Monday 24 February 2014

Rahm Emmanuel of the Irgun - Terrorist Financier

Is it just a coincidence that CIA terrorist Osama bin Laden has numerous accounts in the Harris Bank Chicago; that the Clinton White House says they would freeze his accounts but cannot find them? And is it just a coincidence that this "terrorist" has hundreds of millions in the construction business jointly with Sharon Percy Rockefeller's family? She is the wife of Jay Rockefeller (John D. Rockefeller 4th), who itches to be President without an election.


RAHM EMANUEL --- Foreign Exchange Crook for the Red Chinese?

By Sherman H. Skolnick

Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"

Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

With his intense, fiery eyes, Rahm Emanuel scares some people. And some say he also arranges to bribe, blackmail, and even cause the political murder of others.

According to observers, he rides his bicycle, so mad-driven, he has been described as going as wild as the headless horseman. Victims have claimed he, on occasion, forces other cyclers off bike paths into virtual pileups.

He started out as a campaign aide to Richard M. Daley, son of the late Richard J. Daley, who for 21 years was Chicago's Emperor. In 1989, "the Boss" must have smiled from the grave when his son became also the Mayor of the Windy City, following the poison murder of Chicago's first black Mayor, Harold Washington. At the time of Harold's demise, the day before Thanksgiving, 1987, Richie, as he is called, was the county prosecutor duty bound to investigate the strange death of the Mayor. 

Instead of inquiring, Richie acquired Harold's chair in City Hall.

[This writer, through his recorded phone message at the time taking in calls at more than 500 per hour, was the only one giving details of the political assassination written off as a "heart seizure" by the monopoly press by way of sidestepping fear of a race riot. In 1991, with the onset of my Public Access Cable TV Program, I was the only one to finally get the details onto television. A week after my cablecast, the Secret Service sheepishly announced that they were aware of a "plot" against Harold Washington but lacked the means to investigate.]

Because of the patronage army still commanded by the Daley family image and financial octopus, Richard Daley could have most likely become the Mayor minus Rahm Emanuel's specialty, "opposition research," a fancy term for getting deep dirt on would-be opponents, or maybe, flattening them out with a baseball bat or smashing their campaign office, Chicago-style.

Knowledgeable law enforcement sources contend that Rahm Emanuel's specialty, where necessary, also includes bribery, blackmail, even murder disguised as "suicide" or vehicle "accidents."

In 1991, moving to Little Rock, Rahm Emanuel jump-started the presidential campaign of Bill Clinton by reportedly latching onto a three-million-dollar portion of clandestine funds used to cover up an embezzlement. Over fifty-eight million dollars of federal funds had been quietly parked with Household International and Household Bank to make good the pending claims of Chicago-area caulking contractor, Joseph Andreuccetti, that various financial institutions had swindled him out of very large sums. Of that parked fund, fifty million dollars was secretly transferred to Little Rock in an attempt to cover up a 47-million-dollar embezzlement of Madison Guaranty Savings & loan for which Bill and Hillary are subject to federal criminal prosecution and jail.

The 3-million-dollar gap, known in mob parlance familiar to Rahm Emanuel as "street tax," was quickly given to Clinton when he informed Emanuel that Clinton needed funds pronto to get himself into front-running status in the presidential campaign.

In a Sunday Magazine cover story about Rahm Emanuel, the fixer, the Chicago Tribune referred to it, 11/23/97, page 34:

"'Between the time he came on board in November 1991 to the first of the year somehow $3 million was raised,' says David Wilhelm of Chicago, the campaign director at the time and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. 'It was enough to catapult him [Clinton] into front-runner status.'" (Emphasis added.)

In remarks about the mysterious 50 million dollars in the Congressional Record, Cong. Dan Burton (R., Ind.) promised to put the documents of Clinton's crimes in the Congressional Record soon thereafter. Apparently the target of blackmail and threats, Cong. Burton failed to fulfill his promise and his then-Chief of Staff refused to explain why. 
See: Cong. Record, 5/29/96, pages H5627-28.

