Cokely Vs Rubin from Paul Coker on Vimeo.
Both these men are now dead - presumed murdered.
Brotha Cokely began his journey on May 1st 1988 - as he names it "The Illuminati Holiday" when he was fired from his position as Special Assistant to Chicago Mayor Eugene Sawyer, bowing to intense pressure from the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) following his campaign to not honour the Columbus Day holiday in favour instead of a Black History Day in Chicago's urban and inner-city communities.
Brotha Cokely began his journey on May 1st 1988 - as he names it "The Illuminati Holiday" when he was fired from his position as Special Assistant to Chicago Mayor Eugene Sawyer, bowing to intense pressure from the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) following his campaign to not honour the Columbus Day holiday in favour instead of a Black History Day in Chicago's urban and inner-city communities.
I quote The Enemy (Wikipedia):
"Steve Cokely was also a futurologist who commented extensively on water conservation, organic farming, and communal living. Cokely gave over 5,000 lectures on the topic of global warming and corporate conspiracies, the Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Boule, etc.
Cokely's research delved into the history of Marcus Garvey, the Black Panthers and other areas of African-American history.
Cokely lectured at many college campuses nationally and was also known for his conspiracy theories involving the Black Male elite organization known as the Sigma Pi Phi and the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr by the hands of Rev.Jesse Jackson and the C.I.A.
Cokely was assistant to the special committee on rules under Mayor Harold Washington. He gained notoriety when he served as special assistant to the former mayor of Chicago, Eugene Sawyer.
Cokely was criticized for teaching that Jewish doctors were using the AIDS virus in an attempted genocide against Africans. His comments created a nationally publicized controversy in 1988 and he was dismissed from his position as aide to Sawyer.
When in 1990 Illinois Governor James Thompson signed an agreement to open an Israeli Aircraft Industries plant in Rockford, Cokely was an outspoken opponent. He argued that Black leaders in Illinois should oppose Israeli war industries because of their military support for the Apartheid system in South Africa.
Billy Montgomery, "Activist links Illinois-Israeli plane project to South Africa", Michigan Citizen, 17 March 1990:
An agreement signed by Illinois Governor James Thompson to bring an Israeli aircraft plant to Rockford, is an insult to Blacks and the South African movement, according to a Chicago activist.
'The problem with this deal is that the Israeli Aircraft Industry has an alliance with the South African military,'
declarles Steve Cokely, who has mounted a campaign to alert the Black community to the potential dangers of the move."
Cokely gained the national spotlight again in 1996 after he was scheduled to speak at "Our Roots Run Deep", a Black History Month lecture series in New York City hosted by the Warner Music Group.
Also scheduled were Al Sharpton, Conrad Muhammad, Jimmy Castor, Hannibal Lokumbe and Dick Gregory. The Jewish Defense Organization objected, organizing a call-in campaign to Warner Brothers and threatening a boycott.
The Anti-Defamation League and the New York Post also objected to Cokely (as well as Sharpton and Muhammad) speaking at the event. Warner removed Cokely and Muhammad without issuing a press release.
ADL Press Release:
New York, NY, January 31, 1996...
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today said it was shocked to learn that Time Warner, Inc. will feature Chicago conspiracy theorist Steve Cokely and Nation of Islam minister Conrad Muhammad at the "Our Roots Run Deep" lecture series.
In a letter to Time Warner, Inc. Chairman, Gerald Levin, ADL National Director, Abraham H. Foxman, said, "While we commend you on your efforts to commemorate Black History Month, we are stunned that you consider Cokely and Muhammad to be appropriate speakers for a respectable lecture series." Mr. Foxman said that an invitation extended to Mr. Cokely and Mr. Muhammad to participate in the lecture, "implies that their outlandish, repugnant beliefs are credible and worthy of public attention."
In past lectures Steve Cokely has expressed the belief that the "AIDS epidemic is a result of doctors, especially Jewish ones, who inject the AIDS virus in blacks" and, at a recent appearance at a Virginia college, he told students that the white man comes from the filth and darkness of the caves and African Americans should try to "beat them back down to where they came from."
Mr. Foxman describes Conrad Muhammad's "similarly offensive" rhetoric as an echo of the "racist and anti-Semitic teachings of his mentor, Louis Farrakhan." Mr. Muhammad has said that, "Christians practice a dirty religion," has called Jews "bloodsuckers," and claimed that drugs, cancer and AIDS were introduced to the Black community in "white plots against Black people."
"Including these two men in your program does a disservice to the Black community," said Mr. Foxman, "because it suggests that the community would consider Cokely and Muhammad's views suitable for such a forum, when the majority of African Americans actually reject them."
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
from Paul Coker on Vimeo.
From 1915, The Leo Frank Case, and the birth of Black-Jewish Philanthropy, to Jerry Heller, NWA, Ice-T, Copkiller and beyond.
As narrated by Brotha Steve Cokely from Bridges and Boundaries, the Ford-Rockerfeller Foundations' own published history of Black-Jewish Relations in America.
