Doomwatch - Sex and Violence [Not Shown on TV] (1972)
ladies good afternoon are you all comfortable good they say she's a very
good speaker today's subject is permissiveness we all agree I think that
it's getting too much I mean you look about you today and all you see is nudity and filth there is a rising tide
of Filth that is going to swamp us all our precious values are being spat on by
filth Merchants films television books even I read the other day the Opera it
is a swamp of iniquity and it is going to drag us down unless we as mothers do
something about it I mean you can't turn on your television set these days and remain decent how can you take your kids to the
pictures you've got to avert your eyes from every poster you see it's shameful and I'm not having my son taught in
school about Pine penises and for vaginas by long-haired perverts it's all a conspiracy that's all it is to drag us
down into the swamp call themselves intellectuals anyway we have someone
here today who is much better equipped than I am to talk to you about this is a man whom you've been hearing rather a
lot about lately he is a good man who is fighting for decency ladies allow me to
n [Music]
it's not my area of Investigation it's your area moral
pollution that's oh give me something in the air on the ground under the ground
can you hear it can you see it can you touch it is it destroying us and I'll do
it you can see it you can touch it oh you can even
smell it oh not that you know what I mean it's destroying us that's a highly
emotive rabble rousing slogan with respect Minister political Dynamite exactly I never use it never once in my
political career have I appealed to a constituent's base instincts for survival what's do what's supposed to do
report on the moral condition of the people analyze the significant or
otherwise of Trends towards the corruption of Youth through permissive attitudes expressed in the Arts medicine
and literature towards sex and violence are you serious Doom watch Quest what is
the difference between pollution of the air and pollution of the mine there's a vast detectable difference then say
Sir oh I see Dawn breaks political
expediency nonsense the pressure on the government to change the laws on obscenity would mean too much money
effort more policemen possibly even a new ministry and of course there's no coming up to make political Capital out
of it so do what is asked to get out a report which is already a forone conclusion foregone conclusion that
changing the law would send everything underground as it did the Tarts Quest I'm am might shocked that you are about to enter an inquiry with foregone
conclusions yes I want to take that one back no don't take it back I'd like it to hang around for a while but I'm right
this massive massive Lobby from the church from every self-appointed organization Under the Sun from
politicians who haven't had their names in print since the Dark Ages and from some trade unions too has already given
rise to the pis committee and from a great many honest Ordinary People you see this is like hanging now you can't
say that's unpopular but the pvis committee which I'd like you to sit in on sometimes isn't enough you won't do
much to say that whatever comes out of the pis report you'll find all the statistics sir nothing should be changed
a rubber stamp oh don't be so oldfashioned you really are getting extraordinary raty over this that's right I don't want any part of it not
even with Dr terrant appointed to the committee what she'll keep your seat warm for you
Spencer established by Her Majesty's government into the extent of what we
will call the corruption of morals by the media it is on the surface a sensational
brief and it will be my job on this particular sub commmittee indeed on all the Committees to try and restrict our
deliberation to the context of facts I know how difficult it is not to
be emotional about this subject I won't stop you from voicing an opinion but I must come in if we start breaking
down into personal antipathy facts I have them here
reports the commission of obscenity and pornography that is from America ah but
that found against any change in the law we mustn't pay too much attention we can never pay too much attention our problem
will be to pay enough reports from Sweden Denmark indeed analysis of laws
in every country east and west and the effectuality I would ask you to welcome
Dr terrant lately co-opted to our committee Dr terrant the members of the
subcommittee on obscenity and pornography are the Reverend Charles Garrison how do you do hello Professor
furn hello Mrs Angela cresy how do you do Mr Steven grer hello and uh dick
Burns who needs no introduction from me how do you do doctor hello uh ladies and
gentlemen there is an Earnest on this subc commmittee to read and hear views
opinions surveys reports and to take established facts not presumed facts and
to reach a conclusion if you come to the conclusion that a change in the law is necessary
you will so conclude I will take that recommendation to the main committee and it will become
when and if it is confirmed the basis of my report to the minister if you decide not so be that
too of course it will be a matter for the government then in the usual Democratic fashion to come to its own
decision and they may or may not take your point of view but whatever happens
yours will be a weighted decision very well I would bring your
attention first of all to the report of the joint committee on censorship of the theater
oh excuse me Mr Burns yes could I have your autograph please oh I'm sorry I have a friend waiting up oh come on I
