Sunday, 8 May 2016

Electricfetus - Gnostic Rebirth

Art Official Age

Artificial Cage

"Who do you think that is, there...?"

"Who do you think that is, there...?"

Well, fairly self-evidently, it's a female bearing Prince's symbol that he was showing us.

That's his sigil - his True Name. Inverted.

"The original trio recorded a few demos before Prince met the then-named Denise Matthews, a model and Canadian B movie actress, in January 1982. Prince was so taken by her charisma that he decided she would be the perfect frontwoman for his "Hookers" project. Matthews was eventually re-christened Vanity. 

Prince had originally suggested that she use the stage name "Vagina" (to be pronounced /vaginɑ/); she declined and renamed herself "Vanity" instead.

Other versions of the story suggest that it was Prince himself who coined the name "Vanity", as he said that looking at her was like looking in a mirror at the female version of himself. 

Around this time, Prince and Vanity began a romantic relationship. "

Sorry honey, there's a recession on.

"We expect Brother Nelson to be resurrected here on Earth, just like the Bible says, when Jehovah cleanses this Earth of all it's evil, there'll be a resurrection and we will welcome him back - and he'll be right [here] like flesh and blood, like you and me are talking here right now.

It's a deep, deep belief that we have."

Any day now, we expect to see him, in the flesh, alive and well.

He just might be Sister Nelson then.

And we will welcome him back with love and open arms.

"Electric Fetus"...?

This was his final tweet.

"Electric word 'Life', it means 'forever' and that's a mighty long time, but I'm here to tell ya - there's something else :

The AfterWorld."

Who do you think that is, there...?

Who do you think that is, there...?

Who do you think that is, there...?

Saturday, 7 May 2016

"I'm Perfect."

"A CNN crew visits the Kingdom Hall of Prince the Sunday after he 'passed away'."

"We expect Brother Nelson to be resurrected here on Earth, just like the Bible says, when Jehovah cleanses this Earth of all it's evil,there'll be a resurrection and we will welcome him back.

And he'll be right [here] like flesh and blood, like you and me are talking here right now.

It's a deep, deep belief that we have."

"Anyone who accepts upon himself and carefully observes the Seven Commandments is of the Righteous of the Nations of the World and has a portion in the World to Come. 

This is as long as he accepts and performs them because (he truly believes that) it was the Holy One, Blessed Be He, Who commanded them in the Torah, and that it was through Moses our Teacher we were informed that the Sons of Noah had already been commanded to observe them. 

But if he observes them because he convinced himself, then he is not considered a Resident Convert and is not of the Righteous of the Nations of the World, but merely one of their wise."


"What makes Earth feel like Hell is our expectation that it should feel like Heaven."

4, 3, 2, 1
1, 2, 3, 4,
Lemme hear u scream if u want some more,
Like, 'Ah! Push it, Push it!'
Watch me work it,
I'm Perfect!

Check it out now....

- Princess Superstar, 
Perfect (Exceeder)

"We must accept the responsibility that God has put upon us, not only to be good husbands and fathers and builders of our community, but God is now calling upon the despised and the rejected to become the cornerstone and the builders of a new world.

And so, our brief subject today is taken from the American Constitution. 
In these words, Toward a more union. 

Toward a more perfect union.

Now, when you use the word more with perfect, that which is perfect is that which has been brought to completion. So, when you use more perfect, you're either saying that what you call perfect is perfect for that stage of its development but not yet complete. 

When Jefferson said, "toward a more perfect union," he was admitting that the union was not perfect, that it was not finished, that work had to be done. And so we are gathered here today not to bash somebody else.

We're not gathered here to say, all of the evils of this nation. But we are gathered here to collect ourselves for a responsibility that God is placing on our shoulders to move this nation toward a more perfect union. Now, when you look at the word toward, toward, it means in the direction of, in furtherance or partial fulfillment of, with the view to obtaining or having shortly before coming soon, eminent, going on in progress. Well, that's right. We're in progress toward a perfect union. Union means bringing elements or components into unity.

It is something formed by uniting two or more things. It is a number of persons, states, etcetera, which are joined or associated together for some common purpose. We're not here to tear down America. America is tearing itself down. We are here to rebuild the wasted cities. What we have in the word toward is motion. The honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that motion is the first law of the universe. This motion which takes us from one point to another shows that we are evolving and we are a part of a universe that is ever evolving.

