Tuesday 25 December 2018

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of the Catholic Church that is administered to a Catholic "who, having reached the age of reason, begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age",except in the case of those who "persevere obstinately in manifest grave sin".
The sacrament is also referred to as Unction, and in the past as Extreme Unction.
The mhmm sacrament is administered by a priest, who uses olive oil or another pure plant oil to anoint the patient's forehead and perhaps other parts of the body while reciting certain prayers. 
It is believed to give comfort, peace, courage and, if the sick person is unable to make a confession, even forgiveness of sins.[4][5][6] Several other churches and ecclesial communitieshave similar ceremonies (see Anointing of the Sick for a more general discussion).
The Catholic Church sees the effects of the sacrament as follows: As the sacrament of Marriage gives grace for the married state, the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick gives grace for the state into which people enter through sickness. 
Through the sacrament a gift of the Holy Spirit is given, that renews confidence and faith in God and strengthens against temptations to discouragement, despair and anguish at the thought of death and the struggle of death; it prevents the believer from losing Christian hope in God's justice, truth and salvation
"The special grace of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick has as its effects:
  • the uniting of the sick person to the passion of Christ, for his own good and that of the whole Church;
  • the strengthening, peace, and courage to endure in a Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age;
  • the forgiveness of sins, if the sick person was not able to obtain it through the sacrament of penance;
  • the restoration of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of his soul;
  • the preparation for passing over to eternal life."

14 Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.

15The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven.
16Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. 17Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. 18Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest. 19My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and is brought back by another, 20you should know that whoever brings back a sinner from wandering will save the sinner’s soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.


Monday 24 December 2018

Damage, Loss or Harm

mid-15c., "legal claim or right; a concern; a benefit, advantage, a being concerned or affected (advantageously)," from Old French interest "damage, loss, harm" (Modern French intérêt), from noun use of Latin interest "it is of importance, it makes a difference," third person singular present of interresse "to concern, make a difference, be of importance," literally "to be between," from inter "between" (see inter-) + esse "to be" (from PIE root *es- "to be"). The sense development to "profit, advantage" in French and English is not entirely clear.


St. Andrew :

Patron Saint of :

fishermen, fishmongers and rope-makers, 

textile workers, singers, miners, pregnant women, butchers, farm workers, protection against sore throats, protection against convulsions, protection against fever, protection against whooping cough

I’m From 1980

Sarah :
We’ve GOT to Go Back

The Exception That is The Rule :

Sunday 23 December 2018

Myth, Legend and World Shakin’

Enkidu, The First Friend :
They took him right down that road.

-What'd he look like, Drag?

Yeah, Drag.
Did he have his eyes open or closed?

Enkidu, The First Friend :
He was smiling.


Enkidu, The First Friend :
That's right. You know.. that...

Luke smile of his?
He had it on his face right to the very end.
Hell, if they didn't know it 'fore they could tell right then 
that they weren't ever going to beat him.

That old Luke smile.

Oh, Luke. He was some boy.

Cool Hand Luke, hell!

He's a natural born world-shaker!

What We’ve Got Here, is — 
FAILURE to Communicate.

Some Men, You JUST Can’t Reach.

So, You Get What We Had Here Last Week.

Which, is The Way He WANTS It;
Well — HE GETS IT!

....n’ ah don’t like it ANY More Than You Men...

The Enkidu Principle - I Can Eat 50 Eggs

Have to close those things, or we'd drown, but it's suffocating in here.

The Submariner :
Talk about drowning.
When I was in the navy...
I was on submarine duty once, and when you get down there...

Enkidu, The First Friend :
Will you tell your story walkin'?
It's too hot.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
Did you see my skinny little boy chow tonight?
He's matching you plate for plate.

I wasn't feeling good.
I think I got an ulcer or something.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
He had a bigger spoon. Make you look like yours had a hole in it.

Come on, Clarence.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
What do you mean, Clarence?
You call me a liar?

Yankee :
No, not a liar.
You just have a common, likeable tendency toward exaggeration.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
That there's the champion hog-gutter of this camp.
Well, I've seen him eat ten chocolate bars and seven cold drinks in 15 minutes.

He can eat busted bottles and rusty nails, any damn thing.
If you be so kind to let me cut off your Yankee head, he'll even eat that.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
I can eat 50 eggs.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
Nobody can eat 50 eggs.

The Unbeliever :
You just said he could eat anything.
You ever eat 50 eggs?

