Saturday 23 May 2015

The Making of a Bavarian Candidate : The Götterdämmerung Myth

This "Last Known Picture" of Adolf Hitler outside the Old Chancellory, April 28th 1945 would appear to be an obvious photographic forgery.

"If the war is lost, then it is of no concern to me if the people perish in it. I still would not shed a single tear for them; Because they did not deserve any better."

—"Adolf Hitler", Downfall

This doesn't even sound like Hitler.

Probably a more historically accurate account.
Hitler's personal Junkers Ju-290 landed at Barcelona on 16 April 1945, four days after the assassination of President Roosevelt by White Russian Fascist networks affiliated to Allen Dulles of the OSS Legation in Bern, who was in the final stages of negotiating the surrender of Nazi armies in Italy and the West.




This, it would appear, is THE DOUBLE.

"And [General George McClellan] came up with a plan that Lincoln hated; Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War, didn't like it; officers around him didn't particularly like it. But it was McClellan's idea. McClellan did not want to invade Virginia from the north. He thought it would be a better idea to sail the entire Army of the Potomac down the Potomac River out into Chesapeake Bay and land on the peninsula between the York and the James Rivers in Virginia, and invade Virginia, toward Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy. 

Take the enemy's capital, was his aim here — a strategy eventually that Ulysses S. Grant is going to tear to shreds, and quickly realize, as he was realizing out in the West, that the Confederacy was its armies — not its capital, not a city here, a town there." 

- Professor David Blight, Yale

The Götterdämmerung Myth : 
I d e n t i f i c a t i o n   t i m e   t a b l e
(*) documents presented by NL-Aid
  • 30 April 1945: Hitler committed suicide

  • 4 May 1945: (official 5 May 1945) the Soviet Army discovered the bodies of Hitler and Braun.

  • 8 May 1945: Chief Forensic Pathologist Dr Faust Sherovsky and Russian Anatomical Pathologist Major Anna Marantz, performed an autopsy on Hitler’s body. The outcome has been published by Bezymenski in 1968. (*)

  • 10 May 1945: Blaschke’s assistant, Kaethe Heusemann, and his dental technician, Fritz Echtmann are captured by the Soviets. Heusemann affirmed that the teeth were Hitler’s. (*)

  • July 1945: Blaschke turned up in an American camp.

  • 5 February 1946: During an interrogation Blaschke drew Hitler’s dental records from memory. (*)

  • February 21, 1946: the Soviet Red Army buried the bodies of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels family in a unpaved area at 30-32 Klausenerstrasse, Magdeburg.

  • 1947: book by Oxford professor Dr. H.R. Trevor-Roper about the first exhaustive investigation of the last days of Hitler. (*)

  • 1968: book by Lev Bezymenski containing a description of how Hitler is found by the Sovjets and his autopsy. Also mentioned are the investigations about Hitler’s dog, Eva Braun and the Goebbels family: Joseph and Magda, 5 daughters and 1 son. Although the book is published in 1968, the witness reports cover a period starting in the bunker when Hitler is still alive, the findings of his remains on May 4 and the following autopsy. (*)

  • 1970: Hitler’s remains are completely incinerated and disposed of so that no parts or portions could be used to raise Hitler to the status of martyrdom.

  • 1972: archives in Washington released five X-rays of Hitler’s head, taken on July 20, 1944 because he suffered his ear after the bomb attack on his life. (*)

  • 1977: book by Reidar Fauske Sognnaes in which he identified the match between Bezymenski and Blaschke, with the help of the X-rays. (*)

  • 16 September 2009: Documentary Hitler’s Escape with Nicholas Bellantoni and Linda Strausbaugh at History Channel. (*)

  • 2012: NL-Aid and undersigned: Suicide Hitler proven (The Seduction), a complete reference of previous research bundled together for first time in history. (*)

The report is notable for making several correct predictions about Hitler's future:

As the war turns against him, his emotions will intensify and will have outbursts more frequently. His public appearances will become much rarer, because he's unable to face a critical audience.