The unauthorized transfer of 50 million dollars of federal funds, so far, has kept Bill and Hillary Clinton from being prosecuted for embezzlement. All this thanks to Cong. Henry Hyde, who has a large financial interest in the operations of Household International and Household Bank. Is it a mere coincidence, with his serious conflicts of interests jointly linking him to Clinton, that Hyde headed up the impeachment inquiry? Thanks as well to Rahm Emanuel and his expertise in foreign exchange, an apparent vehicle of bribery and much more.

Knowledgeable sources in law enforcement and espionage consider Rahm Emanuel, because of his sinister background and activities, to be, in effect, the unofficial deputy chief for North America of the Mossad, Israeli intelligence

[The former Mossad chief for North America, living in the Chicago-area, is considered a renegade assisting enemies of Israel. Experts in falsely blaming dirty tricks on others, called "false flag" expertise, the Mossad would like to wipe out their former North American chief. What might they do to their deputy chief Rahm?]

Considered as well as being such a renegade is Rahm Emanuel, who as senior advisor in the Clinton White House, and major fund raiser, fixer, and blackmailer, blew hot and cold against Clinton. Rahm is greatly suspected, on behalf of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, once snubbed by Clinton, of orchestrating the espionage team that targeted Clinton to bring out in the open Clinton proclivities as sexual predator.

Linda Tripp, according to her own little-known testimony in another, unrelated matter, told of her super- secret work for the dirty tricks unit, Delta Force.

Monica Lewinsky, the Mossad asset since she was a teenager. Her parents, originally from Central America, have long been reportedly assets, if not operatives, of the Mossad.

Mary Caitrin Mahoney, although not part of a team, was prepared to give testimony against Clinton having given U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets to the reputed head of Red Chinese Secret Police, Wang Jun, who is also a private law client of purported "Independent Counsel" Kenneth W. Starr. An intelligence team, arranged by the Mossad and/or others, murdered her in a Starbucks Coffee shop in July 1997, in the Capitol. 

[There was a time the Israelis had close and unholy business relations with the Red Chinese --- maybe, even ongoing.]

Some of the Mossad (the Institute) operatives in North America are considered renegades, free-booters, not fully authorized or condoned by the Tel Aviv government.

On a PBS outlet in Chicago, on a program videoed at this desk right near the Oval Office, Rahm Emanuel pointed to that office door, and bragged that his desk is the closest to the Oval Office. Also on-camera, then-Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles proclaimed that Rahm, not Clinton, actually runs the White House.

Lucianne Goldberg, with a long espionage background. Her relative ran the courier service delivering packages from Monica Lewinsky at the Pentagon to Clinton via Betty Currie. Among other things, the packages contained details, obtained by Monica sex-tricks with Pentagon officials, as to what admirals and generals oppose Clinton and would like to arrest him for treason under the Military Code, Clinton being Commander-in-Chief.

Rahm Emanuel has dual citizenship, supposedly outlawed by the U.S. Constitution, in both the U.S. and Israel. During the Persian Gulf War, he left the U.S. to serve in the Israeli defense forces. Some point to his family's apparent sinister background. His father was apparently part of the team during the Palestine Partition controversy in 1948, that murdered United Nations Peace Advisor Count Bernadotte, for meddling in the aspirations for nationhood by, among others, survivors of Hitler's death camps.

As a clandestine fund handler, Rahm Emanuel is considered an expert in what currency traders call ForEx, foreign exchange. The leading foreign exchange and currency trading unit in the world is considered as Chicago-based Harris Bank, a unit of Bank of Montreal owned by the whiskey barons and reputed major dope laundry operations, the Bronfmans. They own now a major portion of the long-mob-linked music and entertainment business, such as MCA.

The previously mentioned mysterious 50-million-dollar transfer arranged by Household Bank and Household International was facilitated then, and thereafter, through Harris Bank's ForEx Unit. As part of the cover-up, Harris Bank in 1996 took over units of Household Bank.

