Wednesday 22 August 2018

My Father Said it Would be Fire.

Fire consumes all. Water cleanses. 
It separates The Foul from The Pure. 
The Wicked from The Innocent. 

And That Which Sinks 
from That Which Rises. 

Noah, The Chosen One : 

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :

Noah, The Chosen One :
This is your great-grandfather.
Show him respect.
Tell him your name.

Shem, The Future :
I am Shem.
My eldest.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
Come closer.
Let me see you. You're a lucky boy.
I think you must have Your Mother's looks, not Your Father's.
Come tell me about yourself.
So, what do you like most in The World?

Shem, The Future :

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :

Shem, The Future :

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
Berries, yes.
What can compete with fresh, ripe berries? Nothing.
Yes, it's been so long I can barely remember the taste of them.
Tell me, did you bring me any?


I'm craving them now.
Well, perhaps one day.
You must be tired.
It's a long way up here.

Shem, The Future : 

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
Why not rest?
How perfect.
What we need to discuss is not for boys.

Noah, The Chosen One : 
You know why I've come?

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :

Before he walked on, my father Enoch told me that one day, if man continued in his ways, The Creator would annihilate This World.

Noah, The Chosen One :
So what I saw is True?
All life blotted out because of what Man has done?
Can it not be averted?

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
Noah, you must trust that He speaks in a way that you can understand.

So you tell me

Can this destruction be averted?

Noah, The Chosen One :
He sent me here.
Why send me if there's nothing I can do to stop it?

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
Well, perhaps He simply sends you here to share a cup of tea with an old man.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
So, is that all you saw?
The Fires of destruction on this place?

Noah :
No, not Fire.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
My Father said it would be Fire.

Noah, The Chosen One :
I saw water. Death by water.
I saw Death.

And I saw new life.

There's something more, Grandfather.
Something I'm to do. I know it.

I just didn't see what it was.
New life.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
Well, perhaps there is more for you to see.
Did He not send you here to drink a cup of tea with an old man?

The Medicine Always Tastes Bad.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
She was the only one moving.
Was she hurt badly?

Shem, The Future :
She had a big cut on her belly.
Mother helped and I held her hand.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
That must have made her feel safe.

Noah, The Chosen One :
Fire consumes all.
Water cleanses.
It separates The Foul from The Pure.
The Wicked from The Innocent.
And That Which Sinks from That Which Rises.

He destroys all, but only to start again.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
You sure?

Noah, The Chosen One :

The Storm cannot be stopped.
But it can be survived.

Luke Skywalker, The Old Man of The Mountain :
You may need this.
It's a seed.
From The First Garden.
From Eden.
Remember, Noah,

He chose you for a reason.

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