There might be an assassination attempt on him by the German aristocracy, the Wehrmacht officers or Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, because of his superhuman self-confidence in his military judgment.

There will be no surrender, capitulation, or peace negotiations. The course he will follow will almost certainly be the road to ideological immortality, resulting in the greatest vengeance on a world he despises.

From what we know of his psychology, the most likely possibility is that he will commit suicide in the event of defeat. It's probably true he has an inordinate fear of death, but possibly being a psychopath he would undoubtedly weigh his options and perform the deed.

As the tide of battle turns against Hitler it may be well to consider very briefly the possibilities of his future behaviour and the effect that each would have on the German people as well as on ourselves.

1. Hitler may die of natural causes.

This is only a remote possibility since, as far as we know, he is in fairly good health except for his stomach ailment which is, in all probability, a psychosomatic disturbance. The effect such an event would have on the German people would depend on the nature of the illness which brought about his death. If he would die from whooping cough, mumps, or some other ridiculous disease, it would be a material help in breaking the myth of his supernatural  origins.

2. Hitler might seek refuge in a neutral country.

This is extremely unlikely in view of his great concern about his immortality. Nothing would break the myth more effectively  than to have the leader run away at the critical  moment. Hitler knows this and has frequently condemned the Kaiser for his flight to Holland at the close of the last war. Hitler might want to escape as he has escaped from other unpleasant situations, but it seems almost certain that he would restrain himself.

3. Hitler might get killed in battle.

This is a real possibility. When he is convinced he cannot win, he may lead his troops into battle and expose himself as the fearless and fanatical leader. This would be most undesirable from our point of view because his death would serve as an example to his followers to fight on with fanatical, death-defying determination to the bitter end. This would be what Hitler would want for he has predicted that:

'We shall not, never. We my be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us... A world in flames."

"But even if we could not conquer them, we should drag half the world into destruction with us and leave no one to triumph over Germany. There will not be another 1918."

At a certain point the uould do more towards the achievement of this goal by dying heroically than he could by living. Furthermore, death turn this  would do more to bind the German people to the Hitler
legend and insure his immortality than any other course he could pursue.

4. Hitler might be assassinated.

Although Hitler is extremely well protected there is a possibility that someone may assassinate him. Hitler is afraid of this possibility and has expressed the opinion that:

"His own friends would one day stab him mortally in the end it would be just before the last and greatest victory, at the moment of supreme tension. Once more Hagen would slay Seigfried. Once more Hermann the Liberator would be murdered by his own kinsmen. The eternal destiny of the German nation must be fulfilled yet again, for the last time."

This possibility too, would be undesirable from our point of view inasmuch as it would make a martyr of him and strengthen the legend.

It would be even more undesirable if the assassin were a Jew for this would  convince  the  German  people of  Hitler's  infallibility  and strengthen the fanaticism of the German troops and people. 

Needless to say, it would be followed by the complete extermination or all Jews in Germany and the occupied countries.

5. Hitler may go insane.

Hitler has many characteristics which border on the schizophrenic. It is possible that when faced with defeat his psychological structure may collapse and leave him at the mercy of his unconscious forces.

The possibilities of such an outcome diminish as he becomes older, but they should not be entirely excluded. This would not be an undesirable eventuality from our point of view since it would do much to undermine the Hitler legend in the minds of the German people.

6. German military might revolt and seize him.

This seems unlikely in view of the unique position Hitler holds in the minds of the German people. From all the evidence it would seem that Hitler alone is able to muse the troops, as well as the people to
greater efforts and as the road becomes more dificult this should be an important factor. One could imagine, however, that as defeat approaches Hitler's behavior may become more and more neurotic
and reach a point where it would be well for the military to confine him. In this ease, however, the German people would probably never know about it.

If they discovered it, it would be a desirable end from our point of view because it would puncture the myth of the loved and invincible leader.

