Tuesday 2 July 2024

Idea Laundering

Grievance Studies is "Idea Laundering": James Lindsay

James Lindsay :
Page a17
Helen, we're on the front page of the New York Times
Oh man, there's a picture of us too. Look at that.
Wonder who took that picture. Turn it to the camera
"With Canine Sex and Hooters
Papers jab at academic journals"

I've been getting a lot of messages today that 
The New York Times is a white
supremacist sexist organization

So I think I think they came down in our favor
It's hard to make sense of what the hell is going on here --

We're talking for what months now 
about this moment and there was 
an expectation that we'd be utterly destroyed --

For good reason. Look what happened 
to Bret [Weinstein] and Heather [Heying], 
but that hasn't happened to us. 
It hasn't happened to us. 
What's happening. Can you...

No, I can't. I have no idea what's happening. 
Something is happening. I don't know, 
then something might still happen
but yeah at the moment we've
We're being taken seriously
mostly and read in good faith. 
And that's surprising.

That's there are hundreds of thousands 
of words to read through to even 
begin to understand what we did --

Simplifying this into a book would 
even be difficult because it's so long;
Usually you have to talk about ginning 
something up to book length, but summarising 
this down to book length is difficult...

So there's a great deal that people 
are gonna have to take in. 

Do you think this thing could fizzle out as 
a result of people not properly understanding 
what is going on behind closed doors here?

Yeah, if people don't understand that 
this is a form of corruption

That's that's political in nature, that's trying 
to change how we validate ideas... 
Bret Weinstein called it idea laundering
which is a brilliant term that you have 
these these prejudices and opinions
Our work shows that that you can start with the conclusion and
Work your way there so you can conclude nearly anything as long as it's hostile to the right
Things: privilege in particular and so then then the universities are the these grievance studies
fields take them in
they do the peer-review thing obviously in a way that's very concerning from our work and then
They put them out and now they have this respectability of knowledge when they still are just prejudice and opinion.
Critical race theory is a mess. For example, it is explicitly political situation in which whiteness has to be bad and
Therefore it can't ever do anything right.
And they they take these ideas and launder them through the academic process and these departments exist
specifically to launder these ideas, to put them to the academic process and give them the appearance of being rigorous studies
So then activists can go on say "Oh a study has shown"
These ideas disseminate straight out of the university into culture. They're everywhere people run into them all the time
Everybody's confused about issues of race and racism and sexism now because they seem to have been redefined and this whole power structure is
becoming the the water we we swim in and
this whole thing that everybody and everything is racist and sexist would never have been able to take off and get much traction if it
Weren't being made to look legitimate by a scholarly enterprise that's been pushing it for five decades
It's about knowledge. It's about how we decide what is true. People don't tend to think about the ways in which they
decide what is true.
It just seems to come naturally to them because it comes from the water that we swim in and we are just gradually bit-by-bit undermining
the long history of ...of going with evidence of going with
consistent liberal ethics. It's... it's frightening

Saturday 29 June 2024

Set and Setting

I took mushrooms and went to Astroworld and I had a really bad time.
 You’re a moron. 
They are sacred. Go to nature. 
Who wants to be on the Black Dragon, tripping.
 I would fucking be puking, man, about fifty 
yards, with each hurl of the Black Dragon. 
(screeches) Possessed Dragon. 

The Matrix Resurrections - The Game Awards Clip

"I just think it’s interesting to see how people act on their beliefs, you know what I mean? Cos all your beliefs, they’re just that. They’re nothing, they’re how you were taught and raised. That doesn’t make ’em real. That’s why I always recommend a psychedelic experience, cos it does make you realise everything you learned is in fact just learned and not necessarily true.

There’s dick jokes on the way, please relax. (laughs) You’re going, ‘This guy better have some good dick jokes, I’ll tell you that, honey. I mean, this guy better have a big, long, purple-vein dick joke to pull himself out of this comedy hole.’ Throw down the big purple-vein dick and I crawl out of it and that’s gonna be the joke at the end. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, hey, the clown got the laugh : cool.



Cheques, Lies and Videotape

It follows the development of releasing Doctor Who episodes on VHS, with several people who grew up obtaining VHS and how they all felt about retrieving Doctor Who episodes, including purchasing them for ridiculous prices on the "black market." 

 Points made in the documentary include: 

The original prices of VHS in 2009 currency. 