We are on an evolutionary course that will bring us to perfect or completion of the process toward a perfect union with God. In the word toward there is a law and that law is everything that is crated is in harmony with the law of evolution, change. Nothing is standing still.

It is either moving toward perfection or moving toward disintegration. Or under certain circumstances doing both things at the same time. The word for this evolutionary changing affecting stage after stage until we reach perfection. In Arabic it is called Rhab. And from the word Rhab you get the Rhaby, or teacher, one who nourishes a people from one stage and brings them to another stage. Well, if we are in motion and we are, motion toward perfection and we are, there can be no motion toward perfection without the Lord, who created the law of evolution.

And is the master of the changes. Our first motion then must be toward the God, who created the law of the evolution of our being. And if our motion toward him is right and proper, then our motion toward a perfect union with each other and government and with the peoples of the world will be perfected. So, let us start with a process leading to that perfect union must first be seen. Now, brothers and sisters, the day of atonement is established by God to help us achieve a closer tie with the source of wisdom, knowledge, understanding and power.

For it is only through a closer union or tie with him, who created us all, with him who has power over all things that we can draw power, knowledge, wisdom and understanding from him, that we maybe enable to change the realities of our life. A perfect union with God is the idea at the base of atonement. Now, atonement demands of us eight steps, in fact, atonement is the fifth step in an eight stage process.

Look at our division, not here, out there. 
We are a people, who have been fractured, divided and destroyed because of our division now must move toward a perfect union."

^ "To Whom Shall We Go but Jesus Christ?". Watchtower: 23. March 1, 1979. 

"the “faithful and discreet slave” has alerted all of God’s people to the sign of the times indicating the nearness of God’s Kingdom rule. 

In this regard, however, it must be observed that this “faithful and discreet slave” was never inspired, never perfect. 

Those writings by certain members of the “slave” class that came to form the Christian part of God’s Word were inspired and infallible [the bible], but that is not true of other writings since."

^  George D. Chryssides (2008). Historical Dictionary of Jehovah's 

"God created the Best of all Possible Worlds"

- Gottlfreid Wilhelm Leibniz

Both the Watchtower Society and the Seventh Day Adventists teach that God created a perfect world - both Man and Angels, we created as perfect beings, endowed with Free Will.

Satan and all the demons of Hell were created originally as perfect spirit beings, angels in Heaven and Adam was created as a perfect Man of flesh and matter, in the image of God.

It was by exercise of Free Will that Satan rebelled against his own innate and endowed perfection, and corrupted himself, the world and Man by reducing them all from a State of Perfected Grace, placing a distance between them and full knowledge of and communion with God.

Witnesses refer to the essence of this corruption as "Worldliness" - "The World" of Matter is of Satan, and therefore not absolutely of God, and some examples of the corruption produced by "Worldly" concerns are the way aging is linked to the counting of birthdays, which produces both the expectation and reality of death and infirmity, they say :

Methuselah never bothered to mark his birthday, they say, so he never knew that to live to the age of 1350 was not normal - likewise, Noah and all of his sons lived for between 350-900 years because no-one had told them ever that they were not supposed to.

So, just as to eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge creates doubt, shame and anxiety over nakedness where none had existed before, a knowledge of the date and annual commemoration of the anniversary of one's birth creates an awareness, fear and anxiety over one's mortality and aging and likelihood of successful pregnancy and childbirth where previously none existed before.

Some people call me rude,
I wish we all were nude,
I wish there was no black or white,
I wish there were no rules.

To eat of the Tree of Knowledge is to experience doubt and uncertainty where before there was none - to become imperfect.

To live under threats that are the product of the only state other than perfect grace - Chaos and Disorder.

Seventh-day Adventists 

[and Jehovah's Witnesses] 


All humanity is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the universe. This conflict originated in heaven when a created being, endowed with freedom of choice, in self-exaltation became Satan, God's adversary, and led into rebellion a portion of the angels. He introduced the spirit of rebellion into this world when he led Adam and Eve into sin. This human sin resulted in the distortion of the image of God in humanity, the disordering of the created world, and its eventual devastation at the time of the worldwide flood. Observed by the whole creation, this world became the arena of the universal conflict, out of which the God of love will ultimately be vindicated. To assist His people in this controversy, Christ sends the Holy Spirit and the loyal angels to guide, protect, and sustain them in the way of salvation.