As foreign exchange and currency traders were well aware, the strange 50 million dollars is a sort of gambling casino chit going in and out of records, in and out of the U.S. and showing up in all sorts of places. For example, when Prince Charles divorced Princess Diana, or vice versa, he did not want to touch his royal assets in paying her off for silence. What did he do? Why, he obtained a "loan" of 50 million dollars for Household Bank-London, utilizing the same all- purpose chit for book entry purposes.

On October 15, 1998, this writer accompanied Joseph Andreuccetti, confronted the U.S. head of Harris Bank's Risk Control unit regarding the unauthorized transfer of funds rightfully belong to Andreuccetti, the selfsame 50 million dollars. When the unit chief was informed of some of the foregoing details implicating Bill and Hillary Clinton and others, to be the subject of an upcoming Cable TV one-hour program by this writer, well the unit chief said there would be an "investigation." The unit chief, however, made a demand that no investigative reporter would comply with in advance of the program: that I name, for example, who in Harris Bank's Foreign Exchange unit, were part of the criminal scheme of the secret 50-million-dollar transfer. And a demand that I name my sources.

The Risk Control unit is just as fancy term for internal and external investigations by the bank of forgeries, embezzlements, and other criminality. We were not informed what safeguards, if any, the Risk Control unit has if the criminality implicates the bank bosses themselves.

In a blurb in the press, it was mentioned that Rahm Emanuel, in leaving the White House, is returning to Chicago to be a purported "investment banker." Rahm Emanuel is to play reportedly a key role in ForEx, foreign exchange and currency trading with a Chicago- based firm. Principals in the firm are apparently interwoven in what appears to be smelly, if not criminal, deals with the Red Chinese. One or more principals of the firm travel to Red China every few weeks supposedly to push for the collection of funds and assets Red Chinese government officials and others are withholding from the firm or are slow in conveying or paying to the firm.

Apparently to either evade IRS and other detection of transactions, huge sums, disguised as foreign exchange, are traveling in and out of the U.S. disguised as being indirectly linked to certain introducing brokers of the firm; that is, those who get a free or commission for steering business to the firm.

Some of the introducing brokers vigorously contend that they were not informed and did not know that apparently illicit Red Chinese funds were travelling in and out of the foreign exchange apparatus of Harris Bank, through the selfsame trading firm. The transactions are reportedly disguised as left-over amounts of soybean trading and currency swaps. Unknown, IBs say, indirectly linked to them --- with no knowledge of introducing brokers.

That the Red Chinese have come to dominate - with their apparent criminal dealings, blessed by the Clinton White House - the Chicago markets is rather an open secret, avoided being mentioned by the pressfakers. In extreme cynicism, some introducing brokers call it the Red Chinese Board of Trade (instead of the Chicago Board of Trade) and such other labels and the Red Chinese Mandarin Exchange (instead of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange).

The commodity and currency trading firm reportedly called a meeting of their introducing brokers, called IBs, to inform them that Rahm Emanuel in short order will become their boss and have misgivings about him based on their perception that he is a high-level crook interwoven with massive Red Chinese corruption through the Chicago markets and Harris Bank's ForEx unit.

To overlook their hesitations, some IBs apparently are being offered inducements that some may contend are bribes or blackmail, such as records not supposed to exist being turned over to tax collectors and others in the federal Gestapo.

Often part of the foreign exchange dealings has been the Bank of America, which took over Continental Bank of Chicago, longtime mother-ship of the Chicago markets. The largest stockholders of Bank of America, jointly with the Rothschilds and the Jesuits, has become the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza. An expert on the Yakuza stated that in the 1980s, half of the new buildings in downtown Chicago belonged to the Yakuza.

Some suspect that Rahm Emanuel's usefulness as foreign exchange and currency expert is that he is perceived as having immunity from the prying eyes of IRS, the FBI, and others in federal police. And that the Red Chinese if they have not already used him in the past, intend to reportedly use him to launder billions of dollars of dirty trading, some already flowing through the Chicago markets with Clinton's blessings and that of his handlers.


