Sunday, 13 October 2024


Making of Batman Returns (1992) - Max Shreck Origins

I'd offer you coffee, but my assistant 
is using her vacation time.

Bruce Wayne :
Good time. Everyone but The Bandits'll 
be slacking off till after the New Year.

I'm not sure I like The Inference.

Bruce Wayne :
I didn't realize I made one.

I'm pushing this Power-plant NOW, 
because it'll cost more later.
A million saved is a million earned.

Bruce Wayne :
I commissioned this report. Take a look at it.
Gotham City has a Power surplus. 
I'm sure you KNOW that.
My Question is: 
"What's your angle?"

"Power surplus?" Bruce, shame on you!
No such thing. One can never have too much Power.
If My Life has a meaning, that's The Meaning.

Bruce Wayne :
I'll fight you. I've already spoken 
to The Mayor and we agree.

Mayors come and go, 
blue-bloods tire easy;
you think he could go 15 rounds 
with Mohammed Schrek...?

Walken :
“He's an industrialist uh he owns, among other things 
has met uh Schrek's department store —”

Originally, the Max Shreck character, he is 
The Golden Boy -Son of The Cobblepots, 
and it turns out that He and Penguin are Brothers and 
there was that kind of dichotomy in the movie of like 
The Saintly Brother who runs The City 
and the ultimate Black sheep who was 
thrown in The Sewer and 
how they come up together
 but the script and the movie 
is way too rich to begin with 
and that was just another layer 
that we finally had to lose.

“When I suggested to Tim Burton, 
Tim, I thought of Christopher Walken —”
and Tim, who loves ghouls and 
skeletons and odd things said 
Oh, no —”, he said “He’s…. he's..
I'm afraid of him 
he scares me —

And I said “But Tim — you're 
supposed to be afraid 
of Max Schrek -- 
Christopher Walken 

They made up a fictional character 
that's not in Batman's universe, and 
suddenly he becomes the most exciting character 
in the film -- well, sorry but that's what you get 
when you put Christopher Walken in a role 

The Prince of fuckin' Darkness :
He says that there's no such thing as too much power 
he says that, that's what his life is about, now —
that's uh those are actually his lines 
I think he means it —

Bottom line, she tries to blackmail me,
I'll drop her out a higher window —
meantime, got better fish to fry 

Walken :
I think Max probably didn't have a lot of education 
and that he sort of made his own way, you know —

The Media :
What's The Deal, Mr. Schrek? 
Is The Penguin a personal friend ?

Yes he's a personal friend, of this whole city  —
so have a heart — give The Constitution 
a rest, okay it's Christmas 

Walken :
I Think that Max and The Penguin….for their 
own reasons enjoy each other's company
probably because when you're like that 
there aren't that many people 
you can talk to —

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Friday, 11 October 2024

King Osric, The Usurper

Great scene with Max von sydow as King Osric in Conan the Barbarian (198...

They were taken to the hall of King Osric, The Usurper, 
once a powerful Northman like my lord, 
but now old and sotted

These are the thieves you have requested, Sire. 
I thought there were three. 

Our companion, he died in 
the gardens. Lions ate him. 

Lions ate him? The lions ate him. 

Do you know what you've done? Why, Rexor himself has come before me, threatened me, a king. What daring! What outrageousness! What insolence! What arrogance! I salute you. 

Thulsa Doom. I've chafed 
for years at this demigod. 

Snakes, in my beautiful city. 
To the west, Nemedia, Aquilonia. 
To the south, Koth, Stygia, snakes
Everywhere these evil towers. 

You alone have stood up to their gods. 
And what are you? Thieves

You see this? They call it 
the "Fangs of the Serpent.” 
And this one was thrust into 
a father's heart by his very son. 

And my own daughter has fallen 
under this Thulsa Doom's spell. 
Is there a dagger such as this 
in her hand for me

She follows him as a slave, seeking for 
The Truth of her soul as if 
I could not give it to her! 