know I'm an old woman but you're never too busy to scribble your name on an autograph book are you please just sign for me will you oh uh all right then
I've left my bag over here just a minute please think what you're doing
what I said think what you're doing what are you talking about I'm a mother a mother of a young family it's my
children that are State my kids huh decency I want them to grow up to be decent well that's
fine you can let go my sleeve now well I'm sorry you see it's your vote that's
important what vote on this subcommittee I mean it's up to the crowd in this
committee whether there's a change in the law is that right yes that's right well it's your vote that'll do it I mean
Taran and Fairburn and gra are they the opposition I mean they'll let Society run mad they'll have sex and violence and nudity on the Box on the posters
everywhere they'll say it's good for us Mrs cresy and Charles Garrison want decency and if it comes to a vote Lord
pis will be on their side that leaves you with a casting vote well so what so what you've got to
vote with Cy and Garrison that's what I mean you're not with the underground or the hippies are you you are a comic
aren't you there is nothing comical about my kids's future Sunny the mothers of this country will take the law into
their own hands if there isn't a change they'll be blood if there isn't a change who says so never mind who says so I say
so look I'm sorry but I've got better things to do don't you forget what I told you you vote for decency get a wash
why don't you go home and wash and get an estimate while you're about look my hair's got nothing to do with this place
you think they should appear naked men and women together on a public stage doing what they're doing why not you
don't have to go and watch you would have be done out here wouldn't you on the street for our kids to watch well maybe that be better than seeing their
old men come home at night boozed up and rape their moms don't start your filthy talk with me look why don't you buy a
seat it'll be the first bit of sex education you've ever had I'll bet wash your mouth out you've got an obsession
with washing why don't you start a
laundr are you going into the theater yes why bu a ticket to see the plans I'm ticketing I don't care what you're doing
would you kind of let me pass look just by going in and buying a ticket you're supporting this filth you know I don't
anything of the kind now will you please have you got any kids I have a 6-year-old daughter if it is any
business of you to be bloody ashamed of yourself you got to clean it all up don't you understand you let me through
to be ashamed of
your don't you push me she pushed me all right I'll push you
[Music] hasn't everyone got beautiful eyes shh
don't talk doesn't hurt at all your eyes are
beautiful I was looking at her mouth was twisted and ugly I suppose it was the words that
were ugly there were no rest she got away but we'll find her we can talk and talk on that
committee we can read reports till our eyes run we'll never get anywhere till
we can understand the mind of a woman like that and we'll find her I'd like to find her not to have her arrested just
to find out why she did it do you really want to be on this committee yes you're
staying on yes after this all right if
that's the way you feel we'll find it for you until this moment I I don't really
know how I felt political games words like decadence morality
pollution but now I can feel it see
it you can give us a full report on the committee and we'll find it for you no
charges oh I know it's science
what does she look like 5'1 reddish hair shoulder length small clip holding it
back startled eyes sharp chin a witch thin build wearing a blue Mac aged 30
years it's not my job what it's not my job it's routine police work this little
woman gets angry at theater showing obscene act it's common assault how do you know the play was obscene well I
read about it it's common assault it's not my job what's Doom what what doing fiddling about with this for
anyway I know your attitude to pornography before we start no do you I don't remember ever having disuss it
with you what is my attitude you're a liberal is that so well well I'd stop that play with your fist
or with a gun with the law oh legal fists legal guns that's right find that woman will
you Neil incidentally I've got another description not the same woman someone tried to Noble a of the committee the
pop singer bloke he rang the yard what was she after this woman trying to swing his vote to the baned or mob find her
too waywood girls orges wife sing ores Vice dens prostitution homosexuality
transvestism frigidity nomania and lesbianism these are the themes dealt
within the American Cinema it's all here in this report do we want that here it's
out of context I'm afraid Madam these are exploitation films are known in the
trade as Skin Flicks and they show in club Cinemas in this country as we've seen in our study
of the literature handed out by these Cinemas but do we want them here well we may not want them but they're obviously
in demand well according to the prophets these Club Cinema gentlemen declare yes
but do we all agree that they should exist you mean are they corrupting the people who see them I do
rubbish of course they aren't pornography is the manifestation of the
fantasies of the sexual infant every man passes through the fantasy stage infant
sexuality let me remind you the baby is a sexual being but at what age do we recognize sexuality it rears its hideous
head at something like the age of 10 or 11 and we stumble and Mumble and object to sex education in the schools now the
people who go to see these films are the sexually ignorant the sexually deprived the ones whose knowledge of sex Behavior
