Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Kenya: Fake History is Poetry

The SLA is the CIA from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"Roland was a warrior
From the Land of the Midnight Sun
With a Thompson Gun for hire
Fighting to be done

The deal was made in Denmark
On a dark and stormy day
So he set out for Biafra
To join the bloody fray

Through '66 and 7
They fought the Congo War
With their fingers on their triggers
Knee-deep in gore
The days and nights they battled
The Bantu to their Knees
They killed to earn their living
And to help out the Congolese

His comrades fought beside him
Van Owen and the rest
But of all the Thompson Gunners
Roland was the best
So the CIA decided
They wanted Roland dead
That son-of-a-bitch Van Owen
Blew off Roland's Head

Roland searched the continent
For the man who'd done him in
He found him in Mombassa
In a bar room drinkin' Gin
Roland aimed his Thompson Gun
He didn't say a word
But he blew Van Owen's body
From there to Johanasburg."

"The eternal Thompson gunner, still wandering through the night
Now it's ten years later, but he still keeps up the fight
In Ireland, in Lebannon, in Palestine and Berkeley
Patty Hearst heard the burst of Roland's Thompson gun 
And bought it...."

    According to James McCord's book, "A Piece of Tape," on June 21, 1972, John Dean asked L. Patrick Gray who was in charge of handling the Watergate investigation. Answer: Charles Bates –- the same official in charge of handling the SLA.
part I
by Mae Brussell, from The Realist February 1974

I. Why Was Patricia Hearst Kidnapped?
II. Cast of Characters
III. Chronology of Events
IV. Why Was the SLA Created – the Motives?
V. The Tell-Tale Revolutionaries: Conspicuous Banditos or Provocateurs?
VI. Tactical Support – Where Did It Come From?
VII. How Dangerous Was the SLA?
VIII. Why the Charges Against Patty?
IX. The Death Trap
How Do You Tell a CIA Espionage Plot from a Revolutionary, Radical, Terrorist Guerrilla Army?
    1. Cover Story 2. Coincidence? 3. Dummy Fronts 4. Use of Media and Propaganda 5. CIA Collusion 6. FBI Collusion 7. Tom Charles Huston Plan, Combined Military, Justice Department, CIA, FBI, Police Departments, Department of Corrections, Stanford Research Institute, President Richard Nixon, Vice-President Gerald Ford, Attorney General Saxbe
XI. Indications the SLA Was Part of a Larger National Conspiracy
XII. Was This Plan Necessary?
    "You only need to have a tape recorder to set up a revolutionary movement today."
       FBI Director Charles Bates, San Francisco
There are three Symbionese Liberation Armies. This article is about SLA-BC.
SLA-BC (Before Cremation)
A small band of people brought together in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Through various manipulations, military intelligence infiltrated radical groups, specifically the prison's Black Guerrilla Family, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, United Farm Workers, Chino Defense Fund, Venceremos and the Women's Movement. These targets of the FBI and police were to be associated with the importation of persons from out of state. Some local women were incorporated in the group to lend authenticity.
SLA-AC (After Cremation)
Radicals or concerned citizens who responded with sympathy and horror at the public cremation of six SLA members by the military SWAT team. Continuous government murders such as those committed at the Orangeburg massacre, Jackson State, Kent State, Attica and San Quentin, police murders of Black Panthers, Black Muslims and hundreds of others, necessarily cause a genuine response. Silence in the face of these acts escalates genocide. Public disapproval escalates police armies.
More "liberation armies," fictitious messages, forged documents, infiltrators and spies will surface. Legitimate reform groups will continue to be discredited by acts of violence committed in their names. Peaceful rallies will be destroyed by intelligence agents. The organized disruption of the anti-war movement and rock concerts that took place during the '60s will escalate. The kidnappings and bombings will be blamed on the SLA, or "dedicated to the memory of the six slain SLA members." These planned acts of violence will include chemical warfare.
I. Why Was Patricia Hearst Kidnapped?
The kidnapping of Patricia Campbell Hearst was as vital to the creation of the Symbionese Liberation Army as the murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was to the beginning of World War I. Both the kidnapping and the murder were used as an excuse to declare war. The ensuing battles had been carefully prepared and anticipated by the merchants of death.