The differences between Target Books' novelisations and the actual episodes. 

The deterioration of generation copies made from off-air recordings. 

What was it like in the days before commercially released videos, when TV was as ephemeral a medium as theatre? 

How did Doctor Who fans enjoy old episodes of their favourite programme? 

All is revealed in this new documentary.

Friday 28 June 2024

The People at The Top Don't Want to HEAR This --

CNN, Feynman and the Challenger disaster

"The People at The Top don’t 
want to HEAR This --"

…which is of course The Reason behind every 
Soviet Cosmonaut Death in Space —

Dr. Strangelove : 
Of course, the whole point of a 
Doomsday Machine is lost,…. 
if you keep it a SECRET! 

Why didn't you tell 
The World, EH?

Ambassador de Sadesky: 
It was due to be announced at 
The Party Congress on Monday. 
As you know, The Premier 
loves surprises.

Dr Strangelove: 'Why didn't you tell the world - eh!?'

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Sutekh, The Hyksos and Isomorphism

Plato's Pharmacy -- 

"Offscourings" ---  Pharmakos (n.)
a human scapegoat.
During the Thargelia, but 
also during adverse periods 
such as plague and famine,
 Athenians and Ionians 
expelled scapegoat(s), who
 were called 'offscourings'
in order 'to purify' the cities.
The Cat sat on The Ma'at.

The Witchcraft of Salem Village

"Now, Derrida -- Foucault was the teacher of Derrida at the E.N.S. --Foucault took Derrida with him to visit the inmates at the mental hospital of St. Annes.

Derrida has been somewhat less publicly flamboyant than Foucault but he is no less of an irrationalist he's probably a more effective one; 

He is the child of a Serpharic Jewish Family living in Algeria -- he was very young, when he had the experience of being buried alive --

He was locked in a coffin-shaped Cedar Chest by his sisterhe later managed to escape alive, but he was traumatised by the belief that he had died and been brought back from The Dead....

From this grew his identification with The Isis-Osiris Myth in which Isis of course brings Osiris back from The Dead; but this also implied fora an obsession with castration, which he told his students had suggested to him the the title for one of his early books, "Disseminations".

Derrida's irrationalism was later fuelled by the mystical writings of the Kabbalah -- very important -- and by his devotion to the satanic degenerate Antonin Artaud, of The Theatre of Cruelty, some people may remember this, too.

He was somebody who had spent about a decade of his own life in a mental institution. Derrida was jailed in 1981 by the Czechoslovakian Communist Regime on on charges of drug trafficking, but these these charges were never proven --

Some of the best one-liners about Derrida come from Foucault, during the period when these two were quarreling -- During the 1970s Foucault said that Derrida was a terrorist and an obscurantist who deliberately wrote in such a way as to be impossible to understand, so he could then lash-out at his critics, as cretins who were incapable of understanding the profoundness of his Thought;

The best summary from Foucault : -- "Derrida is the kind of philosopher, who gives bullshit a bad name.

Now we can we can turn the lights on we don't need this at the moment we have one more deid DA's opaque doctrines are a philosophy of anglo-american destabilization from the word go his big publishing breakthroughs came in 1967 and ke lectures were delivered at the height of the May 1968 riots that led to the overthrow of General Charles deal the best government that France had seen in many Ages 

Derrida was a Leading Light of the click around the magazine Tel Kel which was one of the theoretical mouthpieces of this Rebellion now deconstruction deconstruction is an attack on the judeo-christian Western European civilization it is an attack that is powered Above All by rage DEA hates and resents reason and creativity in these he identifies with the Epic of Christian creationism and infinitism when these appropriate the resources of Greek conceptuality that is from his book on grammatology in other words derida hates Plato he hates Apostolic Christianity as exemplified by St John St Paul St Augustine and other patristic writers he hates the entire edifice of Western Civilization based on Christian platonism and in this he follows mentors like n who claim to be Socrates in Reverse or diogenes who defined himself as Socrates gone mad 

Most of all Derrida hates The Logos -- this in the Greek means word or discussion, perhaps ordering, lawfulness but finally reason -- The Logos is reason. 

in Plato's dialogues the spoken word is the path to refining and improving the logos or Reason later Christ came into the world as the word of God and in another moment of the Christian Trinity the holy spirit is the logos which proceeds from the Son of God and which abides with human beings 

Derrida wishes to reject all of this, and all of the implications -- 

Derrida says that Western European culture is guilty of Logocentrism -- The Western cultural Paradigm has contained within it, the aspiration to be based on reason : this has to be rejected. 

