Thursday, 25 April 2024

The Porch

Harvard's Leadership and alumni
(including Increase Mather and
his son Cotton Mather)
played a CENTRAL role in
The Salem Witch Trials
of 1692–1693.

"The Porch is neither Inside
nor Outside of The House."

Winklevoss Invite Zuckerberg to Porcelian Club Harvard | Sandwich | Excl...

Mark :
They had my blog -- I shouldn't have written 
that thing about the farm animals.

That was stupid.

But I was kidding, for God's sakes;
Doesn't anybody have a Sense of Humour?

I tried to stop you.

Mark :
I know.

How do you do this thing where you 
manage to get all girls to hate us?

And why do I let you? 

Mark :
I know.

You can't do that. 

Mark :
Wardo, I said I know.

Computer Science Professor :
Okay, let's look at A Sample Problem :
Suppose we're given a computer 
with a 16-bit virtual address
and a page size of 256 bytes.

The system uses one-level page tables 
that start at address hex 400.

Maybe you want DMA on your 
16-bit system. Who knows?

The first few pages are reserved for hardware flags, etc.
Assume page-table entries have eight status bits.
The eight status bits would then be... Anybody?

[ Mark gets up and walks out ]

And I see we have our first surrender.
Don't worry, Mr Zuckerberg.
Brighter men than you have 
tried and failed this class.

Mark : (turning casually back)
One valid bit, one modified bit, 
one reference bit and 
five permission bits.

......That is correct.

Does everybody see 
how he got there?


You Mark Zuckerberg?

Mark :

Cameron Winklevoss.

Mark :

Tyler Winklevoss.

Mark :
Are you guys related?

That's good.


We never heard that before.

Mark :
So, what can I do for you? 
Did I insult your girlfriends?

No. You didn't. Actually
I don't know.

Yeah, we never asked

We should do that.


We have an idea we want to talk to you about.

You got a minute?

Mark :
You guys look like you spend 
some time at the gym.

We have to.


We row crew.

Mark :
Yeah, I've got a minute.


So, you ever been inside 
The Porcellian?

Mark :

You understand We can't Take You 
past The Bike Room, because 
You're not A Member.

Mark :
I've heard.

You want a sandwich 
or something?

Mark :

(one of The Winklevii tosses him one of the free sandwiches provided by The Porcellian's caterers for guests.)

Mark, right?

Mark :

Mark, this is Divya Narendra, our partner. 


Divya Narendra, of The 
House of Winklevoss :
We were really impressed with Facemash.
When we checked you out, 
you also built CourseMatch.

I don't know CourseMatch.

The House of Winklevoss :
You go online and see what courses 
your friends are taking.

It's really smart, man.


Mark :
(barely paying attention 
to The Ego-Jerk) Yeah.

The House of Winklevoss :
We were talking about CourseMatch.

Mark :
It was kind of a no-brainer.

The House of Winklevoss :
But you invented something 
in high school, too, right?

Mark :
An app for an MP3 player that 
recognises your taste in music.

The House of Winklevoss :
Anybody try to buy it?

Mark :

The House of Winklevoss :
Wow. How much?

Mark :
Didn't sell it. 
Uploaded it for free.

The House of Winklevoss :
For free?

Mark :

The House of Winklevoss :

The House of Winklevoss :
Okay, well, we have something that 
we've been working on for a while
and we think it's great.

It's called 'The Harvard Connection'.

You create your own page. 
Interests, bio, friends, pics.

And then people can go online, 
see your bio, request to be your...

Mark :
Yeah, how is that different from 
MySpace or Friendster?

The House of Winklevoss :

I mean, the whole site's kind of 
based on The Idea that girls...
Not to put anything indelicately, but...

Girls wanna Go with 
Guys who Go to Harvard.

Divya and my brother don't have 
trouble putting things indelicately.

The main difference between 
what we're talking about and 
MySpace or Friendsteror any of 
those other social networking sites is...

Mark :
Is exclusivity. Right?

The House of Winklevoss :
Right. Yeah.

The House of Winklevoss :
We'd love for you to Work with Us, Mark.

I mean, We need a gifted programmer who's creative.
And we know that you've been taking it in the shins.
Women's groups are ready to declare a fatwa.

But, you know, this could help 
rehabilitate your image.

Mark :
Wow. You would do that for Me?

The Winklevii :
We'd like to Work with You.

Our first programmer graduated 
and went to work for Google.

Our second programmer just got 
oven verned with SchoolWork.

We would need You to 
build The Site and 
write The Code, and 
We'll provide all the...

Mark :
I'm in.

The Winklevii :

Mark :
I'm in.

The Winklevii :

four years and $6Billion Dollars later --

Lawyer :
That's what you said?

