Sunday 12 March 2023


“I went to The Woods because 
I wished to live deliberately
to front only the essential facts of Life, 
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach
and not, when I came to die, 
discover that 
I had not Lived.

I did not wish to Live 
what was not Life, 
Living is so dear; 
nor did I wish to practice resignation
unless it was quite necessary. 

I wanted to live deep 
and suck out all the marrow of Life, 
to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout 
all that was not Life, 
to cut a broad swath and shave close, 
to drive Life into a corner, and 
reduce it to its lowest terms.” 

— Henry David Thoreau

TEMPLE artefact #16


Death is unlucky Trump 13 
of the Major Arcana.
Death is some say, a card 
of Change, not to be feared...

Colours are RED, PURPLE, 

Our Death, like that of Jim Starlin 
and Neil Gaiman in the comics, 
is a female gothic figure, voluptuous 
and fetishistic in that inevitable intertwining 
of Sex and Death that followed 
when some opportunistic eukaryotes moved on from fission cloning.

This is The Empress Death, 
Mother of Skeletons
who also culls in 
endless abundance 
what she brings forth.

In many Death cards, 
our POV is at a safe remove, 
watching Death at work in a field, culling Kings and commoners alike.

In ours, there is no doubt 
that the figure is advancing 
toward us, taking all 
the time she needs.
She is approaching, implacably
step by step, her huge scythe swinging like a pendulum, 
she gets closer, change by change, 
moment by moment.
In the meantime, on her way, she can be a card of Radical Change
a harbinger of Transformation 
and personal growth!
On her head, she wears 
a bishop’s fish-like mitre 
(the fish is related to Death 
via the Hebrew letter NUN attributed to this Card, 
the fish swimming in the ‘underworld’…) 
with an armored VISOR 
pushed up at the front as if 
from a knight’s helmet.
On the mitre we see 
the astrological sign 
for SCORPIO with its 
hooked tail.
A weblike VEIL draping down from the mitre and the raised visor to her shoulders, covering her head. 
Under the mesh we can tell 
there is no face
only the sockets and 
grin of a SKULL.
Otherwise, she has a Burlesque 
pin-up body – waist cinched tight 
by a strappy leather corset.
In her black-gloved hands 
she wields a big and formidable 
scythe sweeping back for the cut. 
The angle of the scythe makes a diagonal slash across the centre of the image suggestive of 
a falling guillotine blade.
We can tell where she’s been 
by the swathe of cut blooms 
and floating flower heads 
in the swirling wake behind her.

clings to Death’s back, 
so that see only its 
legs and pincers wrapped 
around her body like some nightmare couture. 

These articulated scorpion legs clenched around her midriff resemble the bones of a corset. The huge, upraised PINCERS at either side, like ghastly wings. 

The thorned venomous tail 
curled up behind.
Death wades through the brackish waters of a LILY POND that come up above her knees to her thighs. We can see the tops of tight thigh boots and fishnet tights above.
Flaring out either side and dragging on the water a SKIRT.
RED HEART-SHAPED LEAVES on black branching nervous systems, we see flowers with black stems and red heads growing from the bloody acrid waters –under the surface in the red swamp water, we can see skeleton fishes swimming among the stems of flowers.

Seen through the misty gloom that fills the background above the lake -
A BOAT - simple punt belonging to 
CHARON boatman of the dead, moored at a rundown wooden jetty.

A forest of five 
SQUARE CHIMNEYS bristle in background. Cremation smoke rising in straight lines from each.
Cypress and weeping willow add to the mournful landscape.
A red, smoky sun simmers behind Death’s head, setting into the miasma. It seems to be held between the upraised pincers of the scorpion riding on Death’s back. 
In the sun can be seen 
the skeleton of an EAGLE.

7 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix-01
There is only ONE course of Action : 

My subspace link to The Collective has been weakened by the interdimensional rift. 

• We CANNOT signal for Help. 

• We ARE alone

We must construct a compliment 
of biomolecular warheads 
and modify Your Weapons to launch them.

Acting-Captain Cmdr. Chakotay
I've got a better idea — Why don't you open that rift again and take Us back?

7 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix-01 
If I did THAT
• You would NO-LONGER cooperate.

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