Saturday 22 June 2013

Russell Brand Destroys the Media

Courts death at the same time.

Russell Brand Destroys the Media from Paul Coker on Vimeo.

Good Lord - what just happened?!!

I feel as if I've just been groped by a nun in a lift...!

Look what he's done to Zbigniew Brzinski's daughter...!!!

This is Zbigniew Brezinski's Snooty yet eminently doable daughter, Mika.

This is her father, former National Security Advisor , Bilderberger and Founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzinski

He invented al-Qaeda.

He also took a Georgian Peanut Farmer and former Nuclear Physicist and made him President of the United States.

Today, no nuclear physicist could EVER become President of the United States.

Some say he once had a Pope killed.

He covered up (and possibly ordered) the "clean-up" of Jonestown, including those 500 additional bodies found days later under the first 300 or so, that no-one had noticed.

Makin' SexyTime with former Florida Congressman Joe Scarborough.

Who may or may not be a murderer. 
That's an open question.

"For Brzezinski, doing damage to Russia is a hobby."

James K. Galbraith, Democracy inaction,, November 30, 2004

Back to the topic at hand....

"We can No Longer Guarantee your safety"

Mika, I'm certain that isn't true....

"We cannot guarantee your safety"

"I'm sure that had nothing to do with US....!"

Okay, that's in NO way suspicious....

Conspiracy theorists like Zbigniew Brzezinski believe that organizations of interest work behind the scenes to manipulate world politics. 
They believe that false flag terror events are used to justify wars of aggression on political enemies. 
They believe that humanitarian rhetoric is used to mask military aggression, as in Syria. In short, they are realistic observers of world politics, just like Zbigniew Brzezinski. 
Join us today on The Corbett Report as we hear all about the conspiratorial view of history straight from the horse’s mouth.

(support Corbett, visit his website - he's awesome)

But Wait...!!

There is still more to be had here...

Why DID he divorce Katy Perry by text on New Year's Eve...?

Surely he must realise what she is....

Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain's trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands given by the master ("Handler" in Monarch parlance).

The Monarch Mind Control designation was originally applied by the US Department of Defense to a sub-program under the CIA's MK-Ultra Program. 

However, the techniques employed in the Monarch programming system extend back further under various names, such as the Nazi marionette programming.

Even further back, the techniques used in Monarch programming can be traced to various generational Satanist families among European royalty. The MPD state created by the Monarch programming techniques were used to isolate the personality involved in Satanic rituals from a public face. Without this alternate personality, the nobles practicing Satanism inevitably went insane, so it's practice spread rapidly through the occult community.

It is unclear who first started practicing the MPD techniques as a way of creating mind control slaves rather than as a defense mechanism, but it is clear that the Nazis were using Electro-shock and binding to create slaves in the 1940s. 

After World War II, some German and Italian psychologists who were working on Marionette programming were brought to the United States to continue working on their research.

After the original development of the Monarch program inside of MK-Ultra, it has been adopted by other groups such as the Illuminati and the American entertainment industry. 

Very notably, since the 1970's the Disney corporation has been involved heavily in Monarch programming, and several of their films (especially Alice in Wonderland) are used as a base for Monarch programming.

Monarch programming is achieved through repeated abuse and torture, until the victim dissociates from reality into a fantasy world in their head. 

When that happens somehow an alternate personality is created, and the handler (abuser) can trigger this personality at any time.

Beta programming is sex kitten programming, used to create "ultimate prostitutes" as well as celebrities used to sell sex in the media to the masses. 

Making it look cool and awesome to be sexually abused and over used. 

They are made to be devoid of all sexual inhibitions. 

Delta programming is used to program soldiers and patsys to carry out ritualistic murders.

Monarch programming is applied when a drone is needed to carry out commands which are of a morally questionable nature. 

Monarch victims are used for assassinations and murders which must be carried out for political purposes. 