Mark :
It was three or four years ago. 
I don't know what I said.

Lawyer :
When did you come to Eduardo?

Call Me

The girl I loved in high school was with the co-
captain of the varsity lacrosse team, and 
I wanted to take her from him. 

Club Scene | The Social Network

Sean Parker :
I read your blog. 

Mark :
You know, no, that was 
for web cretins. 

Sean Parker :
You know why I started Napster? 
The girl I loved in high school 
was with the co-captain of 
the varsity lacrosse teamand 
I wanted to take her from him. 
So I decided to come up 
with the next big thing.

Mark :
I didn't know that. 

Sean Parker :
Napster wasn't a failure. 
I changed the music industry 
for better and for always
It may not have been good business, 
but it pissed a lot of people off. 
And isn't that what your Facemash was about? 
They're scared of me, pal, and 
they're gonna be scared of you
What the VCs want is to say, "Good idea, kid, 
the grown-ups will take it from here." 
But not this time. 
This is our time. 

This time, you're gonna hand 
them a business card 
that says, "I'm CEO, bitch.
That's what I want for you
So where the hell is Eduardo?

Mark :
He's in New York.

Sean Parker :
Sucking up to ad execs. 

Mark :
He's got an...

Sean Parker :
An internship. The Company's here
A billion-dollar company's here.
Do you live and breathe Facebook?

Mark :

Sean Parker :
I know you do. Wardo wants to be a businessman 
and for all I know he's gonna be a good one, 
but he shouldn't be in New York 
kissing Madison Avenue's ass. 

This is a once-in-a-generation, "holy shit" idea. 
And The Water under The Golden Gate is freezing cold. 
Look at my face and tell me I don't 
know what I'm talking about. 

Mark :
Do you ever think about that girl? 

Sean Parker :
What girl…? 

The girl from high school 
with the lacrosse thing. No.

Mark Gets Rid of His People

A Theory

You're not an asshole, Mark. You're just 
trying so hard to be.

On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications. 

Mark :
Did you know there are more people 
with genius I.Q.s living in China 
than there are people of any kind 
living in the United States?

The Girl :
That can't possibly be True.

Mark :
It is

The Girl :
What would account for that? 

Mark :
Well, first, an awful lot of people live 
in China, but here's my question :

How do you distinguish 
yourself in a population 
of people who all got 
1600 on their SATs?

The Girl :
I didn't know they 
take SATs in China. 

Mark :
They don't. I wasn't talking 
about China any more, I was 
Talking about Me.

The Girl :

Mark :
I could sing in an acappella 
group, but I can't sing

The Girl :
Does that mean you actually 
got nothing wrong? 

Mark :
I could row crew or 
invent a $25 PC. 

The Girl :
Or you could get 
into a final club. 

Mark :
Or I get into 
a finals club. 

The Girl :
You know, from 
A Woman's Perspective
sometimes not singing in an 
a Cappella group is 
a good thing. 

Mark :
This is serious. 

The Girl :
On the other hand, I do 
like guys who row crew. 

Mark :
Well, I can't do that. 

The Girl :
I was kidding. 

Mark :
And, yes, I got nothing 
wrong on The Test.

The Girl :
Have you ever tried?

Mark :
I'm trying right now
To row crew?

The Girl :
To get into a final club. 

Mark :
To row crew? No. Are you, 
like, whatever, delusional? 

The Girl :
Maybe it's just -- sometimes you say two things at once. 
I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to be aiming at. 

Mark :
But you've seen guys 
who row crew, right? 

The Girl :

Mark :
Okay, well, they're bigger than me. 
They're world-class athletes. 

And a second ago, you said you like 
guys who row crew so I assumed 
you had met one. 

The Girl :
I guess I just meant I like the idea of it. 
You know, the way a girl likes cowboys

Mark :
Okay - Should we get something to eat? 
Would you like to talk about something else? 

The Girl :
No. It's just since the beginning of the 
Conversation about finals club, I think 
I may have missed a birthday. There are really 
more people in China with genius IQs 
than the entire population... 

Mark :
The Phoenix is the most diverse. 
The Fly Club... Roosevelt 
punched the Porc. 

The Girl :
Which one? 

Mark :
The Porcellian, the Porc. 
It's the best of the best.

The Girl :
Which Roosevelt?

Mark :

The Girl :
Is it true that they send a bus around 
to pick up girls who want to party 
with the next Fed chairman? 

Mark :
So you can see why it's 
so important to get in

The Girl :
Okay, well, which is the 
easiest to get into?

Mark :
Why would you ask me that?

The Girl :
I was just asking. 