The end goal of the SLA – World War III – is to plunge the Third World masses into starvation and slavery. We have accomplished this through the CIA in 77 countries. The Third World inside the United States is the next selected victim.
The SLA was nurtured inside the American prison system. This will provide the excuse to isolate prisons from future visitors, creating private Dachaus and another Auschwitz.
The SLA was created in order to spread terror and fear across the country. There will be a forced response upon existing radicals. Domestic chaos will escalate.
Carefully synchronized with the Hearst kidnapping in Berkeley were a series of provocateur-inspired kidnappings. Fictitious "armies" surfaced. As far away as England, well-dressed and well-financed Ian Ball was pretending to kidnap Princess Anne to "feed the poor." After his brief moment in history, Ball was taken away to a mental hospital.
An admitted kidnapping hoax involved Jean Paul Litt, son of a Belgian diplomat, in Florence, Italy.
The timing of international with national kidnappings could easily be planned to instill fear of an epidemic of abductions across continents.
In the meantime, and not by coincidence, only the poor suffer from these kidnapping and shootings on their behalf.
America's first political kidnapping was necessary to justify the creation of laws and the development of police SWAT teams. They can later be used against legitimate guerrilla or terrorist activities.
Increased repressions, planned genocide, starvation, widespread unemployment, inadequate health care and housing must necessarily provoke anger and self-defense in the face of death. Washington is preparing its defenses, its punishments and its armies in the streets.
The series of staged exploits by the SLA has created fear, suspicion and mistrust of genuine avenues of political change. Radical movements can be discredited and associated with kidnapping, terror, murder, bank robbery and violence.
Under the guise of "reforms," the door is now open for increased infiltration and disruption of progressive movements.
The Watergate affair provides only a small glimpse of how the White House, Pentagon, CIA, FBI, local police departments and intelligence agencies rig elections, manipulate candidates and violate the rights of citizens. Wiretaps, smear campaigns, illegal entry, forgery, interception and opening of mail, provocations, planned kidnappings, blackmail, leaks, poisoning, and assassinations are acceptable tactics to the "team members."
The Justice Department, Attorney Generals, government prosecutors, and investigators are used to protect these domestic espionage operations and cover up the serious crimes that are committed.
Intelligence agents don't only work against us at election time. They work every year, in every city, to help the power structure maintain control. They work against leftists, radicals and ordinary citizens assembling to inquire how their freedoms are being taken away.
Government-funded studies are made at Rand Corporation a and other think tanks on how to manipulate the population for maximum effectiveness and profit. The armies put the plans into action.
The agencies that control our elections, and indeed the selection of candidates, by bullets and smear tactics also control domestic productivity and investments. Since starvation and unemployment will inevitably lead to violent objections, provisions must be made to handle the mob. That is what the SLA was about.
Members of radical groups in the Bay Area were taunted and baited to join the revolution, to see how many were ready for the next stage and would accept violence. All of these groups turned the SLA down, suspecting that they were police provocateurs.
The People In Need Program (the Hearst food giveaway plan) and the SLA communiques identified radical or leftist organizations. Their strength and numbers were added up. Leaders were identified.
Public sensitivities were tested by well-placed cameras which invited us to witness the SLA cremation in Los Angeles. How will we respond the next time troops are deployed to control the people? What did you think of the first military operation inside the U.S., based upon the feeble creation of the mythical SLA., and our "first political kidnapping"?
The 1960's saw the systematic murder of politicians, civil rights leaders, minority spokesmen, educators, Black Panthers, prisoners, and many other concerned citizens.
In the 1970's, large masses of the population, now leaderless, can be controlled and exterminated. We have allowed this situation to develop by not exposing each conspiracy as it came along, pretending the facts and evidence would disappear.
Dr. Marcus Foster, Oakland School Superintendent, was murdered by the same kind of people, and for the same reasons, as Martin Luther King.
Patricia Hearst was kidnapped by the same kind of people, and for the same reasons, as Martha Mitchell.
Our lives are being manipulated by specific individuals who can be identified and exposed. Conspiracy theories only remain "theories" when there is no court, no lawyer, no judge, no Congress, with the courage to expose the evidence. In every case where the evidence is pursued, the "theory" becomes a clear-cut case of criminal conspiracy.
