Saturday 17 November 2018

A Vulgar Display of Power

See, now that’s just a Vulgar Display of Power...

Bloody Imps, they’re always just so damn Prideful/Arrogant... But then again, that was the whole cause of the original problem to begin with, now wasn’t it..?

See, this is one of the reasons why obvious and overt cases of possession are so relatively rare in the modern era when we have worldwide telecommunications and access to worldwide international travel — 

No matter where you are in The World (pretty much) if, should  any case arise exhibiting signs of True Diabolic expression and supranormal paranormal activity associated with it, it’s both possible and relatively simple to put out a call and send for someone strong enough in The Faith to be able to counteract and contend with whatever Dark forces may be present, who is then available and able to travel there to do the necessary, carry out the work and do The Fix.

Paint a Vulgar Picture

At the record company meeting

On their hands - a dead star

And oh, the plans they weave

And oh, the sickening greed

At the record company party

On their hands - a dead star

The sycophantic slags all say :

"I knew him first, and I knew him well"

Re-issue! Re-package! Re-package!

Re-evaluate the songs

Double-pack with a photograph

Extra track (and a tacky badge)

A-list, playlist

"Please them, please them!"

"Please them!"

(sadly, this was your life)

But you could have said no

If you'd wanted to

You could have said no

If you'd wanted to


"Please them! Please then!"

(sadly this was your life)

But you could have said no

If you'd wanted to

You could have walked away

...Couldn't you?

I touched you at the soundcheck

You had no real way of knowing

In my heart I begged "Take me with you...

I don't care where you're going... "

But to you I was faceless

I was fawning, I was boring

Just a child from those ugly new houses

Who could never begin to know

Who could never really know


Best of! Most of!

Satiate the need

Slip them into different sleeves!

Buy both, and feel deceived

Climber - new entry, re-entry

World tour! ("media whore")

"Please the Press in Belgium!"

(This was your life...)

And when it fails to recoup ?

Well, maybe:

You just haven't earned it yet, baby

I walked a pace behind you at the soundcheck

You're just the same as I am

What makes most people feel happy

Leads us headlong into harm

So, in my bedroom in those 'ugly new houses'

I danced my legs down to the knees

But me and my 'true love'

Will never meet again...

At the record company meeting

On their hands - at last! - A dead star !

But they can never taint you in my eyes

No, they can never touch you now

No, they cannot hurt you, my darling

They cannot touch you now

But me and my 'true love'

Will never meet again

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