Monday 26 March 2018

How to Walk With God

" It is true that the idea of virtuous self-sacrifice is deeply embedded in Western culture (at least insofar as the West has been influenced by Christianity, which is based on the imitation of someone who performed the ultimate act of self-sacrifice). 

Any claim that the Golden Rule does not mean “sacrifice yourself for others” might therefore appear dubious. But Christ’s archetypal death exists as an example of how to accept finitude, betrayal and tyranny heroically—

How to Walk With God despite the tragedy of self-conscious knowledge

—and not as a directive to victimize ourselves in the service of others. 

To sacrifice ourselves to God (to the highest good, if you like) does not mean to suffer silently and willingly when some person or organization demands more from us, consistently, than is offered in return.

That means we are supporting tyranny, and allowing ourselves to be treated like slaves. 

It is not virtuous to be victimized by a bully, 
even if that bully is oneself.

I learned two very important lessons from Carl Jung, the famous Swiss depth psychologist, about “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you” "loving your neighbour as yourself.” The first lesson was that 

Neither of these statements has anything to do with being nice

The second was that both are equations, rather than injunctions. If I am someone’s friend, family member, or lover, then I am morally obliged to bargain as hard on my own behalf as they are on theirs. If I fail to do so, I will end up a slave, and the other person a tyrant. What good is that? It much better for any relationship when both partners are strong. Furthermore, there is little difference between standing up and speaking for yourself, when you are being bullied or otherwise tormented and enslaved, and standing up and speaking for someone else. As Jung points out, this means embracing and loving the sinner who is yourself, as much as forgiving and aiding someone else who is stumbling and imperfect.

As God himself claims (so goes the story), “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” According to this philosophy, 

You do not simply belong to yourself. 

You are not simply your own possession to torture and mistreat. 

This is partly because your Being is inexorably tied up with that of others, and your mistreatment of yourself can have catastrophic consequences for others. 

This is most clearly evident, perhaps, in the aftermath of suicide, when those left behind are often both bereft and traumatized. But, metaphorically speaking, there is also this: 

You have a spark of The Divine in you
which belongs not to you, but to God

We are, after all—according to Genesis—
made in His image. 

We have the semidivine capacity for consciousness. Our consciousness participates in the speaking forth of Being. 

We are low-resolution (“kenotic”) versions of God. We can make order from chaos—and vice versa—in our way, with our words. 

So, we may not exactly be God, 
but we’re not exactly nothing, either. "

Friday 23 March 2018


Throughout the years, people from East Asia have been depicted in European media as being more reserved and stoic than Europeans. This comes from the perceptions of European merchants, soldiers, and officials unable or simply unwilling to appreciate the astonishingly diverse social customs of a region of many million square kilometres and more than 300 million people (from the 17th century onward). Faced with a continent even more heterogenous than their own, they more-or-less gave up on trying to figure out what each region's 'hat' was and simply wrote them all off as 'inscrutable' or mysterious/unreadable.

If treated positively, a character who follows this trope can come across as being a calm, cool, and fairly collected (if a bit eccentric) person who may also serve as a source of wisdom and encouragement. If treated negatively, characters come across as being overly dour, uptight, dull, and all around boring fellows who seem to have trouble comprehending concepts like leisure or fun. The distinction is similar to that between Stiff Upper Lip and British Stuffiness, respectively.

This can be shown tropewise as being The Stoic in more serious and/or positive portrayals. And as The Comically Serious or Only Sane Man in more comedic and negative portrayals. The Old Master may also be this trope.

All in all, this trope can be described as the Eastern counterpart to Germanic Depressives. Any kernel of truth in the stereotype can be attributed to the one universal social mannerism throughout East and Southeast Asia of "maintaining face", and which British people would understand: Don't make a fuss. One reason for this trope being less popular nowadays is its association with offensive Yellow Peril villains, who were frequently untrustworthy, scheming Chessmasters who used their lack of emotion to disguise their motives.

Contrast Asian Rudeness.

Thursday 22 March 2018

The Death of Stalin

This Soviet figure was probably one of the most prolific leaders the world has ever known. 

He led the Soviet Union to victory during the Second World War, though many suffered greatly under his rule. 