"* "The US produced, and for many years deployed 'Atomic Demolition Munitions'. The Medium Atomic Demolition Munition (MADM) produced 1-15 kilotons of yield, and weighed 400 pounds. The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) yielded .01-1 kilotons and weighed only 163 pounds."

Some disinformation has poured out of Establishment websites these past two contending the Bali Blast could not be nuclear because we do not have any warheads less than 1.0 kilotons; yet, here we see that we have nuclear warheads as small as 0.01 kilotons, exactly the type of blast in Bali.

* The smallest nuclear weapon the US actually produced and fielded was the "Davy Crockett" - a recoilless rifle round. It weighed about 51 pounds, was 16 inches long and 11 inches in diameter. It produced a variable yield of up to 1 kiloton.

Photograph of a U.S. developed M-388 Davy Crockett nuclear weapon mounted to a recoilless rifle on a tripod, shown here at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland in March 1961. It used the smallest nuclear warhead ever developed by the United States.

March 1961

Source :
Chuck Hansen, The Swords of Armageddon: U.S. Nuclear Weapons Development Since 1945 
(Sunnyvale, CA: Chukelea Publications, 1995).

U.S. officials examine a M-388 Davy Crockett nuclear weapon. 

It used the smallest nuclear warhead ever developed by the United States.

Can you believe this? We developed a "rifle round", recoilless at that! Further, our troops had this weapon in 1959! The technology is very "mature"; we just have not kept pace with it, as our leaders did not want us to know how far advanced our capabilities were."

The "High-Impact Terrorism: Proceedings of a Russian-American Workshop (2002)", The National Academies Press, quoted above, stated that the average citizen had significant misconceptions about nuclear weapons; during the planned terrorism phase, these misconceptions would be greatly preyed upon in order to produce the general sense of panic so needed in order to dissolve our entire system of government.

The Brookings Institute page lists some even more citizen misconceptions:
* "There was no significant fallout in the vicinity of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. All radiation injuries were a result of immediate (first 1 minute) radiation."

* "The only cases of significant fallout exposure (as of 1964) to individuals (other than globally ) was in the Marshall Islands after a U.S. test. The short term effects were skin 'burns'. As of 1964, no long term effects were known, although a slight excess cancer rate would be expected based on modern knowledge."

* "Almost all radioactivity in fallout - even in a ground burst - comes from the fission products themselves or transmutation of parts of the weapon. Thus air bursts and ground bursts produce approximately the same amount of radioactive products. However, ground bursts cause much more of the radioactive debris to be deposited within a fallout pattern, rather than distributed (and accordingly diluted and decayed) across the entire planet."

How many times have we been subjected to the scare tactic that a nuclear war could produce a "Silent Spring" for the entire planet, rendering life impossible for thousands of years? The scare tactics that have been shoved down our throats during the past 50 years is incredible, and is setting us up for the final panics.

* "The blast effect is primarily determined by the "overpressure" - given in english units in PSI. A human being can withstand up to about 35PSI of peak overpressure from a nuclear blast (1% fatality rate). Your mileage may vary. Thus a human will almost always survive the blast overpressure at approximately the following distances (slant range) from a blast according to the following table": 

[NOTE: This Brookings Institute report then lists a table which gives the statistics for various explosive yields, including the 20 kilotons blast at Hiroshima; when we extrapolate these statistics, we see that the news reports from Bali are consistent with these scientific data.]

Saturday 22 February 2014

"He has Fled the Country..!"

The Frontier of the NATO Alliance, 1968


The Face of the Enemy

Daniel Cohn-Bendit of the Situationalist International.

Agent of N*A*T*O.

Takes his orders from McGeorge Bundy of the Round Table Group, the House of Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Not French. German, Jewish and Boirgoise. 

Gaullist response : announce deportation of German resistence leader.

"We are All German Jews!!"

"No demands..!!!!"

"Je suis Marxiste—tendance Groucho. "
(I'm a Marxist—of the Groucho variety.)