As we speak my daughter 
travels east to Thulsa Doom 
and his Mountain of Power. 
She is to be his

Steal my daughter back
Take all you can carry. 
There's more. Much more. 

Enough to become 
kings yourselves

There comes a time, Thief, when 
the jewels cease to sparkle, 
when the gold loses its luster, 
when the throne room 
becomes a prison, and 
all that is left is A Father's 
love for His Child. 

To the hell fires with Thulsa Doom. He's evil, a sorcerer who can summon demons. 
His followers' only purpose 
is to die in his service. 
There are thousands of them. 
This Mountain of Power where he lives 
is said to be impregnable. 

I have talked to Subotai and he agrees. 
Let's take what we have while we live
I have never had SO much as now. 
All my life I've been alone
Many times I face my death 
with no one to know

I would look into the huts and the tents 
of others in the coldest dark and 
I would see figures holding 
each other in the night. 
But I always passed by. 

You and I, we have warmth
That's so hard to find in this world. 

Please, let someone else 
pass by in the night. 

Let us take the world by the throat 
and make it give us what we desire. 

The children of Doom. Doom's children. They told my lord the way to the Mountain of Power. They told him to throw down his sword and return to the earth. Time enough for the earth in the grave. Once great men lived here. Giants, gods. Once, but long ago. It was here that I met my master. It was no accident. Nor is it mere chance that I am the teller of his tale. Hey! I'm a wizard, mind you. This place is kept by powerful gods and spirits of kings. Harm my flesh, and you will have to deal with the dead. Can you summon demons, Wizard? Yes! If I strike at you, I would summon a demon more ferocious than all in hell! The mounds have been here since the time of the Titans. Kings buried in them. Great kings. Domains once glittered like the light on a windy sea. Fire won't burn there. No fire at all. That's why I live down here in the wind. Do you care for these places? I sing to them. On nights when they wish I sing of the tales of battles, heroes, witches and women. Nobody bothers me down here. Not even Thulsa Doom. Do flowers grow around here? Flowers? Flowers. You've not come here as a pilgrim, have you? Oil the sword and feed the horse. Have you ever ridden one of those things before? No! Warrior! What are the flowers for? For a girl.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Can I cut A Hole in Your Fence?

You are Unwise to Lower Your Defences

Can I cut A Hole 
in Your Fence?

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Nick Roeg’s Heart of Darkness



“As in most households Hugh and Mary shared the extra work, drawing on mutual understanding and goodwill. To encourage this, the marital ideal was, according to one puritan writer, a 'continual stream of familiar conversation': honest, amiable chatting throughout the day about everything that needed doing. Mary collected eggs and fruit, weeded the garden and looked after the goats, whose milk they drank and sold." In the autumn she would be expected to help Hugh bring in the maize harvest. Her workload did not abate as her baby quickened inside her, and matrimony began to seem more like service - except with greater responsibility. 

Hugh, too, felt the weight of expectation. With a child on the way, he would have to make a crib, with a hood against draughts, or borrow one from neighbours enjoying a brief respite between births; but that was only the beginning. Reaching the estate of A Householder conferred esteem yet also put Manhood on trial, weighed it against custom

He had to balance Patriarchal Dominance with DEPENDANCE on His Wife - as hard to maintain as the temperature in a kiln. 

Order was everything

As one New England minister preached that year: 'You husbands, wives, masters, servants : remember if you are not good in your places, you are not good at all.' Falling short of ideals, however, was the more usual outcome.

Marriages were like flawed bricks that exploded during firing, or which looked sturdy but cracked and crumbled under pressure: often, things like a forthcoming harvest or the arrival of a child in a couple's lives. They may not have understood what was happening, what had changed.

