Sunday 15 October 2023


“He and his boyhood friends fished and frolicked in a nearby pond. An avid swimmer, he designed rudimentary fins to propel himself faster across the water; other times, he floated on his back and let himself be pulled along by a kite. 

Josiah initially thought His Son 
should study for The Ministry and 
enrolled him at age 8 in the Boston 
school that prepared students 
for Harvard College. 

But The Academy proved 
too expensive, and eager to have 
another set of hands
His Father put him to Work in 
The Family's candle shop. 

He was 10 years old; 
his schooling was over

I Think it was 
crucial to Franklin's success 
that he had very little 
formal education. 

When people go through
formal schools, they learn 
what you're supposed to know. 

They also learn 
what you don't have to know. 

With Franklin, 
he never knew 
what he didn't have to know, 
so, he assumed 
he had to know everything.”

In 1718, at age 12, Franklin began The Work 
“that would define the rest of his life. 

He signed a 9-year apprenticeship, legally indenturing himself to his older brother James, who had opened a printing shop in Boston. 

“Printing was an amazing business if you were both clever with your hands and good at thinking. Printers are setting type upside-down and backward. And you have to be really hyper-literate to understand how language works that way, and to correct things as you go along, and get it right.

Handling the heavy 
sets of lead type 
strengthened and broadened 
his shoulders. 

Having access to books 
strengthened and liberated 
his mind

“Often I sat up in my room reading the greatest part of the night, when the book was borrowed in the evening and had to be returned early in the morning lest it should be missed. 

And all the little money that came into my hands was ever laid out in books.”

Here was a kid who only had 
two years of formal education, ever
So, what did he do? 
He taught himself how to write

He composed poetry... 
Including a ballad commemorating the recent killing of Blackbeard the pirate. He read articles from "The Spectator," a London periodical, and, on paper salvaged from the print shop, attempted to reproduce them by memory. 

He stayed up late at night and rose early each morning to continue his reading before the shop opened. 

"I was," Franklin said, 
"extremely ambitious." 


Oh, God….!

What Did They Do to You..?

‘In these myths, The Soul of 
The Human Person
in a certain way, 
reached out toward that 
God made Manwho, 
humiliated unto Death 
on A Crossin this way 
opened The Door of 
Life to All of Us.

The Homily on 
The Feast of Corpus Christ
at St. John Lateran, 2006
Benedict XVI

“For in The Beginning 
of Literature is The Myth,
and in The End as well.

Parable of Cervantes 
and The Quixote

— Jorge Louis Borges


Excerpt from: 
"Christ-Hero of the Monomyths" 
by Suresh Shenoy.

Saturday 14 October 2023


chaperon (n.)
"woman accompanying and guiding a younger, unmarried lady in public," 1720, from French chaperon "protector," especially "female companion to a young woman," earlier "head covering, hood" (c. 1400), from Old French chaperon "hood, cowl" (12c.), diminutive of chape "cape" (see cap (n.)).

 "... English writers often erroneously spell it chaperone, app. under the supposition that it requires a fem. termination" [OED]. 

The notion is of "covering" [sexually] the socially vulnerable one. The word had been used in Middle English in the literal sense "hooded cloak."

"May I ask what is a chaperon?"

"A married lady; without whom 
no unmarried one can be seen in public. 
If the damsel be five and forty, 
she cannot appear without the matron; 
and if the matron be fifteen, it will do." 

— Catharine Hutton,
 "The Welsh Mountaineer," 
London, 1817

also from 1720

chaperon (v.)
"act as a chaperon, attend (an unmarried girl or woman) in public," 1792, also chaperone, from chaperon (n.), or from French chaperonner, from the noun in French. 

Related: Chaperoned; chaperoning.
also from 1792

cap (n.)
late Old English cæppe "hood, head-covering, cape," a general Germanic borrowing (compare Old Frisian and Middle Dutch kappe, Old High German chappa) from Late Latin cappa "a cape, hooded cloak" (source of Spanish capa, Old North French cape, French chape), a word of uncertain origin. Possibly a shortened from capitulare "headdress," from Latin caput "head" (from PIE root *kaput- "head").

