Saturday 5 August 2023

The Bad Shepherd

No. He Cannot be Destroyed. 
Cannot Die. 
Your Father made him 
Live for always. 
Now he is sick
Make him well, Frankenstein!

Baron Wolf von Frankenstein
I don't know whether I...

Your Father made him! 
And Heinrich Frankenstein 
was Your Father too.

Baron Wolf von Frankenstein
Do You mean to imply
then, that, uh... 
That is My Brother?

But His Mother 
was Lightning.

Baron Wolf von Frankenstein
Oh, Electricity. We'll see.

Rabbi :
If you had come out of Egypt, 

you would have been 

Destroyed in The Desert 

with all those who worshipped 

The Golden Calf!

Danny, Champion of 

The World (Aged 11) :

Then Let Him 

Destroy Me Now

Go ahead. Kill Me. 

Here I am. Do it. 

Rabbi :

Danny. Glad you came back

I wanted to take up 

that discussion 

We were having. 

Danny, Champion 

of The World :

I can't right now. 

About Abraham and Isaac

You remember what you said…? 

That Isaac actually died 

on Mount Moriah. 

I've been Thinking maybe 

You were right about that. 

You remember what you said

That Isaac actually died 

on Mount Moriah. 

I've been Thinking, maybe 

You were right about that. 

Died... and then reborn 

in The World to Come. 

You remember what you said…? 

That Isaac actually died 

on Mount Moriah. 

I've been Thinking, maybe 

You were right about that. 

Died... and then reborn 

in The World to Come. 

Danny, •STOP•. —

Where Do You Think 

You're going

Don't You Know?

There's nothing 

Up There. 

"...Your Only Son 

whom you love

Isaac, and go unto 

The Land of Moriah 

and offer him there as 

A Sacrifice on A Mountain 

that I will show You.

So... "I will show You.

It was A Test 

of Abraham's Faith

of his Devotion to God. 

Danny, Champion 

of The World :

It's not about 

Abraham's Faith. 

It's about God's Power


They're obsessed 

with Abstraction

"Kill Your Only Son, 

Because I'm Everything 

and You're Nothing." 

"You're nothing."

 Jews. Judaism. 

They're still just Jews. 

Differences exist, 

of course. All right? 

But they're irrelevant

'cause For A Jew

His Jewishness 

Dominates everything

And even the ones 

who renounce it, and 

Who Hate its Strength 

and want to cut it out 

of Their Hearts...


Dr. Ray Stantz, 
The Heart of The Ghostbusters :
….it’s A Girl.

Dr. Egon Spengler :
It’s Gozer.

Winston :
I Thought “Gozer” was A Man --

Dr. Egon Spengler :
It’s Whatever it Wants to Be….

Venkman :
Well, whatever it is, 
it’s got to 
Get By Us --

Go Get Her, Ray!

Gozer The Gozarian…?

Good Evening….

We Want to Think about God. 

God is a Thought, God is an Idea, but its reference is to 
something that transcends
all Thinking. 

I mean, He’s Beyond Being, Beyond the category of 
Being or Nonbeing

Is He or is He not? Neither 
Is nor Is Not.

Every God, every mythology, every religion, is True 
in this sense : It is True 
as metaphorical of 
The Human and 
Cosmic Mystery.

He Who Thinks He Knows,
Doesn’t Know. 
He Who Knows that 
He Doesn’t Know, knows.

There is an old story 
that is still good — 
The Story of The Quest, 
The Spiritual Quest, 
that is to say, to find 
the inward thing that 
You basically are

All of these symbols in mythology refer to you — 

Have you been reborn? 
Have you died to your animal nature and come to life as a human incarnation? 
You are God in your deepest identity. 
You are one with the transcendent.

The images of God are many. 
Joseph Campbell called them 
“The Masks of Eternity,” and said 
they both cover and reveal 
the face of glory. 
All our names and images for God are masks, Campbell said, 
they signify that ultimate reality, which by definition transcends language and art.

A Myth is a Mask of God, too, a metaphor for what lies behind the visible world. 
As teacher, scholar and writer, Joseph Campbell spent his life in the study of comparative religion. He wanted to know what it means that God assumes such different masks in different cultures. We go east of Suez and see people dancing before a bewildering array of fantastic gods. When those people come here, well, Campbell told the story of the young Hindu who called on him in New York and said, “When I visit a foreign country, I like to acquaint myself with its religion. So I bought myself a Bible and for some months now have been reading it from the beginning. 

