Sunday, 31 August 2014

Moffat Accredits the Memes: Appendix 1 - Like, Totally Metal, dude...

Okay, just to deal with this separately, quickly - is he doing that on purpose...?

Almost certainly not, but you have to wonder why it seems to keep happening, because it  keeps randomly emerging from screen-grabs I have taken so far from episodes 1 & 2.

Must still be a Malcolm Tucker thing...

It's probably worth noting, and getting on the record and out of the way early on, that (contrary to popular misinformation), the "Devil Sign", Metal Horns, Hook 'em Horns or Corna gesture is, and always has been, and still is (in Europe, at any rate) a tranditional, folk protective warding gesture intended to repel or deflect evil, bad luck, curses or malevolent entities, especially in Italy, which may go some way toward explaining the seeming massive prevelemce of photographs of various Popes and senior cardinals, not to mention various Heads of State throwing up the horns for the camera - the Roman Church may be right or wrong on many points, but one thing that they do constantly emphasise is indeed undeniably true, that the Church is indeed surrounded on all sides by enemies, determined to harm it and bring about it's downfall, and those persons seek confirmation of their own sincere belief that the Vatican / the Pope himself is the Antichrist Power, by any and all means, and they don't care about the truth (and traditional semi-pagan folklore even less so).

Paris Jackson : Righteously Deserving of All the Extra Protection Available.

(And also a slightly longer pair of shorts - woman, seriously... In public, no less...?)

In the Rock and Heavy Metal community indeed, the gesture was first popularised onstage by Ronnie James Dio, who explained that he had always known of the gesture and it's purpose from his elderly grandmother in Italy, who explained to him that it was intended to ward off and deflect the Evil Eye (meaning, minor malicious curses or satires placed upon oneself by others, with or without having knowledge of who might do or have done so.

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