It took ten years for Emile Zola to reveal that Captain Alfred Dreyfus did not betray the French Army.
    "Wherever and whenever dissension about social harmony, political expediency and national defense obscures the rights of minorities, the corruption of institutions and the aberrations of patriotism, there is a Dreyfus Affair."
      – David L. Lewis, Prisoners of Honor
America has hundreds of Dreyfus Affairs going. Latest on the list is the creation of the SLA.
Congress gives the CIA and other intelligence agencies all the money they desire. No questions are asked about how much they receive, much less how it is used. CIA Director William Colby wants to tighten the secrecy, with the threat of a $10,000 fine and ten years in jail, for any Paul Reveres shouting in the dark to wake us up.
Until the present time, the CIA was carefully inconspicuous on the domestic scene. Creation of the SLA provides an excuse for the CIA, and special police forces like the German Gestapo, to step forth publicly and assume control of all law enforcement agencies.
The covert operations and psychological warfare techniques that were used to form the SLA were perfected in Britain and Germany during World War II. After the war, our OSS was converted into the CIA by English and German spy masters.
Right-wing groups such as the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan, the Minutemen and the National States Rights Party are used as fronts for CIA and FBI operations. The military-intelligence teams give approval, funding, tactical support and protection from arrest.
Mass education, political organization and the attempt to solve economic and social problems are perceived as threats to the status quo. Recommendations for constructive alternatives to unemployment, sickness, hunger and poverty are answered by chaos, violence and racism. it is because the solutions to many problems exist today that armies and propaganda machines must step lip their domestic warfare. Police, prison guards, and intelligence agents flex their muscles and take aim at their victims.
Motives for Creation of the SLA
Fifteen goals were to be achieved by the creation of this elaborate conspiracy. They have all been launched, and a careful observer can see them being implemented in today's news stories.
1. Create a national fear of terrorist organizations, and of future kidnappings, accompanied by increased bombings.
2. Link U.S. terrorists to international guerrilla groups.
3. Discredit communes.
4. Escalate domestic fear of Mao Tse Tung, brainwashing and indoctrination.
5. Create the apparent justification for UCLA's Institute to Study the Causes and Prevention of Violence, now temporarily shelved and suspect.
6. Discredit the poor, and test food distribution programs.
7. Isolate prisoners from genuine reform organizations.
8. Escalate domestic race war between blacks and whites.
9. Discredit radical and/or leftist organizations, particularly the Black Guerrilla Family, Los Venceremos, United Farm Workers, Women's Movement groups and Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
10. Increase public and private police forces and security agents.
11. Turn the population into informers, who turn each other In.
12. Create new legislation against future kidnappings.
13. Link demons and the Devil to communists, radicals, leftists and other deviants from the official Government line, and virtuous, right-thinking Christianity to strong-arm police tactics.
14. Discredit the FBI; make military and international police and the CIA appear necessary to control terrorism in the U.S.
15. Set up conditions for martial law, prevent free election choices in 1976 and escalate fear, to keep power in the hands of the military and intelligence agencies.
What was Patricia Hearst's state of mind during these various manipulations? None of us was there, so we can only speculate. Could she change over to think and feel with the "radicals" when she was their captive?
The rank-and-file of the SLA consisted predominantly of CIA agents and police informers. For this reason, Patty could be cleverly controlled in order to make it appear that she had joined them of her own free will.
Sophisticated radicals and politically aware people of the Bay Area rejected the SLA, but Patty Hearst had no choice; she was, and is, their captive.
Each day, we were invited to witness the purposeful manipulation of an individual who had been captured, and subsequently drastically altered, over a four-month period of time. Patty lived with fear, was taught terror, became hunted and oppressed, was given a new name, a new family and new "loves."
Was Patty Hearst brainwashed?
What did Vacaville Medical Facility promise Donald DeFreeze in exchange for the use of his head? What "favor" did he do for them?
Why was CIA agent Colston Westbrook – educated in psychological warfare and the indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres – chosen to select and train the group that became the SLA?
