He used his real name and he was never afraid to show his face to the world, and to his enemies.
And Lawson Named the Names.
He was a pure Truthteller, a Name-the-Names Guy.
In Memory of Anthony Lawson from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Anthony Charles Ashton Lawson passed away on the 8th of January, 2015 in Phuket, Thailand, at the age of 79 due to colon cancer. He was born on March 31st, 1935 to Lionel Lawson; a violinist and leader of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, and Queenie Ashton; a renowned soprano radio actress.

" Anthony Lawson passed away on the 8th of January, 2015 due to colon cancer.
This video will be the final one on his channel.
The months leading up to his death were filled with much anguish and confusion, as after an operation to fix his inguinal hernia there were a series of follow-ups and other procedures to determine the causes of the severe back pain that followed. In the end, the cancer was discovered on New Year's Eve, far too late to have anything done, and his mental state as a result was too erratic for him to truly know what was wrong.
The medical costs have placed the family in a tight situation, so if anyone would like to make a donation, however small, please send an email to lawson911@gmail.com.
Update Feb 3, 2015:
The months leading up to his death were filled with much anguish and confusion, as after an operation to fix his inguinal hernia there were a series of follow-ups and other procedures to determine the causes of the severe back pain that followed. In the end, the cancer was discovered on New Year's Eve, far too late to have anything done, and his mental state as a result was too erratic for him to truly know what was wrong.
The medical costs have placed the family in a tight situation, so if anyone would like to make a donation, however small, please send an email to lawson911@gmail.com.
Update Feb 3, 2015:
Some people have requested an obituary of sorts, so here it is:
Anthony Charles Ashton Lawson passed away on the 8th of January, 2015 in Phuket, Thailand, at the age of 79 due to colon cancer. He was born on March 31st, 1935 to Lionel Lawson; a violinist and leader of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, and Queenie Ashton; a renowned soprano radio actress.
In early life he sought work in the field of radio, making a
name for himself as one of the best radio editors in Australia, later
moving to the UK where he progressed into camera work, eventually
becoming an award-winning commercial director and producer, having shot
advertisements across Europe, in the US and in Asia.
He moved to Hong
Kong to take up positions as creative director, and also lent his voice
to various commercials; most notably to Cathay Pacific and Star TV.
Having always enjoyed tinkering, he turned to invention, moved to
Thailand and created a food mixer known as ChefMaker, which did not see
success due to the global shock that was 9/11.
Having always valued the
truth and having always taken a stand against injustice throughout his
life; traits passed down to him by his mother, he spent his final years
using his vast experience to shed light on the events of 9/11 and the
terrible world events that have since followed.
He is survived by two
sons and a daughter. "
Man Down.... That was a fine tribute - you do him great credit.
A great salute to a single, Great, little Man.
He answered the call that few now even can hear.
And when we win, when we tell our stories to the young of how we will one day won, and how we came in the end to finally prevail, by speaking truth unbowed and unafraid in a spirit of peace and healing to the face of The Enemy...
We will tell the young who he was and what he stood for, so that they will never forget his name.
His name was Anthony Lawson.

What Has Happened To Veterans Today?
By Anthony Lawson
This was my uncle