His personal life was complicated, and the circumstances surrounding his death still remain a secret. 

He was the man with an iron heart: Joseph Stalin.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Rule 8 - In This Age of Grand Illusion

Rule #1 :
Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 :
Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule #3 :
Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule #4 :
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule #5 :
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule #6 :
Set your house in perfect order before you criticise The World

Rule #7 :
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule #8 :
Tell The Truth – or, at least, don’t lie.

Rule #9
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule #10 :
Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 : 
Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule #12 :
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

" How shall I educate my people? Share with them those things I regard as truly important. That’s Rule 8 (Tell the truth—or, at least, don’t lie). 

That is to aim for wisdom, to distill that wisdom into words, and to speak forth those words as if they matter, with true concern and care. 

That’s all relevant, as well, to the next question (and answer): 

What shall I do with a torn nation? 

Stitch it back together with careful words of truth. 

The importance of this injunction has, if anything, become clearer over the past few years: we are dividing, and polarizing, and drifting toward chaos. It is necessary, under such conditions, if we are to avoid catastrophe, for each of us to bring forward the truth, as we see it: not the arguments that justify our ideologies, not the machinations that further our ambitions, but the stark pure facts of our existence, revealed for others to see and contemplate, so that we can find common ground and proceed together.
What shall I do for God my Father? Sacrifice everything I hold dear to yet greater perfection. Let the deadwood burn off, so that new growth can prevail.

That’s the terrible lesson of Cain and Abel, detailed in the discussion of meaning surrounding Rule 7. What shall I do with a lying man? Let him speak so that he may reveal himself. Rule 9 (Listen …) is once again relevant here, as is another section of the New Testament:

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them 
(Matthew 7:16-7:20).

Rule 7 — With the Desire Thus to Help Others Comes the Power to FulfilIt

Rule #1 :
Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 :
Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule #3 :
Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule #4 :
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule #5 :
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule #6 :
Set your house in perfect order before you criticise The World

Rule #7 :
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule #8 :
Tell The Truth – or, at least, don’t lie.

Rule #9
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule #10 :
Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 : 
Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule #12 :
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

" In claiming the power of speech, as it is called, the Neophyte cries out to the Great One who stands foremost in the ray of knowledge on which he has entered, to give him guidance. 

When he does this, his voice is hurled back by the power he has approached, and echoes down to the deep recesses of human ignorance. 

In some confused and blurred manner the news that there is knowledge and a beneficent power which teaches is carried to as many men as will listen to it. 

No disciple can cross the threshold without communicating this news, and placing it on record in some fashion or other. 

He stands horror-struck at the imperfect and unprepared manner in which he has done this; and then comes the desire to do it well, and with the desire thus to help others comes the power. 

For it is a pure desire, this which comes upon him; he can gain no credit, no glory, no personal reward by fulfilling it. 

And therefore he obtains the power to fulfil it. "

Rule 6 — Say What You Will About the Tenets of National Socialism - AtLeast it's an Ethos

Rule #1 :
Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 :
Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule #3 :
Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule #4 :
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule #5 :
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule #6 :
Set your house in perfect order before you criticise The World

Rule #7 :
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule #8 :
Tell The Truth – or, at least, don’t lie.

Rule #9
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule #10 :
Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 : 
Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule #12 :
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

It does not seem reasonable to describe the young man who shot twenty children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 as a religious person. This is equally true for the Colorado theatre gunman and the Columbine High School killers. But these murderous individuals had a problem with reality that existed at a religious depth. As one of the members of the Columbine duo wrote:

The human race isn’t worth fighting for, only worth killing. 
Give the Earth back to the animals.
They deserve it infinitely more than we do. 
Nothing means anything anymore.

People who think such things view Being itself as inequitable and harsh to the point of corruption, and human Being, in particular, as contemptible. They appoint themselves supreme adjudicators of reality and find it wanting. They are
the ultimate critics.

The deeply cynical writer continues:

If you recall your history, the Nazis came up with a “final solution” to the Jewish problem.…
Kill them all. 
Well, in case you haven’t figured it out, I say “KILL MANKIND.” 
No one should survive.

For such individuals, the world of experience is insufficient and evil—so to hell with everything!