Joseph Remiro and Nancy Ling Perry, important to the SLA for military tactics and cover story rhetoric, were dependent upon drugs. Both were political conservatives with a "kill-a-commie-for-Christ" background. Their transition into "radicals" could have been assisted by the same chemical and psychological controls our intelligence agencies are using and experimenting with daily.
Bill and Emily Harris, and Angels Atwood, worked together as a "mod squad" narc team back home in Indiana, for the Indiana State Police. What brought them all scurrying to the Bay Area in the summer of 1972?
Russell Little and Robyn Steiner, college chums from the University of Florida, drove out together from Florida to Oakland is the summer of '72. Though neither had shown any previous interest in blacks or prisoners, both immediately began working with Colston Westbrook and Donald DeFreeze at Vacaville Medical Facility.
Camilla Hall and Patricia Soltysik were at least authentic residents of the Berkeley community. What controls were used to draw them into the SLA and ultimately to their deaths in Log Angeles?
Donald DeFreeze and Patty Hearst are not the only ones who were brainwashed.
The same mass media that told us Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy, that James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King, that Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F. Kennedy, that Arthur Bremer was the lone gunman when George Wallace was shot, and that Ted Kennedy was responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, brainwash this society every single day. The creation of the SLA is only one more propaganda lie. We can't discuss Patty's brainwashing without looking at our own.
Our sensitivities and emotions were tested over the same period of time as Patty Hearst's or Donald DeFreeze's. Patty was taken to a building near the death trap on 54th Street, so that she could witness six of her close associates and intimates for the last four months being shot and burned to death. We watched the event in living color over Friday TV Dinner. All of us took part.
The only ones to gain from the maneuvers of the SLA were the military and police agencies. They have already spent between $5-and-l0-million "pursuing" the SLA. Ten thousand young adults were stopped, searched or arrested within a three-week period. SWAT police teams are now located in every major city. Police helicopter contracts are escalating. Computerized police information systems will increase. And the CIA will openly take over local police departments, where before they hid behind Public Relations doors.
The creation of the fictitious Symbionese Liberation Army was a cruel hoax perpetrated on the American public.
Years of planning went into this operation. It may have started taking shape after the Chicago convention in 1968, when protestors were moving into the streets, displeased with Washington's policies. The intelligence community was determined that large riots such as those in Watts and Detroit would never happen again. The next stage of "political protest" will be planned terrorist activities.
To speed things along, police and the military have selectively provided weapons, knowing that dissidents will be outnumbered, outgunned and handled with brutality. America will become like Vietnam, a battleground of burnings, killings and provocations. Military provocateurs, and the Phoenix Program in the U.S. will be used to control blacks, Chicanos, Indians, and radicals.
The public cremation in Los Angeles on May 17, 1974, was not the end of the SLA. It was only Stage One. Vietnam has arrived in California.
The families of the deceased SLA members wish they understood what the SLA was about. Aside from empty rhetoric, nothing was accomplished that justified their early deaths. The SLA's printed analysis of fascism in America was accurate enough; but their actions did not elucidate any constructive programs for altering society. The military intelligence agents simply iliustrated how easy it is to be wiped out once the issues are declared. Police have made it perfectly clear what can happen to you if you don't like what you are getting.
A 15-member team of psychiatrists, criminologists and suicide specialists has assembled to piece together what they call "psychological autopsies" to answer the "puzzling question" of why the SLA members "chose to die." Yet Nancy Ling Perry was gunned down outside the hideout, after she fled from the flaming house.
Why isn't a psychological profile prepared of the police who did not allow her to surrender alive? Her body was found outside the house. What does that tell the so-called experts?
The "psychological autopsies" of the SLA are a typical CIA technique for producing irrelevant facts from a person's life. They will dangle these facts before us as "motives" for violence, but their analysis will make no reference to how the victims were led and tricked into dying.
Donald DeFreeze may have had fantasies of becoming a great black leader. A genuine void existed, because of the systematic assassination of black leaders. The same agencies that murdered George Jackson, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Martin Luther King, Che Guevara and Jonathan Jackson were not about to provide Field Marshal General Cinque with his own personal army, without having some purpose of their own. Was Cinque's vision of freeing society's slaves born at Vacaville Medical Facility, known and dreaded for its experimentations on the human mind?