Enkidu, The First Friend :
Nobody ever eat 50 eggs.
Hey, Babalugats! We got a bet here.
My boy says he can eat 50 eggs,
he can eat 50 eggs.
Yeah, but in how long?

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
In an hour.
Well, I believe I'll take part in that wager.
Two dollars. Right here.
Come on now, let's talk some money.
All right, $20. Anything.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
The syndicate will cover any bet you want to make.
Koko, get some paper.

Koko :
Drag, 50 eggs got to weigh a good six pounds.
Man's gut can't hold that.
They'll swell up and bust him open.
All right, get your money up. Now,
Gambler, Dynamite, come on, get it up.
Koko-head's going to take all the money.
Come on, Loudmouth, get it up.
Wait just a minute, now.
How's he gonna eat them?
Boiled for 15 minutes.
Eat the whole thing in an hour.
One rule. No throwing up.
He throws up, you forfeit everything.
Now when was the last time
you ever saw my boy throw up?
Now shut your mouth
and give your money to Koko.
Why did you have to say 50 for?
Why couldn't you say 35 or 39.
It seemed a nice round number.
That's money you're talking about.
What's the matter with you?
Yeah, well, it'll be something to do.


Enkidu, The First Friend :
Ten, right!
What did I do?
I stole and I told lies.
But I loved my neighbor. And his wife.
He'll never make it.
What we've got to do is stretch
that little old belly of yours.
Get all this stuff out of the way.
Them eggs's coming down.
We've got to get it all in fighting
shape, like a barrage balloon.
...and go!
Hey, Boss, man needs a brown
bomber and a dose of salts.
You can't do that!
-I want my money back.
-No money back.
Twenty of those pills still won't
make any difference.
What are you worried about?
He can't do it.
What's he doing?
All right, stand back, you pedestrians.
This ain't no automobile accident.
That's all 50?
Move over, losers.
I got money riding here.
All right, I've got it figured out.
If he eats an egg a minute, he's got ten minutes left to swallow them.
Hey, I just got five bucks from a rodeo outfit.
Hey, you're peeling his eggs.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
That's right, mister.

He peels his eggs himself.
That's understood.

Now you may be just great at hanging paper around the big city 
and passing bad checks
but us country boys ain't entirely brainless.
When it comes to The Law, nothing is understood.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
Who made what law about peeling the eggs?
I'm his trainer. I'm the syndicate covering all bets.
And I'm his official egg-peeler.
That's The Law.

Just wait till the hour starts, that's all.
I was banking on the fact he had to peel 'em.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
What's going on?
You ready, Champ?
Man, he's going to lose a finger
eating eggs like that.
Slow down a little.
Forget it, he's wasting time.
Just have 18 more to go...
What's wrong?
-I think he's gonna throw up!
-Oh, no.
-That's it. He's finished.
-C'mon Luke!
Eighteen to go.
He's finished.
Just like a ripe watermelon
that's about to bust itself open.
Your boy's done for, Drag.
I'm putting in my last tenner.
-lt don't look good, Drag.
-Man's gut can't hold more than that.

He's all right, he's all right.

He's going to make it.
I give you a dollar he don't eat all 50 eggs, I get two dollars back.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
Fixer, you're a sweet old boy.
Better take that dollar and buy yourself
a new spark plug or something.
But as long as you done took a stand...
...why don't you put some money where
your mouth is and not no measly buck!
Well, all I got is 3.75, Drag.
That's a bet, Koko.
All right, now the rest of you, I want
to hear from some big-money men.
Where's all the high rollers?
I believe you've got it all, Dragline.
Every cent in the camp is riding.

What's the time?

Enkidu, The First Friend :
Come on, baby.
Twenty-four minutes to go.
Just let that little old belly sag and enjoy itself.
Stay loose, buddy. Just nine more
between you and everlasting glory.

ls he eating them, Alibi?

Alibi :
He's chewing. Look at that.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
They're pigeon eggs, that's all.
Fish eggs, practically.
How much more time, Carr?
Six minutes to go, Stevie.
Chew, chew, chew!
You're helpin' him chew now!
Oh, no.
Tiny, tiny egg.
Two minutes to time!

All right, now, get mad at them damned eggs.
Eat it there, boy.
Chew on it.
Gnaw on it.

Carr :
Thirty seconds.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
You got the last one.
Stuff it down in there. Get it in.
That's the last one in there now, baby.
Chew. Chew.


Hold it! He didn't swallow the last.

Enkidu, The First Friend :
You think so, huh? Just take a look here.
Open that mouth.

The Unbeliever :
Nobody can eat 50 eggs.