was truncated as soon as they placed an inoc hand on their genitals please don't try to shock me I trust I'm not easily
shockable I'm sorry Mrs chy but we must conduct our research by calling things by their proper names no they they go to
find out now isn't that sad at the age of 60 or 70 sometimes they go to a
cinema to find out you'd have these films shown to a mass public no I'd leave it the way it is there are some
people who make a lot of money out of ignorant people yes you've hit it Mr Burns A lot of people do make a lot of
money out of other people's ignorance but then when was that a crime in our society advertisers do it I mean educated people would laugh half the
advertisements off television medical men do it they make profits out of the simple ignorance of sick people now
you're talking about the private practitioner I'm talking about the Mystique of medicine what do you think Mr Burns do
you think these films should be shown at all well I don't know do I I haven't seen any of them then we must arrange a
showing of one of these films we'll also take in some legitimate Cinema goinging
and we'll take a trip to the blue film library at Scotland Yard
great Mrs Hastings yes on the 1st of March were you outside the princess theater in saford street are you the
police more than that
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
well Mr burs what do you think about that I can't believe it it's ridiculous do you feel
contaminated me I think I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad I mean it's
impossible oh my God Mrs Hastings could we talk
[Applause] thank
you would you like a cup of tea oh yes thank you that would be very
nice I'm sorry oh I'm so sorry I don't know what to do I'm so sorry for what
I've done I've never done anything like that before I swear I've never done anything like that in my life
before can I say I taed you I Haven
slept for God's sake forgive me of course I forgive you I do anything to make it up to you anything at all
anything there is something well what I do anything would
you like a biscuit oh no thank you I've only come here for one reason
to find out why you did it I'm a psychiatrist Mrs H
I was co-opted to a government committee that's looking into the whole question of obscenity pornography and violence
and I was sent along to see that play at the princess theater they'd asked me to report on it oh God if I'd known that
you were going to say that if you'd known that you wouldn't have attacked me well yes that means you'd still feel
justified in attacking me if I'd M have been going to see the play for my own pure oh no no I don't I want to know why
Mrs Hastings that's why I'm here not to prer her charges to ask you for your
cooperation you can be my reports well i' do anything and tell me why I'll try
I want to know myself do you believe I'm a peaceful person I'm not like that that's not my
picture I've Got a Boy of nine we lived here by ourselves my husband left me we
didn't have a very good marriage he's been gone about 2 years now when I go out to work he sends me a
bit it's another thing I haven't been to work since it's happened God knows where the man is coming from this
week I was lonely I've been so lonely here I can't get out only for a little
while I'm losing control of Paul they say he's turned into a right little
turnaway anyway I went to to a meeting of this group what group it's just
called housewife it's mainly for working mothers who can't get out most of them
are a bit older than me but some are about my age and well we have a bit of fun together meeting in the mornings
having a cup of coffee chewing things over having a bit of giggle
sometimes how long have you belonged to this group about a year do you know Mrs catch po she's the
lon organizer it's got branches all over the country we have monthly meetings at
the Fairhill Hall they get speakers down they're not Keo women's lib they don't
like that thing I got interested in was the clean up campaign made sense see
answered all sorts of questions for me mainly to do with why pause like ears I started wearing a
baton anyway at this meeting Mrs catch asked us to do something about this
awful play I went along to see it it was awful but I don't think in the same way that you mean oh go when I got there the
place was packed everyone was going in to see this awful play we were
outnumbered Mrs catcho said that all Crusades start like that she said the
time had come for Action that decent people couldn't just stand by we had to take up arms you said take up arms sort
of religious talk well I just stood there and I saw
those awful people going in to watch people doing it on the
stage they were laughing I just thought of all she'd said about values and suddenly I knew
what values meant they were like beasts like animals perverts I hardly remember the
rest did I hurt you very much I want to know why Mrs Hastings
don't laugh at us Mr Granger we who use the word disgusting I didn't Madam oh
yes you did Mr Granger this is an age when we are seeing established values destroyed peace meal you wake up one
morning and something you thought yesterday was sensible obvious pure is
being molested and it's this area where the attack is concentrated ideas of
family ideas of Love of Chastity there's an out ofd word eh well
I don't think it is no nor do I what about you Mr Burns Chastity out of date
no not at all look I thought we were dealing with facts and you're talking about ideas ideas of family what about the
hypocrisy of family that's the fact that young Rebels nowadays are talking about ideas of love what about our love for a
