Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The NRA, Libertarians and Liberal Ego Warriors alike all Real Threat - Documented Meetings Between Bush Administration, PNAC, AIPAC, the RNC and Terrorists (Foriegn and Domestic)

"At Ft. Hood, an army psychiatrist, Dr. Hasan, killed thirteen and wounded 29, using a 5.4mm Fn Herstal pistol, specially designed for defeating Level III body armor.  Hasan is said to have ties to a San Diego cleric of Yemeni background.  However, while working at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC, Hasan was the chosen representative of the Bush Administration, coordinating with Homeland Security. "


The assault on the Benghazi compound was led by a Yemeni national and member of "Al-Qaeda" in the Arabian Peninsular - a false flag brigade of US Intelliegence assets and Mossad-trained sh*t stirrers who kill for money and have no religious devotions whatsoever. We know this because they filmed themseleves doing it and CNN was airing footage of an attack led by a man speaking Arabic with a strong Yemeni accent 4 hrs after it started, before Hilary Clinton ever mentioned a YouTube video and before the SECOND attack on the CIA Security Annex even began, while CIA Officers Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were still alive.

These core 27 Yemenis comprising this new "Al-Qaeda" group are led by the USS Cole mastermind (released from Gitmo  after a military tribunal sentenced him to 4 years, time served - he would have done 12 years mandatory minimum in a civiilian trial - and 27 other extremists who were let out by the Yemeni government, who claim they "dug a tunnel" out of the prison.

In a PDF report they “misplaced,” we gleaned the following rather shocking information:

Hasan served with these individuals. Why was he meeting these people?

Major Hasan was briefed by these individuals:

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