It is used heavily within the entertainment industry to create easily manipulated music stars. 

One variation of the process, known as "Kitten" or "Sex Kitten" programming is used to create willing sexual body slaves.

Could there be any truth to this in her particular case...?

Let's see:

Despite the intuitive connection between the Handler and a King or Monarch, the Monarch in this context refers to Monarch Butterflies, not to a Monarchical form of government.

Watch for the Jedi Mind Trick: "This isn't the Tweenie Bopper Bride you're looking for...."

It appears that Russell Brand may be a Wizard.

Strict Religious Background = CHECK

Over-Churched = CHECK

No awareness of who "The Real Katy Perry" is = CHECK

It Got Them Killed (?): James Gandolfini ***SPECULATION***


I have no firm facts, and I have done no research on this specific topic beyond what is generally widely being reported. 


That said,

I can think of no specific or compelling reason why anyone might want James Gandolfini dead.

He was popular, well-loved and well-liked and unlike many spooky, suspicious celebrity-sudden deaths at an early age, the outpourings of grief and mentions of respect have had the character of being general, spontaneous and sincere.


He was in Zero Dark Thirty last year - the Spookiest production in Hollywood History.

Along with Katheryn Bigelow and her screenwriter and senior cast, he undoubtably had the chance to hang out for extended periods with the CIA Officers detailed to liaise with the production.

Gandolfini is coached by his assigned CIA Case Officer 
(believed to be Special Assistant to Richard Blee)

He probably (almost certainly) died of natural causes - he was certainly a heavy man and the wrong side of 50.

But if there was anyone in Hollywood who came to know certain things they were never meant to know concerning the true nature of Operation Neptune Spear and the Hunt for Bin Laden...

It was probably Gandolfini.

Obama Mythbusting: Why There Isn't a Case for Impeachment.

This is factually untrue. 

Anwar al-awalaki was a Yemeni National with a fake US passport obtained in 1993 by fraud and was a CIA Agent.

He has two Yemeni Parents and filled out a form for official purposes in 1993 that stated


His son IS an American Citizen, born in 1996 in Colorado, was never targetted for killing by drone strike and is alive.

Fast and Furious is a Bush era program and a stay-behind initiated in Summer 2008 - in Summer 2009, it changed it's name to "Fast and Furious" and therefore left an administrative footprint suggesting it has been an Obama era initiative.

BATF is a revenue enforcement agency, not a law enforcement agency and thus comes under Treasury, not Justice.

Congress has held up comfirmation of a new BATF Director for NINE YEARS.... 

Unsurprisingly, no-one much wants the job.

No one in the Obama Administration conceived of it or approved of it, either before or after the fact.

Because its completely stupid.

The Supreme Court has already ruled on this and it is a closed matter.

This has been done since time immemorial and is standard practice.

The Warren Commisson, for instance, were all Czars.

Czars do not act on behalf of the Federal Government and are not agents or representatives of it, they act on behalf of the Executive with the Presidential Imprimatur, using the borrowed powers of delegated authority.

It was HOW they were enforcing Federal Law, not the fact that they were doing it, as was upheld by the Supreme Court.

Racial Profiling is a violation of Equal Protection and constitutes Unresasonable Search and Seizure.

The Constitution grants the President the powers of Pardon and Clemency, and all Presidents (to date) have exercised it.

Ford extended partial amnesty to Vietnam draft dodgers and Carter made it a blanket, total amnesty.

The Executive has the power to direct Agencies of the Federal Government in certain matters.

Whether or not this is an over-extension of executive power would be a matter for the Supreme Court, but the chances of it finding against the Executive are zero.

The Compromise of 1877 at the end of Reconstuction left the powers of enforcement of voting rights and federal civil rights legislation and the provisions of the Fifteenth Ammendment in the hands of the several states.

This is a matter of State Law to investigate - not a matter for the DoJ.