for a North Vietnamese child with bits of an American shatter bomb in his GS look it seems to be our brief to link
sex and violence and you're talking about love ideals well I'm talking about love
ideals too but I I would like to submit this as a fact when a child is born it
has a great capacity for love love is emic to its nature like sex it loves
everyone it loves everything but we teach it that only a few things are worthy of being loved we teach it hate
and what is worse we teach it certainty absolute right and wrong good and bad now there are only two
certainties life and death and all the rest are changeable you see we we're living in a
period of great change Mrs cres and this is what I don't think you can understand
I mean the old absolutes taught at home and in the classrooms Queen country God the divine right of capitalism family
love and Chastity they're no longer absolutes what we should be giving our children is the certainty about
themselves their personality their identity their independence may we should give a child the courage to
confront all the challenges yeah yeah now why should contact with pornography
mean corruption only by permitting the human being all the varieties of
experience can we give him the opportunity to create a set of values and we must respect his ability to
create decent values yes but the trouble is my friend that evil men as Mr Burns
has said are stepping in to make Capital out of it oh yes you're right I'm with you there but it is our divine society
that allows them to do it it makes profit a God and that's being challenged too then we must make it illegal for
them to publish things like this you haven't got my point and I
don't think you ever will injurious to public morals by tending to corrupt the mind and destroy the love of decency
morality and good order who love of decency Doctor Who's mind that's what we
hope to find out oh Barbara
where is Dr teran's latest shipment here doctor with the compliments of the
committee oh and Dr teren says there's 100 weight more where this came from so we put this lot in we ask a simple
question like uh is long hair scandalous I program the word scandalous now what
attitude do I ask the computer to take to the word scandalous ah we have here statistics on the reported increase of
rapes in America the reported decrease of rapes since the law was changed in Denmark ah we have here survey on the
exposure to sexually oriented materials among young male prison offenders in America an analysis of sex stimulus uh
here the extent of nudity thought to be acceptable emotional responses to erotica guilt levels Etc reality
judgment that's what I'm asked to give you Doctor a computer is not a lot of
things you do understand that it's not good or bad moral or immoral it's not judge or jury morals are not a question
of mathematics yes Brad I do understand that but what we want is the answer to
to the question would a change in the law reduce the danger of contamination a to children and B to adults I need to
program every human being in the UK into that machine in order to do that properly National characteristics am I
to do this job properly or not as properly as you can with respect doctor there is properly and there is not
properly in my book there is no such degree fre as as properly as you can yes
Brad I do know and you and I we going to have a little drink later and weep on
each other's shoulders about it may I come I feel like a weep too housewife
has about 6,000 members throughout the UK it's been involved in four different fracka this week one at the tape Gallery
yeah the bengler exhibition try to force their way into the offices of Northern television they hitting the headlines every day do you want me to see this
woman catch pole yes who's the money B all this who pays for the fairs the
Halls the posters Ballentine what this meeting ignores is the extent of the
corruption of children through the media don't let that man get on the platform no change the law make obscenity a legal
bring more prosecutions will you please get off the platform get rid of Filth and
depravity we've had enough of it banish it from our lives we'll have to remove you if you don't leave sir will you
leave the platform perverts and veres are behind it all can't you see are you
blind pull him off the platform these beasts are polluting the
minds of our children but our rulers don't care will someone get that idiot
out of the hall come on Sir be what your sort here let us raise ourselves from the gutter I'm for the rule of law
what's happened to the law how are you going sir going on your ass we want decency not Defence in the name of our
children let's raise the banner of decency change the law
than I was never told a thing about six not the way it really
happens would you try not to grip the sides of the chair relax just relax and talk about it as it
really was well it was strange men who might touch me it was be careful of the
boys one day one did put his hand out I remember thinking
now that is clear I remember thinking do you remember when you thought of
things I remember thinking shall I let him touch no I love my parents I want them
to love me I'll let them down if I let him first time I let a boy do it
properly it was disgusting why well we didn't know what to do it it
was shameful shameful at the time or afterwards
both who told you it was disgusting some girl at school said it was marvelous that's why I did it my parents were
right it was disgusting your parents told you it was disgusting oh no they never mentioned it why did you say they
did I didn't you said my parents were right it was disgusting I don't know why
