"The autopilot on the doomed Germanwings plane that crashed into the Alps was abruptly switched to descend to 100 feet, according to a new report Thursday.
FlightRadar24, an online tracking service that uses satellite data, found evidence the autopilot was adjusted to its lowest setting before the plane started its steady fall from the sky, Reuters reported.
FlightRadar said its review of data showed the autopilot was manually changed from 38,000 feet to 100 feet and 9 seconds later the aircraft started to descend, probably with the “open descent” autopilot setting, the firm’s CEO Fredrik Lindahl said. The plane slammed into a mountain at 6,000 feet, killing 150 people."
- a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.
- (in general use) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements."Gibraltar's schizophrenia continues to be fed by colonial pride"
Webster Tarpley on the Charlie Hebdo Killings in their Geopolitical Context from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"There were, what? Thirty-five attempts on the life of General DeGaulle...? Standing up for the dignity of France, and standing in defiance of being the battlefield for a Limited Nuclear War... He was therefore targetted by, in effect, the NATO Establishment, and the same can be said of the Aldo Moro case in Italy...." - Tarpley
HERE WE HAVE THE EDITED REPORT, WITH THE FIGHTER JETS REMOVED. If they get put back into the story and lies are hatched for damage control it is TOO LATE, the fact they chose to expunge this information irrevocably proves they never wanted these fighter jets to be mentioned, and THAT SAYS IT ALL. TOO LATE, BUSTED:

So now we have:
1. Plane took forever to crash and pilots never contacted the tower. That is a huge mystery, even according to the tower.
2. An Airbus with a remote control option.3. Fighter jet escorts, along with a very good description about how they appeared (they were not UFO's)
4. A redaction of the fighter jet escorts.
1. The pilots never contacted the tower because
2. The fighter jets prevented it by either jamming communications off or
3. turning them off via remote control, and then crashing the jet via remote.
4. Expungement of the fighter jets from the news reports NAILS IT ALL, THIS ONE IS SHOT DEAD AND SERVED COLD.
" The A320 that crashed on Tuesday was operated by Germanwings, a low-cost carrier operated by Lufthansa, and had 150 people on board. The French president said there were probably no survivors.
The aircraft had been in service for 24 years. Airbus said that it had accumulated more than 58,000 flight hours over more than 46,000 flights. A Germanwings official told reporters that the last routine maintenance check was performed on Monday.
The A320 is sophisticated, one of the first highly computerized, or fly-by-wire, planes in service. Because the crash did not happen on takeoff or landing, whatever happened was probably sudden and catastrophic, air safety experts said. "
The Airbus A320 is now equipped with a full Autoland system as standard.
I quote an airline pilot :
" Autoland is a function that uses the whole autoflight system to automatically land the aircraft. Rollout is a ground directional control mode that lives within the autoflight system. There are autoland systems that disconnect at touchdown and don’t have a rollout mode, so they don’t have to go together.
Autoland is the whole function…it’s going to include ILS tracking during the approach (lateral-directional and pitch control), x-wind compensation and flare on final, potentially rollout after touchdown, and maybe assorted automatic stopping function (autospoilers, autobrakes, brake-to-vacate, etc.) depending on the aircraft. Rollout is the specific control mode that’s used to control direction (centerline) after touchdown.To summarize: you can have autoland with no rollout capability, but you can’t have rollout without an autoland. Rollout, therefore, is a control mode of the autoland system, which is a function of the autoflight system.The idea is to continue keeping the Aircraft aligned to the runway after touchdown. "
Autopilot on doomed German plane reportedly set to crash
New details on co-pilot accused of crashing Germanwings jet
The autopilot on the doomed Germanwings plane that crashed into the Alps was abruptly switched to descend to 100 feet, according to a new report Thursday.
FlightRadar24, an online tracking service that uses satellite data, found evidence the autopilot was adjusted to its lowest setting before the plane started its steady fall from the sky, Reuters reported.
French prosecutors said Andreas Lubitz, the 28-year-old who officials locked the pilot out of the Germanwings cockpit and then calmly slammed the plane into a mountainside at 430 miles per hour. He reportedly battled burnout and depression in 2009, while training to realize his dream of flying.