It may have felt like some malign intervention, unseen and beyond reason or obvious heavenly design. After all, one reliable proof for Witchcraft, scholars taught, was 'when married people formerly loving very well, hate one another without any evident cause'. It was easier, perhaps, to imagine a curse inflicted from without than some affliction incubating within. Unhappy marriages were devastating to the reputations of men and women alike because in the sight of God and The Community it meant they had FAILED.'

Monday, 7 October 2024


Ishmael’ : 
Ahoy There! Someone aboard?
Is this The Captain 
of The Pequod?

Snooty Quaker Investor :
What Doest Thee want 
of The Captain?

Ishmael’ : 
We were thinking of shipping.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Thee art Thinking 
of Shipping…

Ishmael’ : 
I art.... I mean
I Doest.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Making Sport of Me, lad?

Ishmael’ : 
No. I just fell into that 
manner of Speech.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
If I weren't a Quaker and 
Man of Peace, I'd fetch Thee 
clout on the side of Thy Head,
My Lad, just to make sure.

I see Thee art no 
New Bedford-man.
Doest know nothing at all 
about Whaling, I daresay.

Ishmael’ :
I've had several voyages
in the merchant service.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Merchant service? Flukes, man.
What takes Thee whaling?

Ishmael’ :
Sir, I want to see What 
Whaling is like.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Have You seen Ahab
The Captain of The Ship?
If You want to know 
What Whaling is, then 
You'll know by clapping 
an eye on Captain Ahab —

You'll see A Man torn apart 
from crown to heel and  
spliced-together with 
sperm whalebone in place 
of what's missing.

His looks tell more than 
any church-had sermon 
about the mortality of man.

Ishmael’ :
And a whale did that?

Snooty Quaker Investor :
A Whale as big as An Island.
Art Thee the Man to 
pitch a harpoon down 
a whale's throat and 
jump after it?

Ishmael’ :
I am, sir... if it should be positively 
indispensable to do so.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Come along, then.
Bildad, stir yourself.
This Young Man says 
He wants to ship.

Bildad :
Hast ever been 
pirate, hast Thee?

Ishmael’ :

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Didst not murder Thy 
last Captain at sea?

Ishmael’ :
Indeed not.

Bildad :
He'll Do.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
What Pay shall 
We give Him?

Bildad :
The 777th part.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Would not be too much?

Bildad :
For this strapping lad? 
Not half enough.

Snooty Quaker Investor :
Captain Peleg, Thee hast a generous heart.
But thee must consider the duty thee owest
to the other owners of this ship...
widows and orphans, many of them.
If we too abundantly reward
the labors of this young man...
we'll be taking bread from their mouths.
I'm putting him down for the 
300th part of the profit.

You hear, Bildad? 
The 300th part, I say.

"Lay not up for yourself
treasures upon earth, where 
moth and rust do corrupt."
-My last pay was--
-The 777th part seems 
fair enough to me.
-The 300th.
-Don't Thank me, lad. 
I only Do Thee justice.

What holds Thee? Sign.

Ishmael’ :
Sir, it's Captain Ahab.

What about him?

Ishmael’ :
Was not Ahab of old a very wicked King?
And when he was slain, did 
the dogs not lick his blood?

Look, lad — Captain Ahab 
did not name himself.
Sign the paper now, 
and wrong him not
because he happens to 
have a wicked name.
Now, for that Son of Darkness
that is Thy Friend --

Ishmael’ :
QueequegStep forward.

What Say You, Bildad?

I suspect Thee art not a Christian.
Doest Thee attend Church on Sundays?
Doest Thee know and obey
The Ten Commandments?

God, man.
Take the pen. Make Thy mark.
Sign now for a 60th part 
of Our Profit — Put there, quick.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Fleabag’s Dad

I don't wish to upset you, Mr Marlow...
No, let me be more precise
I do not wish to upset 

I think you need help.
I think you know that you need help.
And you're too intelligent or too 
aware of your condition to deny it.

Most chronic dermatological patients 
are on tranquillisers or anti-depressants, 
almost as a matter of routine.
Skin is, after all, extremely personal, is it not?