The only other possibility in this connection would be that the German military should decide, in the face of defeat, that it might be wiser to dethrone Hitler and set up a puppet government to sue for
peace. This would probably cause great internal strife in Germany.

What the ultimate outcome might be would depend largely on the manner in which it was handled and what was done with Hitler. At the present time the possibility seems extremely remote.

7. Hitler may fall into our hands.

This is the most unlikely possibility of all. Knowing his fear of being placed in the role of the vanquished, we can imagine that he would do his utmost to avoid such a fate. From our point of view it would not be undesirable.

8. Hitler might commit suicide.

This is the most plausible outcome. Not only has he frequently threatened to commit suicide, but from what we know of his psychology it is the most likely possibility. It is probably true that he has an inordinate fear if death, but Mills an hysteric he could undoubtedly screw himself up into the super-man character and perform the deed. In all probability, however, it would not be a simple suicide. He has too much of the dramatic for that and since immortality is one of his dominant modves we can imagine that he would stage the most dramanc and effecdve death scene he could possibly think of. 

He knows how to bind the people to him and if he cannot have the bond in life he will certainly do his utmost to achieve it in death. He might even engage some other fanatic to do the final killing at his orders.

Hitler has already envisaged a death of this kind, for he has said to

"Yes, in the hour of supreme peril I must sacrifice myself for the people."

This would be extremely undesirable from our point of view because if it is cleverly done it would establish the Hitler legend so firmly in the minds of the German people that it might take generations to
eradicate it.

Whatever else happens, we may be reasonably sure that as Gennany suffers  successive  defeats  Hitler  will  become  more  and  more neurotic. Each defeat will shake his confidence and further and limit his opportunities for proving his own greatness to himself. In consequence he will feel himself more and more vulnerable to attack from his associates and his rages will increase in frequency. He will
probably 11y to compensate for his vulnerability on this side by continually his brutality and ruthlessness.

His public appearances will become less and less fur, as we have seen, he is unable to face a critical audience. He will probably seek solace in his Eagle's Nest on the Kehlstein near Berchtsegaden. There
among the ice-capped peaks he will wait for his "inner voice" to guide him. Meanwhile, his nightmares will probably increase in frequency and intensity and drive him fuser to a nervous collapse. It is not wholly improbably that in the end he might lock himself into this symbolic womb and defy the world to get him.

In any case, his mental condition will continue to deteriorate. He will fight as long as he can with any weapon or technique that can be conjured up to meet the emergency. The course he will follow will
almost certainly be the one which seems to him to be the surest road to immortality and at the same time drag the world down in flames.


Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Studholme Lodge 1501), President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Marshall Stalin
Yalta, February 1945

"Don't you know who killed your father?" 

[Elliot] Roosevelt -shocked- answered, "No." 

"As soon as your father died, I asked my ambassador in Washington to go immediately to Georgia with a request to view the body. Your mother refused to permit the lid of the coffin to be opened so that my ambassador could see the body. I sent him there three times trying to impress upon your mother that it was very important for him to view the President's body. She never accepted that. I have never forgiven her." 

This forced Elliott to ask this last question, "…but why?" 

Stalin took a few steps around the office, and almost in a rage roared, "They poisoned your father, of course, just as they have tried repeatedly to poison me." 

"They...? Who are they...?" Elliot asked 

"The Churchill gang!

They poisoned your father, and they continue to try to poison me…

The Churchill gang!" 

Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Studholeme Lodge No. 1501), President Harry S. Truman and Marshall Stalin, 
Potsdam July 1945

Prime Minister Clement Attlee (New Welcome Lodge No. 3541), President Harry S. Truman and Marshall Stalin, 
Potsdam July 1945

"...the gravamen of my attack on the Government is that it does not seem that there was a thinking-out of our plans beforehand, that there was not adequate intelligence, that there was not the necessary concentration on the essential objective and I ask whether, at any time, there was not delay and discussion where action was necessary?" 

(N.B. First Sea Lord Churchill was the intellectual author, prime mover and principle bungler of the disaster ours Norwegian Campaign, the failure of which was the entire basis for the crisis which precipitated this Consitutional Debate.