The Late Latin word apparently originally meant "a woman's head-covering," but the sense was transferred to "hood of a cloak," then to "cloak" itself, though the various senses co-existed. Old English took in two forms of the Late Latin word, one meaning "head-covering," the other "ecclesiastical dress" (see cape (n.1)). In most Romance languages, a diminutive of Late Latin cappa has become the usual word for "head-covering" (such as French chapeau).
The meaning "soft, small, close-fitted head covering" in English is from early 13c., originally for women; extended to men late 14c.; extended to cap-like coverings on the ends of anything (as in hubcap) from mid-15c. The meaning "contraceptive device" is by 1916.
The meaning "cap-shaped piece of copper lined with gunpowder and used to ignite a firearm" is by 1825, hence cap-gun (1855); extended to paper strips used in toy pistols by 1872 (cap-pistol is from 1879).

Figurative thinking cap is from 1839 (considering cap is 1650s). Cap and bells (1781) was the insignia of a fool; cap and gown (1732) of a scholar. To set one's cap at or for (1773) means "use measures to gain the regard or affection of," usually in reference to a woman seeking a man's courtship.

caparison (n.)
1570s, "cloth spread over a saddle," also "personal dress and ornaments," from French caparasson (15c., Modern French caparaçon), from Spanish caparazón, perhaps from augmentative of Old Provençal caparasso "a mantle with a hood," or Medieval Latin caparo, the name of a type of cape worn by women, literally "chaperon" (see chaperon (n.)). Past-participle adjective caparisoned is attested from c. 1600, from a verb caparison (1590s), from French caparaçonner, from caparaçon.

Little Red Riding Hood (1729) translates Charles Perrault's Petit Chaperon Rouge ("Contes du Temps Passé" 1697)....

Gooseberry also meant "a chaperon" (1837) and "a marvelous tale." Old Gooseberry for "the Devil" is recorded from 1796....

late 14c., protectour, "a defender, guardian, one who defends or shields from injury or evil," from Old French protector (14c., Modern French protecteur) and directly from Late Latin protector, agent noun from protegere (see protection). Related: Protectoral; protectorial; protec

1660s, "chief lady in waiting upon the queen of Spain," also "an elderly woman in charge of girls from a Spanish family," from Spanish dueña "married lady, mistress" (fem. of dueño "master"), from Latin domina "lady, mistress of the house," from Latin domus "house" (from PIE root

"cover or shield from danger, harm, damage, exposure, trespass, temptation, insult, etc.," early 15c., protecten, from Latin protectus, past participle of protegere "to protect, defend, cover over, cover in front" (source also of French protéger, Old French protecter, Spanish pro

also Juppiter, c. 1200, "supreme deity of the ancient Romans," from Latin Iupeter, Iupiter, Iuppiter, "Jove, god of the sky and chief of the gods," from PIE *dyeu-peter- "god-father" (originally vocative, "the name naturally occurring most frequently in invocations" [Tucker]), fr

"agile, active arboreal rodent with pointed ears and a long, bushy tail," early 14c. (late 12c. as a surname), from Anglo-French esquirel, Old French escurueil "squirrel; squirrel fur" (Modern French écureuil), from Vulgar Latin *scuriolus, diminutive of *scurius "squirrel," vari

"time limit," 1920, American English newspaper jargon, from dead (adj.) + line (n.). Perhaps influenced by earlier use (1864) to mean the "do-not-cross" line in Civil War prisons, which figured in the trial of Henry Wirz, commander of the notorious Confederate prison at Andersonv

late 14c., "free choice, freedom to do as one chooses," also "freedom from the bondage of sin," from Old French liberte "freedom, liberty, free will" (14c., Modern French liberté), from Latin libertatem (nominative libertas) "civil or political freedom, condition of a free man; a

"fine, dry particles of earth or other matter so light that they can be raised and carried by the wind," Old English dust, from Proto-Germanic *dunstaz (source also of Old High German tunst "storm, breath," German Dunst "mist, vapor," Danish dyst "milldust," Dutch duist), from PI

Friday 13 October 2023

Batman Inc.

People also ask :

What is the main concept 
of Structuralism?

Structuralism is a mode of 
knowledge of nature 
and human life 
that is interested in relationships 
rather than individual objects or, 
alternatively, where objects are defined 
by the set of relationships 
of which they are part and 
not by the qualities possessed 
by them taken in isolation.

Whoa! I got News 
for You, JAY-Bird :
Batman Doesn’t DO, ‘ships!
As in, RELATION-Ships…!!


Are You Watching Channel-8?