If there is to be a legal challenge in any such case, it would have to be made by a party that has standing - someone who had a case to prove (or argue) that their civil rights and voting rights had been impinged or threatened by the alleged actions of the alleged New Black Panther Party members 

(if that is indeed who they are - this has yet to be established).

The Constitutionality of DOMA is in severe doubt, as then is any action taken taken to enforce it.

A direct challenge is said to be on the Supreme Court docket waiting a direct hearing.

Certainly, it presents a severe challenge to the notion of Equal Protection, being as it is, a revival of the concept of "Separate But Equal".

Action in Libya to intervene in the ongoing Civil War was authorized by the Security Council of the United Nations and is therefore a limited enforcement action with a strictly limited mandate, which later expired. 

Not a war against a sovereign government.

Even if it were, there is clear impeachment precedent - of the four draft articles of impeachment put to a committee vote against President Nixon, the only one rejected by the House Committee was for ordering the secret bombing of Cambodia.

The Head of State of Cambodia at the time had asked Nixon to bomb his country to clear out the VC from the Ho Chi Minh trail in his mountainous border regions, beyond the reach and authority of his government, so it hardly qualifies as an act of war - if you are requested to do so by the country concerned the notion is ludicrous.

The same applies, by the way, to US drone strikes in Yemen, Waziristan and elsewhere - the Pakistani government has no control over its Afghan border regions and no feasible means to reach and clear out insurgent base camps and thus is more than happy for the US to do its dirty work in that regard.

Benghazi was a failed Coup d'état intended to unseat the Obama Presidency.

The US Military throughout Europe and Africa was in mutiny on the evening of 9/11//12, culminating in the relief of General Carter Ham, Commander of AFRICOM, by his number two, General Rodruigez of his command at gunpoint on a direct order from his Commander in Chief once President Obama learnt that Carter Ham's strip-ready air-cover never took off from Sigonella Naval Station in Sicilly to aid the Ambassador when the panic button was pressed in Benghazi because that afternoon, General Ham had ordered them all to take off and fly 1000 miles North to Germany for no good reason and undergo unnecessary maintainace - a violation of standing orders and an act of Treasonous Sedition, punishable by up to 10 years in the stockade at Fort Bragg.

Hilary, Susan Rice and the President said it resulted from a YouTube video because that's exactly what the CIA was telling them was the cause.

This was a lie.

It was also NOT what they told the Romney-Ryan campaign - they were told that it was a terrorist attack and that Hillary Clinton was going to deny it was for PR purposes and blame it on an Internet video.

Again - the Executive is empowered (and expected) to issue directions and instructions to the Executive heads (Directors) of Federal Agencies such as the FBI and the BATF (when there IS a Director of the BATF).

This is kind of what his job actually IS.

It's neither worse than Watergate or Monicagate.

Monicagate was not an impeachable matter and only became so under a lame duck Congress as an act of political spite intended to reduce the dignity of the Presidency by humbling the Commander in Chief and dragging the office though the gutter - the matter was clearly resolved in the subsequent Senate Trial, which came no-where close to conviction.

There were no misdemenours at issue - the "high crime" was a crime, only in technicality.

An untruthful statement made during a 3 hr video deposition to a court case that was never heard and thrown out by a Judge for being frivolous. 

That was technically perjury. Perjury is a crime - it was not held in this instance, in the Senate Trial, to be a "High Crime".

The High Crimes of President Nixon were never tested in a Senate Trial, Nixon's resignation negated that process.

The High Crimes were largely concerned with Obstruction of Justice, something that Nixon was heard on the taping system to acquiesce to at the suggestion of White House Counsel Howard Dean, now widely understood to be a CIA mole - while it is almost certain that Nixon would have been convicted and removed from office on at least some of the charges, we will never know for sure.

In any case - Nixon was ALMOST impeached. He never actually was.

Only two presidents have - Clinton and Andrew Johnson. 

Neither one was ever removed from office following conviction in the Senate trial.