DeFreeze didn't outsmart the law enforcement agencies from the time of his "escape," as the SLA communiques would have us believe. These agencies permitted his freedom only until the time came when they wanted him dead.
To act out his dreams, DeFreeze needed assistance. His tragic figure can best be summarized when, on the last day of his life, he was draping his body in ammunition belts, while at the same time unsuccessfully trying to recruit an 18-year-old neighbor on 54th Street and Compton Avenue to join his "revolution." The street was choked with Los Angeles police agents, and DeFreeze was an escaped convict, wanted for murder, kidnapping, bank robbery and assault. He never managed to persuade a single black person to join the SLA. The only support given to the SLA by blacks was given by police agents, informers and collaborators, who conspired to lure him into his death trap.
The man was mechanized and robotized by the CIA and other agencies. He is a pathetic example of the way our society uses black males in its sadistic, imperialistic greed. Legitimate dreams are perverted by the military intelligence system. One black male, surrounded by whites, and all of them led step by step to their death by police informers, was presented as a serious army, a threat to all the nation. And the nation responded, like a hypnotized, robotized zombie; like Camilla Hall, or Donald DeFreeze, or Patricia Hearst, drawn slowly, step by programmed step, toward destruction.
Are there really such vicious and immoral people, making long-range plans and conspiring against us? Of course there are. And the more carefully they plan, the more difficult it is to detect and unravel the master plan.
Politica was a game plan devised by Abt Associates in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Pentagon and CIA wanted a course of action against developing Third World countries, including Chile. Funding came from the Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The aim was to provide methods of anticipating various social groups and personality characteristics that might emerge in response to given specific military actions. Polilica became a reality when Salvadore Allende was murdered and Chile was delivered into the hands of ITT and other investors.
The Phoenix Program was applied to Vietnam the way Politica was used in Chile. Now-CIA Director William Colby was in charge of the Phoenix Program. It included a continuous policy of political assassinations, rigged elections, political imprisonment in American-made tiger cages, torture and slanted misinformation spread by uncontrollable CIA agents. Colby promised at his Senate confirmation hearings in July, 1973 that he would curb the CIA's activities at home and abroad. Instead, he has imported the Phoenix Program into the United States.
The SLA script is to America what Politica is to Chile or the Phoenix Program is to Vietnam. Methods of political control through manipulation and terror have been perfected. Our response to America's "first political kidnapping" will determine how well these machinations will succeed.
II. Cast of Characters
The California Connections
Donald DeFreeze, Camilla Hall, Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia Soltysik, Joseph Remiro.
Importations–Migratory Birds
Angela Atwood, Gary Atwood, Emily Harris, William Harris, Russell Little, Robyn Steiner, William Wolfe.
Donald DeFreeze, Patricia Hearst
Dr. Marcus Foster, Donald DeFreeze, William Wolfe, Camilla Hall, Angela Atwood, Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia Soltysik.
Military Agents, Intelligence Agents and Police
Wes Davis, Dr. Fredric Hacker, William Harris, Ron Karenga, Ludlow Kramer, Joseph Remiro, Chris Thompson, Colston Westbrook, Attorney General Evelle Younger, Six migratory birds from the East.
Allowed to Vanish
Peter Benenson, Jean Chan, JoAnn Little DeVito and Joseph DeVito, Amanda De Normanville, Dave Gunnell, Bernard Keaton, Tom Mathews, Mary Alice Siem, There Wheeler, Three unnamed black agents of LAPD.
Angels Atwood, alias Deborah Key Crus, General Gelina, Angela DeAngelis
Graduate, University of Indiana.
Trained by CIA think tank, College of Foreign Affairs, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana.
Worked in a "mod squad," setting up narcotics arrests for Intelligence Division of Indiana State Police.
Angela's father a Teamsters' Union Official, in New Jersey.
Never discussed with best friend how she met husband, Gary, or why she married him. "Nobody could get near him."
Moved to Oakland, California, with husband Gary Atwood. Emily and William Harris, summer, 1972.
Upon arriving in Oakland, Angela immediately volunteered to work for United Farm Workers and Los Venceremos, both highly infiltrated by the Federal Government at the time.
