Sunday 3 March 2024

The Key and The Locks

Buffy & Dawn learn about 
The Origins of Glory & The Key

Xander peeks out the hole made by one arrow.

Shot of the outside. A bunch of knights are setting up, mostly hiding behind the abandoned truck and gas pumps with their bows and arrows. There are a few garbage barrels with fires lit in them.

XANDER: (OS) We got company.

More arrows sh**t through the windows. Xander turns back inside.

XANDER: And they brought A Crusade.

Cut to outside. The knights continue f*ring their arrows. The general rides up on horseback.

Cut to inside. Everyone's crouching down. Buffy runs toward the wall.

BUFFY: Willow!

We see Willow crouching beside the counter, with one hand stretched up to keep pressure on Giles's wound while her other hand is flipping the pages of a magic book. Tara huddles next to her whimpering and covering her head.

WILLOW: I'm working on it!

Buffy and Spike together shove a large coffee machine in front of the door and tip it over on its side.

Cut to outside. The general sits on his horse watching the action.

KNIGHTS: Go! Go! Go! Let's move! Come on, move it!

We see multiple knights attacking the boarded-up windows of the building with various w*apon, trying to break in.

Cut to inside. A knight's axe breaks through the wall right next to Dawn's head. She screams.

The knight continues hacking and then reaches an arm in. Dawn screams again.

DAWN: Buffy!

Buffy runs over to help, but a knight comes through the door beside the counter. He punches Buffy and she falls aside.

Xander and Anya hide behind something (looks like an old heater).

Spike lunges at the knight, punches him, then screams in pain and clutches his head. The knight lifts his w*apon to strike Spike but Buffy intervenes, kicks him and then punches him. He punches her back.

The boards on the windows rattle as more knights pound on them and the glass shatters. Spike covers his head as glass falls on him.

Buffy kicks the knight again and he stumbles back, turns and thrusts his w*apon at her but she blocks it, kicks him, then twists around and flips him over her shoulder. He falls unconscious on the floor.

Xander runs out from his hiding place and grabs the unconscious knight, begins dragging him away.

The other knights continue b*ating on the walls and windows, knocking out the glass with their w*apon.

KNIGHT: It's clear! (?)

Dawn stands up cautiously from behind the counter and is confronted by the bleeding Giles. She looks at his wound in dismay.

The general enters. Buffy turns to look at him. He points his sword.

GREGOR: The key.

Dawn looks frightened.

Buffy picks up the knight's w*apon from the ground and throws it at Gregor, hitting him in the hand, making him drop his sword. He lunges at Buffy and she hits him, making him reel aside into a pillar. He hits it face-first and falls down unconscious.

WILLOW: Enemies, fly and fall.

We see Willow sitting on the floor beside the counter, with her legs crossed holding the book. Her eyes are all black again as they were in "Tough Love."

WILLOW: Circling arms, raise a wall.

She raises her arms and a circle of light emits from them, expanding outward.

Cut to outside. The sphere comes through the walls and all the knights are forced backward, flying through the air. They land several feet away from the building as the bubble holds.

Dante hits the barrier with his sword. It shimmers but he can't get through.

DANTE: (angry growl) They have the general. Clerics!

Two elderly men in long black robes come forward. They walk up to the barrier and hold up their hands to it. One begins to chant while the other turns back to Dante.

CLERIC: Energy barrier. A most powerful one.

DANTE: Can it be breached?

CLERIC: The witch's magic pales to the might of our god. The infidels' wall ... shall tumble before us.

Cut to inside. Willow and Tara get to their feet as Buffy comes to check Giles's wound.

BUFFY: Will? How long will it hold?

WILLOW: (uncertain) Half a day maybe.

Buffy and Dawn watch as Willow goes to the window and peeks out.

sh*t of the view through the window. We can see the two clerics chanting while the knights wait behind them.

WILLOW: Or till Heckle and Jeckle punch a hole through it.

Buffy and Dawn look nervous.

Spike walks forward, looking down at the ground.

SPIKE: So. What's the story with these role-playing rejects?

sh*t of Gregor lying unconscious on the floor.

BUFFY: (OS) Let's find out.

Cut to Gregor tied to a pillar in a rear room of the building. Buffy stands in front of him with her arms folded.

sh*t of Dawn by the door watching.

sh*t of Spike off to the side.

SPIKE: You sure Scarface here can habla the English?

BUFFY: He understands me. (to Gregor) Don't you?

GREGOR: You were warned we would return, Slayer.

BUFFY: Took you long enough. What are you supposed to be, some kind of chief?

GREGOR: (sneers) General.

BUFFY: General. (takes a step forward) In charge of what, getting captured?

GREGOR: You do not frighten me, child. (looks at Dawn) The instrument of chaos must be destroyed.