With NeoConservatives and 9/11 and Iraq War Military Commanders with a history of defeats prompting immediate promotion, this is sometimes termed as "Failing Upwards".)

"I say that there is a widespread feeling in this country, not that we shall lose the war, that we will win the war, but that to win the war, we want different people at the helm from those who have led us into it." 

- Worshipful Brother Attllee, 
New Welcome Lodge No. 5139,
Noway Debate, 
May 1940

"After the Munich Agreement of September 29, 1938, when Mr. Neville Chamberlain -- who was not in the pay of anyone, so far as I know -- went over to see Adolf Hitler and to sign, with Benito Mussolini and Edouard Daladier, the agreement which effectively spelt the end of Czechoslovakia as a military force in Europe, the Czech Government realized that their time had run out. 

One of the Conservative MPs in The Focus, General Sir Edward Spears, had a wife, an American novelist called Mary Borden. I found her private diary in Boston University, in Massachusetts. And there it was: October 3 1938 -- four days after the Munich Agreement was signed -- there was Lady Spears writing, totally unabashed, 

"Poor Edward. Now there's bound to be a General Election". "Faced with the prospect of losing £2,000 a year from the Czechs". Can you believe it! "And his seat in Parliament"

It is there in black and white in the diary of this lady, the wife of the Conservative Member of Parliament for Carlisle. 

In the files I found a telephone call which the Czech Ambassador Mr. Jan Masaryk made in September 1938 to Prague saying, Mr. Churchill is asking for more! Mr. Attlee is asking for more as well!

The Czech files show that two million pounds had already been sent from Prague to London in July 1938 for the bribing of "influential opposition Conservative MPs". With a Conservative Government in office, "opposition Conservatives" means the groups around Mr. Churchill, Macmillan, Anthony Eden. 

These and the rest of them took two million pounds in July 1938, to sell their own country, Britain, the Britain I was born into, down the River Moldau. It is the job of the historians to find out the really "guilty men". 

Mr. Michael Foot, a writer whom I deeply admire although a Socialist, wrote a book in 1938 called The Guilty Men. He did not know the half of it! He was pointing his finger at the innocent ones, like Neville Chamberlain, who had tried to save the peace."

David Irving, 1990

“From many quarters today comes the dismal pronouncement that we failed to save Hungary, that Hungary lost the revolution. Tragic though it was in its immediate effects, the brutal use of Soviet force to crush the brave rebellion of the Hungarian people against their oppressors has stripped the Communist system of its last pretense of respectability and has taught the free world lessons which it will never forget.”

Frank G. Wisner
Report to Vice President Richard Nixon
November 13 1956

"All these people are getting killed and we weren't doing anything, we were ignoring it."

Frank G. Wisner
To US Ambassador to Italy, Clare Luce Booth

Memorandum from Averell Harriman to Harry Truman (June 11, 1945)

Memorandum from William Leahy to Secretary of State Stettinius regarding British officials' thoughts on Soviet claims in Poland and Eastern Europe (May 11, 1945)

Memorandum from William Leahy to Secretary of State Stettinius forwarding a statement from Stalin on the Provisional Polish Government

"Wisner was obviously too sick to go to Spain. He was so depressed that his wife, Polly, worried that he would try to commit suicide. On October 28, before he drove out to his farm on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, she called the caretaker and asked him to remove the guns from the house. Wisner found one of his boys' shotguns and killed himself on October 29, 1965.

Wisner's death saddened but did not shock his colleagues. "I got a cable in Kuala Lumpur, where I was stationed," said Arthur Jacobs, the "Ozzard of Wiz" who had been Wisner's aide in the early 1950s. "The cable was from Des FitzGerald. It said that Frank had died and gave no reason, but I knew." Wisner's suicide was "entirely rational, if you can say such a thing," said his niece Jean Lindsey. "He realized that his life would be circumscribed by increasing cycles of depression. I saw Frank three days before he died and he seemed in good spirits. He talked about his children. Perhaps he had made up his mind to kill himself.