Saturday 22 December 2018

The Enkidu Principle : Stand Up, Young Man

Forget it, man.
What do you mean, forget it?

Stop beating it into the ground.
You ain't doing nobody no good.

Okay, new-meat. You get some sleep.
And save your strength, 'cause you're going to need it.

Why don't you just stay down, Luke?
He's just going to knock you down again, buddy.
It's not your fault. He's just too big.
Let him hit you in the nose and get some blood flowing.
Maybe the bosses'll stop it before he kills you.

I don't want to frighten him.

Stay down, Luke.

Stay down, Luke. He's gonna kill you.
Stay down!

Somebody ought to stop this thing.
Stay down.
You're beat!

You're going to have to kill me.

All right, pass right. Here we go.
King gets a three, queen deuce, seven pair of savannah's right here.
Deuce gets a four. No hell. Three gets a big ace.

I call.
Kick a buck.
A dollar?
One time.
All right, I'll call.
Hell, if I catch, I'm gonna burn you out. I call.
King, three, he got a four.
Queen, deuce gets a five.
Pair of seven gets a john.
And the big ace gets...slop in the face.
Okay, you still do the talking.

Cuter again.

I call.

Kick a buck.

What you got?

Pair of sevens.
I can see that, mother-head.
What have you got in the hole?
He ain't got nothing showing.
Raze his head off.
He's been betting...

All right, why don't you call him.
You've got to see it, Gambler.
I can't. I can't catch a damn thing...
I'm snake-bit. I fold.
King, four, three. You got a nine.
You got a nine. Nothing visible.
Pair of sevens and a jack gets a six.
Savannahs, you still a better, man.
Kick a buck.
Kick him back a buck!
I'll see your buck and back a buck.
Kick a buck.
Don't look at me, mother-head.
What're you going to do, play like
a coconut? You got to call him.
I know he's got a pair of kings.
You don't have to stuff'em up my nose.
Well, you still got to call him, anyway.
The man's got kings. Get your tail out.
You wanna see him? Right there.
Nothing. Handful of nothing.
You stupid mullet-head,
he beat you with nothing.
Just like today when he kept
coming back at me. With nothing.
Sometimes nothing
can be a real cool hand.
Move over.
I'm going to sit in here
next to my boy.
Cool Hand Luke.


The Man :
Hey, Loudmouth!
Come on, get up there.
Your mama's waiting for you.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
She never leaves me alone!
Be glad you got somebody, kid.

Luke, visitor for you.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
Coming out here, Boss.

The Man :
Come out, Luke.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
How did you find me?

That Helen...
...she sent your things along
with a note...
...and then John here,
he wrote to the police.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
Goin' around here, Boss?
Well, Arletta, I've got to stay here.

I always hoped to see you well-fixed...
...have me a crop of grandkids to fuss around with.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
I'd like to oblige you, Arletta, but...
...right off, I just don't know
where to put my hands on 'em.

Arletta :
You know, sometimes...
I wish people was like dogs, Luke.

Comes a time, a day like when...
The Bitch just don't recognize the pups no more, so...
She don't have no hopes,
nor love to give her pain.

She just don't give a damn.

They letting you smoke here?

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
Smoking it up here, Boss?
You done your best, Arletta.
What I've done with myself is my own problem.

Arletta :
Oh, no, it ain't, Luke.
You ain't alone.
Everywhere you go, I'm with you.
And John, too.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
You never thought maybe that's a heavy load?

Arletta :
Why, we always thought you
were strong enough to carry it.
Was we wrong?

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
I don't know.
Well, things are just
never the way they seem, Arletta, you know that.
A man's gotta go his own way.

Arletta :
Guess, I've just got to...
...got to love you and let go.
I guess.

I ain't asking what you're going to do
when you get out because...

l'll be dead and it don't matter.
Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
You never did want to live forever.

Arletta :
I mean, it wasn't such a hell of a life.
I had me...some high old times.

Your old man, Luke...
He wasn't much good
for sticking around...
But, dammit, he made me laugh.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
I would have liked to have known him, the way you talk about him.

Arletta :
He'd have broke you up.
What went wrong?

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
Nothing. Everything's cool as can be.
Arletta, I tried.
I mean to... live always free and above board like you, but...

I don't know, I just can't seem to find any elbow room.

Arletta :
You always had good jobs.
And that girl in Kentucky.
Oh...l'd taken a shine to her.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
She sure took off with that convertible fella.

Arletta :
Well, why not?
Idea of marrying got you all, all bollixed up.
Trying to be respectable.
You was boring the hell out of all of us.

