Tuesday 18 May 2021


Billy saves Freddy and Runs from Bullies : Shazam!

Freddie Freeman :
Flight or Invisibility
If you could have one superpower, 
Flight or Invisibility
What would you pick? 

Everybody chooses Flight. 
You know why

Billy Batson :
So they can fly away from This Conversation? 

Freddie Freeman :
No, 'cause,
Heroes Fly

Who doesn't want people 
to think they're A Hero, right? 

But-But Invisibility, 
no way, I mean, that's pervy!
Spying around on people 
who don't even know you're there. 
Sneaking around everywhere. 

It's a total 
Villain Power, right? 

Then they did this study, and 
This is a Real Thing —

They asked people the same question, y’know, 
“What Power Do You  Want?”
but this time, they made it so
The Answers were anonymous. 

And-And most people, 
since they knew that it was secret, said 

And I think that's 'cause 
Most People don't feel like heroes 
on the inside, deep down. 

You're running away. 
I mean, you stole my Superman bullet. 

Dude, I get it, I get it. 
You've been screwed over way too many times. 

You don't Trust anyone. 

But that's the thing about invisibility -- 
You handle it by yourself. 

Billy Batson :
I didn't steal your dumb bullet. 

Mary :
Hey, how was it today?
That good, huh? 

Freddie Gets Run Over. ]

Whoa! Oh, my God! 
Freddy! You okay? 
What the hell? 
What is wrong with you two? 

No way that's gonna buff out. 
You gonna pay for that thing? 

Freddie Freeman :
For the dent you made almost hitting me? 
Yeah, sure, um, do you guys take these? 

Mary :
Brett, stop! 

Darla :
Don't touch my brother! 

What, you need your fake family to stand up for you? 

Stand up for yourself, man.

Yeah, huh? Here, stand up. 
Stand up for yourself. 

What are you gonna do? 
Go home, cry to mommy? 
Oh, yeah, you don't have a mommy.

Darla :
Stop hurting him! 

Billy Batson :
Hey! Man, sorry about that. 
That wasn't fair, but, then again, you don't play fair, so. 
Back off, assbags, I know how to use these things!

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