Timon, Son of Athens - Redpill Original

There's nothing level in our cursed natures,
But direct villany. Therefore, be abhorr'd
All feasts, societies, and throngs of men!

His semblable, yea, himself, Timon disdains:
Destruction fang mankind! Earth, yield me roots!


Who seeks for better of thee, sauce his palate
With thy most operant poison! What is here?

Gold? yellow, glittering, precious gold? No, gods,
I am no idle votarist: roots, you clear heavens!

Thus much of this will make black white, foul fair,
Wrong right, base noble, old young, coward valiant.

Ha, you gods! why this? what this, you gods? Why, this
Will lug your priests and servants from your sides,
Pluck stout men's pillows from below their heads:

This yellow slave
Will knit and break religions, bless the accursed,
Make the hoar leprosy adored, place thieves
And give them title, knee and approbation
With senators on the bench: this is it
That makes the wappen'd widow wed again;

She, whom the spital-house and ulcerous sores
Would cast the gorge at, this embalms and spices
To the April day again. Come, damned earth,
Thou common whore of mankind, that put'st odds
Among the route of nations, I will make thee
Do thy right nature.

Rule 12 — Hello Kitty

Rule #1 :
Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 :
Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule #3 :
Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule #4 :
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule #5 :
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule #6 :
Set your house in perfect order before you criticise The World

Rule #7 :
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule #8 :
Tell The Truth – or, at least, don’t lie.

Rule #9
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule #10 :
Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 : 
Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule #12 :
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Rule 11 — High Noon

Rule #1 :
Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 :
Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule #3 :
Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule #4 :
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule #5 :
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule #6 :
Set your house in perfect order before you criticise The World

Rule #7 :
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule #8 :
Tell The Truth – or, at least, don’t lie.

Rule #9
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule #10 :
Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 : 
Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule #12 :
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

" Some might call that stupid. Maybe it was. But it was brave, too. I thought those kids were amazing. I thought they deserved a pat on the back and some honest admiration. Of course it was dangerous. Danger was the point. They wanted to triumph over danger. They would have been safer in protective equipment, but that would have ruined it. They weren’t trying to be safe. They were trying to become competent—and it’s competence that makes people as safe as they can truly be."

" The boys who shot up Columbine High School, whom we discussed earlier, had appointed themselves judges of the human race—like the TEDx professor, although much more extreme; like Chris, my doomed friend. For Eric Harris, the more literate of the two killers, human beings were a failed and corrupt species.

Once a presupposition such as that is accepted, its inner logic will inevitably manifest itself. If something is a plague, as David Attenborough has it, or a cancer, as the Club of Rome claimed, the person who eradicates it is a hero— a veritable planetary saviour, in this case. 

A real messiah might follow through with his rigorous moral logic, and eliminate himself, as well. This is what mass murderers, driven by near-infinite resentment, typically do. Even their own Being does not justify the existence of humanity. In fact, they kill themselves precisely to demonstrate the purity of their commitment to annihilation. No one in the modern world may without objection express the opinion that existence would be bettered by the absence of Jews, blacks, Muslims, or Englishmen.

Why, then, is it virtuous to propose that the planet might be better off, if there were fewer people on it? I can’t help but see a skeletal, grinning face, gleeful at the possibility of the apocalypse, hiding not so very far behind such statements.

And why does it so often seem to be the very people standing so visibly against prejudice who so often appear to feel obligated to denounce humanity itself?

I have seen university students, particularly those in the humanities, suffer genuine declines in their mental health from being philosophically berated by such defenders of the planet for their existence as members of the human species. It’s worse, I think, for young men. 

As privileged beneficiaries of the patriarchy, their accomplishments are considered unearned. As possible adherents of rape culture, they’re sexually suspect. Their ambitions make them plunderers of the planet. They’re not welcome. At the junior high, high school and university level, they’re falling behind educationally. 

When my son was fourteen, we discussed his grades. He was doing very well, he said, matter-offactly, for a boy. I inquired further. Everyone knew, he said, that girls do better in school than boys. His intonation indicated surprise at my ignorance of something so self-evident. 