The Western cultural Paradigm also gives priority to speech and to The Spoken Word -- you can compare this to to other cultures around The World, but this is not the case; 

Most literature was originally designed to be read aloud or or even sung, from Plato's dialogues to Dante to Petrarch to Shakespeare to Schiller --- and this is the hated Phonocentrism, which Derrida also wants to get rid of ---

Derrida delves into Plato in an attempt to show that the overtones of The Platonic Logos are exclusively paternal and male-dominated -- this gives rise to the further charge of phalogocentrism, and of course soon enough that turns into phalocentrism in the writings of the Menads of Feminist literary Theory today --

Derrida follows his Nazi Guru Heidegger in concluding that the real problem in The West is that our culture is permeated by what he calls 'metaphysics' -- Heidegger had railed against the metaphysics of presence and against metaphysics in general.

For Derrida, 'metaphysics' evidently means anything that cannot be boiled-down to Sense-Certainty. 

Derrida seems sees 'metaphysics' as The Enemy that must be destroyed and under this heading he lumps God, The Self, The Soul, The Human Individual, Causality, Substance Essence, Idea, Action and virtually any concept of any importance turns out to be 'metaphysical' -- these have to go, of course for reasons that are never really uh explained --

And of course for Derrida,  Language is this self-contained formal system of signs with no connection to any reality, concept or thing -- 

Back during the Weimar Republic in the 20s and 30s in Germany the pro-Nazi Heidegger and others referred to their battle against 'metaphysics' with the name destrution or destruction -- and destruction was the first name that Derrida ever gave to his own method.... 

Parallels have been drawn from Deconstructionism to Zen and above all to The Sufism of Al-Gazali whose destruction is in effect a deconstruction of Al-Farrabi and Ibn Sinna attempting to play on their supposed self-contradictions and writers on postmodernism have called attention to this --

a dozen years ago larouche authored a new standard American English curriculum for Effective US public schools in which he outlined the requirements for illiterate language setting out to express the geometric complexity of reality according to larouche this would include seven grammatical cases nine tenses five moods an active and passive voice non-reflexive and self-reflexive features and a vocabulary of 50,000 to 100,000 words including a very well-developed verb system this would therefore mean the ability to express at least 1,260 degrees of geometric freedom 

But of course, for the radical nominalist, paranoid-schizophrenic Derrida, 

Language has nothing 
to DO with reality — 

Derrida sides above all with the Linguistics of Ferdinand of Geneva, which accomplished a massive deterioration in these Language Studies by abandoning all idea of Historical analysis —

For Derrida, The Word as A Sign does not lead to A Concept or An Object, but it only leads you to other signs  — take for example, the word “cat”. 

Okay,  “cat” is A Word that leads you to the furry feline, right?

Right, but no — according to Derrida, this word by itself means nothing,  it only means something because it's different from other words, like “bat” or “rat” or “hat”.

It’s therefore a Negative and Relational Axiom of Duesur;  

For Derrida The Word seems to promise Meaning, but its definition always sends us through an endless chain of other words when we look for the definitions, so the promise of Meaning is indefinitely postponed, delayed, deferred according to this nonsense — each word in a text points to a NeverEnding series of other, older textsThe Chamber of Texts of Derrida.

This is Derrida’s jargon word of “differance”;with a big “a” in the last syllable, which packs ‘difference’ and ‘delay’ into the same baggage —

Now, for Derrida, 
The Author is Dead
by definitionhe never existed —

The Human Self and The Human Ego have collapsed into an ‘X’ marking the spot where they once were

This is the so-called “Subject Position” :

There is no perception
all that Derrida is willing 
to talk about, is A Text

A written text of black on white
with punctuation, typefaces, paragraphs, margins, codons, copyrights, logoeslogoes, but No Logos — and so forth.

This is what he calls ‘writing’ or ‘L’ecriture’ and this writing is primary over Speechprimary with respect to The Spoken Word, which is another purely arbitrary and absolutely absurd assertion;

Everything is a written text, in the sense that every thought, utterance or discourse — watch out when you hear ‘discourse’, because That’s THEM — uh 

any Discourse 
is simply 
"A Story that 
We Tell each other 
about something that exists"
(uh well, something that that 
may or, may not exist)

— and best way for 
A Discourse to be there 
is, as a written text.

