Thursday 6 August 2020

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity

“Note especially the points at which any members of the group begin to resist the exercizes — e.g., complain :

"This is silly," 
“I know this already," 
“This is some kind of put-on," etc. 

Note any symptoms of irritability. 

Pass no judgments on one another when such reactions appear. 

Discuss the factors that make these exercizes appear "boring" (uninteresting) or "threatening" (too interesting) to some kinds of people.”

Alert The Order if you can.

Are you mental? 
We're going with you.

It's too dangerous.

When are you going to get it into your head? 
We're in this together.

That you are.

Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl.

You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?



You sent for me, Headmistress?

Snape, yes.

The time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not.

Have you brought the Veritaserum?

I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students.

The last of it on Miss Chang.

Unless you wish to poison him... And I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did... I cannot help you.

He's got Padfoot.

He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden.

Padfoot? What is Padfoot?

Where what is hidden?

What is he talking about, Snape?

No idea.

Very well.

You give me no choice, Potter.

As this is an issue of Ministry security... you leave me with... no alternative.

The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue.

That's illegal.

What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him.

Tell her, Harry!

Tell me what?

Well, if you won't tell her where it is... I will.

Where what is?

Dumbledore's secret weapon.

How much further?

Not far.

It had to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally.

What are you doing?


Where is this weapon?
There isn't one, is there?
You were trying to trick me.

You know... I really hate children.

You have no business here, centaur. 
This is a Ministry matter.

Lower your weapons.

I warn you, under The Law, as Creatures of Near-Human Intelligence...


How dare you?

Filthy half-breed.


Please. Please stop it. Please.
Now, enough.
I will have Order.
You filthy animal.
Do you know who I am?

Leave him alone. 
It's not his fault.

No, he doesn't understand.

Potter, do something.
Tell them I mean no harm.

I'm sorry, Professor.
But I Must Not Tell Lies.

What are you doing?
I am Senior Undersecretary Dolores Jane Umbridge!
Let me go!

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