I said that they never talked about it
your parents brought you up to be a good girl they thought they did I was a thief at school I used to steal things they
never found out if they had found out would they have thought that was disgusting oh no wrong bad they wouldn't
have been disgusted what do you mean by
disgust well when it's
what else is disgusting I don't know
excrement oh yeah your mother having a
baby try to answer I can't you're making me cry then
cry no I'm not going to cry what are you trying to make me say
what are you up to she walked out her cooperation stopped
there what did I asked her to do I had asked her to imagine well
several things her mother and father copulating possibly indulging in some
practice which she would regard as perverted why should you that's what I want to know why should you ask her these things why because Dr tarant is a
psychiatrist Mrs chesy her parents had severed all connection between their own sexual
experience and their child child as most parents do the simulated intercourse on
the stage at the princess theater although she hadn't even witnessed it was the exposure of a suspected obscene
act by her parents I saw it and it was an obscene act I know sex are hand UPS
about my parents sexual habits what about oral sex oh Mr chairman Mr oh Mr
Garrison introduced his parents I didn't it was Freud who made it clear that sexuality and procreation are not the
same thing the sexual instinct is deeply rooted in the biological basis of our
organism now vilhelm Reich the eminent psychoanalyst extended the Freudian
concept by showing that the sexual instinct is deeply rooted in all our living
functions he called it biological energy the Fountain of our being he said if you
repress this energy you produced a stunted person now Mrs X is that kind of person
she is maladjusted in a way that we haven't begun to understand in law in religion in politics in education even
in science I believe Reich was expelled from the International psychoanalytical Association of course he was Mrs X you
know is Not Unusual she is what you would call Mrs cresy a very decent person she is what
you would call ordinary and she is intelligent but she has read so many
violent head headlines about depravity drugs obscenity filth and disease that
she has committed her first violent act I want to make the strongest
possible recommendation to this committee that if the law is changed to bring penal sanctions into effect
instead of some kind of therapy and education program in fact a recognition
of her sexuality we should have swept the problem right under the carpet and
perpetuated it are you suggesting that I am stunted Dr tarant or Mr Garrison
here we have inquired extensively over these last few weeks into the
representation in our media of elements of a pornographic and obscene nature we've heard from filmmakers
television and radio people psychologists societies who want to change the law we have read reports on
the effects of such material on children on controls of different kinds we must now turn our attention to
the subject of vience Doom watch yes ma'am well it's
about time the government sat up and paid some attention we've been on to him long enough maybe now we can start getting some sanity back into life we're
sick of nudes see through this see through that disgusting pictures and films our children turn into little
perverts by Dirty long-haired anarchists and Communists it's an attempt to tear Society down back to the Jungle that's
where they want us so the Reds can take over you know the reds are behind it all comes from mka you know you know that as
well as I do you know who I think is Public Enemy Number One the Archbishop of Canterbury yes you can laugh you look
at all his speeches every time he opens his mouth it's come to the AG of some black look what he said about Ria in South Africa no concern for the whites
only the blacks you should see the blacks in this neighborhood you stay around here for a while and watch them you never s a disgusting behavi all your
life they ought to pack them all off well go glad that the government is going to take some out
they personally I believe they're weak the lot of T is labor liberal needs a strong man to do something who's not intimidated by Reds and long-haired
intellectuals or a government of businessmen they' soon put a stop to these demonstrations and Strikes ories and dropouts a government of businessmen
with a strong man at the helm that's my opinion what was it you wanted to ask
me it's in this area of violence that I think we can be more specific in
pornography it's my view that the Adolescent is no innocent and it's an onus on the artist and the writer and
the program maker not to conceal now in violence the onus is much more evident I
I don't think violence should be concealed from the child but I I do think it should be treated honestly and
with great care not only lest the child should imitate I'm I'm not only concerned with that but more important
so that he should know the the real nature of violence so he can understand
it and combat it for he will most certainly meet it well we've read and seen a great deal
about television drama family viewing childhood and society and the effects of
mass communication I want to see less violence couldn't we make a film a
violent film after all there hasn't been a conclusive study on the effects of violence viewed by children couldn't we
make one surely there's a grant for these purposes isn't there yes there certainly is if we made a violent film
with actors and a director and a special script and everything and sat some children in front of it and watched them