"This concerns everyone."

"Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible."
(Be realistic, ask the impossible.)

"When the National Assembly becomes a bourgeois theater, all the bourgeois theaters should be turned into national assemblies. "
(Written above the entrance of the occupied Odéon Theater)

Sous les pavés, la plage! 
("under the cobblestones, the beach")

I love you!!! Oh, say it with paving stones!!!

"Read Reich and act accordingly!"
(University of Frankfurt; similar Reichian slogans were scrawled on the walls of the Sorbonne, and in Berlin students threw copies of Reich's The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933) at the police).

President Yanukovych in Warsaw 4 February 2011:

"Bureaucracy and corruption are today hiding behind democratic slogans in Ukraine. 

The Ukrainian nation is wise and it will understand. 

Because a small handful of people, who have been plundering the country for 20 years is only a handful, from which the whole society, the whole state and our image in the world have been suffering. 

The interest of the Ukrainian nation is that the practice was put an end to... The country has to change. 

We need to reverse our approaches 180 degrees, and we will do it. 

The Ukrainian nation stimulates us to."

Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych is no Charles DeGaulle.

But he does still have friends.

The Frontier of the NATO Alliance, 2014.


The Face of The Enemy
(One of them...)

MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit of the European Union.

Agent of NATO.

Member of the European Parliament.

Takes his orders from US Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nulan (...?)

"No Demands...!!"

"Men and women of France.

As the holder of the legitimacy of the nation and of the Republic, I have over the past 24 hours considered every eventuality, without exception, which would permit me to maintain that legitimacy. I have made my resolutions.

In the present circumstances, I will not step down. 

I have a mandate from the people, and I will fulfill it.

I will not change the Prime Minister, whose value, soundness and capacity merit the tribute of all. 

He will put before me any changes he may see fit to make in the composition of the government.

I am today dissolving the National Assembly.

I have offered the country a referendum which would give citizens the opportunity to vote for a far-reaching reform of our economy and of our university system and, at the same time, to pronounce on whether or not they retained their confidence in me, by the sole acceptable channel, that of democracy. I perceive that the present situation is a material obstacle to that process going ahead. 

For this reason, I am postponing the date of the referendum. 

As for the general elections, these will be held within the period provided for under the Constitution, unless there is an intention to gag the entire French people to prevent them from expressing their views as they are being prevented from carrying on their lives, by the same methods being used to prevent students from studying, teachers from teaching, workers from working. 

These means consist of intimidation, the intoxication and the tyranny exerted by groups long organized for this purpose and by a party that is a totalitarian undertaking, even if it already has rivals in this respect.

Should this situation of force be maintained, therefore, I will be obliged in order to maintain the Republic to adopt different methods, in accordance with the Constitution, other than an immediate vote by the country. 

In any event, civic action must now be organized, everywhere and at once. 

This must be done to aid the government first and foremost, and then locally to support the prefects, constituted or reconstituted as commissioners of the Republic, in their task of ensuring as far as possible the continued existence of the population and preventing subversion at any time and in any place.

France is threatened with dictatorship. 

There are those who would constrain her to abandon herself to a power that would establish itself in national despair, a power that would then obviously and essentially be the power of totalitarian communism. 

Naturally, its true colors would be concealed at first, making use of the ambition and hatred of sidelined politicians. After which, such figures would lose all but their own inherent influence, insignificant as that is.

No, I say! 

The Republic will not abdicate. 
The people will come to its senses. 
Progress, independence and peace will carry the day, along with freedom.

Vive la République !

Vive la France !"

Friday 21 February 2014

Modified Limited Hangout: The Bogus Whistleblower's Shibboleth

"I would say, really, we're looking to expose....Governments. And hold them to account."
Julian Assange,
Page One - One Year Inside the New York Times, 

Assange, Manning, Snowden.... All of these guys say the same thing "The US Government has gone too far (for reasons left unspecified) - I will use the power of free information and the Internet to hold corrupt governments who abuse their power to account in the court of world opinion!"