Buffy steps forward to him and puts her hands firmly on either side of his face.

BUFFY: (angrily) Look at her that way again, and she will be the last thing you ever see.

She lets go and steps back.

GREGOR: As I've been told, you protect the key of the beast.

sh*t of Xander watching.

BUFFY: It's not that simple.

GREGOR: Yes. The key has been transformed, given ... breath, life. Yet, this makes no difference. The key is the link. The link must be severed. (sh*t of Dawn looking scared) Such is the will of god.

BUFFY: (upset) She doesn't remember anything about being this key you're all looking for. The only thing that she remembers is growing up with a mother, and a sister that love her. What kind of god would demand her life for something that she has no control over?

sh*t of Gregor looking unmoved.

BUFFY: We are not your enemy. (sh*t of Spike watching) Tell your men to stand down.

GREGOR: (looks at Dawn) No.

BUFFY: It is not her fault! She's human now! (sh*t of Dawn)

GREGOR: The key is too dangerous ... to be allowed to exist. No matter what form it has been pressed into.

BUFFY: I will not let anyone tell me-

Buffy breaks off as we hear a wailing from the next room and Willow saying "Shh, shh." Xander turns to look through the door.

Buffy, Dawn, Spike, and Xander go into the other room where Anya is watching helplessly as Willow tries to calm Tara.

WILLOW: Shh, shh, shh.

BUFFY: What happened?

ANYA: I-I don't know, she just went nuts.

Tara whimpers frantically and struggles to get free from Willow who is holding her still. Tara finally breaks free.

TARA: Time! Time, time!

She runs over to the boarded-up windows and claws at them. Willow runs after her and tries to pull her away. Tara breaks free and runs to another part of the wall, whimpering in agitation. The others watch helplessly.

Willow grabs Tara around the torso, pinning her arms to her sides as Tara continues whimpering.

WILLOW: Tara! (to Buffy) We have to do something! (sh*t of Dawn and Spike watching with concern) She, she can't stay this way. Buffy!

TARA: Time... time... time...

Cut to the hospital psych ward. All the patients are muttering "Time, time" as well, and struggling against their bonds. One of them is the man who accosted Dawn on the street in "The Real Me."

PATIENTS: Time. Time.

The nurse comes in.

NURSE: No, it's not time for your meds, just lie back-

The guy from "The Real Me" rips free of his restraints and the nurse rushes over to try to force him back into bed.

NURSE: (yelling over her shoulder) Doctor! Doctor McCarthy!

Another patient hits her over the head and she falls down unconscious. The other patients begin to break free and get up out of bed. They all walk off toward the door, muttering "Time" over and over again.

Cut to outside the gas station. Orlando is among the knights in the encampment. He walks forward, staring at the building.

ORLANDO: It's time. It's time.

DANTE: No, no, shh. There's nothing to fear, my brother.

Orlando looks unhappy. Behind Dante we can see the clerics still standing by the barrier chanting.

DANTE: The beast may have taken your mind, but I swear to you, she will never know the taste of your heart.

Dante pulls Orlando sharply toward him. Orlando groans and grabs Dante's shoulders but then slumps to the ground. Dante looks sadly down at him. We see a bloody dagger in his hand.

DANTE: Clerics! (The clerics turn) I want the witch's barrier down. NOW!

The clerics exchange a look, return to their chanting.

Cut to: closeup of Buffy's face.

BUFFY: I'm sorry.

We see she's standing beside Giles, holding his hand with both of hers. Giles is conscious.

GILES: For what?

BUFFY: We should have stayed. If we had, none of this would have happened.

GILES: Don't. (painfully) What you did ... w-was necessary ... what I've always admired.

BUFFY: (small smile) Running away?

GILES: Being able to place ... your heart ... above all else.

He breathes shakily while Buffy watches with concern.

GILES: I'm so proud of you. You've come so far. You're everything a Watcher ... everything I could have hoped for.

Buffy has tears in her eyes. She sniffles.

Giles makes a pained face, closes his eyes. Buffy looks anxiously at their entwined hands, then at Giles's stomach. He continues breathing shallowly, seems to have fallen asleep. Buffy gently removes his hand from hers.

In the background we see Willow standing over a sleeping or resting Tara, stroking her hair.

Buffy turns away from Giles with a resolute expression.

BUFFY: Willow.

Willow looks up at her.

BUFFY: Open a door.

Willow looks uncertainly from Buffy to the wall and back.

Cut to outside. A hole appears in the barrier as Buffy comes out of the building followed by Xander. Dante and a few other knights come forward. They stop at the edge of the barrier and Dante holds up a hand to stop the knights.

DANTE: Speak.

One of my friends was hurt when you attacked us.

And ten of my men are dead. Honourable men. 
(draws his sword) Shall we balance the scale?