Number 8-persons belong to a still more fatalistic law of vibration and appear to be “children of fate” more than any other class.                                         

They can be just as noble in character, as devoted and self-sacrificing as the best of their fellow mortals, but they seldom get the reward that they are entitled to. If they rise in life to any high position it is generally one of grave responsibility, anxiety, and care. Such persons can become rich, but wealth seldom brings them happiness, and for love they are generally called on to pay too high a price.    

My advice to them is : If they find the 4’s and 8’s continually coming into their lives and associated with sorrow, disappointment, ill-fate and ill-luck, they should determinately avoid such numbers and all their series. 

They should, in such a case, so alter their name number, following the examples I have given in previous chapters, to produce one of the more fortunate series, such as 1, 3, 5, or 6, and carry out their plans on dates that make these numbers. 

If they will do this they will completely alter their ill-luck and Control as it were the curious fate that appears to follow them.                              

If, however, they prefer, as many do, to carry out the full force and meaning of their number 8, without caring what the worldly result may be, in that case they should do exactly as I have said for the other numbers and do everything important on dates and numbers that make the 8, such as the 8th, 17th, 26th, also the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st.                                               

If they do this they will be equally successful, but in leading peculiarly fatalistic lives, being, if I may use the expression, “marked” people in whatever path of life they may make their own.

Thursday 12 October 2023

Brand : The Moment Jordan Peterson Changed My Mind

 The Moment Jordan Peterson Changed My Mind


 #jordanpeterson #politics #identity

I had a conversation with 
Jordan Peterson, world-renowned clinical psychologist,
 professor, and best-selling author. 

Here is a clip from our 1 hour conversation about Identity Politics & how complex it is to discuss. 

Jordan breaks down the biological 
struggle as an arms race between 
parasites and you agree? 

#jordanpeterson #identity #politics 
WATCH me LIVE weekdays on Rumble:

Sunday 8 October 2023


Family Portrait, 1984.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. : 

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
I should say you look rather lost.
But then I cannot imagine where in The World 
The Three of You would look at Home.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. : 
We're not lost.
We're on our way to Delhi.
This is Miss Scott.
This is Mr. Round.


Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
My Name is Indiana Jones.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
DrJones, the eminent archaeologist?

Ms. Willie Scott :
Hard to believe, isn't it?

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
Ah. I remember first hearing 
Your Name when I was 
up at Oxford.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
I'm Chattar Lal, Prime Minister 
to His Highness, The Maharaja 
of Pankot.
(takes Willie’s Hand —)
I'm enchanted.


Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
Welcome to Pankot Palace!

Enchanted, huh?

Shorty, where's my razor?

We are fortunate tonight to have 
so many unexpected visitors.

This is Captain Blumburtt.

And you, sir, are 
Dr.Jones, I presume.

I am, Captain.

Captain Blumburtt and his troops 
are on a routine inspection tour.

The British find it 
amusing to inspect us 
at their convenience.

I do hope, sir, that it's not, uh, 
inconvenient to you, uh... sir.

The British worry so 
about Their Empire.
Makes us all feel like 
well-cared-for children.

Ah... You look beautiful.

I think The Maharaja is swimming in loot.
Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea 
coming here after all.

You Look like A Princess.

Mr. Lal, what do they call 
The Maharaja's wife?

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
His Highness has not 
yet taken A Wife.

….How interesting.
Well, uh, maybe it's because he 
hasn't found the right woman.

His Supreme Highness, 
Guardian of Pankot Tradition, 
The Maharaja of Pankot, 
Zalim Singh.

That's the maharaja?

A kid?!

Maybe he like older women.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
Captain Blumburtt was just telling me something 
of the interesting History of The Palace... 
the importance it played in The Mutiny.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
It seems The British never 
forget The Mutiny of 1857.

Yes, well, you know, 
I think there are other events before The Mutiny
going back a centuryback to the time of Clive,
that are more interesting.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
And what events are those, Dr. Jones?

Well, if Memory serves Me correctly, this area, 
this province, was the center of activity 
for The Thuggee.


Snake... surprise.

What's the surprise?

Dr. Jones, you know perfectly well The Thuggee cult 
has been dead for nearly a century.

Yes, of course.

Capt. Blumburtt :
The Thuggee was an obscenity that 
worshipped Kali with Human Sacrifices.
The British Army nicely 
did-away with them.