Really. Is that right. Then I have a handy little Shibboleth for the next phoney whistleblower they try and foist on us to spin us a load of crap.

Show us all the classified material you have on the Smolensk Air Disaster, April 10th 2010, the one that killed President Kaczyński, his entire government, and half the Polish Army General staff.

And after that, we can talk about NMD missile deployment East of the Alps, the Islamic Renaissance in Tartarstan and other Russian Republics and the Brezynski Doctrine.

You want to expose abuses of power by authoritarian governments....? Step on up.

Mr. Putin will see you now....

Edward Snowden's Alternative Christmas Message (with Commentary)

A Christmas Message From Edward Snowden from Gendo on Vimeo.

On December 25th 2013 Edward Snowden delivered an alternative Christmas message on the UK's channel 4 TV station. Before the broadcast a short version of the speech was leaked and immediatly uploaded to youtube. That upload was immediatly blocked but many re-uploads made the clip available everywhere. This is one of those places.

 If you want to thank Edward Snowden for giving up his relationship, familiy, job and any chance of a normal life to inform us all go here ( and donate.

I don't, and he hasn't, and what has he informed us of that we didn't already know? He has said absolutely nothing, and continues to.
 Or spread his message.

I don't know what his message is.

And do something with it. 

I am. I'm critiquing it.

Because if something is done all of Edward's sacrifices have meaning.

Which is what, exactly?

And which sacrifices are these? I don't see any.

Hi, and Merry Christmas.
I'm honored to have the chance to speak with you and your family this year. 

You're not. You're and television, and they're not here.

Recently, we learned that our governments, working in concert, have created a system of worldwide mass surveillance, watching everything we do.

No, they didn't. They did that in the mid-1990s, and completed a process of the growth of military intelligence in domestic surveillance that began in the Philippines in the 1900s following the Spanish-American War.

Great Britain's George Orwell warned us of the danger of this kind of information. 

No he didn't. 

He was not warning about the danger of surveillance. 

Surveillance is the symptom, not the disease.

He was warning about the ultimate bankruptcy of ideology in the service of The Myth of the Nation, and the necessity for Permanant War to offset the excess in production  produced by a rising standard of living and technology by constantly destroying the productive capacity and output of Mankind to engage further social, technological and spiritual development.

The types of collection in the book -- microphones and video cameras, TVs that watch us -- are nothing compared to what we have available today. 

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) was, and is, always, the most secondary and second most reliable and useful form of intelligence; Human Intelligence (HUMINT), was, and is always the primary focus of intelligence gathering, the most reliable, versitile and strategically useful, and it is for this reason that the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (HUMINT) and it's analysts preceded the creation of the National Security Agency (SIGINT) by over five years, and has a budget far in excess of anything required by NSA.

Microphones don't spy on people - people spy on people. 

And people have reasons.

Blaming the technology is a classic Straw Man fallacy which serves to distract from the reasons, and reasoning for surveillance, data gathering and intelligence collection - which is exactly why Snowden raises the point here.

The point of the surveillance in the Oceania of 1984 was not intelligence gathering, nor was it all-pervasive or even consistent.

The point of the constant and overt surveillance of the Outer Party in Air Strip one was the same as it was in the Soviet Union for visitors, and the same for anyone under FBI surveillance - John Lennon complained of this specifically - it was to let people KNOW that they were being constantly watched and followed.

The process of intelligence gathering and open surveillance collection was a means of social control and mitigating people's behaviour via a normative process - the actual intelligence gathered was of little or no concern and was rarely put to any use.
During morning exercises and stretching, the telescreens occasionally talked back to people and told them to stretch further or try harder - but there is no indication that they people they were calling on actually existed, or if this was merely a psy-op tactic to remind people that they MIGHT be called on at any time.

And only the Middle Class were surveilled at all - there were no telescreens or spies amongst the Proles, and little enforcement of the laws amongst the masses of the people, since they were not politically active or aware. They posed no threat to the State or to the System and thus spying on them was a complete waste of time.

