Monday 5 June 2017

Accession : Prince Hal

We remember you of old, Merlyn - what trickery is this?
He's trying to foist a fatherless boy on us! 
Do you want a bastard for a King...?

"I am a bastard too; I love bastards: I am a bastard
begot, bastard instructed, bastard in mind, bastard
in valour, in every thing illegitimate. One bear will
not bite another, and wherefore should one bastard?
Take heed, the quarrel's most ominous to us: if the
son of a whore fight for a whore, he tempts judgment:
farewell, bastard."

Edward De Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford,
Lover and BabyFather to Queen Elizabeth I
Troilus and Cressida 

" We mustn’t forget that Elizabeth and her government have total power of censorshipsuppressionimprisonmenttorture, even death 

And she had made it High Treason to even speak or write about any royal claim. "

In the Name of 

  • God, 
  • St. Michael and 
  • St. George 

I give you the Right to Bear Arms and the Power to Mete Justice!

That duty I will solemnly obey, as Knight and King.

I never saw this...

Rize... King Harry.

I am your humble Knight, and I swear allegiance to the courage in your veins -

So strong it is, its source must be Queen Diana Spencer of the House of Stewart

I doubt you No More!

Full-sized portrait of 
Elizabeth "Bess" Raleigh, 
ca. 1600 by Robert Peake the Elder (ca. 1551–1619)

Walter Raleigh and son Walter 1602


Sunday 4 June 2017

London Bridge Terror Attack : LIARS

Free Speech is not a Right, it's a Duty.

And under this regime, it's mandatory.

Street Theatre

Elizabeth Urquhart : 
I think you should do something, Francis.

Urquhart : 
I think so too - Cawdor..?

Cawdor : 
Accident of some sort - riot; explosion. 
Small bomb - minor injuries, IRA Code-Word... all of the usual Provo hallmarks
We could lay that on at... 90 minutes notice.

Urquhart : 
No... not this time - I was thinking some more like: 
a Happening.

Elizabeth Urquhart : 
Bit of Street Theatre - with a happy ending

Urquhart : 
And a moral, of course...

"The King of England is a Venetian Doge"

- Benjamin Disreali

Machiavelli wrote that the Venetians had “fixed in their souls the intention of creating a monarchy on the Roman model.” This is corroborated by a dispatch of the ambassador of Louis XII of France at the court of the Emperor Maximilian I some years later, which described the Venetians as:
traders in human blood, traitors to the Christian faith who have tacitly divided up the world with the Turks, and who are already planning to throw bridgeheads across the Danube, the Rhine, the Seine, and Tagus, and the Ebro, attempting to reduce Europe to a province and to keep it subjugated to their armies.
These megalomaniac plans of the Venetians were no secret. In 1423, the Doge Tommaso Mocenigo had urged upon his fellow oligarchs a policy of expansionism which would make them the overlords “of all the Gold and of Christendom.
The most penetrating indictments of the Venetians during this period were issued by Pope Pius II Piccolomino, who tried in vain to force Venice into joining a crusade against the Turks. A Venetian saying of this period was Prima son Vinizian, poi son Cristian. (I am a Venetian first, then a Christian.”

In his Commentaries, Pius II excoriates the Venetians for their duplicitous treachery, and establishes the fact that they are a pagan, totalitarian state. The Venetians, he says, have acted in their diplomacy:
with the good faith characteristics of barbarians, or after the manner of traders whose nature it is to weigh everything by utility, paying no attention to honor. But what do fish care about law? 

As among the brute beasts aquatic creatures have the least intelligence, so among human beings the Venetians are the least just and the least capable of humanity, and naturally so, for they live on the sea and pass their lives in the water; they use ships instead of horses; they are not so much companions of men as of fish and comrades of marine monsters. 

They please only themselves, and while they talk they listen to and admire themselves…. 