So as Derrida says, 
“There is NOTHING 
outside of The Text”;
everything is A Text — 
there are no more Works of Art;

ALL black writing on white paper is A Text, be it Shakespeare, the telephone book, Mickey Mouse, the racing form, The US Constitution, the Jupiter Symphony all of those are Texts, and every one of of them is exactly equivalent to any other

As you can see, what Derrida tries to do, is to draw you into A Labyrinth of Jargon — he's always shifting The Jargon, allegedly to keep from falling back into the hated ways of 'Metaphysics' —
He uses words like “trace”, “sediment” and “iteration” to show that words evolve and change their meanings, as they are used again and again — it's like barnacles on a ship's Hull or the way a coin might be worn when it goes through circulation;

For example, if we hear the word “crook” — Who do we think of think of?”

So, the idea is that each one of these words becomes freighted with a trace, sediment of something, because of the way that they've been used, and this is always there and may not be under control

These are overtones, connotations, associations, you can think of them as etymologies if you want to -- 

They become the key to Derrida practice of what he calls 'dissemination' : -- the scattering of Meanings through Free Play

The Point is always to show that writing is the product of some kind of a compulsion, some kind of a determinism, it is not free -- one example is Derrida's deconstruction of his favourite target, Plato.

This is the deconstruction of the Phaedrus dialogue in the book "Disseminations", by Derrida --

Derrida attempts to show through a textual analysis of the of The Dialogue, words that Plato uses, one is Pharmaca;

This is a Proper Name; it is Nymph who was present when one of her companions was blown off a cliff and died on the Rocks below

Then we have the word Pharmakon; this can mean either a Medicine which gives Life or a Poison which gives Death;

Then we have Pharmakos; Plato refers to Socrates as Pharmakos -- it has the overtone of A Sorcerer or A Medicine-Man, used ironically -- "Socrates, I do apprehend you to be A Wizard! --"

Derrida points out, that although Plato goes through this series Pharmacea, Pharmakon, Pharmakos --  he does not use a closely-related word which is a synonym of the last one, which is Pharmakos and Pharmakos is the sacrificial victim or scapegoat -- 

This is the person, for example who would be ceremonially killed in Athens, in the event of a plague or some other natural disaster, or some disaster of another type -- so, scapegoat is of course what Socrates later became

So Derrida goes through this, with the idea of showing you that Plato was also not free; he was compelled, he was controlled by some kinds of subconscious psychological factors

The Text says, what 
Plato could not have meant

....and this is the obvious 
Deconstructionist conclusion :

All reading is misreading
the Phaedrus dialogue and 
any other piece of writing 
is hopelessly contradictory 
and completely indecipherable --"

"They had rocked The Boat
they had upset The State
they had failed to maintain Ma'at.

"The Temple walls 
[of The New Kingdom] 
will depict The King as 
going on military campaigns 
to increase Ma'at, Divine Order --
and the notion here is, 
Foreign Peoples and Places 
are a source of CHAOS : so, 
The King must bring 
ORDER to these people
and it's for their own Good.

So The King is functioning as 
an insurer of Ma'at and 
the temples themselves should 
be regarded as FACTORIES
if you will, of this Divine Order.

At the same time, another 
of the old gods of the 
Egyptian pantheon, Sutekh
the embodiment of confusion 
and disorder, had become 
incredibly connected with 
the gods of foreign lands.

Any remaining religions practices 
of The Hyksos had also been 
incorporated into this deity and 
would have remained A Problem 
for any King trying to maintain Ma'at.

Despite King Ahmoses' termination 
of The Hyksos' political rule 
around 1550 BCE, the deities 
of The Semites remained

Even Queen Hatshepsut, nearly 
a century later, commented that 
The Hyksos ruled without Ra -

Her claim to have restored Order 
might hint at the very reason for her 
non-attendance on The King's List. 

That, or the unorthodox 
nature of Her Rule....."

Bride of Sutekh

You're a Monster. 

And you're a Lawyer!
Nobody's Perfect.

(turns to the dying Bride he just murdered)
Ah, A Stake through The Heart.
You see, sometimes The Legends are right.

This is not one you can test too often, though.
I only ever have three brides at a time.


Brides, yes
think that's The Right Word for it.
You see, um...
....I am Trying to reproduce...
...which, frankly, can be a bit 
of A Challenge when 
There is Only One of You.

