Newspaper cartoon from 1912 about the Monroe Doctrine
“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the State to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”
“Ganser, Daniele NATO's Secret Armies, Operation Gladio And Terrorism In Western Europe ( 2005).”
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
President James Monroe’s 1823 annual message to Congress contained the Monroe Doctrine, which warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.
Understandably, the United States has always taken a particular interest in its closest neighbors – the nations of the Western Hemisphere. Equally understandably, expressions of this concern have not always been favorably regarded by other American nations.
The Monroe Doctrine is the best known U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere. Buried in a routine annual message delivered to Congress by President James Monroe in December 1823, the doctrine warns European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs. The doctrine was conceived to meet major concerns of the moment, but it soon became a watchword of U.S. policy in the Western Hemisphere.
The Monroe Doctrine was invoked in 1865 when the U.S. government exerted diplomatic and military pressure in support of the Mexican President Benito Juárez. This support enabled Juárez to lead a successful revolt against the Emperor Maximilian, who had been placed on the throne by the French government.
Almost 40 years later, in 1904, European creditors of a number of Latin American countries threatened armed intervention to collect debts. President Theodore Roosevelt promptly proclaimed the right of the United States to exercise an “international police power” to curb such “chronic wrongdoing.” As a result, U. S. Marines were sent into Santo Domingo in 1904, Nicaragua in 1911, and Haiti in 1915, ostensibly to keep the Europeans out. Other Latin American nations viewed these interventions with misgiving, and relations between the “great Colossus of the North” and its southern neighbors remained strained for many years.
In 1962, the Monroe Doctrine was invoked symbolically when the Soviet Union began to build missile-launching sites in Cuba. With the support of the Organization of American States, President John F. Kennedy threw a naval and air quarantine around the island. After several tense days, the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw the missiles and dismantle the sites. Subsequently, the United States dismantled several of its obsolete air and missile bases in Turkey.
(Information excerpted from Milestone Documents [Washington, DC: The National Archives and Records Administration, 1995] pp. 26–29.)
The Zimmermann Telegram, 1917
Decimal File, 1910-1929, 862.20212/82A (1910-1929); General Records of the Department of State; Record Group 59; National Archives.
January 19, 1917
This telegram, written by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann and received by the German Ambassador to Mexico on January 19, 1917, is a coded message sent to Mexico, proposing a military alliance against the United States. The obvious threats to the United States contained in the telegram inflamed American public opinion against Germany and helped convince Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917.
English: The territories promised to Mexico, as mentioned in the Zimmermann Telegram.
States and territories of Mexico.
States of the United States (Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas) that were promised to Mexico.
Original territories of Mexico, now part of the US. See Mexican–American War.
"There were, what? Thirty-five attempts on the life of General DeGaulle...? Standing up for the dignity of France, and standing in defiance of being the battlefield for a Limited Nuclear War... He was therefore targetted by, in effect, the NATO Establishment, and the same can be said of the Aldo Moro case in Italy...." - Tarpley

All persons of good will and opponents of genocidal austerity are urged to support Alexis Tsipras and Syriza with all means at their disposal, including contributions, publicity, and votes.

As we approach the Jan. 25 Greek election, pro-IMF forces are attempting to counter the looming victory of Syriza through a regroupment of low-information voters around the To Potami (River) Party and its leading demagogue, Stavros Theodorakis (no relation to composer Mikis). A Greek imitation of Italian wrecker Beppe Grillo, Stavros Theodorakis has been configured as a Delphic version of Syriza — the rhetoric might sound similar, but the policy content is missing. Don’t be fooled by this crude counter-insurgency ploy.

On January 15, Rev. Edward Pinkney will be sentenced in Berrien County, Michigan. The forces seeking to railroad Pinkney to jail want to inflict a draconian sentence in a closed-door Star Chamber proceeding. Tell Judge Schrock that his court must be kept open to the international media and public, and that justice demands the tainted verdict against Pinkney must be thrown out. To find out how you can help, see:
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