Tuesday 2 July 2024

Idea Laundering

Grievance Studies is "Idea Laundering": James Lindsay

James Lindsay :
Page a17
Helen, we're on the front page of the New York Times
Oh man, there's a picture of us too. Look at that.
Wonder who took that picture. Turn it to the camera
"With Canine Sex and Hooters
Papers jab at academic journals"

I've been getting a lot of messages today that 
The New York Times is a white
supremacist sexist organization

So I think I think they came down in our favor
It's hard to make sense of what the hell is going on here --

We're talking for what months now 
about this moment and there was 
an expectation that we'd be utterly destroyed --

For good reason. Look what happened 
to Bret [Weinstein] and Heather [Heying], 
but that hasn't happened to us. 
It hasn't happened to us. 
What's happening. Can you...

No, I can't. I have no idea what's happening. 
Something is happening. I don't know, 
then something might still happen
but yeah at the moment we've
We're being taken seriously
mostly and read in good faith. 
And that's surprising.

That's there are hundreds of thousands 
of words to read through to even 
begin to understand what we did --

Simplifying this into a book would 
even be difficult because it's so long;
Usually you have to talk about ginning 
something up to book length, but summarising 
this down to book length is difficult...

So there's a great deal that people 
are gonna have to take in. 

Do you think this thing could fizzle out as 
a result of people not properly understanding 
what is going on behind closed doors here?

Yeah, if people don't understand that 
this is a form of corruption

That's that's political in nature, that's trying 
to change how we validate ideas... 
Bret Weinstein called it idea laundering
which is a brilliant term that you have 
these these prejudices and opinions
Our work shows that that you can start with the conclusion and
Work your way there so you can conclude nearly anything as long as it's hostile to the right
Things: privilege in particular and so then then the universities are the these grievance studies
fields take them in
they do the peer-review thing obviously in a way that's very concerning from our work and then
They put them out and now they have this respectability of knowledge when they still are just prejudice and opinion.
Critical race theory is a mess. For example, it is explicitly political situation in which whiteness has to be bad and
Therefore it can't ever do anything right.
And they they take these ideas and launder them through the academic process and these departments exist
specifically to launder these ideas, to put them to the academic process and give them the appearance of being rigorous studies
So then activists can go on say "Oh a study has shown"
These ideas disseminate straight out of the university into culture. They're everywhere people run into them all the time
Everybody's confused about issues of race and racism and sexism now because they seem to have been redefined and this whole power structure is
becoming the the water we we swim in and
this whole thing that everybody and everything is racist and sexist would never have been able to take off and get much traction if it
Weren't being made to look legitimate by a scholarly enterprise that's been pushing it for five decades
It's about knowledge. It's about how we decide what is true. People don't tend to think about the ways in which they
decide what is true.
It just seems to come naturally to them because it comes from the water that we swim in and we are just gradually bit-by-bit undermining
the long history of ...of going with evidence of going with
consistent liberal ethics. It's... it's frightening

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