That is simply unprecedented.

The fact is, impeachment is often an act of political harassment, not a deterrent or a punishment, and understood as such.

It has never yet resulted in the removal of a sitting President.

Nor, on the strength of the above trivia, would it ever.

Birchwood: The Place Where Tia Sharp Died

WARNING - These woods are haunted.

Witnesses had reported seeing a white van in the area bothering children the day before the disappearance, and earlier in the week, the police had conducted a search of a local wood 400 yards away from the house known as Birchwood.

They had sealed off the entrances with tape and used sniffer dogs and long sticks to probe the undergrowth.

If the body were to be found there, it would explain why she had disappeared so quickly, and the police would have been stuck with a body in an incident that resembled the Soham murders that the 10th anniversary commemorated.

This case consists of an abduction and murder of a schoolchild on the 10th anniversary of the Soham murders, the first since then, and a decomposing body in the loft which had escaped the nostrils of the residents and sniffer dogs, and which was discovered by the police only after they had astonished everyone by turning their search to the house itself.

The only apparent justification that they could have had for this switch was that the girl had disappeared soon after leaving the house and had not yet shown up in CCTV surveillance records.

There was NO CCTV coverage between the Hazell House and the Bus Stop 200 yards away
(half way to Birchwood) or between the Hazell House and either one of three Addington Tram stops (in the other direction).

As of today, there are EIGHT CCTV cameras mounted on the former Hazell House, alone.

Birchwood is a patch of ancient Woodland owned by the Corporation of London, Guildhall.

It is understood to formerly have been part of a hunting park serving the nearby Addington Palace.

Local Historian discovered in 1910 ruins of what appeared to be a the entrance to secret passageways, tunnels linking Birchwood with Addington Palace and the former stately home across the hill.

Birchwood is understood to lie on the Prime Meridian.

And remains of a Masonic altar were also found in the wood in 1910, close to the abandoned tunnel ruins.

Tia Sharp disappeared on Michaelmas Eve, a night of great magical and Pagan significance, the start of Harvest; she disappeared during the Olympics, which were occurring on the site of the ancient Michaelmas Fayre in Lee, built over to create the Olympic Park.

And it was the tenth anniversary of the Double Event at Soham - where screams were her around midnight in the woods bordering the fence of USAF / RAF Lakenheath, right at the spot where Holly Wells' mobile phone was logged as having been finally switched off...

Tia Sharp Appeal - 8 August from Paul Coker on Vimeo.

August 8th is also the anniversary of the Hiroshima Bomb and the Sharon Tate Murders at 10050 Cielo Drive.

As well as being (approximately) Michaelmas Eve (depending on the Moon)

August 8 

Michaelmas Eve - Second most Magickally significant night of the year after Beltane.

Tia's birth Father Steven Carter arrives at the Old Bailey to attend the trial of Stuart Hazell.

90% of all murders occur within the family, between blood relatives.

More than Two Thirds of all child abuse that occurs is incest.

Steven was an absentee father and estranged from Tia's mother, who had remarried.

The most likely, prime suspects in any instance of child sexual murder are the immediate family and blood relatives.

Stuart Hazell was essentailly confined to house arrest at 20, The Lindens for the duration of the week-long Police search of the area.

Steven Carter was only questioned once by Police during this time, for around 20 mins with his lawyer present.

Croydon is well-known and on record as having one of the highest density of Masonic Lodges anywhere within the UK - the guilty parties in the infamous Brinks Matt Roberry Case were all stationed at Croydon Police Station, including the Grand Master of Manor of Bensham Lodge, South Norwood.

Brother Speaks to Brother.

Steven Carter emerges from Court Number 1 of the Old Bailey, having heard the dramatic news of Stuart Hazell's inexplicable change of plea to Guilty "to spare the family any further pain", namely hearing the forensic evidence about to be presented that (police, prosecutors and Hazell's "defence" Q.C., Lord Carlile claim) would have linked him to Tia's body.