But, you know, I can’t 
find any religion in it.”

But Joe, can Westerners grasp this kind of mystical trance 
theological experience? 
It does transcend theology, it leaves theology behind. I mean, if you’re locked to the image of God in a culture where science determines your perceptions of reality, how can you experience this ultimate ground that the shamans talk about?

The best example I know in our literature is that beautiful book by John Neihardt called Black Elk Speaks.

Black Elk was?

Black Elk was a young Sioux or Dakota, as they are often called, boy around nine years old, before the American cavalry had encountered the Sioux. 

They were the great people of the plains. 

And this boy became sick, psychologically sick. His family…I’m telling the typical shaman story. The child begins to tremble, and is immobilized, and the family’s terribly concerned about it. And they send for a shaman who had had the experience in his own youth, to come as a psychoanalyst, you might say, and pull the youngster out of it. But instead of relieving him of the deities, he is adapting him to the deities, and the deities to himself, you might say. It’s a different problem from that of psychoanalysis. I think it was Nietzsche who said, “Be careful, lest in casting out your devil, you cast out the best thing that’s in you.” Here, the deities who have been encountered the powers, let’s call them are retained. The connection is retained, it’s not broken. And these men then become the spiritual advisers and gift-givers of their people.

Well, what happened with this young boy, he was about nine years old, was he had a vision, and the vision is described, and it’s a vision prophetic of the terrible future that his tribe was to have. But it also spoke of the possible positive aspects of it. It was a vision of what he called the hoop of his nation, realizing that it was one of many hoops which is something that we haven’t all learned well enough yet and the cooperation of all the hoops and all the nations and grand processions and so forth. But more than that, it was an experience of himself as going through the realms of spiritual imagery that were of his culture, and assimilating their import. And it comes to one great statement, which for me is a key statement of the understanding of myth and symbols. He says. “I saw myself on the central mountain of the world, the highest place. And I had a vision, because I was seeing in a sacred manner, of the world.” And the sacred central mountain was Harney Peak in South Dakota. And then he says, “But the central mountain is everywhere.” That is a real mythological realization.


It distinguishes between the local cult image, Harney Peak, and its connotation, the center of the world. The center of the world is the hub of the universe, axis mundi, do you know, the central point, the pole star around which all revolves. The central point of the world is the point where stillness and movement are together. Movement is time, stillness is eternity, realizing the relationship of the temporal moment to the eternal not moment, but forever -is the sense of life. Realizing how this moment in your life is actually a moment of eternity, and the experience of the eternal aspect of what you’re doing in the temporal experience is the mythological experience, and he had it. So is the central mountain of the world Jerusalem, Rome, Banaras. Lhasa, Mexico City, you know? Mexico City, Jerusalem, is symbolic of a spiritual principle as the center of the world.

So this little Indian was saying, there is a shining point where all lines intersect?

That’s exactly what he said.

He was saying God has no circumference.

God is an intelligible sphere, let’s say a sphere known to the mind, not to the senses, whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere. And the center, Bill, is right where you’re sitting, and the other one is right where I’m sitting. And each of us is a manifestation of that mystery.

Friday 4 August 2023


WHO is This
Who is COMING?

Thor (to The Ultron-Maggot)
Who SENT You?

(whirring tape rewind — 
in Tony’s Voice) :
I SEE, a Suit of Armour 
around The World…

Vinz, You Said before You were 
Waiting for A Sign —

WHAT Sign are You 
Waiting for?

Vinz Clortho
Gozer The Traveler! 

He will COME in one of 
the PRE-CHOSEN Forms. 

During The Rectification of 
The Vuldronaii, 
The Traveler came as a 
LARGE and moving TORB. 

Then, during 
The Third Reconciliation 
of The Last of The 
Meketrex Supplicants, 
They chose a NEW form for Him; 
that of a giant SLOAR! 

(Many Shubs and Zulls 
knew What it Was 
to be roasted in 
The Depths of The Sloar 
that day, I can tell you….)

…it’s A Girl.


They must be left there!

To Die?

There is no option — 
To reopen teleport contact could 
expose the base to undefined 
Systems Influence.

Oh, You'll have to do 
better than that, Orac, 
if You expect Me to 
KILL them.

Course co-ordinates one five two 
by zero zero five.

Report on that turbulence back there.

Power surge.