While writing this, I received the latest edition of The Economist. The cover story? “The Weaker Sex”—meaning males. In modern universities women now make up more than 50 percent of the students in more than two-thirds of all disciplines.

Boys are suffering, in the modern world. They are more disobedient—negatively—or more independent—positively—than girls, and they suffer for this, throughout their pre-university educational career. They are less agreeable (agreeableness being a personality trait associated with compassion, empathy and avoidance of conflict) and less susceptible to anxiety and depression, at least after both sexes hit puberty. 

Boys’ interests tilt towards things; girls’ interests tilt towards people

Strikingly, these differences, strongly influenced by biological factors, are most pronounced in the Scandinavian societies where gender-equality has been pushed hardest: this is the opposite of what would be expected by those who insist, ever more loudly, that gender is a social construct.

It isn’t. 

This isn’t a debate. 

The data are in. "

Do male crustaceans oppress female crustaceans?

Should their hierarchies be upended?

Sunday 18 March 2018

Rule 10 - Anyone, Who? Moves Will Be Killed, Instant-Lee

No, no, that's German - it says :

"The Bart, the."

Rule #1 :
Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 :
Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule #3 :
Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule #4 :
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule #5 :
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule #6 :
Set your house in perfect order before you criticise The World

Rule #7 :
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule #8 :
Tell The Truth – or, at least, don’t lie.

Rule #9
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule #10 :
Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 : 
Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule #12 :
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

" We assume that we see objects or things when we look at the world, but that’s not really how it is. Our evolved perceptual systems transform the interconnected, complex multi-level world that we inhabit not so much into things per se as into useful things (or their nemeses, things that get in the way).

This is the necessary, practical reduction of the world. This is the transformation of the near-infinite complexity of things through the narrow specification of our purpose. This is how precision makes the world sensibly manifest. 

That is not at all the same as perceiving objects.

Rule 9 —Thou Shouldst Not Have Been Old Till Thou Hadst Been Wise

Rule #1 :
Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 :
Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

Rule #3 :
Make friends with people who want the best for you

Rule #4 :
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

Rule #5 :
Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Rule #6 :
Set your house in perfect order before you criticise The World

Rule #7 :
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Rule #8 :
Tell The Truth – or, at least, don’t lie.

Rule #9
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule #10 :
Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 : 
Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule #12 :
Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

" Psychotherapy is not advice. 

Advice is what you get when the person you’re talking with about something horrible and complicated wishes you would just shut up and go away. 

Advice is what you get when the person you are talking to wants to revel in the superiority of his or her own intelligence. If you weren’t so stupid, after all, you wouldn’t have your stupid problems.

Psychotherapy is genuine conversation. Genuine conversation is exploration, articulation and strategizing. When you’re involved in a genuine conversation, you’re listening, and talking—but mostly listening. Listening is paying attention.

It’s amazing what people will tell you if you listen. Sometimes if you listen to people they will even tell you what’s wrong with them. Sometimes they will even tell you how they plan to fix it. Sometimes that helps you fix something wrong with yourself. One surprising time (and this is only one occasion of many when such things happened), I was listening to someone very carefully, and she told me within minutes

(a) that she was a witch and

(b) that her witch coven spent a lot of its time visualizing world peace together.

She was a long-time lower-level functionary in some bureaucratic job.

I would never have guessed that she was a witch.

I also didn’t know that witch covens spent any of their time visualizing World Peace. 
I didn’t know what to make of any of it, either, 

But it wasn’t boring
And that’s something.

David Mills: 
Well, that was money well spent! 

William Somerset: 
He happens to be with The Agency. 

David Mills: 
What, Captain Smelly there? 

CIA Guy: 
[hands over printout
Only you I do this for, okay? 

William Somerset:
[back in squad car
Say you want to know who's reading Mein Kampf...


House of Commons Hansard Debates 
for 9 Jun 1997 (pt 13)

Mr. Tony Benn (Chesterfield): 
I welcome this debate, which takes place in entirely new circumstances. 

I got the feeling that those on both Front Benches were talking as Europeans. 

I, too, was born a European and will die a European. 

It is not really a national matter: we are discussing the future of our continent as we enter the new century. The implications of the decisions that we take are profound constitutionally, politically, economically and socially.
Our cause is not best advanced by talking as though it were a matter of conflict between one nation and another. The history of Europe in this century has been a history of conflict and war arising from nationalism. As I hope to show, if we take the wrong decisions, nationalism could be reawakened.