Well, I suppose stories of 
The Thuggee die hard.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
There are no stories anymore.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
I'm not so sure…
We came from a small village.
The peasants there told us Pankot Palace was growing 
powerful again because of some ancient evil.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
Village stories, Dr. Jones. 
They're just fear and folklore.
You're beginning to worry 
Captain Blumburtt.

I'm not worried, Mr. Prime Minister, 
just, uh... just, um, interested.

Ah... what?
You are not eating?

I had bugs for lunch.
Give me your hat.


'Cause I'm gonna puke in it.


Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
You know, The Villagers also told us
Pankot Palace had taken something.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
Dr. Jones, in our country, it's not usual 
for a guest to insult his host.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
I'm sorry — I thought we were talking about folklore.

Excuse me, sir, do you have anything simple, like soup?

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
What exactly was it they say was stolen?

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
A sacred rock.


Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
You see, Captain -- 
a rock!


Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
Ah... something connected The Villagers' rock 
and the old legend of The Sankara stones.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
Dr. Jones, we are all vulnerable to vicious rumors.
I seem to remember that in Honduras, you 
were accused of being a grave-robber 
rather than an archaeologist.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
Well, The Newspapers greatly 
exaggerated The Incident.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
And wasn't it The Sultan of Madagascar 
who threatened to cut Your Head off 
if you ever returned to His Country?

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
No, it wasn't My Head.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
Then Your Hands, perhaps.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
No, it wasn't my hands, it was my...
my misunderstanding.

Prime Minister Chattar Lal :
Exactly what we have here, Dr. Jones.

I have heard the evil stories of The Thuggee cult.
I thought The Stories were told to frighten children.

Later, I learnt The Thuggee cult was once real 
and did of unspeakable things.

I am ashamed of what happened 
here so many years ago, 
and I assure you this will never 
happen again in My Kingdom.

Dr. Henry Jones Jr. :
If I offended you...
then I am sorry.

Ah, dessert!
Chilled Monkey Brains

Saturday 7 October 2023

Destiny and The Fates

“The essential and original Meaning
of course, is A Program for A Ritual
and The Ritual is Mag!k — 

The Four Letters are simply 
The Four Beats in Wilhelm Reich's formula : 
muscular tension --> electrical charge --> 
electrical discharge --> muscular relaxation

In short, as Freud once noted, 
every sexual act involves, 
at a minimum, FOUR parties :
The Father and Son provide 
a "Fist" and a "Nail"; 
[ OR, A Portal and A Door ]
The Mother and Daughter 
provide Two "Windows." 

The case of the Chicago schizophrenic 
killer William Heirens
who experienced orgasm when 
climbing through windows, 
demonstrates that this symbolism 
does not have to be taught and is 
INHERENT in The Human Mind, 
although always subject 
to the distortion exemplified 
by the Saures.

Finally, The Universal Blessing given 
is intimately involved with 
The YHVH formula: 

I bless Ra, the fierce sun burning bright 
I bless Isis-Luna in the night
I bless the air, The Horus-Hawk
I bless The Earth on which I walk

The Fiery Father
The Watery Mother
The Airy Son, and 
The Earthy Daughter 
are all THERE
just as they are in every 
alchemical formula.

But We Say “No More” at this point, 
lest The Reader begin 
seeking for a 5 = 4 equation 
to balance the 5 = 6.”


Of course! The Holy Books 
are written in Trionic.


No one volume is complete without 
the other two. Uhm. I-It's really 
one book broken up into 
three pieces.

Like A Trilogy.

No. No. Much more complex than that. 
See this passage here (points at the first book), 
it continues in this volume here 
(points at the second) then concludes 
in this one (points at the third). 

The rhythm of the sentence structure
lets one know when to jump 
from book, to book, to book.

Ferenghi Television

This is like a holo-novel,
but way sleazier

Mister Neelix
Take a Look at this :
It's a form of entertainment 
called a ‘soap opera’. 
The exploration of 
human relationships 
is fascinating

Ensign Kim
I can't imagine just 
watching The Story 
and not being 
a part of it. 

That's because you've been 
spoiled by The HoloDeck. 
There's something to be said for 
non-interactive stories like this, 
being swept away in The Narrative. 

Lt. J.G Boimler :
All right. 
Dropping bags off 
in hotel room
is off the list. 

We got the for-profit minibar,
the for-profit toilet
the machine that
charges you to pay
for the toilet and the minibar. 

View screen works. 