They are hypocrites. They wish to appear as Christians before the world, but in reality they never think of God and, except for the state, which they regard as a deity, they hold nothing sacred, nothing holy. 

To a Venetian, that is just which is for the good of the state; that is pious which increases The Empire…. 

What the senate approves is holy even though it is opposed to the gospel…. 

They are allowed to do anything that will bring them to supreme power. 

All law and right may be violated for the sake of power.
During many of these years Venetians were in a tacit alliance with the Turks. When, for example, a revolt against Venetian rule in Albania was started, threatening the Venetian naval base at Durazzo, the Venetians made a deal with the Turks to crush the revolt. On one occasion Pius II received the Venetian ambassador to the Roman court and condemned Venetian policy with these words:
Your cause is one with thieves and robbers…. No power was ever greater than the Roman empire and yet God overthrew it because it was impious, and He put in its place the priesthood because it respected divine law…. 

You think [your] republic will last forever. 
It will not last long. 

Your population so wickedly gathered together will soon be scattered abroad. The offscourings of fishermen will be exterminated. A mad state cannot long stand.

These Are Your Rights

This is a Public Service Announcement :
Know Your Rights - 
All 3 of Them

Number 1
You have the Right Not to be Killed
Murder is a CRIME! *
* Unless it was done by a
Policeman or aristocrat

Number 2
You have the Right to Food Money *
* Providing of course you don't mind a little
Investigation, humiliation
And if you cross your fingers, Rehabilitation

Number 3
You have the Right to Free Speech * 
 *As long as you're not
Dumb enough to actually try it.

Saturday 3 June 2017

Qui Bono?


Certain Freezers - Constructivism

You made your examination under conditions which we cannot trust. 

We judge reality by the response of our senses. 

Once we are convinced of the reality of a given situation, we abide by its rules.

Certain Freezers - Poltergeists, Stigmata and Constructionism

" The only way he could do it is if he sabotaged certain freezers on the way home... namely, yours. 

Then he could jettison the bodies 
and make up any story he liked. "
Stigmata are nearly always anatomically incorrect, but iconically accurate - they closely match the wound locations on the crucifixes, statuary and icons in the stigmatics own church.

Spock, you've got something? 

A fact, Captain. Physical laws simply cannot be ignored. Existence cannot be without them. 

What do you mean, Spock? 

I mean, Doctor, that we are faced with a staggering contradiction. 
The tranquilliser you created should have been effective. 

It would've been effective anywhere else. 

Exactly. Doctor, in your opinion, what killed Mister Chekov? 

A piece of lead in his body. 

Wrong. His mind killed him. 

Come on, Spock. If you've got the answer, tell us. 

Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. 
Where the laws do not operate, there is no reality. 
All of this is unreal. 

What do you mean unreal? 
I examined Chekov. He's dead. 

But you made your examination under conditions which we cannot trust. 

We judge reality by the response of our senses. 

Once we are convinced of the reality of a given situation, we abide by its rules. 

We judged the bullets to be solid, the guns to be real, therefore they can kill. 

Chekov is dead because he believed the bullets would kill him. 

He may indeed be dead. 
We do not know. 

But we do know that the Melkotians created the situation. 
If we do not allow ourselves to believe that the bullets are real, they cannot kill us. 

I know the bullets are unreal, therefore they cannot harm me. 

We must all be as certain as you are, Mister Spock, to save our lives. 



This, You Can Trust.


Who let's a WEBSITE tell them who to vote for?!?

Only Machine Men! With Machine Minds!

Slaves 2 The Traffic Light

You are not Machines! 
You are Men!

"Confused About How to Vote in This Election [written on a BIG YELLOW BACKGROUND....]?"

No, not even slightly. 

Because We are Revolutionaries, 
We are engaged in The Struggle, 
We believe in Dialectics and 
We Know that Conflict brings CLARITY

We Are Not Confused.

We Are the Knights Who Say "Us".

HEAR ME!!, you wrangling pirates, that fall out 
In sharing that which you have pill'd from me!!!