At his funeral the Bethlehem Chapel in the National Cathedral was overflowing with old friends who sang "Fling Out the Banner" as Wisner's family marched down the aisle at the end of the service. "Instead of a dirge, it was exuberant, powerful, exultant," recalled Tom Braden. At Arlington Cemetery, Frank Wisner was buried as a naval commander, his wartime rank. All the top officials of the agency, from director on down, were in attendance. (The CIA posted guards to keep the KGB from seeing who was there.)

Henry Breck, a junior CIA officer out of Groton and Harvard, watched his grim-faced elders as they mourned. They were defiant and proud, but besieged. The CIA was feeling particularly embattled that October. A month earlier word had spread through the agency that the New York Times was embarking on a first-ever investigation of the CIA. "

Evan Thomas, 
The Very Best Men: The Early Days of the CIA (1995)

Nuremberg Crimes

"The charges in the indictment that the defendants planned and waged aggressive war are charges of the utmost gravity.

War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world.

To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”

- Chief Justice Robert H. Jackson, 
Nuremberg, 1946

from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"Nuremberg - This film was made as an historical document to record permanently and accurately the trial of the Nazi defendants at Nuremberg. It consists of footage from German films documenting Nazi personalities and activities interwoven with film shot during the trials -- including testimony and statements from defendants, prosecuting attorneys, judges, and witnesses. It follows the story of the rise and fall of Nazism from the putsch in a Munich beer hall to the Nuremberg trials, and contains flashbacks of a variety of Nazi crimes against humanity."

"You'll see. A few years from now the lawyers of the world will condemn this trial. You can't have a trial without law."

—Joachim von Ribbentrop
20 November 1945

"[Chief U.S. prosecutor] Jackson is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg... I don't mind what he does to the Nazis, but I hate to see the pretense that he is running a court and proceeding according to common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas."

- Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone

"[the Allies themselves] have done or are doing some of the very things we are prosecuting the Germans for. The French are so violating the Geneva Convention in the treatment of prisoners of war that our command is taking back prisoners sent to them. We are prosecuting plunder and our Allies are practising it. We say aggressive war is a crime and one of our allies asserts sovereignty over the Baltic States based on no title except conquest."

- United States Chief Prosecutor and Associate Supreme Court Justice Wallace

"[We are] substituting power for principle... I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled... Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time."
- Associate Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

U.S. Deputy Chief Prosecutor Thomas Dodd (and friend)

"You know how I have despised anti-Semitism. You know how strongly I feel toward those who preach intolerance of any kind. 

With that knowledge -- you will understand when I tell you that this staff is about seventy-five percent Jewish. Now my point is that the Jews should stay away from this trial -- for their own sake.

For -- mark this well -- the charge 'a war for the Jews' is still being made and in the post-war years it will be made again and again.

The too large percentage of Jewish men and women here will be cited as proof of this charge. Sometimes it seems that the Jews will never learn about these things. They seem intent on bringing new difficulties down on their own heads. 

I do not like to write about this matter --it is distasteful to me -- but I am disturbed about it. 

They are pushing and crowding and competing with each other and with everyone else."

- Future Congressman Thomas Dodd, 
U.S. Deputy Chief Prosecutor,
Nuremberg, September 25th 1945

from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"Williamson supports conspiracy theories regarding the assassination of President Kennedy, and the World Trade Center controlled demolition conspiracy theory, denying that the latter were terrorist attacks but were instead staged by the U.S. government.

He has also said that the 7 July 2005 London bombings were an "inside job" and propagated rumours about the likelihood of a nuclear attack on the London Olympics in 2012.

"I believe that the historical evidence is strongly against, is hugely against six million Jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler"

"I think that 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, but none of them in gas chambers."

Williamson holds strong views regarding gender roles and dress. He opposes women wearing trousers or shorts, attending college or university, or having a career, and has urged greater "manliness" in men.