We have had two wars and the cold war. Fifty years ago, the Marshall plan was designed to strengthen the western European economies. The American ambassador was in the Palace of Westminster the other day and pointed out that the Marshall plan was part of the beginning of globalisation. He said that it was about the containment of communism. The European Economic Community and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation were set up after the second world war to create a western Europe that would be able to perform again its function as a series of capitalist economies and to resist the onset of communism.

There are many people--I think that the right hon. Member for Old Bexley and Sidcup (Sir E. Heath), who I am sure will be speaking later, is one--who look back at that history and say that we must build a political federation in western Europe to ensure that does not happen again. I understand that view, although I have never shared it, and the right hon. Gentleman, who as a young man went to Spain to visit those engaged in the Spanish civil war and who played a notable part in the war, is fully entitled to it.

I want to express some of my anxieties, which have been rather delicately touched on in the debate so far. First, the Europe that is on offer is a deflationary Europe. That is what the stability pact and the Maastricht criteria are all about. There has been much anxiety in local government about the standard spending assessment limiting the capacity of local authorities to spend, but I dread the day when the Chancellor comes to the House and says that a standard spending assessment has been made for Britain and that if we go beyond it we shall be fined under the provisions of the stability pact.

Unemployment in Europe, at 18 million or 20 million, is at an horrific level. It is all very well blaming the continental Governments' policies, but unemployment performs an essential function if we want to achieve what are called flexible labour markets. Without unemployment, wages cannot be brought down. Unemployment gets wages down. If wages are brought down, profits go up and imports are limited. In my opinion, the discipline of unemployment is an integral part of the policy being pursued in the European Community.

I am old enough to remember that Hitler came to power when there were 6 million unemployed in Germany. As a 10-year-old, I bought "Mein Kampf"; I have it on my bookshelf still. The problem is beginning to re-emerge with Le Pen in France. With mass unemployment and despair, it is easy to find scapegoats: the Jews, the communists, the trade unionists. To read what was said by the Nazis before the war and consider how it is being echoed today must make people worry about what is in

9 Jun 1997 : Column 821

effect the reimposition of the gold standard in Europe in the name of economic stability. The social price is very high.
My second anxiety is that the whole business--to call it a legal personality is only a way of describing it--involves the transfer of power from the people to Governments. That is what it is about. There is a new political class in Europe that has been accumulating, in the name of the European Union, more and more power for itself. I sat on the Council of Ministers for four years. I was president of the Council of Energy Ministers. The laws in Europe are made by a Parliament that meets in secret. When I was made president, I wrote to all the member countries saying that as we were a Parliament that passed laws, we should have it open so that everyone could hear the debates. That was vetoed; they want to meet in secret. In secret, the negotiations and deals can be made more easily. If the press had been present, as Hansard is here, a very different perspective would have been seen.

I do not draw a direct parallel, but it has sometimes occurred to me that as communism required a party central committee and commissars, Europe has a central bank and Commissioners. Both have a certain distrust of the exercise of popular power because they pursue in the one case a communist philosophy, and in the other a very ideological free-market philosophy, that require the people to be kept at bay.

We are now discussing also something as important as the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly, but these other constitutional changes that the Government are contemplating, which I wholly support, involve the transfer of power from London to Edinburgh and Cardiff at the very moment that we are also discussing the transfer of more essential powers from London to Frankfurt, Brussels and Strasbourg.

One reason why I am not in any way nationalist in my approach is that if the single currency goes ahead, power will be transferred to a central bank that will exercise all the levers of power in economic policy. It is no secret that I have some anxieties about the transfer of power to the Bank of England, but at least I have the comfort that the House of Commons can take it back again. In 1946, the Bank of England Act was passed by a majority in the House of Commons. After that, the Bank became subject to Treasury control. If it can go once, it can come back again; but hand power to Frankfurt and it cannot be retained.