Steven Carter does not appear to be suffering any unnecessary pain.

He seems rather ecstatically relieved. 

Be careful what you wish for, Steven....

Once more with feeling there, Steven....

On the 10th anniversary of the Soham murders (actually the day before, on Friday, August 3rd, 2012), and during the national excitement of the London Olympics, 12 year-old schoolgirl Tia Sharp vanished after leaving her grandmother’s house in New Addington in south London to go shopping in nearby Croydon. 

The significance of this particular day is that a TV programme was scheduled to be broadcast that evening marking the 10th anniversary of the Soham murders, which was to feature victim Holly Wells’s father. The timing looked ominously significant and it soon became apparent that another such case was unfolding.

Three witnesses saw Tia Sharp leave her grandmother’s house at midday, including her grandmother’s boyfriend Stuart Hazell, who lived there. He had told the girl to be back by 6 o’clock, to which she had replied, “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” as she left. The grandmother was not present.

The following Thursday, while the search was still on for Tia Sharp and her abductor, Hazell appeared in a TV interview himself saying that he had not had anything to do with the girl's disappearance, public suspicion having fallen on him because he was the last person known to have had contact with the missing girl.

Then a very strange set of events occurred. 

The police suddenly changed their investigation from that of an abduction and sealed off the house in which he and Tia's grandmother lived, including that of the neighbour, Paul Meehan, who was one of the witnesses that had seen the girl leave her grandmother's house that day.

The police now concentrated their investigation among the bins and surroundings of the house itself, and inside it, despite it having been searched several times before, including with sniffer dogs, and despite the witnesses who had seen her leaving the house.

Then a very strange development happened. 

Having switched their search to the house, the police announced the next day, a week after the disappearance, that a body had been found inside the loft, which supposedly had been lying there decomposing in the August heat for a week.

Among the various odd circumstances of this was that none of the residents of these two houses had smelt anything, including the sniffer dogs earlier in the investigation, and that the body was miraculously discovered after what seemed like a most unlikely and inappropriate change in the investigation.

Media attention having switched to himself, Stuart Hazell was soon recognized by a member of the public buying vodka in a shop in Merton, and he was arrested and charged with murder, while Paul Meehan, the witness who lived next door and had supported Hazell's account of Tia Sharp's exit from the house, was bailed on suspicion of having assisted an offender.

How can he be charged with having Assisted an Offender before Hazell had even been remanded on suspicion?

What if he's NOT an offender?

I'm fairly confident this is not legal - for one thing, this is not "assisting an offender" (plenty of other people also saw Tia leave on her own and said so, he wasn't the only one), this is "confirming an alibi" or "exculpatory evidence", which resulted in Meehan's arrest and detention on charges.

Welcome to Britain.

by Emmanuel Goldstein
Chapter I Ignorance is Strength

Throughout recorded time, and probably since the end of the Neolithic Age, there have been three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle, and the Low. They have been subdivided in many ways, they have borne countless different names, and their relative numbers, as well as their attitude towards one another, have varied from age to age: but the essential structure of society has never altered. Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other.

The aims of these groups are entirely irreconcilable...

Meehan's statement and (subsequently blocked) trial testimony would have definitively put Hazell in the clear.

It was physically impossible for him to have done this.

A point I raised myself to the representatives of the Mainstream Media outside The Old Bailey, but the cognitive dissonance was already kicking in - the appeared not to understand that that kind of thing kind of means that the Police are lying through their teeth...

The best response I got was "Why would the Police want to make it up...?"

Kind of not the point...

He's telling the truth.

Huntley from Paul Coker on Vimeo.

The night before Ian Huntley was arrested, the police broke into his car on the pretence that the two girls were in danger in there (this was two weeks after the girls had disappeared and when the official police view had switched to a belief that the girls were now dead). 