[English] The Master Scene - [The Wedding]
Would you scrub yourself 
and make yourself clean.

My Daughter is 
getting married.

Come and join us.

Leave your worries for a while.
They'll still be there
when you get back.

And your memories 
aren't invited.

Stand wherever you like.

Good day, good day, 
good day, good day.

What a day. What a day.



Clark, big day?

- Big day indeed, sir. - How are you feeling?

I feel pretty well, thank you. How are you?


As long as you hold these bodies,

in this life, you will be man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Master :
Previous to The Cause 
was awful.... Awful --

It was a cycle
like Life.

Birth, excitement, 
growth, decay, death.

Now... now...
...how about this?

Here it comes... 
a large dragon.

...blood dripping, 
red eyes. 
What do I got?

A lasso. I whip it up.

I wrap it around 
its neck, and I wrestle,
wrestle, wrestle him 
to the ground.

I snap up. I say, 
"Sit, Dragon." 
Dragon sits.

I say "Stay." 
Dragon stays.

Now it's got a leash on it.

I take it for a walk.

And that's where 
we're at with it now.

It stays on command.

Next we're going to teach it 
to roll over and 
play dead.

Love that story. - So, where are you from?

- Huh? - Where are you from?

Lynn, Massachusetts.

- Freddie Quell, how do you do? - I'm Val. I'm his son.

Oh, yeah, I see it.

So what kind of work will you be doing?

- Not sure. - Done any Time Hole work?

- Any what? - Any Time Hole work?

I don't think so. I don't know what that is.

- I'm sure you're going to love it. - I hope so.

- Nice to meet you and welcome aboard. - Looking forward to it.

- How long have you known him? - Good night!

- About three years. - Good night, good night, good night.

Thank you, thank you for being here.

- Norman... - Three years?

Thank you.

- Good night, Master.

 Good night.(turns to Freddie --)
When can we have some 
more of your potion?

Whenever you like, I'll make it.

When I like it, I'll give you a signal.

I'll rub my nose and scratch my ear.

What will you need?

- I'll take care of it. - Good.

- Anything you need. - Thank you, good night.

Good night, everyone.

Don't get up. Don't get up.

- I love you. - I love you, too.

What a day.

We fought against the day and we won. We won.

Freddie, feel free to sit with us.

Can you invite him over?

Say, come on over.

Can you say hi?

He's... been writing all night.

You seem to inspire something in him.

- Yeah? - Mm.

When we're at home, on land,

there's too much pulling him in each direction.

Every time he sits to write, a new attack is launched against him,

and he spends too much time defending himself.

Who's attacking him?

People who are scared.

People who are greedy.


That's what's so nice about being at sea.

- He gets his studies done. - Hm.

Advances the learning. He writes book two.

Monday 24 June 2024

Fair Play

Lord Voldemort Returns-
Cedric Diggory gets killed-
Harry Potter and The G...

“‘You evidently don’t know me,’ said he.

‘On the contrary,’ I answered, ‘I think it is fairly evident that I do. Pray take a chair. I can spare you five minutes if you have anything to say.’

“‘All that I have to say has already crossed your mind,’ said he.

“‘Then possibly my answer has crossed yours,’ I replied.

“‘You stand fast?’


“He clapped his hand into his pocket, and I raised the pistol from the table. But he merely drew out a memorandum-book in which he had scribbled some dates.

“‘You crossed my path on the 4th of January,’ said he. ‘On the 23rd you incommoded me; by the middle of February I was seriously inconvenienced by you; at the end of March I was absolutely hampered in my plans; and now, at the close of April, I find myself placed in such a position through your continual persecution that I am in positive danger of losing my liberty. The situation is becoming an impossible one.’

“‘Have you any suggestion to make?’ I asked.
“‘You must drop it, Mr. Holmes,’ said he, swaying his face about. ‘You really must, you know.’

“‘After Monday,’ said I.

“‘Tut, tut,’ said he. ‘I am quite sure that a man of your intelligence will see that there can be but one outcome to this affair. It is necessary that you should withdraw. You have worked things in such a fashion that we have only one resource left. It has been an intellectual treat to me to see the way in which you have grappled with this affair, and I say, unaffectedly, that it would be a grief to me to be forced to take any extreme measure. You smile, sir, but I assure you that it really would.’
“‘Danger is part of my trade,’ I remarked.
“‘That is not danger,’ said he. ‘It is inevitable destruction. You stand in the way not merely of an individual, but of a mighty organization, the full extent of which you, with all your cleverness, have been unable to realize. You must stand clear, Mr. Holmes, or be trodden under foot.’