I'm leaving the place to John.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
That's good. He earned it.

Arletta :
Ain't nothing to do with it.
I just never gave John...
...the kind of, you know, feeling that I gave you.
So, I'm going to pay him back now.

Don't feel you have to say anything.

The way it is, you see...
Sometimes you just have a feeling for a child... 
Or else you don't.

With John, I just didn't.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
I gotta go, Arletta.

Arletta :
Laugh it up, kid.
You, you'll make out.

John, Son of John :
Uncle Luke, why can't you have chains?

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
John-Boy, let me tell you something —

You know them chains ain't medals.
You got them for making mistakes.

And you make a bad enough mistake,
then you've got to deal with The Man.

And he is one rough old boy.

Luke Skywalker,
The Ultimate Uncle :
So long, Arletta. 
Take care.

Arletta :
You know it, kid.
Now there ain't nothing
to come back for.


The Man :

What are you doing there, fella?

Luke :
I just cut these.

The Man :

You better come along with us.

meter (n.1)

also metre, "poetic measure," Old English meter "meter, versification," from Latin metrum, from Greek metron "meter, a verse; that by which anything is measured; measure, length, size, limit, proportion," from PIE root *me- (2) "to measure." 

Possibly reborrowed early 14c. (after a 300-year gap in recorded use) from Old French metre, with specific sense of "metrical scheme in verse," from Latin metrum.

The Man :
Lucas Jackson.

Luke :
Here, Captain.

"Maliciously destroying municipal
property while under the influence."
What was that?

Cutting the heads off parking meters, Captain.

We ain't never had one of them before.
Where do you think that's going to get you?

I guess you could say I wasn't thinking, Captain.

It says here that you did real good in the war.
A Silver Star, Bronze Star, couple of Purple Hearts...
Then came out the same way you went in.
Buck Private.

Like I was just passing time, Captain.

Well, you got yourself some time now...two years.
Well, hell, that ain't much.
We got a couple of men here doing 20 spots.
We got one that's got all of it.
We got all kinds, and you're going to fit in real good.
Of course, in case you get
rabbit in your blood...
...and you decide to take off for home,
you get a bonus of some time...
...and a set of leg chains to keep you slowed down just a little bit.
For your own good, you'll learn the rules.
It's all up to you.
Now I can be a good guy or I can
be one real mean son of a bitch.
It's all up to you.
All right, let's move it.
One at a time. Move it!
Them clothes got
laundry numbers on them.
You remember your number and always
wear the ones that has your number.
Any man forgets his number
spends a night in the box.
These here spoons
you keep with you.
Any man loses his spoon
spends a night in the box.
There's no playing grab-ass
or fighting in the building.
You got a grudge against another man,
you fight him Saturday afternoon.
Any man playing grab-ass or fighting in
the building spends a night in the box.
First bell's at five minutes of eight
when you will get in your bunk.
Last bell is at eight.
Any man not in his bunk at eight
spends the night in the box.
There is no smoking in the prone
position in bed.
To smoke you must have both legs
over the side of your bunk.
Any man caught smoking
prone in bed...
...spends a night in the box.
You get two sheets.
Every Saturday, you put
the clean sheet on the top...
...the top sheet on the bottom...
...the bottom sheet you turn in
to the laundry boy.
Any man turns in the wrong sheet
spends a night in the box.
No one'll sit in the bunks
with dirty pants on.
Any man with dirty pants on sitting
on the bunks spends a night in the box.
Any man don't bring back his empty pop bottle spends a night in the box.
Any man loud talking spends a night in the box.
You got questions, you come to me.
I'm Carr, the floor walker.
I'm responsible for order in here.
Any man don't keep order spends a night in...

Luke :
...The Box.

A Pirate, Yes a Pirate, He.

Pirate” means “Man of Fire” —

That’s why they run away To Sea.

Austin Powers
Only sailors use condoms, baby.

Vanessa Kensington
Not in the NINETIES, Austin!

Austin Powers
Well they should, those filthy beggars, 
they go from port to port.

Quilt Club

“ For some reason, I thought of my first fight 

 — with Tyler. ”

“You CyberBullied Him!

That’s Like The WORST Thing You Can Do to a Person!!!”

First recording of "Howl" read by Allen Ginsberg, 1956

 Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. 

I see all this potential, and I see squandering. 
God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. 

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. 

We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. 

We have no Great War. 
No Great Depression. 

Our Great War's a spiritual war... 
Our Great Depression is our lives.