Fundamental Beliefs, 8

"A CNN crew visits the Kingdom Hall of Prince the Sunday after he 'passed away'."

"We expect Brother Nelson to be resurrected here on Earth, just like the Bible says, when Jehovah cleanses this Earth of all it's evil,there'll be a resurrection and we will welcome him back - and he'll be right [here] like flesh and blood, like you and me are talking here right now.

It's a deep, deep belief that we have."

Friday, 6 May 2016

The Curious Incident of the iPhones in the Night-Time

The Last Waltz...

Well, that solves one outstanding major mystery.... The Curious Incident of the iPhones in the Night.

I once remarked, upon hearing of the alleged disappearance mid-flight of Malayasian Airlines Flight 370 "You can't loose a plane full of iPhones - that's impossible. So that didn't happen."

Subsequent developments (or lack of), feel, have fully vindicated the soundness of the basis for that original piece of common sense reasoning; and indeed it is only due to the surreptitious use of an onboard passenger smartphone that we were able to firmly establish that the Jet had been redirected and diverted mid-flight via the Fly-By-Wire auto navigation system and remotely piloted, at extreme low altitude to Diego Garcia, where the passengers were offloaded and "processed", presumably by US Military base personnel specially trained for the task.

That's why there is no visual or audio record of the crucial, cryptic "Wasted Prayers" remark circulating on YouTube or Soundcloud or anywhere else on Social Media - he didn't want a record to be made.

The plot thickens.....

The Voodou, Hoodoo, What-You-Don't-Dare-Do People

"If you look at cave art – the first art was done; the first writing that was done, basically as art. 

And if someone wanted to make something happen; like, if you were in the — like, if you were some fucked up caveman in a cave somewhere, worrying about your dinner. 

What do you do? You draw a bison on the wall; stick some spears in it. 

Go out, and the bison dies filled with spears."

Grant Morrison 

"Do you know much about voodoo? That's a fascinating practice. 

No real doctrine of faith to speak of - more an arrangement of superstitions; the most well-known of which is the voodoo doll.

You see, a mockup of an individual is subjected to various pokes and prods.

The desired result is that the individual will feel those effects."

Loki/Kevin Smith

"The Black Ark was too black and too dread. Even though I am black, I have to burn it down, to save me brain. It was too black. It want to eat me up!"

Lee Scratch Perry

" “This is part of human experience. It’s a part of human experience that has been described to us for thousands and thousands of years – but for the last two hundred has been hidden and made occult. For some reason that we don’t understand – but it seems to have something to do with the industrial revolution and corporate culture.”

So these things happen. Magic works. And I found out when I was doing the comic that you could actually make magic happen by writing things, and changing the operating system of the universe. It works, and I’m here to tell you to try it when you go home tonight. Because it fucking works.

And what happens if we all do it? If everyone in this room decides to take control of reality? I’m talking about reality; I’m talking about quantum physics; I’m talking about taking control of things from the quantum level up, from the molecular level up – and it works. This magic works.

So I’ll tell you something you can do, while I’m here. You know one of the best techniques, and one of the easiest techniques, to prove that this thing works is to practice sigil magic. The technique is simple: have a desire, tonight.

Go home and do this! Don’t listen to this shit! Don’t listen to my bullshit and think “yeah, we are the fucking counterculture!” DO IT! Do it – and we will change the world.

Because I did it. Coz I didn’t trust those guys. I didn’t trust Wilson and all those people who told me we could do this stuff. And I’m here to tell you: it works. And you can do it; we can all do it.

Bacon's New Atlantis, 
beyond the Pillars of Heracles

Number one: first thing you do is, you write down a desire. Make it something easy that’s likely to happen. Something possible, rather than say, y’know, “I’m going to be king of the moon” – which you may want to be, as we all do, but.. it’s kind of hard to be king of the moon. You’re gonna have to get a rocket and go up there.

Something easy. If you want to sigilise for a lottery win, make sure you buy a ticket or else it probably won’t work. So these are the conditions within the material universe that we live in.

What we’re really dealing with here is, as I say, some kind of operating system that can be hacked, using words. Words seem to be the binding agent of this.. thing. Whatever it is.

So I wrote this comic book – and as I wrote it, it became true. 

Things I would make the characters do became true.

The main character was.. I gave him a bald head and a leather jacket, because I thought people would like me when I they read the comic. Bald heads were really uncool back in 1992.