and noted their reactions afterwards that would be very helpful if you'll excuse me what sort of film I mean what
would you show them at the moment we've got all kinds of violence shootings Cowboys sometimes we show them in pain
other times we don't give a damn about them and what type of film and what sort of controls I mean healthy children
mentally maladjusted children deprived children you'd need years to study them
what about the violent word the violent personality sometimes that's more frightening a voice raised in Anger
doesn't necessarily have any less effect than a killing we've glamorized violence on the screen so much it's become
respectable see War films and cowboy films gangster films all respectable but
I would say they're all right because these filmmakers kill men bloodlessly when are we to indict the
man who shows the the brutal boot in the stomach while we we sanction the
exciting Massacre of 100 Indians I thank you already this film we've been asked to
see ladies and gentlemen was shown on television late at night in September
1971 it's rather gruesome and the point the questioner makes when he asks to view it is should
it have been shown thank
you Lagos Beach but the holiday Crowds Are there to watch the day's execution
this is one of the most recent and to date those crowds have seen about 75 Nigerians being shot sightseers trying
to reach the executions have caused some of Nigeria's biggest ever traffic jams today eight men have been prepared for
execution these s members of a holdap gang that got away with £1,000 last March men are shot for less important
crimes a man who armed with a club robbed a taxi driver of £14 was also shot the public Gallery was full I came
to Nigeria because I studed for my family and for my nation but not knowing
that I could not help my nation oh God you know the best you know the best and
thy will shall be done thy will has to be done my spirit shall Prevail on my enemies you have for spared to take away
my life at this stage a word from the priest the last word in almost
Mandan down come
on oh I should never have been shown why not it's revolting yes it is
revolting what do you think Mr garon well it is very alarming Mr
burs it's terrible what do you think it's horrible there's a people it is a
documentary film I don't care what you call it those are people how do you feel Mr B how can they do that to people you
see no I don't see Mr Burns is nause I must remind you that Mr Burns is out of
control we're all control surely it's our reactions thereafter only to whether
this film should have been shown not to the political and domestic situation inside Nigeria it just makes me bloody
angry that's all Angry what is it being shown Mr Burns no I mean those are
people they died right in front of our
eyes yes I mean I just wanted to go out there
and do something about about it that's all and explain and and stop
it what do you want your daughter to see she's a healthy inquiring female age
six what do you want her to see everything sta
doesn't he wants his boy to be decently exposed whatever that means he'd rather
send his son to a brothel at the age of 16 well it takes all
sorts what is that book the function of the orgasm by vilhelm
Reich how we all sick we are me too of
course I don't know how you can bear me in your presence
I have a question niggling at me what's Doom much doing in this mess how is the future of humanity being
threatened I still can't get to terms with my brief Bradley putting it all on the computer and getting the same
answer what the hell is the official meaning of words like decency depravity
corruption what's the meaning of the word official oh I'm an official oh
you're the meaning of the word official sure you going to go on reading that
book all night
Old Reich knew The Answers --
he understood the real
menace of this obsession
with the word 'permissive' :
"No man could ever be dominated by another man or another
if he was a whole man; but you can do what you like with anyone
if in his infancy and childhood you take his sex urges away or
twist them or obscure them then as A Man he could
be made to be ashamed and you can
mold him like putty --"
The Conservative Party Conference at Brighton today was interrupted by a demonstration that held up proceedings
for several minutes a man climbed onto the platform and shouted what are you doing about the permissive Society he
was hustled off by stewards later on the subject under discussion unemployment produced an
impassioned plea from Mrs Roberta Baker who asked more attention but just what is it you know about me Christ
educated Eaton and Bal oh poor scholar I'm afraid inherited father's
Estates extreme rightwing politically very extreme stood for Parliament six
times or asked a total of 722 votes you kept your nose in the books even I hadn't worked that out independent front
candidate British candidate national flag candidate as each organization became defunct we're always throwing up
new organizations I like throwing up oh let's talk talk without that kind of emotion shall we
qu you finance a number of organizations two or three violent ones the violent I
would have used the word I rap including housewife and the campaign for clean
literature both of which have had members in the courts in recent weeks well they were Lively indignant they
wanted change of course they finished up in court and you're putting money into that offense naturally
excuse the state of the lawn I had put down
CH do you know Mrs catcho yeah she's one of the organizers of housewife and do
you know Mrs Hastings no she you know that Mrs catchpole is a
very violent woman I and that she's involving innocent people in a Savage campaign to clean up the Arts are they
