Sunday, 13 October 2024


Making of Batman Returns (1992) - Max Shreck Origins

I'd offer you coffee, but my assistant 
is using her vacation time.

Bruce Wayne :
Good time. Everyone but The Bandits'll 
be slacking off till after the New Year.

I'm not sure I like The Inference.

Bruce Wayne :
I didn't realize I made one.

I'm pushing this Power-plant NOW, 
because it'll cost more later.
A million saved is a million earned.

Bruce Wayne :
I commissioned this report. Take a look at it.
Gotham City has a Power surplus. 
I'm sure you KNOW that.
My Question is: 
"What's your angle?"

"Power surplus?" Bruce, shame on you!
No such thing. One can never have too much Power.
If My Life has a meaning, that's The Meaning.

Bruce Wayne :
I'll fight you. I've already spoken 
to The Mayor and we agree.

Mayors come and go, 
blue-bloods tire easy;
you think he could go 15 rounds 
with Mohammed Schrek...?

Walken :
“He's an industrialist uh he owns, among other things 
has met uh Schrek's department store —”

Originally, the Max Shreck character, he is 
The Golden Boy -Son of The Cobblepots, 
and it turns out that He and Penguin are Brothers and 
there was that kind of dichotomy in the movie of like 
The Saintly Brother who runs The City 
and the ultimate Black sheep who was 
thrown in The Sewer and 
how they come up together
 but the script and the movie 
is way too rich to begin with 
and that was just another layer 
that we finally had to lose.

“When I suggested to Tim Burton, 
Tim, I thought of Christopher Walken —”
and Tim, who loves ghouls and 
skeletons and odd things said 
Oh, no —”, he said “He’s…. he's..
I'm afraid of him 
he scares me —

And I said “But Tim — you're 
supposed to be afraid 
of Max Schrek -- 
Christopher Walken 

They made up a fictional character 
that's not in Batman's universe, and 
suddenly he becomes the most exciting character 
in the film -- well, sorry but that's what you get 
when you put Christopher Walken in a role 

The Prince of fuckin' Darkness :
He says that there's no such thing as too much power 
he says that, that's what his life is about, now —
that's uh those are actually his lines 
I think he means it —

Bottom line, she tries to blackmail me,
I'll drop her out a higher window —
meantime, got better fish to fry 

Walken :
I think Max probably didn't have a lot of education 
and that he sort of made his own way, you know —

The Media :
What's The Deal, Mr. Schrek? 
Is The Penguin a personal friend ?

Yes he's a personal friend, of this whole city  —
so have a heart — give The Constitution 
a rest, okay it's Christmas 

Walken :
I Think that Max and The Penguin….for their 
own reasons enjoy each other's company
probably because when you're like that 
there aren't that many people 
you can talk to —

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