NOTE: when considering this story, please bare in mind - there is considerable evidence that President Obama and Secretary Clinton have been conducting secret, clandestine bilateral diplomacy with senior members of the Iranian regime close to the Supreme Leader (Khameni) and having some measure of success.
The resumption of normal diplomatic relations would be the goal and the reopening of a US diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time since 1979.
Such negotiations, even on the level of talking-about-talks would draw the ire of extremists and hardline elements in both nations and would need to be conducted with the utmost care to avoid their discovery either by those domestic political and military elements, as well as the Israelis, who would all attempt to sabotage such a new relationship and drown it at birth.
Khameni is old, but not to the point of senility and decrepitude - upon Kohmeni's death in 1989, the Ayatollah had written amongst his final wishes "only Kahmeni could take my place" - Kahmeni openly wept in the Iranian assembly hall as the head count of representatives ratifying his unsought nomination to ultimate executive power was read out by the delegates answering "Aye" one by one.
Kahmeni is likely to be the last Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic - and the power vacuum that will result in the wake of his eventual death will be enormous.
But not as enormous as the size of the Iranian military a force within the region.
Kahmeni knows this - and likely most days prays to Allah thinking of little else.
I quote The Enemy:
"James E. "Hoss" Cartwright (born September 22, 1949) is a retired United States Marine Corps four-star general who last served as the eighth Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from August 31, 2007 to August 3, 2011.
He previously served as the Commander, U.S. Strategic Command, from September 1, 2004 to August 10, 2007, and as Acting Commander, U.S. Strategic Command from July 9, 2004 to September 1, 2004. He retired from the Marine Corps on August 3, 2011 after nearly 40 years of service.
However, in June 2013, it was made known (by unspecified legal sources) that he had been placed under a U.S. Justice Department investigation, in its early stages, having to do with an alleged leak of classified information regarding the Stuxnet virus, designed to target and (at least temporarily) disable Iranian nuclear centrifuges, as part of Operation Olympic Games.
His attorney, Greg Craig, a former White House Counsel, stated that he had no comment; the White House and the Justice Department also declined to comment.
The role that General Cartwright may have played was not specified."
Tough room.
"WASHINGTON (Jan. 28, 2009) President Barack Obama, with, from left, Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force chief of staff; Gen. George W. Casey, U.S. Army chief of staff; Gen. James E. Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, addresses the media during his first visit to the Pentagon since becoming commander-in-chief.
Obama and Vice President Joe Biden met with Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and all the service chiefs for their input on the way ahead in Afghanistan and Iraq. "
"During Bush’s second term, General James Cartwright along with other intelligence officials presented Bush with a sophisticated code that would act as an offensive cyber weapon.
“The goal was to gain access to the Natanz plant’s industrial computer controls…the computer code would invade the specialized computers that command the centrifuges.”
Collaboration happened with Israel’s SIGINT intelligence service, Unit 8200. Israel’s involvement was important to the Americans because the former had “deep intelligence about operations at Natanz that would be vital to making the cyber attack a success.”
Additionally, American officials wanted to “dissuade the Israelis from carrying out their own preemptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.”
To prevent a conventional strike, Israel had to be deeply involved in Operation Olympic Games. The computer virus created by the two countries became known as “the bug,” and Stuxnet by the IT community once it became public. The malicious software successfully, but temporarily, halted approximately 1000 of the 5000 centrifuges from spinning at Natanz.
A programming error in "the bug" caused it to spread to computers outside of Natanz. When an engineer “left Natanz and connected [his] computer to the Internet, the American- and Israeli-made bug failed to recognize that its environment had changed.” "
Okay, that's like going breaking down the door in a dynamic entry police raid with armed occupants and leaving your safety on.
No one would do that unintentionally - the whole idea is nonsense, for a bespoke custom virus, intended to be native within one, specific system architecture.
That cannot happen.
"The code replicated on the Internet and was subsequently exposed for public dissemination. IT security firms Symantec and Kaspersky Lab have since examined Stuxnet.
It is unclear whether the Americans or Israelis introduced the programming error."
If these charges are true, as they appear to be, Cartwright ordered the clandestine execution of the first known Cyber Attack on the infrastructure of a soverign nation with whom the United States is not at war, committing large scale sabotage and property damage in the process in a secret axis alliance with a third country (the State of Israel).
This was technically an act of war, initiated by an unelected, political appointee to Vice Chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the Bush Administration, authorised by President Bush and executed during the Obama Administration, with no indication of consultation with or informing of the Congress to seek their approval or oversight.
And then he leaks the information about his own Secret War to the press when he leaves the Pentagon, revealing America's hidden hand in the process - presumably knowing full well the US Government would shoulder the blame, the same government that both he and the President who appointed him were now no longer a part of.
"Edward Snowden" is currently under indictment for:
1.) Theft of Government Property
2.) Unauthorised Communication of National Defense Information
3.) Willful Communication of Classified Communication Intelligence Information to an Unauthorized Person.
Take this story on face value, first:
If these charges are true, as they appear to be, Cartwright ordered the clandestine execution of the first known Cyber Attack on the infrastructure of a soverign nation with whom the United States is not at war, committing large scale sabotage and property damage in the process in a secret axis alliance with a third country (the State of Israel).
This was technically an act of war, initiated by an unelected, political appointee to Vice Chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the Bush Administration, authorised by President Bush and executed during the Obama Administration, with no indication of consultation with or informing of the Congress to seek their approval or oversight.
And then he leaks the information about his own Secret War to the press when he leaves the Pentagon, revealing America's hidden hand in the process - presumably knowing full well the US Government would shoulder the blame, the same government that both he and the President who appointed him were now no longer a part of.
Again: if this is true, this is an act of seditious treason.
"Edward Snowden" is currently under indictment for:
1.) Theft of Government Property
2.) Unauthorised Communication of National Defense Information
3.) Willful Communication of Classified Communication Intelligence Information to an Unauthorized Person.
This is all of that, and way worse;
and "Snowden" was never bound (as we are told) by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
The Former Vice-Chairman of George W. Bush's Joint Chiefs of Staff and a 4 Star United States Marine Corps General most assuredly was, and is.
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