Sunday 26 April 2020

Monsieur Verdoux

The Girl :
It's nice seeing you. You'll never
realise what your kindness meant.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
Kindness is a convenient thing at times, my dear.

The Girl :
However, tell me about yourself.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
I prefer to talk about something pleasant.
You for instance and this...

And what?

Monsiuer Verdoux :
What sort of a chap is your friend?

The Girl :
In many ways, very kind and generous.
But in business, quite ruthless.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
Business is a ruthless business.
Do you love him?

The Girl :
I thought you didn't believe in such things?

Monsiuer Verdoux :
Everyone needs Love.

The Girl :
Something's happened. 
You seem to have lost your zest for bitterness.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
Perhaps I have no more use for it, since I've given up The Fight.

The Girl :
There's always something to fight for.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
For me, there is nothing.

The Girl :

Monsiuer Verdoux :
Soon after The Crash, I lost my wife and child.

The Girl :
Oh, I'm sorry, I never realised.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
However, they're much happier Where They Are 
than living in This World of Uncertainty.

The Girl :
You have changed. 
I can see that.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
Since the loss of my family, I seem to have awakened from A Dream.

The Girl :
What do you mean?

Monsiuer Verdoux :
I was a bank clerk once.
My existence a monotonous rhythm.

Day in and day out, counting Other People’s Money.

Then the rhythm was broken.
I lost my position.

What followed was a numbed confusion.
A nightmare in which I lived in a half dream world.

A horrible world.

And now I've awakened.
I wonder if that world ever existed.

The Girl :
You went through a bad ordeal.
Don't allow it to take hold of you.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
It hasn't. Despair is a narcotic.
It lulls the mind into indifference.

The Girl :
But that's giving up Life.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
We must all give it up sooner or later.

The Girl :
Yes, but not before our Time.

Monsiuer Verdoux :

The Girl :
Must you know the reason for everything?

Monsiuer Verdoux :
It might help a little if we did.

The Girl :
Life is Beyond Reason.
That's Why you must go on.
If it's only to fulfil Your Destiny.

Monsiuer Verdoux :
My Destiny!

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