The Shakes-Spear Tulpa 
(w. skullet)

Avatar of the High Priest and Devotee of Pallas-Athena,
The Spear-Shaker

The Golem of Avon

And it worked. I found that if I put the character through a situation where he’d been tortured; where his lungs had bust and he was being held in captivity; subjected to all these awful things. Two months later: I’m in hospital, two bust lungs, dying of blood poisoning; facing exactly the same shamanic trial that I put my character through.

So once I figured out that, I thought: the best thing to do is to give this guy an easy time in the future.

King Mob/Gideon Stargrave/Grant Morrison

So as a result of all this, I’d just split up with my girlfriend. And I was like: “okay, I want a new one and I want her to look exactly like this chick in the comic, coz she’s cool.” 

So I did a sigil; a month later, the girl turns up. 

Then another one. Then another one. Then another one; then another one. 

All aspects of this character. And then [I was like]: “Oh fuck, this is insane. Because it works and I’ve done something ridiculous. Because now I’m dealing with all these women who look like the character, but who I don’t get on with, or I can’t talk to, or I can’t deal with.

And I began to realise a little bit about how this stuff works.

So beyond that, I decided: I won’t just use it to get laid, because it seems a pretty low-grade kind of way of dealing with magic. But man, it works! Believe me.

So I thought: how much could you effect reality by writing a comic that mimics reality, but pushed it in weird directions? So round about 1997, I decided that I would really seriously turn this thing into a super-sigil.

And it was based on the idea that: if you look at cave art – the first art was done; the first writing that was done, basically as art. And if someone wanted to make something happen; like, if you were in the — like, if you were some fucked up caveman in a cave somewhere, worrying about your dinner. What do you do? You draw a bison on the wall; stick some spears in it. Go out, and the bison dies filled with spears.

“Hey, man! We can make this happen!”

Slowly, those things become words; they become abstractions – complexes of meaning. And you can take that basic idea, and – as we’ve seen – people like Austin Osmond Spare, the magician from the early part of the century, or Crowley, or the chaos magicians of the eighties who were a big influence on me – they used this stuff. 

And like I say, what you can do is this: go home, write down a desire; it’s quite simple, what you can say is: “It is my desire that my cat wins the Olympics.” 

Take out all the vowels..

- Write this down, for fuck’s sake! Don’t just listen; do it! Right? -

Take out the vowels, and you’ll be left with a string of consonants. 

Take out all the repeated consonants, and you’ll be left with a string of consonants with no repeats in it. 

X, Y, A, D, whatever. 

Turn that thing into a little image. 
Take the D, draw a big D. 
Then you’ve got a T; draw a big T on it.

Keep reducing it down until it looks magical.

And there are no rules for this thing. 

Do it until it looks magical.

At that point you now have a sigil. 
The sigil will work. 
You can project desire into reality, and change reality. 

It works!

Those must be the people who’ve done it.

So please, I mean, write this down, go home and do it. Check; verify the results.

Because – I was reading this thing in New Scientist this week and it said: the difference between bad science and good science is.. 

Scientific procedure has three criteria. And the criteria are: 

that you can verify results; you can talk to other people who’ve done the thing and make sure that, you know, it works out. 

You can duplicate results. 

And also.. 
some other thing; I’ve forgotten. 

But yeah, two things is pretty good, innit? 

Two outta.. yeah.

This is verifiable. People have been telling us about this for thousands of years. The Tibetans have been telling us about this. The Mesopotamians have been telling us about this. And why has it been made ‘occult’?

Because: Coca-Cola have got the secret.

What you do is you create a sigil.

Coca-Cola is a sigil. The McDonalds “M” is a sigil.

These people are basically turning the world into themselves, using sigils.

And if we don’t reverse that process, and turn the world into us using sigils, we’re going to be living in fucking McDonalds.

But McDonalds have no more power than us, apart from the fact – like what Doug [Rushkoff] said earlier – they’ve got some money.

Fuck it; who cares?

At the top levels of this stuff, no one’s using money anyway.

You think Rupert Murdoch, or the Queen, or Bill Clinton, or any of these fuckers use money? Of course they don’t.

They’ve realised that money is only useful to sell to the middle classes – the people in the middle who make things happen; who make things run.

We’ve been sold a fiction. 
There’s no such thing as money. 
Ignore it. 
At the higher levels..