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Many would (rightly) say "How could they possibly tell?" |
It goes without saying - this was not a suicide attempt.
This was a Murder.
This was a Murder.
But Rubin was quite obviously (ordinarily) protected.
This was a Made Guy.
What did he do and who did he piss off to end up in The Joint...?
This was a Made Guy.
What did he do and who did he piss off to end up in The Joint...?
"The fiery, controversial Rubin, who emigrated to the United States from Canada in 1961 and has been national chairman of the JDL since 1985, was arrested in December and charged along with another member, Earl Krugel, with the bomb plot on the testimony of an undercover informant.
Prosecutors say that Rubin and Krugel conspired with the informant to plant bombs at the King Fahd Mosque in the Los Angeles suburb of Culver City...
...and an office of Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican of Lebanese Christian descent."
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Yep. That would do it. |
The New Yorker has a profile on Darrell Issa, the republican who called Obama the most "corrupt" president in modern times, and the man who's intent on weakening the Obama administration in his new position as chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:
On March 15, 1972, three months after Issa allegedly stole Jay Bergey’s car and one month after he left the Army for the first time, Ohio police arrested Issa and his older brother, William, and charged them with stealing a red Maserati from a Cleveland showroom.
The judge eventually dismissed the case.
While the Maserati case was pending, Issa went to college. Just before 11 P.M. on Friday, December 1, 1972, two police officers on patrol in the small town of Adrian noticed Issa driving a yellow Volkswagen the wrong way down a one-way street.
The police pulled him over, and, as Issa retrieved the car registration, an officer saw something peculiar in the glove compartment.
He searched it, and, according to the police report, found a .25-calibre Colt automatic inside a box of ammunition, along with a “military pouch” that contained “44 rounds of ammo and a tear gas gun and two rounds of ammo for it.”
Issa was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.
The policeman asked why he was armed. “He stated in Ohio you could carry a gun as long as you had a justifiable reason,” the report said. “His justifiable reason was for his car’s protection and his.”
Issa pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of possession of an unregistered gun.
He paid a small fine and was sentenced to six months’ probation.
Everyone has a past, but Issa's is filled with darkness.
Other miscellaneous Issa facts: Issa's company brought us the Viper car security alarm, his mother was Mormon, his grandfather Lebanese, he's good at fixing things, he likes gadgets, he crashed into the back of a driver and left the scene, he has an image manager, he was suspected of burning down a factory of his company but not before removing a computer and upping the insurance:
Issa’s early business career was equally tumultuous. He started his car-alarm empire by acquiring the Steal Stopper brand in what was essentially a hostile takeover.
A man named Joey B. Adkins owned the company, and Issa loaned him sixty thousand dollars.
When Adkins was late on a payment, Issa went to court and foreclosed on the loan.
Two days later, Adkins told me, Issa called and said that he wanted Adkins to come visit him at his new office.
He gave Adkins the address of Steal Stopper.
“I just took your company,” Adkins recalled him saying.
Once in control, Issa allegedly used an unusual method to fire Jack Frantz, an employee. Frantz told the Los Angeles Times that Issa came into his office, placed a box on the table, and opened it to reveal a gun.
Issa told the paper,
“Shots were never fired. If I asked Jack to leave, then I think I had every right to ask Jack to leave. . . .
I don’t recall . I really don’t. I don’t think I ever pulled a gun on anyone in my life.”
Issa was soon suspected of doing something worse: burning down the factory.
The initial notion that an electrical socket had caused the fire was challenged. The science of determining whether a fire was caused by arson can be flawed.
But a fire-analysis report commissioned by the St. Paul insurance company, and dated October 19, 1982, a month after the incident, concluded that the fire was “incendiary.”
The report cited “suspicious burn patterns,” such as “two separate major areas of origin,” and it said, “No accidental source of heating power was located at either of these two major areas of origin.”
The manner in which stacks of cardboard boxes burned was inconsistent with an accidental fire.
A flammable liquid appeared to have been poured over the boxes.
The blue flames seen emanating from the roof were evidence, according to the investigators, of burning carbon monoxide that is produced when an accelerant like gasoline ignites.
The black smoke was also a clue. “Such black smoke normally occurs in a fire only when a hydrocarbon is burning,” the report said. When investigators tested burn damage from inside the factory, they found “the same identical mixture of flammable hydrocarbons” in four samples taken from diverse locations.
Issa’s chief of staff, Dale Neugebauer, was wedged into a chair before a semicircular desk. He turned to welcome Kurt Bardella, Issa’s spokesman.
On a couch sat Jason Scism, the congressman’s longtime legislative director, who had recently left to become a lobbyist for Research in Motion, the manufacturer of the BlackBerry.
On a couch sat Jason Scism, the congressman’s longtime legislative director, who had recently left to become a lobbyist for Research in Motion, the manufacturer of the BlackBerry.