Intention X Capability = Threat.

Likewise, the ideologues of the Inner Party and their trusted staff, such as O'Brien and his manservant had telescreens they could switch off, since they believed totally in the system and were enriched by it. Since their power, position and largesse was wholly tied to The State, there was no point in spying on them either.

Intention X Capability = Threat.

We have sensors in our pockets that track us everywhere we go.

Only if you're stupid. 

I don't take my phone with me when I don't want people to to know where I am.

And I often take my battery and SIM out of my phone and leave it somewhere where I want people to think I am.

This is basic personal security.

Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person.

Not enough, because they're not thinking about this.

A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. 

I don't know what it means now.

There is no such thing as privacy.

They'll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves -- an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought. 

Unless Snowden thinks most people talk to themselves while alone, this is NOT what PRISM was and has nothing to do with any aspect of his so-called revelations.

What he is talking about is Psychotronics, and it has been a major area of US Defence Department Reseach since the early 1990s.

Remotely reading a person's thoughts in the same way that a Polygraph reads their biofeedback responses to situations and stimuli, using high-gain electromagnetic resonance and neural mapping IS possible with current levels of technology, and can be done, and the output does require interpretation in the same way a Polygraph output does; but that's not what Snowden is talking about, and that's not what he's disclosed; moreover, it's conspicuous by its absence in everything he has said, and failed to say so far. 

Individual Mind Contol, and Mass Mind Control via Psychotronics, EM Radiatiom and other forms of broadcast are a genuine cause concern and need to be brought to mass awareness and consciousness - but Snowden is not talking about that.

He's talking about voyuerism and illicit phone sex.

Not Mass Mind Control.

And that's a problem, because privacy matters. 


Privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be.

Almost certainly not.

Most would argue that it is the nature and extent of our interaction with others, and with the world around us that does that.

The exact opposite is true - privacy limits us to be less than what we are by limiting interactions and sensory stimuli and opportunities to develop new neural stimuli, spiritual and physical growth and development.

The conversation occurring today will determine the amount of trust we can place both in the technology that surrounds us and the government that regulates it. 

Government doesn't regulate it, that's the job of the Courts, and there is no Gold Standard available to allow them to do that because the parameters of what is to be achieved are not offered.

What is the point of all of this...?

What is the harm, and what are the benefits, and what is the reality..?

Together, we can find a better balance. 

With what?

You have not presented any evidence that things are out of balance, or what this level of information gathering is (in your estimation) being balanced against.

What he presumably means is "security". But he hasn't said that.

He said "technology".

Technology is not a threatening force. It's a neutral force.

Technology does not spy on people - people spy on people.

So if you're not measuring the level of surveillance against a quantiable threat, like international terrorism, or the IRA, or the Mythical al-Qaeda Beast - how can you possibly judge whether or not there is too much of it, or not enough...?

End mass surveillance. 

How? And why?

For what reason.

I have reasons of my own, but I am not hearing any from you.

And remind the government that if it really wants to know how we feel, 

Government doesn't care how you feel.

It cares if you are able to destroy it or do it harm.

If you are not able to cause it harm, or if you have the desire, but not the capacity to do so, then you are irrelevant.

Intention X Capability = Threat.

asking is always cheaper than spying.

Yes it is. 

That's why when the Bush Administration wanted to data-mine all of Verizon's customer's communications and emails, they went to Verizon and asked them "Can we data-mine all of your customer's communications and emails, please?" in 2004, Verizon said "Yes."

Because that's not illegal, and they asked nicely.

Again, Snowden has you hating the oppressed and loving the people doing the oppression.

It's the job of the National Security Agency to suck up and analyse the largest data set possible.

It's the job of Verizon to make as much money as possible for their stockholders.

It's not the job of NSA to respect rights you don't actually have, and it's not the job or Verizon to protect the data of people who do not practice basic data security, such as encryption or secure VPNs.

For everyone out there listening, thank you, and Merry Christmas.

I thought you said listening was bad...