Sunday 21 April 2024

The Labyrinth of Death



Eastman :
You shot at me. I fed you.
Please don't hurt her.
Good night.

(goat bleats)

Shh. Shh.

(door closes)

(lock clicks)



Eastman :
16 hours in 19 on the floor.
( he samples the goat's cheese )
Oh! Oh, that is-- oh, 
that's terrible!

That-- oh, God, that is-- 
that is terrible. (gags)

Eastman :
I just wanted to wait a little 
while before we talked.

I'm from Atlanta.
I'm a forensic psychiatrist.

The State employed me to determine 
if certain people who did very bad things 
would do them again if they were 
released from prison.

That was my job
Now I live here.

Because of the state of The State 
and the whole world.

What did you do or 
what do you do now?

Morgan :
I Clear.

Eastman :
What the hell does that mean?

Morgan :
Walkers, people, anything that gets 
anywhere near me, 
I kill 'em. I Clear.

Eastman :

Morgan :
Because that's why 
I'm still here.

Eastman :
Well... that's the biggest load 
of horseshit I ever heard.

Here's your lunch.
(tab snaps)

(goat bleats)

Eastman :
It's PTSD. You've been 
through trauma, right?

Morgan :
You see that blood on 
the end of my stick?
At the sharp end?

That was two men.
Father and son, maybe.

I stabbed one through the throat.
He just fell to the ground with it 
stuck in him trying to breathe 
through the blood.

Other one I strangled. 
No rope, just my hands.

That was the day before I came here.
Maybe-- maybe the same day.
I-- I don't know.

But that's What I Did.
That's What I Do.

Eastman :
You killed a  lot of people?

Morgan :

Eastman :
They were threatening 
you, attacking you?

Morgan :
Not all of them.

Eastman :
You save anyone?

You saved people.
Pointless acts.

Morgan :
Everybody turns.

Eastman :
I saw a wedding ring.
You had someone 
you loved, didn't you?

Children? Oh. 
You loved them.

You loved them a lot 
if you're like this.

You saw it Happen.
That's how this 
started, right?

It's all happening right in front 
of your eyes over and over.

Your Body's here, but
Your Mind is still there.
There's A Door and 
You want to go through it 
to get away from it, so you do 
and it leads you right back 
to that moment.

And you see that door again 
and you know it won't work,
 but, hell, maybe it'll work.

So you step through that door 
and you're right back in that 
horrible moment every time.

You still feel it every time.

So you just want to stop 
opening that door.
So you just sit in it.

But I assure you
one of those doors 
leads out, my friend.

Morgan :
I don't have any friends.

Eastman :
Get to know me.

Morgan :
Oh, I'm gonna kill you.

Eastman :

Morgan :
Because I Have 
to Clear.

Eastman :
See, that's the thing. You don't.
(scoffs) We're not 
built to Kill.

We don't have claws 
or fangs or armor.

Vets that came back with PTSD, 
that didn't happen because 
we're comfortable with Killing.

We're not. We can't be.
We feel. We're connected.

You know, I've interviewed over 
825 people who've 
done terrible things --
I've only met one evil person.

Some of them were born with bad brains.
Some of them got sick along the way.

The rest were just damaged people.

Traumatised themselves like you, 
but they could heal.

Some more
some less, but 
they can.

We all can.
I know it.

It's all A Circle and 
everything gets a return.

The Door is open.

That Door right there. 
The cell door, it's open.

I threw The Key in 
The River a while back.

I'm not gonna hold you anymore.
I can't stop you. Go, clear.

Or stay, crash on the couch, and 
we'll try to find you 
another way.

The Door's open.

It's been open all along.

You stay or you go.
Those are the choices.

I will not allow You to Kill Me.
I will not allow that.

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