Will you let someone come and help him or not?

Give quarter to an agent of The Beast? 
What madness would move me to such action?

I'm done asking.

Buffy starts forward but Xander intervenes, stopping her, 
as the knights were preparing for Buffy's attack.

Whoa, whoa, hey! Uh ... This is War, isn't it? 
And if there's one thing I've learned from Sergeant Rock, 
it is in War ... There are rules.

Dante looks stern.

Or at least there should be, if you're as 
honourable as you think you are. 
(Buffy looks to see if Dante is convinced
Plus, we do have your General Forehead-guy.

Dante considers this.

Cut to: 
Willow, Spike, and Buffy standing beside a pay phone in the building. The phone is dark.

Discharge and bring life.

The pay phone sizzles and suddenly lights up. Buffy picks up the receiver, turns and nods to Willow, who looks relieved. Buffy begins to dial.

SPIKE: (to Willow) Handier than a Swiss Kn*fe. Look, the door to my crypt's got this nasty squeak, maybe you could...

Willow rolls her eyes, turns and walks away. Pan to Buffy on the phone.

BUFFY: Hey, uh, i-it's Buffy. I need to ask you a really big favor.

Cut to: exterior sh*t, night. A car drives up to the gas station where the army of knights stands around watching. Ben is at the wheel. He stops the car and looks fearfully out the window at the knights, who all hold w*apon and glare at him. Ben takes a deep breath, picks up his black bag from the seat, and gets out of the car.

Cut to inside. Ben stands next to Giles tending to his wound, wearing surgical gloves. Buffy stands beside him with the others in the background.

BEN: You, uh, forgot to mention the costume party outside.

BUFFY: Sorry. (sh*t of Willow sitting over a sleeping Tara) I-I didn't know who else to call.

BEN: No, it's okay. I mean, yeah, not ... how I pictured seeing you again, but, uh ... I'll take what I can get.

sh*t of Spike looking annoyed, rolling his eyes.

BUFFY: Thank you ... for coming.

BEN: My pleasure.

Ben looks past Buffy. sh*t of Dawn standing a few feet away, with Xander in the background.

Ben continues looking at Dawn.



Act IV


Open on Giles's face, asleep or unconscious. Ben's hands enter the sh*t and put the discarded surgical gloves down next to Giles. Pan down to Giles's stomach. The bloody sweater is pulled up revealing a bandage wrapped around his abdomen.

Cut to a longer sh*t as Ben pulls a blanket up over Giles's stomach and packs away his stethoscope while Buffy stands watching.

BEN: All right, I think I got him stabilized, but there's a lot of damage. We need to get him out of here.

BUFFY: Well, I think the guys with the pointy swords kinda have other ideas.

BEN: Don't they always.

sh*t of Spike in the background making a disgusted face, mimicking Ben silently, then turning away.

BUFFY: Look, I know this must seem extra "Outer Limits" to you.

BEN: This? Naah. I've seen things you wouldn't believe.

sh*t of Dawn watching with Xander in the background.

BEN: (OS) You know, emergency room, full moon on a Saturday night.

Xander goes into the other room and pulls the door shut behind him.

Cut back to Buffy and Ben.

BUFFY: Look, if this gets too weird, just tell me. I'll understand.

BEN: Don't worry about me. I won't leave until I've worn out my welcome.

He smiles. Buffy smiles back, then looks with concern at Giles.

sh*t of Giles breathing shallowly and unevenly. Pan down to his blanket-covered stomach.

sh*t of Giles's hand lying beside his body. Buffy's hand enters the sh*t and takes hold of Giles's.

Cut to Spike's bloody, bandaged hands as he tries to light a cigarette. He fumbles with the lighter.

We see that we're in the back room. It's dark. Xander stands watching the tied-up general as the sound of Spike trying to light his lighter continues.

SPIKE: (whispering) Ow.

Spike shakes his hand in pain and annoyance.

Xander walks over. Spike gives him a wary look. Xander takes the lighter. Spike sighs.

SPIKE: Thanks.

Xander flicks the lighter on and holds it up to Spike's cigarette, lighting it. Then Xander closes the lighter, puts it in his pocket as Spike takes a drag.

XANDER: You know, those things'll k*ll you.

Spike gives him a look.

XANDER: Oh. Right.

They stand side by side, leaning against the wall, as Spike smokes.

XANDER: I mention today how much I don't like you?

SPIKE: (nods) You mighta let it slip in ... (looks at Xander) once or twice.

Xander smiles slightly, looks down at Spike's hands.

XANDER: How're your feelers?

SPIKE: (sighs, looks around) Nothing compared to the little bits we're gonna get chopped into when the Renaissance Faire kicks the door in. (points to the door; they both look over at it) And here we bloody sit.

