Monday 13 January 2014

October Surprise and Henry Kissinger : Strange Diplomacy in Iran - byRobert Dreyfus, 12/2/1980

This is interesting - just doing some debunking of debunking on the Newsweek attack piece on Garry Sick and his book (which none of them  had read when they wrote it), and noticed something interesting;

First, they try and originate the first allegation of a secret deal to LaRouche, on December 2nd 1980, who report Kissinger meeting in Paris with people prior to the election (an old habit with him), as written up in Executive Intelligence Review.

The LaRouchies have archived all their back issues (split up into either articles or full issues) for EIR online, as PDFs.

So I pull the article.

Guess what. This DOESN'T say primarily that Kissinger was meeting with Iranian envoys in Paris in October.

This says he met with the Muslim Brotherhood.

That's a VERY different thing........

The MB are the spy network / secret society set up by the Anglo-French in Egypt in the 1920s to hold down the nationalists and the Communists and hold the Suez Canal with just two battalions.

Both Nasser and Saddat were secretly members early on and used it  to build their own power base until they were able to overthrow first the King, then then the Anglo-French company men and purge the Brotherhood - it's still going on today.

The fact that London and Paris never dreamed Arab Socialism might be a viable concept or find a strong popular base never occurred to them, because it never occurred to Marx writing in Europe 120 years earlier was their loss.

But Pan-Arabism offered them a way to strengthen the MB offshoots across the region, especially Palestine and set up Sunni countergangs all over the place to scare the shit out of the Saudis.

They DIDN'T try to establish a similar network within Shi'ia Islam in Iran, because they believed (wrongly) that the Ba'hai had that covered for them.

If Kissinger was meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood (Sunnis) in Paris in October 1980, it's far more likely to be do with setting up the fall of Sadat (exactly one year later, carried out by a Muslim Brotherhood 5th Column Death Squad on live TV), in October 1981 than it does have anything to do with Iran or the Hostages.

That's October 1980 - the Egypt-Israeli Peace Treaty was signed in March 1979, and by late '80, Egypt and Israel had nominally withdrawn from the Sinai, with Carter battling manfully to get the permanent International peacekeeping mission organised by the UN.

When Reagan was elected, he and Haig basically did nothing and ignored it (in between getting shot), and in May the UN said they couldn't provide the permanent force called for under the treaty - so eventually they ended up establishing a permanent US-led international military mission in the Sinai OUTSIDE the UN.

This is the same US Mission that those 256-odd US Army Rangers were returning home from on Ollie North's gun-running plane when they were blown out of the sky by Egyptian Islamic Jihad (The Muslim Brotherhood) in December 1985.

That bombing killed more US Servicemen (it's been pointed out) than Desert Storm, Desert Shield, the Invasion of Panama and the Invasion of Grenada put together.

It was Al Haig (meaning Henry Kissinger) who put US Army Rangers (permanantly) in the Sinai in 1981, and he is still FURIOUS that Reagan pulled the Marines out of Beruit in 1983 (in an attack we now know Mossad had ample advanced warning of, and didn't tell anyone in the US) after the Barracks Bombing.

This is the Kissinger-Haig Plan for a Greater Israel - later reformatted as the Yinon Plan in 1985.

This is the same thing the Anglo-French tried in 1956 - this is Suez-Plus...

Lyndon LaRouche spoke very highly of Cap Weinberger at the time, by the way....

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