He supports authoritarian parenting style, denouncing the film The Sound of Music as "soul-rotting slush" and saying that, by putting "friendliness and fun in the place of authority and rules, it invites disorder between parents and children."

"Since the founding of Israel, the Federal Republic of Germany had paid out 85.3 billion marks, by the end of 1977, to survivors of the Holocaust."

When Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires.

Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again."

- Martin Bormann : Nazi in Exile
by Paul Manning

Hitler Lives - by Dr. Seuss (1945)

Hitler Lives - 1945 anti German Propaganda Movie. 
Based on Frank Capra's "Your Job in Germany"

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Sept. 11th 1941

USS Greer

"The Greer was flying the American flag. Her identity as an American ship was unmistakable. She was then and there attacked by a submarine. Germany admits that it was a German submarine. The submarine deliberately fired a torpedo at the Greer, followed by another torpedo attack. In spite of what Hitler's propaganda bureau has invented, and in spite of what any American obstructionist organisation may prefer to believe, I tell you the blunt fact that the German submarine fired first upon this American destroyer without warning, and with the deliberate design to sink her...

The aggression is not ours. [Our concern] is solely defence. But let this warning be clear. From now on, if German or Italian vessels of war enter the waters, the protection of which is necessary for American defence, they do so at their own peril. . . . The sole responsibility rests upon Germany. There will be no shooting unless Germany continues to seek it." - FDR, Sept. 11th 1941

"The Government of the United States having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever-increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally
resorted to open military acts of aggression.

On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force. Acting under this order, vessels of the American Navy, since early September 1941, have systematically attacked German naval forces.

Thus, American destroyers, as for instance the Greer, the Kearny and the Reuben James, have opened fire on German submarines according to plan. The Secretary of the American Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that American destroyers attacked German submarines.

Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States, under order of their Government and contrary to international law have treated and seized German merchant vessels on the high seas as enemy ships.

The German Government therefore establishes the following facts:

Although Germany on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the United States during every period of the present war, the Government of the United States from initial violations of neutrality has finally proceeded to open acts of war against Germany. 

The Government of the United States has thereby virtually created a state of war.

The German Government, consequently, discontinues diplomatic relations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances brought about by President Roosevelt, Germany too, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the United States of America.

Accept, Mr. Chargé d'Affaires, the expression of my high consideration."

December 11th 1941

A Short History of NATO Fascism : P2, Years of Lead and the Italian Hot Autumn

“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the State to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”

Vincenzo Vinciguerra

“As far as the secret services are concerned the Peteano attack is part of what has been called "The Strategy of Tension".

That's to say, to create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies. While this strategy was being implemented, it was necessary to protect those behind it because evidence implicating them was being discovered. Witnesses withheld information to cover right-wing extremists.”

Judge Casson

The secret Gladio army, as Andreotti revealed, was well armed. The equipment provided by the CIA was buried in 139 hiding spots across the country in forests, meadows and even under churches and cemeteries. According to the explanations of Andreotti the Gladio caches included 'portable arms, ammunition, explosives, hand grenades, knives and daggers, 60 mm mortars, several 57 mm recoilless rifles, sniper rifles, radio transmitters, binoculars and various tools'. Andreotti's sensational testimony did not only lead to an outcry concerning the corruption of the government and the CIA among the press and the population, but also to a hunt for the secret arms caches. 

Padre Giuciano recalls the day when the press came to search for the hidden Gladio secrets in his church with ambiguous feelings: 'I was forewarned in the afternoon when two journalists from "Il Gazzettino" asked me if I knew anything about arms deposits here at the church. They started to dig right here and found two boxes right away. Then the text also said a thirty centimetres from the window. So they came over here and dug down. One box was kept aside by them because it contained a phosphorous bomb. They sent the Carabinieri outside whilst two experts opened this box, another had two machine guns in it. All the guns were new, in perfect shape. They had never been used.'

(DG p. 12)

‘Those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organised or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered more recently, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.’ 

(DG p.14)