This break-in was a civil rights abuse against Huntley and his property, and it should be illegal. A second such abuse occurred the following morning, when the police arrested him at his father's house at the unseemly hour of four in the morning on suspicion of murder.

Huntley and Carr were taken to separate police stations for questioning, and Huntley was later taken to a psychiatric hospital where he was charged with the murders. 

The police gave as their explanation for this strategy that he didn't seem to understand why he was being charged with the murders, so his "treatment" in that hospital was for symptoms of innocence. He was deemed by the doctors to be unfit to be seen by the magistrates yet.

Huntley was held for questioning until the early hours of Tuesday the 20th, when he was snaffled away to Rampton high security hospital at five-thirty in the morning, and he was charged with the murders at ten o'clock that night. 

The timings of the arrests and the murder charge shows that the police and doctors found his condition to be robust

Ian Huntley's sleep had been ruined at both ends of the day that he was charged, and he was charged at the very point at which the police were legally obliged either to charge him or else to release him. 

The magistrates were not allowed to see him until he had been conditioned by the doctors at Rampton, when apparently he was no longer able to defend himself. 

If Huntley was fit to be charged with murder he should have been fit to be seen by the magistrates.

There was no inquest into the deaths of Jessica and Holly before the trial. 

This responsibility was left to the prosecution of Ian Huntley. 

The purpose of an inquest is to provide an unbiased overview of the circumstances and witnesses relating to a death, and it is essential for a fair trial. 

An inquest would have called up many witnesses who did not appear at the trial.

The taxi driver, Ian Webster, whose evidence is mentioned above, was not called as a witness.

The evidence of a witness who was reported seeing the two girls in the High Street after they are supposed to have died in Huntley's house (the witness was with her husband and knew the girls), was not used in the trial.

The four witnesses who were reported seeing the two girls at the War Memorial at around the time that they are supposed to have died in Huntley's house did not appear in the trial. Their testimony confirms Huntley's original witness statement.

The witness who was reported seeing a man and a woman in a green car (metallic green?) staring at two girls in the High Street did not appear at the trial. This evidence is important because two kidnappers might well be needed to control two children.

The several witnesses who saw a green car acting suspiciously around Soham at the time were not called to the trial.

Ian Huntley's legal defence was incompetent, and on this ground alone the trial judgment should be scrapped. 

No defence witnesses were used. 

The only defence witnesses that appeared were Maxine Carr, who didn't know anything, and Ian Huntley, who only had the prosecution case to defend himself with. 

The legal defence acted throughout as though Huntley was guilty even while he was protesting his innocence. 

His defence even caused him to accept the charge of perverting the course of justice when he was pleading innocence, and this undermined his Not Guilty plea to the murder charge. 

He did not change this defence until a year later and two weeks before his trial.

The series of murders involving Jessica and Holly began with the victim's body (Sarah Payne) being dumped out in the open in the holiday area that she was taken from (this presumably to throw the police and public off the scent regarding the Cheshire sighting), and it ended with the bodies of Jessica and Holly being dumped out in the open, minus the forensic evidence (the clothes) for the prosecution of Ian Huntley. 

In between, the cases of Milly Dowler and Danielle Jones indicate that the series killer would tend to bury or conceal his victims, which corresponds with the two areas of disturbed ground on Warren Hill outside Newmarket that the jogger reported to the police in the Jessica and Holly case.

The series began with defendant Roy Whiting pleading Not Guilty against a perfect stitch-up in forensic evidence (with hairs and fibres from the victim on the defendant's white van etc, and vice versa), and ends with Ian Huntley pleading Not Guilty (and changing his plea two weeks before his trial) against forensic evidence with which he is supposed to have fitted himself up.

A man who would come here of his own free will...
A man who has come here with the power of a king. By representing the law...
A man who would come here as a virgin...
A man who has come here as a fool!

A Lecture by Ian Crane on the world in which you live as it is.

Rather than how it should be.