Mark :
None of them. That's the point
My friend Eduardo made $300,000 
betting oil futures one summer and 
Eduardo won't come close to getting in. 
The ability to make money doesn't 
impress anybody around here. 

The Girl :
Must be nice. He made 
$300,000 in a summer?

Mark :
He likes meteorology.

The Girl :
You said it was oil futures. 

Mark :
You can read the weather, you can predict 
the price of heating oil. 

The Girl :
I think you asked me that because you think the final club that's easiest to get into is the one where I'll have the best chance. I... 

The Girl :

Mark :
You asked me which one was 
the easiest to get into 
because you think that 
that's the one where 
I'll have the best chance

The Girl :
The one that's the easiest to get into would be 
the one where anybody has the best chance. 

Mark :
You didn't ask me which one was the best one
you asked me which one was the easiest one. 

The Girl :
I was honestly just asking, okay? 
I was just asking to ask.
Mark, I'm not speaking in code.

Mark :

The Girl :
You're obsessed with finals clubs. 
You have finals clubs OCD and you 
need to see someone about it 
who will prescribe you some sort of medication. 
You don't care if the side effects 
may include blindness

Mark :
Final clubs. Not "finals clubs." And there's a difference 
between being obsessed and being motivated

The Girl :
Yes. There is

Well, you do. That was cryptic, so 
you do speak in code. 

The Girl :
I didn't mean to be cryptic. 

Mark :
I'm just saying I need to do something substantial 
in order to get the attention of The Clubs

The Girl :

Mark :
Because they're exclusive. And fun, 
and they lead to a better life. 

The Girl :
Teddy Roosevelt didn't 
get elected president 
because he was a member 
of The Phoenix Club. 

Mark :
He was a member 
of The Porcellian
and yes, he did

The Girl :
Well, why don't you just concentrate on 
being the best you you can be? 

Mark :
Did you really just say that? 

The Girl :
I was kidding. Just because 
something's trite 
doesn't make it less true. 

Mark :
I wanna try to be straightforward with you 
and tell you I think you might want to 
be a little more supportive. 
If I get in, I will be taking you to the events 
and the gatherings, and you'll be meeting 
a lot of people you wouldn't 
normally get to meet. 

The Girl :
(horrified) You would 
do that for me? 

Mark :
We're dating. 

The Girl :
Okay - Well, I wanna 
try and be straightforward 
with you and let you know 
that we're not any more.

Mark :
What do you mean?

The Girl :
We're not dating any more. 

I'm sorry. Is this a joke?

The Girl :
No, it's not. 

Mark :
You're breaking up with me? 

The Girl :
You're gonna introduce me to people 
I wouldn't normally have the chance to meet
What the... What is that supposed to mean?

Mark :
Wait, settle down.

The Girl :
What is it supposed to mean? 

Mark :
Erica, the reason we're able to sit here and drink right now 
is 'cause you used to sleep with the door guy. 

The Girl :
"The door guy"? His name is Bobby
I have not slept with the door guy. 

The door guy is a friend of mine, 
and he's a perfectly good class of people. 
And what part of Long Island 
are you from, Wimbledon?

Mark :
Wait. Wait, wait. 

The Girl :
I'm going back to my dorm.

Is this real? 

The Girl :

 Then wait, I apologise, okay?

I have to go study.

Mark :


Mark :
I'm sorry, I mean it. 

The Girl :
I appreciate that, but I have to go study. 

Mark :
Come on, you don't have to study. 
Let's just talk. 

I can't. 

Mark :

The Girl :
Because it is exhausting
Dating you is like 
dating a StairMaster. 

Mark :
All I meant is that you're not likely to... Currently... 
I wasn't making a comment on your appearance. 
I was saying that you go to BU. 
I was stating a fact, that's all, and 
if it seemed rude, then I apologise.

The Girl :
I have to go study.

Mark :
You don't have to study. 

The Girl :
Why do you keep saying 
I don't have to study? 

'Cause you go to BU. Do you 
want to get some food? 

The Girl :
I am sorry you are not sufficiently 
impressed with my education. 

Mark :
And I'm sorry I don't have 
a rowboat, so we're even.

The Girl :
I think we should just be friends.

Mark :
I don't want friends. 

The Girl :
I was just being polite. I have no intention 
of being friends with you. 

Mark :
I'm under some pressure right now from 
my OS class and if we could just order 
some food, I think we should... 

The Girl :
Okay, you are probably going to be 
a very successful computer person. 
But you're gonna go through Life thinking that 
girls don't like you because you're a nerd
And I want you to know from the bottom 
of my heart that that won't be true.
 It'll be because You're An Asshole

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

We're Smegged.