“‘I am afraid,’ said I, rising, ‘that in the pleasure of this conversation I am neglecting business of importance which awaits me elsewhere.’

“He rose also and looked at me in silence, shaking his head sadly.

“‘Well, well,’ said he, at last. ‘It seems a pity, but I have done what I could. I know every move of your game. You can do nothing before Monday. It has been a duel between you and me, Mr. Holmes. You hope to place me in the dock. I tell you that I will never stand in the dock. You hope to beat me. I tell you that you will never beat me. If you are clever enough to bring destruction upon me, rest assured that I shall do as much to you.’

Fire for The People

Superman 2 - Lex Luthor talking with Jor-El

Kitty Kowalski:
Lex, your friends give 
me the creeps.

Lex Luthor:
Prison is a creepy place, Kitty.
One needs to make creepy friends in order to Survive.
Even a man with my vast talents
is worth less inside than a carton of cigarettes 
and a sharp piece of metal in your pocket.

Do you know The Story of Prometheus?
No, of course you don't.

Prometheus was a God 
who stole The Power of Fire 
from The Other Gods 
and gave Control 
of it to Mortals.

In essence, he gave us Technology.
He gave us Power.

Kitty Kowalski:
So we're stealing Fire? 
In The Arctic.

Lex Luthor:
Actually, sort of. 

You see, whoever controls Technology 
controls The World.

The Roman Empire ruled The World
because they built roads.

The British Empire ruled The World
because they built ships.

America, The Atom Bomb,
and so on and so forth.

I just want what 
Prometheus wanted.

Kitty Kowalski:
Sounds great, Lex, but 
you're not a God.

Lex Luthor: 
(freezes, turns on his heel)
....Gods are selfish beings who 
fly around in little red capes
and don't share Their Power 
with Mankind.

Minion :
Hey, boss.
We found something.

Lex Luthor:
NoI don't wanna be a god.
I just wanna bring fire to The People --
And I want my cut.

Kitty Kowalski:
Was this his house?

Lex Luthor:
You might think so. Most would.
This is more of a monument 
to a long dead and extremely 
powerful civilization.
This is where he learned who he was.
This is where he came for guidance.

Endless Possibilities.

Kitty Kowalski:
You act like you've 
been here before.

My Son. You do not remember me. 
I am Jor-El. I am Your Father. 
By now I will have been dead for many thousands of your years.

Lex Luthor:
He thinks I'm his son?

Embedded in the crystals before you is the total accumulation of all literature and scientific fact of dozens of other worlds spanning the twenty-eight known galaxies.

Kitty Kowalski:
Can he see us?

Lex Luthor:
...No, he's dead.

There are many questions to be asked. 
Here, in this.... Fortress of Solitude, we will try to find the answers together. 
So, my son...Kal-El...speak.

Lex Luthor:
Tell me everything
Starting with crystals.

Thor :
What good were you in your cell?

Loki :
Who put me there? 

Thor :

[pins Loki] 

Thor :
[lets go of Loki]  
She wouldn't want us to fight.

Loki :
Well, she wouldn't exactly be •shocked•.

Thor :
I •wish• I could trust you.

Loki :
Trust my rage.

Lex Luthor:
You're asking yourself, "How?"
Didn't your dad ever teach you to look before you leap?
Crystals. They're amazing, aren't they?
They inherit the traits of the minerals around them... kind of like a son inheriting the traits of his father!
You took away five years of my life,
I'm just returning the favor!

Superman :
I'm still Superman!

Lex Luthor:
Get up! Come on!
Now, fly.
So long, Superman.

There’s a Fatherly Aspect, 
So here’s what God as a Father is like :

You can enter into a Covenant with it, 

so you can make a bargain with it. 

It responds to Sacrifice

It Answers Prayers

It Punishes and Rewards

It Judges and Forgives

It’s not Nature. 

It built Eden for Mankind 
and then banished us for disobedience. 

It’s Too Powerful to be Touched. 

It granted Free will

Distance from it is Hell. 

Distance from it is Death. 

It reveals itself in dogma 
and in mystical experience, and it’s 
The Law.