There is no money. 
These fuckers don’t use money. 
If Rupert Murdoch wants a Rolls Royce, they give him one. 
Because he’s Rupert Murdoch. 
And if they see him in a Rolls Royce, it means they get some status out of it.

So you’ve gotta understand, these people on the higher levels are operating on a hierarchy of exchange and barter.

On the lower levels – where I lived in Glasgow, which is one of the poorest cities in Europe – people are operating on a hierarchy of exchange that’s quite different: they steal shit, and then they sell it back, and they have their own little money.. and they have this complete black market economy.

There’s only us in the middle who think money’s worth anything – and we chase it until we drop.

So forget it.

Where was I?

(And the other thing is: I hate talking at people, so if anyone wants to join in just put your hand up. Coz I fucking hate just talking at people.)

So… having figured these weird things out, having thought about this and having been through this experience, which was exactly the experience I’d been promised by Wilson, McKenna, Philip K. Dick – everyone, they promised this thing, and it works. You can get the experience. 

Do what they told you to do, and it will happen – I promise you. 
You will meet the aliens; they will talk to you. 

The Golden Dawn called this “Knowledge & Conversation Of The Holy Guardian Angel”.

So it’s been around for a while; it’s accessible to everyone. 
Magick is accessible to everyone. 
The means of altering reality are accessible to everyone.

And when everyone starts doing it, we’re going to start to get to see desire manifest on a gigantic scale. Everyone’s desire. 

What happens when *everyone’s* desire becomes manifest?

Does the universe have to split up into a billion to accommodate it? Do we all have to suddenly understand that we’re all in the same place, and that we can all share in each others’ desires?

I don’t know. 
I’m just here to talk about this stuff.


In 1973 Lee Perry was having a nap in the backyard of his family home in Kingston and
had a strange dream, hearing the strangest sounds and music never heard before. After
awakening he reflected on the dream, took it as a singn from the Almighty and decided
to build his own studio on this very spot. After completion in 1974 it was named 'THE
BLACK ARK' and one of the biggest mysticisms of Reggae music - and music in general -
should have it's origin there.

The studio was equipped with comparatively simple equipment through all it's time: a
four-track 1/4-inch TEAC reel-to-reel, 16-track Soundcraft board, Mutron phaser, a
Grantham spring reverb and a Roland Space Echo. But with these means only, completely
independent ways of production and lots of time to experiment Lee Perry created the
100% unique sound and style that will identify him forever. 

He shot pistols, broke glass, ran tapes backwards, and used samples of crying babies, falling rain, animal sounds and TV-show audience to create music and cleaned the tapeheads with his T-Shirt and blew Ganja smoke into running tapes to alter the sound. 

With records like 'DUB REVOLUTION' or 'BLACKBOARD JUNGLE DUB' the dirty and magical quality of the BLACK ARK sound was formed, never to be re-created.

In these surroundings only Lee Perry's production skills reached a new level, he
played the mixing desk like an instrument (roll over the pic above!), modulated
everything with phaser and delays and made the 4-track-machine sounding like a 20-

"It was only four tracks on the machine," Perry explains, "but I was picking up twenty from the extra terrestrial squad. (...) I see the studio must be like a living thing, a life itself. The machine must be live and intelligent. Then I put my mind into the machine and the machine perform reality. Invisible thought waves - you put them into the machine by sending them through the controls and the knobs or you jack it into the jack panel. The jack panel is the brain itself, so you got to patch up the brain and make the brain a living man, that the brain can take what you sending into it and live." 

The aura of the BLACK ARK studio attracted many musicians, newcomers and veterans
alike, and countless timeless classics were created there. The 'OPEN THE GATE'-Box on
Trojan is an extraordinary document for the productions of that time and one of the
best Reggae records ever put to vinyl. Check out tracks like 'WORDS', Leroy Sibbles'
'GARDEN OF LIFE' or the milestone 'CONGOMAN' by the Congos (recently re-edited by
Carl Craig). Each song - great in themselves already - comes along with a dub version
that all have a deepness in them with no words to describe it. An absolutely
essential release!

