Tuesday 28 April 2020

5G Debate

On Tuesday 10th September 2019 supporters of the Stop 5G Campaign gathered outside of Bristol Council House, recently renamed City Hall, in order to bring awareness to the public of the dangers of Wi-Fi enabled 5G on all living things. 

Afterwards at 6.00 pm they filed Into the Public Gallery to witness and support the contributions from Amber Eastman followed by Karen Churchill who both did their best considering the restriction of time imposed upon them. 

The accumulation of over the 3,500 signature threshold qualified a Councillor debate with Sally Beare presenting the petition requesting a pause to Bristol’s 5G roll out until it has been proven to be safe. First to respond was Thomas Brook, the Labour Councillor for Bishopston and Ashley Down, who is also the Chair of Bristol Development Control Committee as well being on the Public Control and Safety Committee. 

So having heard his impassioned opinion on 5G based on his faith on the information espoused by Public Health England I thought it expedient to include some some balance by including some insights, following the video clips of the Council meeting, from the experience of Barry Trower who is the World’s primary go to person on the effects of Microwaves on the Human body. 

All other Councillors have their political affiliations identified prior to speaking Barry Trower begins at 33.07

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