The temptation is to believe that the sins 
and poisons of the mind have somehow 
erupted on to the skin. "Unclean!" you shout, 
ringing your bell, warning us to keep clear.

The Leper in the Bible, yes?
But that's nonsense, you know.
DO you know?

Well, one part of you does, I'm sure.
You can be helped.

Moreover, Mr Marlow, 
I think I can help.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024


It hurts sometimes 
more than we can bear.... 
If we could Live 
without Passion,
maybe we'd know 
some kind of Peace

But we would 
be hollow

Empty rooms, 
shuttered and dank... 
Without Passion
we would be 
Truly Dead. 

Monday, 30 September 2024


The Qliphoth/Qlippoth/Qlifot or Kelipot 

(Hebrew: קְלִיפּוֹת‎, the different English spellings are used in the alternative Kabbalistic traditions of Hermetic Qabalah and Jewish Kabbalah respectively), literally “Peels”, “Shells” or “Husks” (from singular: קְלִפָּה‎ qlippah “Husk”), are the representation of Evil or Impure spiritual forces in Jewish mysticism, the polar opposites of the holy Sefirot.

The Realm of Evil is also termed 

Sitra Achra/Aḥra (Aramaic סטרא אחרא‎, 

The “Other Side” opposite holiness

in Kabbalah texts.


Wesley is packing Fred's personal 
effects in a box with bubble-wrap. 
He takes a commemorative plate off 
the wall where it hung next to 
the Dixie Chicks poster. 

(standing in the doorway
You grieve still... 
for a single Life.

(without turning to look 
at her, shuts his eyes tight  and 
speaks through gritted teeth
Why are you here?

I... I'm uncertain.  
(looks around
This place... was 
part of The Shell.

Don't call her —  
(breathes deeply) The woman 
you killed had a name.

This is important to you. 
Things have Names
The Shell... Winifred Burkle... 
She can't return to you.

(packing her things, tearfully
I know.

Yet there are fragments
When her brain collapsed
electrical spasms channeled 
into my function system...

(holds up her fingers, making a gap between 
her thumb and index finger where 
an electrical spark forms

(as Fred
why can't I stay?

(turns away, nearly sick, crying
(looks out the window

I've nowhere to go
My Kingdom is long dead.  
Long dead. There's so 
much I don't understand. 
I've become overwhelmed
I'm unsure of my place.

(turns to her, angrily
Your place is with 
the rest of Your People
Dead and turned to ash.

Perhaps... but 
I exist here
I must learn to 
Walk in This World.  
(slowly approaches Wes) 
I'll need your help... Wesley.

(frowning, choking back tears
If I were to help you find your way... 
you have to learn to change. 
You mustn't kill.

You killed the Qwa'ha Xahn 
in defiance of Your Leader.

(shakes his head, then looks at her
He murdered the 
woman I love.

And that made it just.

No. It wasn't just.  
(sighs, puts his hands on his hips

I'm probably the last man 
in The World to teach 
you what's right.

But you will. If I abide
you will help me.


Because I look 
like her?

(looks at her with tears 
in his eyes, whispers

(stands beside Wes, looks out 
The Window to the lab below 
where her sarcophagus lies
We cling to What is Gone

Is there anything in 
This Life but Grief?

(looks out at the lab
There's Love
There's Hope...
for some

There's hope that you'll 
find something worthy... 
that your life will 
lead you to some joy... that 
after everything... you can 
still be surprised.

Is that enough?  
(looks at Wes
Is that enough 
to Live on?

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Co-Interactive MeMe/Gene Co-Evolution

"I would make this response, here, about the difference between MeMes and Archetypes --

Archetypes are there, whether we have MeMes or not

"Yes, That's True."

