to represent the hierarchical grace structure in his own ideal Ario-Germanic society and, like the Golden Dawn, he reserved the top three degrees as being inaccessible to the average human being.
That List would have based his hierarchy on the patently Jewish Tree of Life and borrowed the concept from the Golden Dawn -- by way of the OTO -- would seem merely ironic to a layperson but positively frightening to an occultist, for what it implies about the relationship between the anti-Semitic List organizations and theostensibly apolitical Golden Dawn and OTO lodges....
A great many SA men were homosexuals, which should give the nervous nellies in the Pentagon pause: for the Brownshirts -- the dreaded Storm Troopers; the brawling, two-fisted beer hall fighters; the drunken, angry mob of volunteer militiamen who defeated Communism in Germany and who propelled Hitler to power -- were the epitome of military machismo ... and Rohm, their leader and queen, was the ultimate fighting man....
And it was an amazing time, no matter who was responsible; for an occult organization -- a secret society based on Theosophical, runic, and magical concepts (a kind of redneck Golden Dawn with guns) -- had fought an armed conflict in the streets of Munich against the purely political forces of a Soviet state....and won. Today, this would be considered the stuff of science fiction or, at worst, sword and sorcery fantasy. But in Munich, in 1919, it was reality.
-- Peter Levenda, "Unholy Alliance"
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