Details! [Turns towards Tarrant.] Anything?
Yes. Power surge in drive unit two! [Alarm sounds.]
But ... how? [Turns towards Slave.] Report!
Assessments failure.
Assessments failure? Huh! We'll just have to ask Orac, then, won't we! Let the expert sort it out.


Yes, sir!


What's got into Slave? 

[Camera shot of Muller in the medicapsule.]
[Avon, Orac, Dayna and Soolin at Xenon base.]

Random fluctuation 
in circuit pulses.


External Influence.

[V.O. over comm.] 
With nothing visible on the detectors.

[V.O. over comm.] 
Nor the scanners.

Could they be faulty?
Detector and scanner circuits record normal function.
So how is it external?
A freak magnetic storm?
That would have been observed.
[V.O. over comm.] So what have you observed?
A paradox.
In other words, nothing.
Correction. The pulse influences are external to the circuits, but could be internal to the craft.
Internal? [Opens comm link.] Tarrant, what have you got up there apart from yourself, a half-wit and a corpse?
[V.O. over comm.] A box. [Shot changes to Tarrant on Scorpio.]
[V.O. over comm.] Describe.
Cuboid. Made of what looks like parafit, roughly the size of a power unit. I found it in Muller's lab.
[V.O. over comm.] Any idea what's in it?
None at all.
[V.O. over comm.] What's the matter, has Vila lost his touch?
Give me just one minute.
Vila, no! [Vila approaches the box. As he touches it, the same electrical power surge occurs again. Vila tries again with the same result.]
Course co-ordinates one five two by zero one eight.
Zero one eight, that's way out.
Apply course correction. Priority! [Points to Slave.]
[Opens comm link.] Are you there, Avon?
[V.O. over comm.] What's happening?
Slave appears to have thrown off his chains.
Apply course correction, Slave, now!
Right, that's it, finished, we'll do without the useless thing.
[V.O. over comm.] He's right for once, Tarrant. Take the Slave computer offline. Do it now.
Trying to pilot this ship without a flight computer is gonna be hard work, Avon.
At least we'll be heading in the right direction.
You really think Slave is the source of the problem?
[V.O. over comm.] It shows signs of malfunction, wouldn't you say?
That's not what I asked.
[V.O. over comm.] At this distance it's the best I can do.
[sighs] I'm taking Slave offline. [Slave goes offline.] On manual control, Orac. Confirm course.
[V.O. over comm.] Course one five two by zero zero five.
[Sits next to Tarrant.] A little hard work never hurt anyone.
How would you know?

Wednesday 2 August 2023


House guests leaving The Nursery…. 
Wait! Something's Wrong -- 
One of them's a girl!

Say again, lookout? 

One of them's a girl
They're the wrong ones

Rat Trap! 
Rat Trap now!

Arthur Martin chased suspects through clues on paper : studying the messages, reviewing the files, and slowly filling in the pieces of the puzzle. The tighter the pieces fit, the clearer the patchwork scheme became, and the more effectively field agents could operate. For this assignment, he had to penetrate the clues available in the decoded messages of the Russians and try to ferret out the traitor and what secrets he had betrayed. Hamstrung from lack of information, he could do little until the endless blocks of numbers in the coded messages yielded treasure. He waited. 

In a move to lift the veil, British intelligence officers in Washington told Martin that they were keen to dig into the 1944–45 files on the Manhattan Project. Their information was still fragmentary, but using the specifics they had—a scientist, perhaps British or British sponsored, working in the United States on a project probably related to atomic energy in 1944 — they thought they could link the clues and identify the scientist who had betrayed them. A week later, they cabled Martin that they had come up empty, and any notion of an easy solution had evaporated. As the second week of the hunt rolled in, some light peeked through the clouds. 

The relentless chipping away of the code breakers in Arlington had extracted more information hidden in the blocks of numbers. The embassy sent Martin actual text from ten partially deciphered messages. But with the mixed bundle of fully deciphered sentences, partial ones, and large chunks of code that defied best efforts, he had plenty of head-scratching ahead. 

A message from New York to Moscow dated June 15, 1944, typified the decoded material he had in hand : 


[1 group unrecovered] received from REST the third part of report MSN-12 Efferent Fluctuation in a Stream [STRUYA] [37 groups unrecoverable] Diffusion Method—work on his specialty. 

R. expressed doubt about the possibility of remaining in the COUNTRY [STRANA] without arousing suspicion. 

According to what R. says, the ISLANDERS [OSTROVITYaNE] and TOWNSMEN [GOROZhANE] have finally fallen out as a result of the delay in research work on diffusion. . . . * 

Only the latter part of the word has been recovered, but “Diffusion” is probable from the context. 