XANDER: It's not like we got much of a choice.

SPIKE: (gestures impatiently) Could make a break for it! Use General Armor-All as a shield (sh*t of the general) get to the doc's car, and-

XANDER: Great plan. And while all the hacking and slashing's going on, what are you gonna be doing, huh? Throwing migraines at 'em?

SPIKE: Look, we stay here, we all die! At least this way, some of us might get-


The guys turn to see Buffy standing in the doorway.

BUFFY: We're all gonna make it. I'm not losing anyone.

Spike sighs and shakes his head but says nothing.

BUFFY: Check the supplies. See if anyone's hungry.

Xander looks at Spike, then they both walk out. Focus on Buffy as they walk past her. She stares at the floor looking pensive.

Gregor chuckles and Buffy closes her eyes briefly, then looks angrily at him.

GREGOR: Dissention in the ranks. Seldom a harbinger of glad tidings.

Buffy scowls, walks over to him and backhands him across the face.

BUFFY: Shut up.

Gregor turns his head and spits blood. Buffy turns her back to him.

GREGOR: Poor frightened girl. (she turns back) You've no idea what you've gotten yourself into.

BUFFY: (crosses arms over her chest) Why don't you tell me?

GREGOR: Would it make a difference?


GREGOR: What do you know of the beast?

BUFFY: Strong. Fast. Hellgod.

GREGOR: From a dimension of unspeakable torment.

BUFFY: A demon dimension. I know. She ruled with two other hellgods, right?

GREGOR: Along with the beast they were a triumvirate of suffering and despair. Ruling with equal vengeance. But the beast's power grew beyond even what they could conceive. As did her lust for pain and misery. They looked upon her, what she had become ... and trembled.

BUFFY: (nervously) A god afraid?

GREGOR: Such was her power. They feared she would attempt to seize their dimension for herself, and decided to strike first. A great battle erupted. In the end, they stood victorious over the beast ... barely. She was cast out. Banished to this lower plane of existence, forced to live and eventually die trapped within the body of a mortal ... a newborn male, created as her prison. That is the beast's ... only weakness.

BUFFY: k*ll the man ... and the god dies.

GREGOR: Unfortunately, the identity of the human vessel has never been discovered.

BUFFY: (puzzled) I don't understand. Now, I've seen Glory. Not a whole lot going on in the hairy chest department.

GREGOR: You have seen a glimpse of the true beast. Her power was too great to be completely contained. She's found a way to escape her mortal prison ... for brief periods, before her energies are exhausted and she's forced back ... into her living cell of meat and bone.

DAWN: (OS) What about me?

Buffy turns to see Dawn standing in the doorway.

DAWN: What about the key?

BUFFY: Dawn.

DAWN: I want to know.

GREGOR: The key ... is almost as old as the beast itself. Where it came from, how it was created ... the deepest of mysteries. All that is certain is that its power is absolute. Countless generations of my people have sacrificed their lives in search of it, to destroy it before its wrath could be unleashed.

DAWN: But the monks found it first.

GREGOR: Yes, and hid it with their magicks.

BUFFY: Why didn't they just destroy it? If the key is as dangerous as-

GREGOR: Because they were fools. They thought they could harness its power for the forces of light. They failed, and paid with their blood.

DAWN: What do I do? What was I created for?

GREGOR: You were created ... to open the gates that separate dimensions. The beast will use your power ... to return home and seize control of the hell she was banished from.

Buffy laughs. The general looks at her in surprise.

BUFFY: That's it? That's Glory's master plan ... to go home?

GREGOR: You misunderstand. Once the key is activated, it won't just open the gates to the beast's dimension. It's going to open all the gates. The walls separating realities will crumble. (sh*t of Buffy no longer smiling. sh*t of Dawn) Dimensions will bleed into each other. Order will be overthrown and the universe will tumble into chaos ... all dark ... forever.

Buffy looks dismayed.

GREGOR: (staring at Dawn) That ... is what you were created for.

Dawn stares at him, then looks down.

Cut to: Buffy emerging from the back room into another room.

BUFFY: Dawn.

We see Dawn sitting on a table nearby. She has her back to Buffy.

DAWN: (not turning) You think it's true ... what he said?

Buffy walks forward with a sigh, sits next to Dawn. They look at each other.

BUFFY: I don't know.

DAWN: Destroyer of the universe. (pause) I guess cutting school doesn't seem so bad now, huh?

BUFFY: It's not you. You know that.

DAWN: But it's in me ... isn't it? It's inside me.

They look at each other for a moment, then Dawn looks away.

DAWN: What are we gonna do?

Buffy frowns slightly, then puts her arms around Dawn's shoulders and pulls Dawn close, resting Dawn's head on her cheek.

BUFFY: I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.

They sit there quietly. Buffy sighs.

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