Screen-grab from the SKY News live location report from the scene, mid evening on the day of the "attack": -
Both the white, unmarked Volvo Lorry and the black Merc had been used earlier on for crowd control to create the informal cordon around the street theatre, by blocking the flow of traffic. Both have been moved by this time, the Merc fairly drastically.
That isn't a proper license plate.
An awful lot of Police (or people in Police uniforms, at any rate), standing around in groups, not doing anything for the cameras.
At least one, possibly two or more helicopters loitering overhead - not sure why, if both suspects are in custody and shot, which they are.
The white, unmarked Volvo lorry with no license plates has been moved up the street and continues it's role as a road block - no driver in evidence.
Forensic tent allegedly covering the body of Drummer Lee Rigby.
Police SUVs parked all over the road, in spite of collectible forensics (such as bullets and shell-casings) allegedly littering the surface of the street.
The black Merceades mini-SUV (CFII GYN) used to block the road earlier on the left side has been moved to near where "the body" lies, possible obliterating the trail of forensics between the dump site in the street and the "murder scene" on the pavement, beyond the "crashed" car.
It's not immediately obvious what the positioning of things here is due to the use of a long lens, which compresses and distorts perspective, making things look closer together than they actually are.
However -
The Merc is clearly far forward and to the right of the forensic tent covering he alleged body of Drummer Lee Rigby where he lay in the road. It had to have been driven to where it currently can be seen in that position.
Here it is during the piece to camera section of the event - the Hindu Housewife crosses the street for right to left BEHIND it and thereby slips inside the informal cordon with her shopping trolls that way.
Here are some key frames;

Although its far too distant to be able to absolutely confirm beyond all reasonable doubt that this is the exact same vehicle, in the context of the dramatic tableau we are shown here, there is absolutely no good reason for a vehicle on THAT side of the road, beyond the disturbance in the street, occurring in the foreground, to be stopped, stationary and blocking the Queen's Highway
(which is, after all, a criminal offence).
Why is it stopped, and why is it there, blocking traffic from the right lane attempting to drive around the Bus and Lorry on their side of the road?
Is there an innocent explanation?
Answers on a postcard, please:
I cannot see one.
(which is, after all, a criminal offence).
Why is it stopped, and why is it there, blocking traffic from the right lane attempting to drive around the Bus and Lorry on their side of the road?
Is there an innocent explanation?
Answers on a postcard, please:
I cannot see one.

Here is the full sequence captured by Camera One:
Woolwich: The Hindu Housewife from Paul Coker on Vimeo.
Once Angry Mike resumes his place on the other side of the road to rejoin Silent Mike, someone can be seen driving the Merc in front of the corner shop, behind the bollards.
Which is very interesting, given that there isn't any road there.
It's mounted and can be seen being driven across the pavement.

It goes without saying that I deplore such behaviour by conscientious and concerned police officers, which is immoral, illegal, and quite obviously WRONG.
I do not endorse any such effort to try to find the Spook bastards that own or operate that Merc by such an abuse of trust and publicly funded resources.
If you want to do that, you're on your own - that's your look-out.
I do not endorse any such effort to try to find the Spook bastards that own or operate that Merc by such an abuse of trust and publicly funded resources.
If you want to do that, you're on your own - that's your look-out.
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