The code breakers had to turn seemingly random number blocks into Russian words and then into English, with specific code names requiring identifiers as well. Some of the identifiers were clear —“COUNTRY” was the United States, “ISLANDERS” were the British, and “TOWNSMEN” were the Americans. 

R, “REST,” was The Mystery. 


Martin was different from most other officers in counterintelligence. He didn’t belong to the class of “gents” recruited from Oxbridge by way of Eton or Harrow, the toffs who dominated the intelligence establishment. His education was plebeian, and he belonged to no clubs. Baby-faced and a heavy smoker, he kept a bottle of scotch in the desk drawer and drank it out of a coffee cup when needed. But he was a dedicated professional and a lawyer with meticulous focus, good intuition, and an analytical mind. The director of B Branch, Dick White, had brought him in, and they had a close relationship, both professionally and personally. Martin had married White’s secretary, Joan. Of course, in the symbiotic underworld of spying, the connection didn’t stop there. Before her marriage to Martin, Joan had carried on an affair with White. 

Scrutinizing the text of the ten new messages, Martin carefully extracted and listed the certainties along with the uncertainties. He could document that The Spy called Rest was male, had been in the United States between March 1944 and July 1944, had worked on an Anglo-American scientific project, had contact with the report “MSN I-Efferent Fluctuations in the Stream,” and had a sister who probably lived in the United States. At least, the sister’s time in the United States overlapped with his. In 1944, an unknown Soviet agent visited this woman in October and possibly again in November

The key uncertainties were the nationality of the scientist, his possible transfer back to the U.K., the location of his sister, and the nature of the scientific project he’d worked on. The messages indicated that the British had considered transferring their researchers back to the U.K. because of tensions with the Americans. When confronted with this, the Americans countered that it would be a violation of the secret, scientific agreement that was part of The Atlantic Charter, signed by Churchill and Roosevelt. The messages didn’t indicate a decision about the transfer. 

Had Rest been posted to another position in the United States or sent back to the U.K.? Martin was left hanging. 

The British security officers in Washington worked closely with the FBI, the British shuttling between their embassy on Massachusetts Avenue and the FBI’s Washington field office housed in the Old Post Office Building near the White House. 

They both concluded that Rest had most likely infiltrated The Manhattan Project on the atomic bomb. 

MI5 and the FBI agreed on a concerted effort, to protect the top secret decoding project Venona, even if it slowed down the discovery of the spy. Initiated on February 1, 1943, and continuing for decades, Venona was run by the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service (later absorbed into the National Security Agency) as a means of decrypting messages transmitted by Soviet intelligence agencies. The longer the Russians stayed in the dark about Venona and the extent of Venona’s access, the longer Washington and London had an intelligence edge. Five-year-old messages could still betray valuable secrets. 

Martin met with his counterparts in MI6, the military’s division of foreign intelligence, to pinpoint the best entry into the maze of Rest’s identity. On September 1, the embassy in Washington cabled him that the FBI had identified two possibilities. 

Following the trail of clues from the report “Efferent Fluctuation in a Stream” that Rest had handed over, they made a breakthrough. That report had originated from the British scientific team. 

A particular physicist had written some papers for a research series, and his movements matched Rest’s. 

The FBI offered up the name of one Karl Fuchs, a naturalized British subject of German origin. 

According to their information, he had arrived in New York on December 3, 1943, and had then been transferred to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, on August 14, 1944. The Washington team requested all information on this man. 

Their main questions : Did he have a sister in the United States? 

And if so, where was she?”

Tuesday 1 August 2023


I’m sorry, sir, You’re not 
Allowed in There — 

“Not Allowed”? Me? 
I’m allowed everywhere!

The Imitation Game Begins

Time’s Champion
The Prisoner's Dilemma. 

You can't just •stroll•  in here —

Oh, SHUT UP, Crane. 
You're Familiar with 
The Prisoner's Dilemma, then? 

Time’s Champion
Based on a false premise, 
Don’t You Think, 
like all zero sum games, 
but a neat algorithm 
Doctor Judson

Excuse Me
Do You Have any 
Official Stationery and 
A Typewriter I could Use? 

[ DRACULA Reference. ]

(still absorbing The Compliment.)
….On The Desk. 

Time’s Champion
•Thank• You. 

You're obviously also An Expert 
in this field, but I'm afraid 
I don't recognise  —

Time’s Champion : 

ACE! :
Hi, I'm Ace and 
This is The Professor. 