Red Dwarf - Series 10 - We're Smegged - The Making Of Series 10

"We were in some holes --
We were in some holes, 
that... y'know --

We could quite easily have 
had The Walls cave in."

-- Danny John Jules

Maybe Your Arm is in Valhalla

Lady Sif Death Scene | Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

Thor :
Sif, it’s me, Thor.

Lady Sif :

Thor :
You’re missing an arm.
I’m gonna get you home.

Lady Sif :
No! Leave me here.
I want to die A Warrior’s Death.
On The Battlefield. In battle.
And then I can claim 
My Place in Valhalla.

Thor :
Oh, I hate to break it to you, 
but for A Warrior to get 
into Valhalla, you have 
to die in The Battle.
You survived.

Lady Sif :
Oh, shit.

Thor :
Maybe your arm is in Valhalla.
What happened here?

Lady Sif :
(SIGHS) I’ve been hunting a madman.
I followed him here, but it was a trap.

Thor :
Who is this madman?

Lady Sif :
The God Butcher is coming.
He seeks the extinction of The Gods.
Asgard is next.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

The Labyrinth of Death



Eastman :
You shot at me. I fed you.
Please don't hurt her.
Good night.

(goat bleats)

Shh. Shh.

(door closes)

(lock clicks)



Eastman :
16 hours in 19 on the floor.
( he samples the goat's cheese )
Oh! Oh, that is-- oh, 
that's terrible!

That-- oh, God, that is-- 
that is terrible. (gags)

Eastman :
I just wanted to wait a little 
while before we talked.

I'm from Atlanta.
I'm a forensic psychiatrist.

The State employed me to determine 
if certain people who did very bad things 
would do them again if they were 
released from prison.

That was my job
Now I live here.

Because of the state of The State 
and the whole world.

What did you do or 
what do you do now?

Morgan :
I Clear.

Eastman :
What the hell does that mean?

Morgan :
Walkers, people, anything that gets 
anywhere near me, 
I kill 'em. I Clear.

Eastman :

Morgan :
Because that's why 
I'm still here.

Eastman :
Well... that's the biggest load 
of horseshit I ever heard.

Here's your lunch.
(tab snaps)

(goat bleats)

Eastman :
It's PTSD. You've been 
through trauma, right?

Morgan :
You see that blood on 
the end of my stick?
At the sharp end?

That was two men.
Father and son, maybe.

I stabbed one through the throat.
He just fell to the ground with it 
stuck in him trying to breathe 
through the blood.

Other one I strangled. 
No rope, just my hands.

That was the day before I came here.
Maybe-- maybe the same day.
I-- I don't know.

But that's What I Did.
That's What I Do.

Eastman :
You killed a  lot of people?

Morgan :

Eastman :
They were threatening 
you, attacking you?

Morgan :
Not all of them.

Eastman :
You save anyone?

You saved people.
Pointless acts.

Morgan :
Everybody turns.

Eastman :
I saw a wedding ring.
You had someone 
you loved, didn't you?

Children? Oh. 
You loved them.

You loved them a lot 
if you're like this.

You saw it Happen.
That's how this 
started, right?

It's all happening right in front 
of your eyes over and over.

Your Body's here, but
Your Mind is still there.
There's A Door and 
You want to go through it 
to get away from it, so you do 
and it leads you right back 
to that moment.

And you see that door again 
and you know it won't work,
 but, hell, maybe it'll work.

So you step through that door 
and you're right back in that 
horrible moment every time.

You still feel it every time.

So you just want to stop 
opening that door.
So you just sit in it.

But I assure you
one of those doors 
leads out, my friend.

Morgan :
I don't have any friends.

Eastman :
Get to know me.

Morgan :
Oh, I'm gonna kill you.

Eastman :

Morgan :
Because I Have 
to Clear.

Eastman :
See, that's the thing. You don't.
(scoffs) We're not 
built to Kill.

We don't have claws 
or fangs or armor.

Vets that came back with PTSD, 
that didn't happen because 
we're comfortable with Killing.

We're not. We can't be.
We feel. We're connected.

You know, I've interviewed over 
825 people who've 
done terrible things --
I've only met one evil person.

Some of them were born with bad brains.
Some of them got sick along the way.

The rest were just damaged people.

Traumatised themselves like you, 
but they could heal.

Some more
some less, but 
they can.

We all can.
I know it.

It's all A Circle and 
everything gets a return.

The Door is open.

That Door right there. 
The cell door, it's open.

I threw The Key in 
The River a while back.

I'm not gonna hold you anymore.
I can't stop you. Go, clear.

Or stay, crash on the couch, and 
we'll try to find you 
another way.

The Door's open.

It's been open all along.

You stay or you go.
Those are the choices.

I will not allow You to Kill Me.
I will not allow that.