FlightRadar said its review of data showed the autopilot was manually changed from 38,000 feet to 100 feet and 9 seconds later the aircraft started to descend, probably with the “open descent” autopilot setting, the firm’s CEO Fredrik Lindahl said. The plane slammed into a mountain at 6,000 feet, killing 150 people.
Lindahl said FlightRadar24 shared its findings with French crash investigators.
With no apparent ties to terrorism, authorities were focusing Thursday on the mental state of the German co-pilot believed to have intentionally crashed a plane into the French Alps Tuesday, killing all 150 aboard.
It was not known if Lubitz' mental issues continued to plague him years later, but new clues could emerge from searches that took place Thursday at a Dusseldorf apartment Libitz maintained as well as at his parents' home in Montabaur, a small town in western Germany.
French prosecutor Robin Brice insisted Thursday that Lubitz had no known ties to terrorism that could explain the act.
"A terrorist?" he said in response to a question. "Absolutely not."
Three Americans were among those killed, including Yvonne and Emily Selke, a mother and daughter from Virginia, and Robert Oliver, whose name, but no further details, was released Thursday by the State Department.
Clues from the Airbus 320's cockpit voice recorder painted a partial picture of a calm and calculated effort by Lubitz. As the plane left Barcelona, Lubitz and Capt. Patrick Sonderheimer chatted amiably. But as the plane neared cruising altitude of 38,000 feet, Lubitz's replies became more clipped. And when Sonderheimer rose to leave the cockpit, likely to use the restroom, Lubitz appeared to put his deadly plan into action.
"I'm leaving you in charge," Sonderheimer said.
Robin said in a Paris that the evidence from the cockpit voice recorder, one of two "black boxes" and the only one recovered so far, indicates Lubitz refused to open the cabin door when Sonderheimer returned, beginning the 8-minute descent "manually and intentionally."
Robin said the commander of the plane knocked several times "without response." He said the door could only be blocked manually.
The information was pulled from the black box cockpit voice recorder, but Robin said the co-pilot did not say a word after the commanding pilot left the cockpit.
"It was absolute silence in the cockpit," he said.
Screams can be heard from passengers in the final seconds of their lives, officials said.
It was the co-pilot's "intention to destroy this plane," Robin said. The recorder captured his normal breathing patterns, suggesting Lubitz was not incapacitated.
"It wasn't the breath of somebody who was struggling,” the prosecutor said. “He didn't say a single word. Total silence."
Asked when passengers realized their fate, Robin said, "We only hear screams at the very end. Death was instant.”
During the final minutes of the flight's descent, pounding could be heard on the cockpit door as plane alarms sounded, but the co-pilot's breathing was normal throughout the whole time, Robin said.
"It's obvious this co-pilot took advantage of the commander's absence. Could he have known he would leave? It is too early to say," he said.
Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr said the airline was already "appalled" by what happened in its low-cost subsidiary.
"I could not have imagined that becoming even worse," Spohr said in Cologne. "We choose our cockpit staff very, very carefully."
In the German town of Montabaur, acquaintances told The Associated Press that Lubitz showed no signs of depression when they saw him last fall as he renewed his glider pilot's license.
"He was happy he had the job with Germanwings and he was doing well," said a member of the glider club, Peter Ruecker, who watched Lubitz learn to fly. "He gave off a good feeling."
Lubitz, 28, joined Germanwings in September 2013, directly after training which included a stint at a facility near Phoenix, Aiz., and had flown 630 hours. Lufthansa chief executive Carsten Spohr described both pilots as "experienced and trained."
Robin said the Germanwings plane's second black box still had not been found but remains of the victims were being collected and DNA identification had begun.
The plane was about halfway through its flight when it descended from a cruising altitude of 38,000 feet to around 6,000 feet in approximately eight minutes. During that time, the co-pilot did not respond to radio calls from French air traffic controllers, who alerted authorities when the plane disappeared from their radar screens.
The Wall Street Journal, citing Airbus training materials, reported that many Airbus jets are fitted with crew-controlled locks designed to prevent unauthorized access to the flight deck. In some planes, the cockpit can be accessed through a keypad code, but pilots can also lock out external access for five minutes or longer by flipping a certain switch in the cockpit.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Lufthansa Airbus crash in the Alps. Same pattern as the others.

It seems a switch can be flipped, power to the aircraft gets cut off, and without power, the plane inevitably crashes. Is this the standard method of country control now? Aircraft all have a kill switch, operable by the CIA/Mossad. It gets used as a way to pressure the nations into line. I feel for the families who lost so many children today.
