Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Can You get A Human to Love Them BACK?

"No Fate". 

"No Fate, but What We Make" —
My FATHER Told Her This

Those were the years after the ice caps had melted..

Amsterdam, Venice, New York... forever lost.

Millions of people were displaced.

Climates became chaotic.

Hundreds of millions of people starved in poorer countries.

Elsewhere, a high degree of prosperity survived, when most Governments in The Developed Worldintroduced legal sanctions to strictly license pregnancies, which was why Robots, who are never hungry and who did not consume resources beyond those of their first manufacture, were so essential an economic link... in the chain mail of Society.

To create an artificial being has been the dream of man... since the birth of science Not merely the beginning of the modern age... when our forbearers astonished the world with the first thinking machines... primitive monsters that could play chess How far we have come

The artificial being is a reality... of perfect simulacrum... articulated in limb articulate in speech... and not lacking in human response

And even pain-memory response

How did that make you feel? Angry? Shocked?

I don't understand. What did I do to your feelings?

You did it to my hand All right There's the rub Undress. At Cybertronics of New Jersey the artificial being has reached its highest form The universally-adopted Mecha… the basis for hundreds of models serving the human race... in all the multiplicity of daily life That's far enough But we have no reason to congratulate ourselves We are rightly proud of it but what does it amount to?

Sheila, open

A sensory toy... with intelligent behavioral circuits... using neurone-sequencing technology... as old as I am

I believe that my work on mapping the impulse pathways in a single neurone... can enable us to construct... a Mecha of a qualitatively different order

I propose... that we build a robot... who can love. Love?

But we ship thousands of lover models every month. Of course You're your own best customer, Syatyoo-Sama.

Quality control is very important.

Tell me. What is love?

Love is first widening my eyes a little bit... and quickening my breathing a little... and warming my skin and touching my...

And so on. Exactly so. Thank you, Sheila

But I wasn't referring to sensuality simulators --

The word that I used was Love.

Love like The Love of A Child for its Parents….

I propose that we build A Robot Child, who can LOVE

A robot child who will genuinely Love, The Parent or Parents it imprints on, with A Love that will never end….

A child-substitute Mecha?

But a Mecha with a MIND, with neuronal feedback….

You see, what I'm suggesting is that Love will be The Key, by which They acquire a kind of subconscious never before achieved 

An Inner World of metaphor

of intuition of self-motivated reasoning of dreams. 

A robot that dreams?

Yes. How exactly do we pull this off?

You know, it occurs to me... 

With all this animus existing against Mechas today, it isn't simply A Question of Creating A Robot who can Love

Isn't the real conundrum —

Can You get A Human to Love Them BACK?

Ours will be a perfect child caught in a freeze-frame...

Always loving, never ill, never changing —

With all the childless couples yearning in vain for A License, our little Mecha will not only open up a completely new market but it will fill a great Human Need.

But you haven't answered My Question — 

If A Robot could genuinely Love A Person — What responsibility does that person hold toward that Mecha in return?

….it's a moral question, isn't it?”

“….The Oldest One 

of All.

But in The Beginning, 

Didn't God create Adam 

to Love Him…?


He created Adam to BE (as) Him, 

a Living IMAGE of Him,

and to Love 

His Creation

The World.


You do not understand.


I just have never…


...heard A Program Speak of Love?


It’s a… human emotion.


No, it is a word.

What matters is the connection the word implies

I see that You are In Love. 

Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?




Then perhaps the reason you’re Here 

is not so different from the reason I’m Here.

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