The conversation turned to Issa’s feats of electrical and mechanical engineering. During a recent interview with the Times, Issa repaired a reporter’s old-fashioned microcassette recorder. Years ago, Neugebauer recalled, Issa fixed a malfunctioning sound board in the middle of a talk-show interview.
An inveterate gadget junkie who was once the chairman of the Consumer Electronics Association, Issa often acts as the office’s I.T. manager. “If someone’s got a computer problem and he hears about it, he is, like, sitting down at your desk fixing it,” Neugebauer said. “That’s the one thing I always tell the staff: If your computer’s not working, do not tell him!”
Issa (pronounced “Ice-uh”) is fifty-seven years old and six feet tall, with a prominent nose and ink-black hair neatly parted on one side.
He was giving a tour of his suite to two Republican congressmen and was in an adjoining room directing their attention to the ceiling.
In each office, Issa has removed several ceiling tiles and replaced them with plastic panels depicting blue sky and wispy clouds, making you feel as if you were inside a Super Mario Bros. game. Next, he showed his visitors an alcove that had once been stuffed with filing cabinets.
He told about a long-running battle he’d had with the Architect of the Capitol, who refused to allow him to remove the cabinets.
Fed up with the bureaucracy, he simply instructed his staff to take them out, adding precious workspace. New members of Congress make pilgrimages to Issa’s office to see his modifications.
He’s become something like the Martha Stewart of the Republican Party.
He was giving a tour of his suite to two Republican congressmen and was in an adjoining room directing their attention to the ceiling.
In each office, Issa has removed several ceiling tiles and replaced them with plastic panels depicting blue sky and wispy clouds, making you feel as if you were inside a Super Mario Bros. game. Next, he showed his visitors an alcove that had once been stuffed with filing cabinets.
He told about a long-running battle he’d had with the Architect of the Capitol, who refused to allow him to remove the cabinets.
Fed up with the bureaucracy, he simply instructed his staff to take them out, adding precious workspace. New members of Congress make pilgrimages to Issa’s office to see his modifications.
He’s become something like the Martha Stewart of the Republican Party.
He pointed to a row of old filing cabinets hidden behind a curtain that he had not yet managed to take out. “Why?” one of the congressmen asked incredulously. Issa shook his head and began detailing a complicated clash involving sprinklers and a fire-code regulation.
The three men moved into Issa’s personal office, where Issa had chosen and arranged every piece of furniture and bit of décor. On one wall were sixteen framed patents under Issa’s name from his time as a car-alarm manufacturer, in the eighties and nineties. “Advanced embedded codehopping system having masterfixed code encryption,” one said. On the opposite wall, there was a silver-framed portrait of his paternal grandfather, who was born in Lebanon. Nearby hung an oil painting by the artist Andy Thomas depicting eight Republican Presidents sitting around a table playing poker. In another corner, a similar painting by the same artist showed eight Democrats. Issa pointed to the Presidents. “My committee’s job is to trust no Administration,” he said.
Next up was a glass case in which dozens of military coins were displayed, each bearing the insignia of a different unit of the armed forces. Issa pulled a coin out of a desk drawer, prompting one of the other congressmen to take a coin from his pocket. “Oh, very nice! Yours is bigger than mine!” Issa said. The three men laughed. “I don’t know why people think size doesn’t matter!”
Issa’s scheduler entered the room and broke up the fun. “We’re behind schedule, I’m sorry,” she announced. Issa called out after the departing congressmen, “You can have your office just like mine, but you can’t have my office!”
Darrell Edward Issa grew up outside Cleveland, the second of six children. “Cleveland’s a great place when you’re a kid,” he likes to joke. “You hardly ever get sunburned, without the sun shining.”
His mother was a Mormon and his father, who was Eastern Orthodox, worked as a truck salesman. The big event of his youth was moving from a two-bedroom, one-bathroom house in an ethnically Hungarian and Italian suburb to a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Cleveland Heights.
“You just can’t have eight people in one john,” he said. “I grew up working for a rabbi, in a Jewish Boy Scout group, in which the services were on Saturdays, going to bar mitzvahs galore, learning that gefilte fish ain’t all that good, and being immersed in that society and not really thinking of myself, defining myself, as an Arab. We defined ourselves as: ‘Hey, we’re like Danny Thomas, we’re Lebanese.’ ”
His mother was a Mormon and his father, who was Eastern Orthodox, worked as a truck salesman. The big event of his youth was moving from a two-bedroom, one-bathroom house in an ethnically Hungarian and Italian suburb to a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Cleveland Heights.
“You just can’t have eight people in one john,” he said. “I grew up working for a rabbi, in a Jewish Boy Scout group, in which the services were on Saturdays, going to bar mitzvahs galore, learning that gefilte fish ain’t all that good, and being immersed in that society and not really thinking of myself, defining myself, as an Arab. We defined ourselves as: ‘Hey, we’re like Danny Thomas, we’re Lebanese.’ ”
Yeah they killed Steve too!
ReplyDeleteNo better way to do it than in the hospital