“All of that History of Evolution is there; 
so, we have ideas about Sex Differences, or ideas about -
- Dominance is a very good example
- that don't require MeMes — 
they can then BECOME MeMes,
and MeMes by Definition, as  Dawkins started it out, is, 
"That which is Imitated.", or, 
"That which is Copied from 
Person to Person."

So The IDEA of Dominance Hierarchies can be a MeMe;
and all of the 
ideas we build 
on top of that,
so long as we are 
passing them 

from Person to Person." 

"Well, so you can certainly think of Hierarchies of MeMes,
you know, from once they're 
no-more than fads, 
that wash across The Culture, 
to where they become 
more Permanent and Enduring."

" We have The First Replicator 
on The Planet : Genes;
And we know the consequences of that --
Producing all these Organisms.

But, the idea about MeMes
is that they are a SECOND Replicator --

So, Genes are copied by chemical processes in bodies,
MeMes are copied by Imitation
and other kinds of interactions between 
Human Beings, and
very little in ANY other species at all --
and THAT'S what gives rise to Hunan Culture (it now seems quite pleasing to you — )
(or what passed for it, back in The Dog Days, of Long ago and blesséd Memory —)

So, the whole 
Theory about MeMes 
is ONE, of MANY ways of trying to 
The Evolution of CULTURE(s)."

The Death of Gods

Dave, The Giant-Killer
of Planet-4.

Let us sit upon The Ground
and tell sad stories
of The Death of Gods --

Saturday, 28 September 2024


We've had some terrible news. Mr. Lebowski is in seclusion in the West Wing.


Brandt throws open a pair of heavy double doors. The music washes over us as we enter a great study where Jeffrey Lebowski, a blanket thrown over his knees, stares hauntedly into a fire, listening to Lohengrin.


Mr. Lebowski.

Jeffrey Lebowski waves the Dude in without looking around.

It's funny. I can look back on a 
life of achievement, on challenges met, competitors bested, obstacles overcome. 
I've accomplished more 
than most men, 
and without the use of my legs. 
What. . . What makes
Man, Mr. Lebowski?



I don't know, sir.

Is it. . . is it, being prepared 
to do the right thing
Whatever the price? 
Isn't that what 
makes A Man?

Sure. That and
pair of testicles.

Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes —

[Hotel room]

There's also one other thing, 
a diary with obviously made 
by Colonel Richey.

Can you read it?


“ I write this in the hope that it 
will someday be read by human eyes. 

I can only surmise at this point, 
but apparently our exploratory shuttle was contaminated by an alien life form which infected and killed all personnel except myself.

I awakened to find myself here in the Royale Hotel, precisely as described in the novel I found in my room.

And for the last thirty eight years I have survived here. 
I have come to understand that the alien contaminators created this place for me out of some sense of guilt,  presuming that The Novel we had on board the shuttle about the Hotel Royale was in fact a guide to our preferred lifestyle and social habits. Obviously, they thought this was The World from which I came.

I hold no malice toward my benefactors. 
They could not possibly know the hell they have put me through, for it was such a BADLY WRITTEN book, filled with endless cliché and shallow characters —

I shall welcome Death when it comes.”

A bizarre incident just took place.

The shoot-out between the bellboy and Mickey D.

Yes, and Mickey D 
just walked out the door
How did he DO that?

It's on page 244.

In the novel. Right. 
How does it end?

A bad love affair ends 
in a bloody shoot-out, 
The Hotel gets bought out, 
and life goes on, 
such as it is.

The Hotel gets bought
By whom?

It isn't specific. It simply 
refers to foreign investors. 
Sale price, twelve point five million United States Dollars.
They return home, leaving the assistant manager in charge.

Captain, that's how 
we're getting out —

this place.

Commander — these cubes 
are improperly-balanced
I believe their final resting position would be —

Can you REPAIR them?

I believe so — (to the pit-boss) 
I will make another attempt.

(He gives the dice a good squeeze to even them up)

Baby needs a new 
pair of shoes— (ROLL)