Time’s Champion :

Sorry, Doctor. Oh, wow
Have You Seen This, Professor? 

(The Doctor starts typing
as Ace takes the puzzle from the top of a filing cabinet.) 

Put it down, child; 
It's Not a Toy

I know it's not.
It's a flip-flop thingy. 
We used them at school. 

You understand it? 

ACE! :

Yeah, it's  A Logic Game, isn't it? 

You drop marbles in The Top, 
and depending on what colour 
each Window is, The Marble 
Follows a Different Path

You've got A Logic Diagram 
for it on The Backboard. 

But this is extraordinary
And You Say, You learnt 
about Logic at school

Miss Birkett Taught Us 
in Computer Studies. 
She was well Good. 

Can I borrow this? 

Time’s Champion
TWO PENS, please!


(Nurse Crane hands The Doctor 
Two Pens.) 

Time’s Champion
Ah, •Thank• You. 

(The Doctor •crosses• His Arms 
and signs Two Names 
at the bottom of his fresh 
War Office Headed Paper, 
which SAYS,


This is to Authorise 
The Entry of The Doctor 
and His Assistant Ace 
into The Naval Camp.

Signed :
Winston Churchill PM 
Stuart Menzies.

Time’s Champion
There We Are. Come in —

(There is THEN a knock 
at the door — Sgt. Bates enters.

I'm sorry to disturb you sir, 
but These Two are 
unauthorised personnel. 

Time’s Champion :
perfect Naturalness
Unauthorised? We are here 
by urgent request of 
The War Office. 

I Think You’ll find 
This is Signed by 
The Prime Minister and 
The Head of The Secret Service. 

(The Doctor hands Captain Bates his fresh forgery.

I must apologise, sir. 
[ DOESN’T Know Who He is,
can’t ask WHY He’s THERE —
The Poetry of WAR :
The Imitation Game. ]
We weren't informed 
of  Your Arrival. 

[ That’s a Joke about Casablanca. ]

Time’s Champion
(•slight• smirk.)
Need to Know, Captain, 
Need to Know. 

Doctor Judson's Work
at Trying to Break 
The German Codes 
is vitally important 
to The War Effort. 

BATES: (to Ace
We Thought •you• were something 
to do with those East End kids. 

[ Yeah, Nobody ASKED 
What You Thought, Bates —
OR, What sort of A Woman 
You and The Squaddies 
had DECIDED that she was,
BEFORE Trying to 
TALK to Her… ]

I'm not from The East End, 
I'm from —

Perhaps You'd Like to 
See The Ultima Machine

[ You JUST Met Him;
You JUST Met Him, 
TWO Minutes ago, 
You DON’T Know Who He is,
WHY He is Here, 
Who SENT Him,
WHAT, precisely,  He is UP to,
and •NOW•  You’re GIVING him privileged, •direct• access 
to THE Most Closely Kept, 
Guarded and Protected 
Strategic State Secret —

Because He •recognises• You.

He recognises Your Genius, 
and has the capacity, imagination, 
and technical understanding 
to VALUE You, and •Appreciate• 
The •Scale• of 
Your Achievements (So Far —)
 — NOT to Help with The Work;

He Needs No Assistance;
He Has Nurse Cane —
He Does Not Require 
any Further Assistants.

Is THIS The Face of Sutekh…?

gazes up• 

•I• am The Servant of Sutekh;


I, Bring Sutekh’s GIFT 
of DEATH, To ALL Humanity.

•Roll End Credits •

Time’s Champion
The Ultima Machine? Yes. 

Ah, Bates, Go and Fetch 
Commander Millington, will you? 


Time’s Champion
Well, on second thoughts, 
it's been a tiring day. 
Perhaps tomorrow, Doctor Judson. 
If you'll just show us to 
our quarters, we'd be grateful. 
Thank you.

[Maidens Point]

Now, as soon as it's Dark
We check The Base. 

Petrossian, You check the shoreline 
in case anything gets washed up. 


It only needs one

Will You Listen to Me
There's EVIL here. 
Can't You Feel it, 
cold against Your Skin. 

More stupid Armenian superstitions…..

…..You're supposed 
to be A Soldier

So Was He

You Follow Orders.

(Gayev is still alive, but shaking. Down on the shoreline, in the gloom, Petrossian finds the oilskin pouch and slits it open with his knife. Inside is a photograph of Doctor Judson and a map.)