If one thing is sacred for me, as I have said time and again, it is the power of the people by using a pencil on a piece of paper to remove those who made the economic policy that determined their lives. It never ceases to amaze me that people without a policeman in sight can take a pencil, put a cross on a piece of paper, pop it in a box and get rid of a Government: whether the last Government, the Callaghan Government, the Wilson Government or the Churchill Government. That is what democracy is about. Transfer the key decisions to people whom we do not elect and cannot remove and we abandon centuries of struggle by the common people to have some say in determining their future.

One last aspect was not touched on by the Foreign Secretary, but I must mention it: the lunacy of extending NATO into eastern Europe and rearming Hungary,

9 Jun 1997 : Column 822

Poland and the Czech Republic. If the history of this century shows one thing, it is that we do not need rearmament in central and eastern Europe. Think of the people we have rearmed at different times for different reasons. We armed Serbia because Tito was hostile to Stalin; look at the price that was paid in the break-up of Yugoslavia. It is beyond the range of common sense when Europe's problems are so enormous, and when we need jobs and health facilities, to launch an arms drive to re-equip the Poles, Czechs and Hungarians.
I mention that because under our constitution--happily, we are looking at it; I have been interested in constitutional reform for a very long time--the power to extend NATO was taken by royal prerogative. Parliament was never consulted because all foreign relations are dealt with by the prerogative of treaty making. To put it as quietly as I can, I am worried about a deflationary Europe, a centralised Europe, an anti-democratic Europe and a rearmed Europe. Those anxieties in no way relate to Euro-scepticism because if we get it wrong, it will affect every country, not just Britain. It will take away democracy from Germany, France, Italy and the rest.

One reason why this debate is important is that it comes during the aftermath of some important elections. The British general election saw a major landslide which, dare I say it without being confrontational, rejected the policies of the previous Government. I put it no stronger than that. It appeared that those policies did not find favour with the electorate. I do not know whether to describe the French elections as an "old Labour" victory because that might get me into trouble with Excalibur. Lionel Jospin won an election on the basis of creating 750,000 new jobs and a shorter working week. In every country in Europe, people want jobs, full employment--what is wrong with that as an objective rather than a bit of modernisation of skills and training?--a living wage, homes to live in, lifelong health care and education, dignity when they are old, and peace. That is the voice of Europe that we heard on 1 May and in the French election.

We should seek a Europe in which we co-operate without coercion. I have presented to the House twice before, and may again, a Bill that would make it possible for the 47 countries in our continent to co-operate. All the arguments about pollution and the dangers of fraud could be dealt with as well by co-operation as by coercion. It is the fear of failure that concerns me. If this scheme fails, the result will be a recrudescence of nationalism. It is already beginning. The Sun had a headline, "Up Yours Delors", a typical Murdoch insult. The problem was not Delors, whom I have known for a long time, or his nationality; it was that the system was wrong. How easy for some editor to turn that into hostility to Germany, France, Spain and Italy when their people suffer from the same problems as we do.

I believe, and I have said it so many times in the House that no one will be surprised, that this is a supremely democratic question. It is about whether the people of Britain, France, Germany and Spain are to be allowed, through their domestic democracies, to get rid of the people who control them. That is not possible within the framework of a politically driven federal Europe. It is not about economics; it is politically motivated. I understand and respect that, but I know it. If that ability were lost, I believe that we would have thrown away centuries of history.

9 Jun 1997 : Column 823

I recognise that these issues divide everyone. It would be a mistake to suppose that the matter could be fitted neatly into party loyalties; the evidence shows that it cannot. When we vote on the matter in the House of Commons, there will, however one puts it, be a free vote. There will then be a free vote in the referendum on the matter. I beg the House not to see the matter, as it so often has in the past, as a choice between those who are pro or anti Europe. It is about democracy or dictatorship. I do not mean dictatorship in its more elaborate and terrifying forms but the right to govern ourselves.

Julius Caesar arrived in 55 BC with a single currency; we still use it. It took Boadicea, the original iron lady, to raise the men of Essex, known then as the Iceni, to fight the seventh legion to try to contain it. That is not the approach that we should take. We should try to ensure that the people of Europe control their own future. Mistakes will be made by any Government; if we cannot correct mistakes through the ballot box, we will have thrown away everything that matters, including all the ideas that have led to the creation of this House and of our democracy in Britain.