Sunday 9 May 2021


Honeychile Ryder --
Such a Sweet Girl.

Anyhow what do you know about animals?

Did you ever see a mongoose dance,
or a scorpion with sunstroke
sting itself to death,
or a praying mantis eat her husband
after making love?

I hate to admit it, but I haven't.

Well, I have.

The Sheeda are a blue-skinned race from the future. Sheeda is either capable of changing size or existing in a wide variety of sizes. The smallest is a little larger than mosquitoes. These Sheeda can control a sentient being by attaching themselves to the back of the creature’s neck. 

They are also somehow related to both spiders and scorpions

Also, they are capable of interbreeding with regular humans. 

They are masters of both science and magic. 

As such, they have created creatures such as the Mood 7 Mind Destroyer (Guilt) and the Submissionary Constructs.

“[These soldiers] are recruited into an apocalyptic battle with some ancient Enemies of Humanity, a race of beings called the Sheeda, who are familiar to us from folk tale and legend as ‘the Unseelie Court’, or the people of ‘Faerie’ among many other names,” Morrison said. 

“Periodically, these Sheeda arrive like locusts in their millions in huge floating ‘Castles’ they use to ‘harvest’ civilizations which have reached their peak. The Sheeda ransack these cultures and take away their treasures, their achievements, their learning to enrich their own burned-out culture.‘‘

“The name is from the Irish Sidhe, pronounced ‘Shee’, as in banshee. The Sidhe were the Fairy Folk, the strange ones from the hills who haunt the old legends of so many cultures. I had a wild idea about what these legends might REALLY be describing and realised I’d found the perfect villains for this story. I based my portrayal of the Sheeda civilization itself on a dark, inverted Goth image of Queen Elizabeth 1’s England. They’re very evil, decadent and corrupt but as I say we don’t reveal their TRUE nature and who they really are until later in the series. In FRANKENSTEIN! issue 4 in fact, ‘Frankenstein vs. Fairyland’.”


Because I had to. 

That guy sure knew his business, trailing us after we'd let the others done pass. 
We got to get out of here quick. 

Where's this hiding place of yours? 

Up there. 
Come on. 
You smell nicer already. 

Oh, thank you. 

Mr. Bond! Quick! 

What's it now? 

Look at these! Those are dragon tracks. 

Look! That's where he breathed! 
Captain, you ought to get some rest if you want to. 
I stay out here and watch in case he smells us out and comes looking for us. 

Right. And I'll take the second watch. 
We'll be out of here by midnight. 

I never met a detective before. 
Are you going to arrest Dr. No?

007 :
Someone is. 
We can't have him trying to kill everyone who comes here. 

He doesn't just try.
I'm pretty sure he killed My Father.

007 :
What do you mean by that? 

You see, my father was a marine zoologist. 
We came to the Caribbean for him to study seashells.
Then one day, he came to Crab Key, 
and I never saw him again. 

They said he must have drowned. 
But he was far too good a diver for that to happen to him. 

007 :
Didn't The Police investigate? 
What about Your Family? 

They investigated for a long time. 
Then They said, 
"Missing, Presumed Dead." 

I haven't got any family. 
There was only my father and me. 

007 :
You mean you're all alone? 
Where did you live before you came to the Caribbean? 

All over The World. 
The Philippines, Bali, Hawaii. 
Just about anywhere there were shells. 

007 :
I suppose you went to school somewhere. 

I didn't need to. 
We had an Encyclopedia. 

I started at "A" when I was 8, 
and now I've reached "T." 

I bet I know a lot more things than you do. 

007 :
Didn't anyone in Kingston help? 

Well, there was this man who owned the place where we were living. 
He let me stay on for a while without paying. 
Then one night, he came up to my room. 

Well, you know. 

I scratched his face, and then... 
But he was stronger than I was. 

007 :
What happened after that? 

I put a black widow spider 
underneath his mosquito net. 

A Female, and they're The Worst
It took him a whole week to die. 

[ Bond is horrified, but tries not to show it. ]

Did I do Wrong? 

007 :
....well, it wouldn't do to make a habit of it. 

Do you have a woman of your own? 

Captain! Quick! Down here! Whatever's coming, it's coming this way. This time, I want to see it. 
And hurry! There's less than 12 hours to go. 

Stay where you are! All of you! Stay right where you are! Okay, captain. If that ain't a dragon, what is it? A dragon that runs on diesel engines. You can forget the spooks, Quarrel. When it gets within range, you take the driver. I'll take the headlights and the tires. You keep safe out of sight. Come on, Quarrel. - I told you to stay there. - I was frightened. Then get down. 

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