That's everything

I give this hotel
a nine out of ten

Now, off to The Museum
of Bribery

Oh, weird. A what-you-call-it... 
a "commer-seal"?  Ooh

Ferenghi Hunk :

Semi-Clothed Ferenghi Female :
(kicking him in The Pool
You're fired

Slug-O Cola. This happens
to everyone who drinks it. 

Lt. J.G Boimler :
They just lie to you?  Hilarious.
Well, time to head out. 

And now,
Pog & Dar : Cop Landlords. 

Lt. J.G Boimler :
Huh? Mm. This is like a holo-novel,
but way sleazier

Det. Pog :
You're making my partner mad

Det. Dar :
Just sign the lease, dirtbag.

Lobleless Ferenghi Tenant :
No.  (Pulls out a disruptor and shoots Dar!)

Det. Dar :

(Pog shoots him in return)

Det. Dar :

Det. Pog :
You just surrendered 
your deposit 
and your life. 

I'm not gonna make it, partner. 

Det. Pog :
Hey, you hang on
one second, buddy :
I just need to enjoy
the crisp, refreshing taste 
of a Slug-O Cola. 

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
Oh, they put commercials
in the shows? 
It's like Mind Control

(The Ferenghi Thought-Maker installed 
above his hotel bed twinkles behind him.)

Det. Pog :
Transfer your latinum to me
or I'll tell everyone you 
supported tenants' rights

Det. Dar :
I'm proud to be scammed 
by a landlord cop as conniving
as you, partner. 

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
Okay, I guess I should finally do my... 

Up next...
Will They, Won't They? 

The workplace sitcom
where everyone 
is secretly in love
with each other. 

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
I'm sorry, what

Oh, Blongo,
I don't know what to do. 

I'm secretly in love with Nilm, 

but she's engaged to Bok, 

who's always extremely... 

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
This kind of hacky, lowest-common-denominator  schlock won't work on me. 

her flirtations with Kret. 

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
But I better watch 
so officers who aren't
as resilient as I am 
will know what to avoid

But you should go for it. 
Even though I'm secretly
in love with you. 

Mr. Boimler, did you do
too many locations? 
Are you in need of aid?

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
Uh, no.  I watched eight hours straight
of Ferengi programming. 
I'm sorry I let you down, sir. 

Honestly, I'm proud of you.

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :

You've always had a problem
going with the flow, 
but today it looks like you 
got out of your own way. 

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
Thank you, sir. 

I've authorised the local authorities 
to drag you out of there. 
Just go limp, don't fight them

Lt. J.G Boimler :
Get out of here! 

I really like that lieutenant. 

Lt. Jnr. Grade Boimler :
Oh! Aah! 

Oh! Oh, no. Oh, oh, no, no,
no, no, no, no!

I, Children of Tamar

I would prefer to find a peaceful solution. 
If We could TALK Our Way out of 
this one, that much The Better. 

Unfortunately, it may not be that simple. 

What did you find out? 

The Tamarian Ego-structure does not seem to allow
what We normally Think of as ‘SELF-Identity’. 

Their ability to abstract is highly unusual -- 
They seem to communicate 
through Narrative-Imagery 
by reference to The Individuals and Places 
which appear in their Mytho-Historical accounts. 

It's as if I were to say to you, 
“Juliet, on her balcony. 

An Image of Romance


Imagery is EVERYTHING to The Tamarians. 
It embodies Their emotional states, 
Their very THOUGHT Processes —
It's HOW They Communicate, and 
it's How They THINK. 

If We know How They Think, shouldn't We 
be able to get something across to Them? 

No, sir. 

The situation is analogous to 
understanding the GRAMMAR 
of a language but none 
of the vocabulary

If I didn't know WHO Juliet WAS 
or WHAT she was DOING on that balcony, 
The Image alone wouldn't have any Meaning

That's correct. For instance, 
We know that Darmok was A Great Hero
A Hunter, and that Tanagra 
was An Islandbut that's it. 

Without the DETAILSthere's 
no Understanding

It is necessary for Us to 
LEARN The Narrative from 
which The Tamarians are 
drawing Their Imagery — 

Given our current relations, 
that does not appear likely. 

“By creating A Character in a piece of Fiction,
You can allow A Reader to leap over the 
Wall of Self  and to imagine himself 
being  not just somewhere else, 
but someone else
because people, I think, are essentially 
lonely and alone and frightened 
of being alone

— Foster.