While the White House, seemingly an expert in determining airplane crashes causes within hours if not minutes of the accident (see flight MH-17) has already opined on the tragic crash of the Lufthansa Germanwings airplane:
This will hardly be comfort to the families of the 148 people who lost their lives the crash which took place in the south Franch alps, and where the first images of the debris have just been released, via Airlive.net

Further evidence that the airplane crash was not a midair disintegration is that while the vertical airspeed was susbtantial, it wasn’t freefall, and it took the airplane about 10 minutes to drop from a height of 11.5 to its final resting place some 2 kilometers high in the alps (via Zeit).

And here are all the latest crash developments from AP:
A local lawmaker says the debris from the plane crash in the French Alps that killed all 150 people on board is spread over 100-200 meters (110-220 yards).Gilbert Sauvan, president of the general council of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, told the AP that “everything is pulverized.”He said the largest pieces of debris are the size of a small car.Sauvan said no one can access the site from the ground, but that helicopters are circling the area to get information and 500 firefighters and gendarmes are in the area.The boss of airline Germanwings says the plane went into a long descent before it crashed into the French Alps, likely killing all 150 people on board.Germanwings CEO Thomas Winkelmann said the plane began descending again shortly after it reached its cruising height following takeoff from Barcelona Airport. The descent lasted eight minutes, he told reporters in Cologne. Radar and air traffic control contact broke off at 10:53 a.m.He said the pilot had more than 10 years’ experience working for Germanwings and its parent airline Lufthansa. Airbus said the A320 was delivered to Lufthansa in 1991.Germanwings said the passenger manifest included two babies. Officials believe there were 67 German nationals on board.JIM STONE EXTRACT –To the idiots out there who might say “Oh, the conspiracy crowd solved this before a single investigator arrived at the crash scene:” There are only a few things you need to know to solve this one, the rest is just scammery:
1. The plane descended for 10 minutes, and NO WORD FROM THE PILOTS. How can that happen? Jamming of communications. Who could have jammed communications?2. The fighter jets, which were following this Airbus. THEY could have jammed the communications with ease, AND shot it down. They probably did not shoot it down OR EVEN NEED TO JAM COMMUNICATIONS because:3. The plane was equipped with remote control (for “hijack recovery”) AS A STANDARD FEATURE. That level of external control would make switching off communications via remote control a NO BRAINER.NO CONTACT WITH THE TOWER SAYS IT ALL, A REMOTE CONTROLLED CRASH REALLY IS THE OVERWHELMING ANSWER.Why would fighter jets be following at just the right time anyway? That alone CINCHES IT. We really do need to figure out who was on that plane.
TAP – Jim explains the plane crashed at full throttle doing 600 mph, which suggests control of the aircraft from outside the plane.Also There Was A US Spook On BoardThe mother, Yvonne Selke of Nokesville, Virginia, had worked for Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. in Washington for 23 years, and her daughter Emily Selke was a 2013 graduate of Drexel University in Philadelphia. According to the AP, Yvonne Selke worked under contract with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the satellite mapping office for the Department of Defense.“Yvonne was a wonderful co-worker and a dedicated employee who spent her career with the firm,” Booz Allen’s chief personnel officer, Betty Thompson, told the AP.Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/french-alps-crash-victims-yvonne-selke-emily-selke-116389.htmlhttp://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/french-alps-crash-victims-yvonne-selke-emily-selke-116389.htmlThe Murdoch NYT reports – PARIS — As officials struggled Wednesday to explain why a jet with 150 people on board crashed amid a relatively clear sky, an investigator said evidence from a cockpit voice recorder indicated one pilot left the cockpit before the plane’s descent and was unable to get back in.A senior military official involved in the investigation described “very smooth, very cool” conversation between the pilots during the early part of the flight from Barcelona, Spain, to Düsseldorf, Germany. Then the audio indicated that one of the pilots left the cockpit and could not re-enter.“The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door, and there is no answer,” the investigator said. “And then he hits the door stronger, and no answer. There is never an answer.”He said, “You can hear he is trying to smash the door down.”While the audio seemed to give some insight into the circumstances leading to the Germanwings crash on Tuesday morning, it also left many questions unanswered.
what is your theory on the plane crash? hypnotism , drugs? both?