Tuesday 13 October 2020


Teddy Roosevelt once said: 
“Far and away the best prize that Life has to offer is a chance to Work Hard at Work Worth Doing.”

And I would add that what makes Work worth doing is getting to do it with people that you love.

Leslie Knope

DATA: I believe Guinan does keep a limited supply of non-syntheholic products. Perhaps one of them would be to your liking. 
(Data goes behind the bar and comes out with a bottle) 
SCOTT: What is it? 
DATA: It is (looks at bottle) It is (sniffs contents) It is green. 
(Scott drinks) 


(bottle and glass in hand, Scott walks carefully to the holodeck) 
COMPUTER: Please enter programme. 
SCOTT: The android at the bar said you could show me my old ship. Let me see it. 
COMPUTER: Insufficient data. Please specify parameters. 
SCOTT: The Enterprise. Show me the Bridge of the Enterprise, you chattering piece of 
COMPUTER: There have been five Federation ships with that name. Please specify by registry number. 
SCOTT: NCC One Seven Oh One. No bloody A, B, C, or D. 
COMPUTER: Programme complete. Enter when ready.

[NCC1701 Bridge]

(Complete with sound effect, they did a great job of recreating it for us. The viewscreen has the ubiquitous orange planet on it. Scott goes to his old station and pours a drink.) 

Here's to you, lads. 

I hope I'm not interrupting. I was just coming off duty and I wanted to see how you were doing. 
SCOTT: Not at all, not at all. Have a drink with me, Captain. 
PICARD: Thank you. 
SCOTT: I don't know what it is, exactly, but I would be real careful. It's real 
(Picard knocks it back in one) 
PICARD: Aldebaran whiskey. Who do you think gave it to Guinan? 
PICARD: Constitution class. 
SCOTT: Aye. You're familiar with them? 
PICARD: There's one in the Fleet museum, but then of course, this is your Enterprise? 
SCOTT: I actually served on two. This was the first. She was also the first ship I ever served on as Chief Engineer. You know, I served aboard eleven ships. Freighters, cruisers, starships, but this is the only one I think of. The only one I miss. 

The first ship I ever served aboard as Captain was called the Stargazer. 
It was an overworked, underpowered vessel, always on the verge of flying apart at the seams. In every measurable sense, my Enterprise is far superior. But there are times when I would give almost anything to command the Stargazer again. 
SCOTT: It's like the first time you fall in love. You don't ever love a woman quite like that again. Well, to the Enterprise and the Stargazer. Old girlfriends we'll never meet again. 
PICARD: What do you think of the Enterprise D? 
SCOTT: She's a beauty, with a good crew. 
SCOTT: But. When I was here, I could tell you the speed that we were traveling by the feel of the deckplates. But on your ship, I feel like I'm just in the way. 
PICARD: Seventy five years is a long time. If you would care to study some technical schematics or 

I'm not eighteen. I can't start out like a raw cadet. No, there comes a time when a man finds that he can't fall in love again. He knows that it's time to stop. I don't belong on your ship. I belong on this one. This was my home. This is where I had a purpose. 
But it's not real. It's just a computer generated fantasy. And I'm just an old man who's trying to hide in it. Computer, shut this bloody thing off. 
It's time I acted my age.

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