innocent people they're angry Dr Chris angry what are you trying to
I'm a political opportunist Dr Chris and
I said that without pulling any punches
how many politicians whom you know to be political opportunists would admit to it very few can I quote you
certainly my honesty will enhance my electoral prospects then I won't quote
you why am I on this sex kick is that your question
let me show you my apple trees as if you're very careful in your
selection you can have a supply of apples right through from July until September go
on well I'm an amateur student of the mind sir naturally being a politician I
talk about the mind of a Nation well in that mind there's a longing for
freedom and an actual fear of Freedom particularly about sex which is so vital
to us so anyone who brings in a law which will protect us from naked bodies
and explicit references is bound to be popular he'll put a legal lid on all our
guilty pots it's therefore important that on the way I should be seen to lead a campaign against the sex
freedoms it's a mere political maneuver that is the most cynical statement I've
ever heard I would have hoped to hear the word honest politicians have been doing it for years whenever there's a
moral issue to be legislated upon they Pander to our fear and guilt instead of
alleviating it indeed to be a successful politician you must play upon it sex
Killer escapes that's a fairly average newspaper headline in the time of a million unemployed in times of economic crisis
it's much better to talk about the moral disintegration of society rather than the economic one
we've been deprived of our sexual Freedom since birth as a result we're confused guilty and dependent upon the
moral guidance of others we're helpless we look to a leader to do our thinking for them --
and that's you I know what you think I cut a ridiculous figure with my
700 votes and making a fool of myself on other people's platforms bit of a joke in the
newspapers I'm not concerned about that my time will come
all that concerns me is that my policy should be carried out no matter who might do it for me in other words a
sexually repress nation is right for a dictator and that's you excuse me sir if I pause to look at
you and sa with the funny side of that there have been funnier sites in
history I just acquired a new horse come with me the people are continually saying to
me Arthur Valentine you're a cultured educated man you love horses and dogs
you have an appreciation of the Arts you're a man of great sensitivity and
yet you espouse philosophies of racial hatred sexual inhibition violence upon the streets we can't understand you arur
Valentine to which I replied I did not invent racial hatred I
had nothing to do with the repression of generations of children the angering people is what makes them
strike out and that's there whether you or I like it or not but you use it in a Vain and comical attempt to get a
dictator's power and why not Dr Quist why would you deprive me of the
freedom to do that which is being done already every day by politicians and journalists and advertisers and businessmen they make money out of it
they subjugate Nations they suppress minorities and they do it under the mask of a so-called Democratic Society it's
their freedom to do it that we vote for --
well someone else is getting into the act now.
If you have created a society in which a naked couple cting on a public stage is more shocking than a million on The Dole,
100,000 homeless, a half a million dead in Pakistan --
Don't blame me for taking advantage of it;
you okayed it, remember; and if I am
more than honest with you about my motives
and intentions because I am confident,
the greater the vacuum you create,
the less ridiculous I shall become --
let me show you the
house I have not put it in my report because I didn't think that was the place for it but I would like to make it
clear to everybody that the increasing violence of certain individuals and organizations that we're reading about
daily is an activity from which I dissociate myself entirely although my
name is being used I have no contact with these groups and I do not hold with
violence I must make that clear otherwise all my efforts towards public decency mean nothing at all I too
dissociate myself you can dissociate yourselves till the cows come but with
great respect you'll be playing on their team whether you like it or not thank
you for all your hard work allow me as chairman of this subcommittee to thank
you most sincerely to summarize your Collective opinion would be difficult but I gather
that you Mrs Cy and you Mr Garrison are in favor of a strengthening of the law
against obscene publication and a limitation of the media yes and that you Professor fan and Mr
gringer and Dr terrant are against yes yes but it is not clear from your report
Mr Burns where you stand on this issue could you be more
precise well it's not a question of laws is it it's
education I'm against this committee recommends by 4
to two that there should be no change in the law [Applause]
In March 1933, 17 million people
democratically voted Hitler into Power;
he promised to do their Thinking for them:
he promised the abolition of democratic discussion,
of opinion, he promised the abolition
of the freedom of The Individual and the
establishment of the freedom of the nation the masses agreed to their own
subjugation and brought it about actively 10 years before that Hitler was
a Sil little man about whom people made jokes I've uh just given you the analysis doctor you see the result
M all right no
change no change
a [Music]
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