Which of you trembles not that looks on me? 

Can curses pierce the clouds and enter heaven? 

Why, then, give way, dull clouds, to my quick curses! 

Eye have never prayed 2 U B4. 
Eye have know tongue 4 it. 

No-One, not even U, Will remember if We Were Good Men or Bad. Why We Fought, or Why We Died. 

All that matters is that 2 stood against Many 
When 2 R In Luv.

That's What's Important! 

Valor pleases you, Crom... 

And if You Do Not Listen - 
Then 2HELL With U!

Live each of you the subjects to his hate, 
And he to yours, and all of you to God's!


The Yellow Dots are the locations of all the anti-terror POLICE cameras (not private CCTV or security cameras), on AND MONITORED 24/7 from a Control Room at New Scotland Yard, installed in the mid 1990s.

And this...

This is a Police camera on a 50m pole, directed along London Bridge.

We are going to show them commitment.
We are going to make them pay for this bridge.

We are going to see if the bastards can swim.
Giordano Bruno
"The Black Friar"
"Patron Saint" and Martyr of Speculative Freemasonry

Heath Ledger, Under the Bridge

At least I have Her love
The City, She loves me
Lonely as I am
Together We cry

Roberto Calvi, "God's Banker",
Under the Bridge (Blackfriars)
Bricks in his pockets

The Godfather Part III
Under the Bridge
On the Muddy Banks of Wikasah

Fat Head - Diabetes is Curable

Type I and Type II Diabetes are two completely different diseases.

Up On the Roof

John Milton: [On the roof] 
What do you think? Some people can't handle it 

Kevin Lomax: 
It's peaceful 

John Milton: 
My sentiments exactly, fill in the resume for me, what does your father do? 

Kevin Lomax: 
I never got to know my father, he passed away before I was born my mother raised me just the two of us 

John Milton: 
That can't be easy in a town like Gainesville can it? 

Kevin Lomax: 
I don't think it's easy anywhere 

John Milton:
 A little different when you looking down isn't it? 

Kevin Lomax: 
Yes it is 

John Milton: 
Your mother, what's she like? 

Kevin Lomax: 
She's a preacher's daughter she's tough she's worked at the same poultry as I can remember she's got a church she really likes, she's usually there or they go out and do a lot of volunteer work 

John Milton: 
Did it rub off? The book or the church? 

Kevin Lomax: 
No I'm on parole early release for time served 

John Milton: 
A lot of potential clients down there 

Kevin Lomax: 
why do you need a criminal department? 

John Milton: 
Our clients break the law like anyone else just tired of sending their business across the street 

Kevin Lomax:
 Are you offering me a job? 

John Milton: 
I'm thinking about it, I know you got talent, I knew that before you got here its just the other thing I wonder about: Pressure it changes everything some people you squeeze them, they focus others fold can you summon your talent at will? Can you deliver on a deadline? Can you sleep at night? 

Kevin Lomax: 
When do we talk about money? 

John Milton: 
Money? That's the easy part

Covenant : "Now Look What You've Done"

"I think, if we are kind, it will be a kind World."

"You remember when you were 6? 
You and your brother sneaked into an empty building through a basement window. 
You were gonna play doctor. He showed you his. 
When it got to be your turn, you chickened and ran. 

Remember that? Have you ever told anybody that? 
Your mother? Tyrell? Anybody, uh? 

You remember The Spider that lived in a bush outside your window? 

Orange body, green legs. 
You watched her build her web all summer. 
Then one day there was a big egg in. 
The egg hatched.

The egg hatched. 
And hundreds of baby spiders came out. 
And they ate her.

Implants. Those aren't your memories, they're somebody else's. 
They're Tyrell's niece's. 

(silence, Rachael fighting her tears) 

Ok. Bad joke. I made a bad joke. You're not a Replicant. Go home. Ok? No really, I'm sorry. Go home."