Additionally to his achievements of stretching Dub over it's breaking point and
defining a new musical dimension of its own, Lee Perry was also a gifted riddim-
master and song- writer. Loads of classic riddims were created by him in this
era and - like 'POLICE AND THIEVES', 'SOULFIRE' or 'I CHASE THE DEVIL' - even reached
Top Ten status in England. And that is the big difference between him and King Tubby:
while Tubby RE-CREATED (in this time) Lee Perry CREATED. The music done by him in the
BLACK ARK studio present the pinnacle of Jamaican creativity, Reggae at its highest
heights and greatest power. 

But constant production and constant use of weed and booze took its physical and
mental toll in the late 70ies. Additionally the overall political situation in
Jamaica became almost civil-war-like, the streets being dangerous, looters hanging
around the studio and local gangsters pushing Scratch for protection money. Unable to
take that strain his wife and children left him and Perry started to walk the slim
line between reality and fantasy, reason and madness. Visitors and journalists
arrived at the Black Ark to find Perry worshipping bananas, eating money or spouting
long and violent diatribes. So in this time the BLACK ARK as a 'living brain', as he
described it before, ceased to function.

Perry spent much of his time vandalizing the Black Ark then, covering the once
colourful decor in bizarre and profane grafitty and splotches of black paint. Reels
of master tapes lay strewn on the floor, and the recording equipment was next to
useless due to water damage from a leaky roof. The once proud studio was now little
more than a junkyard. 

Then in 1979 Lee Perry burnt the studio down and left Jamaica for good. The whole
story of it is not clear until now, it's one more legend surrounding the mythos
Perry, but as a reason for this final step - and point of no return - he said: 

"The Black Ark was too black and too dread. Even though I am black, I have to burn it
down, to save my brain. It was too black. It want to eat me up!"

He spent some time in New York and England in the 80ies and finally married a Swiss
bussiness woman, who became his manager afterwards. The releases he turned out after
the death of the BLACK ARK never reached that quality again. He now lives in Zurich /


Additional to the records mentioned before check out 'SUPER APE', an unforgettable
dub session with the Upsetters, 'JAH LION', 'HEART OF THE CONGOS' by the CONGOS,
'ITAL CORNER' with Prince Jazzbo or 'KUNG FU MEETS THE DRAGON'. All highly

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Cyril Wecht - Hired Liar

You could not make this shit up (only, they have, and they did) - Cyril Wecht, as I live and breathe!

"Dr. Wecht is the go-to expert to almost every news organisation in the world."

Yes, because he is a Liar for Hire, that will say anything!

Of course you can, but Prince is alive, and the coroner doesn't even claim to have the toxicology results yet.

They say the released the body to the family, who immediately cremated it, before making a finding of death by misadventure or natural causes and ruling out murder - which is illegal.

So that didn't happen.

If a murder is committed, especially when the victim is rich and there is money or inheritance involved, 70% of murder victims were killed by a member of their family.

And you haven't investigated that possibility yet - so you are just going to GIVE them exhibit A, containing ALL of the evidence of foul play and allow them to destroy it..? 

This is farcical.

That didn't happen.

Wecht says (because he is being paid to say it) "the autopsy is now complete" - on a cremated corpse, that's quite a feat.

More likely, he went home to his gated community of Jehovahs Witnesses (where he currently lives) and just closes the gate.

If he claims there were ONLY two, of course - the most controlled, reductionist of Controlled Opposition.

Like that guy that was Chief Counsel to the HSCA, kept pushing the whole "The Mafia did it angle" - he would cut people off at the knees speaking to him saying "You're Conspiracy is getting too large, it has to be half a dozen people or less, otherwise it's not plausible."

Michael Jackson is in Bahrain living with his kids, we know this.

And both of them, like Elvis, left clues.

Elvis was living next door to Muhammad Ali in Michigan for many years, but they made him lay low for 12 months '77-'78 and kept him on The Island.

I have joked about this in the past, but it turns out there actually IS and Island that they use!

Which remind me - did you see Snowden is now claiming Bin Laden is alive and well and living in the Bahamas..?

That probably IS where they would send people if there really was a "The Island", just outside of US jurisdiction, but close enough to call on easily and in the same time-zone.... Just a short hop over to Key West, or any of the other banking islands.

Wecht is allowed to debate with Bugliosi in a discussion posted and hosted on David Von Pein's YouTube Channel - that's what should PROVE to you he's absolutely bought and rotten...

Oh look - They have set up an entire blog ONLY dedicated to this one Bug vs. Wecht Straw Man Dog & Pony Show...

SCRATCH THAT - Correction :

The island is in Hawaii.