Visited Vacaville Medical Facility, and prisoners in the Black Cultural Association (BCA).
Described personally as warm, sensitive; wanted to be an actress.
Not politically sophisticated upon arrival in California.
Employed as a waitress, at Great Electric Underground, in Bank of America Building, San Francisco.
A close friend was afraid Gary might kill Angela. He had beaten her up.
Gary and Angela maintained separate sets of friends. Their husband-wife relationship was similar to that of known espionage agents.
Gary moved back to Indiana in the summer of 1973.
In the fall of 1973, Angela severed other friendships, saying "I am into my own trip now," and moved in with Emily and William Harris.
November 7, 1973, one day before arrest of Remiro and Little, Angela Atwood bought a .380 caliber automatic Mauser pistol, and registered it in her name.
Library card of Gary Atwood was found at Sutherland Court address after Remiro and Little were arrested.
Surfaced as General Gelina, after the Hearst kidnapping.
Was found dead in the house on 54th Street, in Los Angeles, 24 hours after the five other bodies were discovered.
Gary Atwood
Married to Angela Atwood, who trained with Emily and Bill Harris, setting up narcotics arrests for Intelligence Division of Indiana State Police.
Moved to West Coast, summer, 1972, with Angela and William and Emily Harris.
Occupation in Bay Area not explained. Taught part of the time in Chinatown.
Political involvement "all talk"; described as "indoor entertainment, like an intellectual exercise." Threatened to "blow off the head" of a friend who didn't join his revolution. Spoke of Nietzsche, Superman, revolution, Palestinian guerrillas. No evidence of political activism. Not identified with prison or radical groups.
Mean disposition. Angela told a friend, "if you think he is bad now, you should have seen him." "Nobody could get next to him; he didn't like to be touched."
Summer of 1973: Gary went back to Indiana, to Library School.
Angela's body remained unclaimed for three days after her death. Friends called Gary; he signed the release for her to be buried in New Jersey.
Peter Benenson
Mathematician, employed at Lawrence Laboratory, Berkeley; a sensitive government agency.
Was tied up inside his car, on the floor, while five persons kidnapped Patricia Hearst. He heard the shoot-out coming from the apartment as they exited.
Benenson's car was used to drive to a waiting white station wagon, and he was left tied up inside the car. He released himself, and walked one mile to his sister's home, where he spent the night. The FBI and police were not notified for 24 hours about the use of his car for the kidnapping.
He refused to be a witness against anybody, claiming that he "didn't see faces" when he was tied up.
A letter to the Berkeley Barb, Feb. 22, 1974, stated: "The manipulators are brother and sister both by blood and in mind. The male is a mathematician with the U.C. Radiation Lab. His was the car 'commandeered in the kidnapping.'"
The SLA had in their possession books that might have come from Benenson: Chemical Biological Warfare; The Science of Puplic Death; and The Genetic Effects of Radioactivity.
Jean Chan
Oriental girlfriend of David Gunnell, owner of "Peking House," where SLA members lived.
Visited Vacaville Medical Facility; tutored Black Culture there.
No information on her background, or any training which would qualify her to tutor in the prison system.
Sold Chinese food from a food stand on Bancroft Way with Gunnell.
Police stopped a 1965 station wagon in connection with Dr. Marcus Foster's murder, and questioned a female Oriental. A number of "firearms" were found in the vehicle, three weeks before Patty Hearst was kidnapped. If Jean Chan was the person questioned, she was never identified.
Wes Davis
Free lance photographer, Empire News Service, a CIA front, in Vietnam and Asia.
Surfaced after the Hearst kidnapping as an expert on Maoist brainwashing. Often quoting Joseph Remiro, inside San Quentin, with "criticism-self criticism" techniques, as proof of Korean influence in Berkeley.
His sanctimonious speeches ignore the billion-dollar investment in American prisons and hospitals, which funds research on behavior modification techniques, including psychosurgery, chemosurgery, use of mind-altering drugs, electric shock and electrode implants. The Vacaville Medical Facility, where SLA was nurtured, is notorious for such experimentations.
Davis heads an organization called World Humanity Against Totalitarianism. This group helped set up the speeches of Reverend Sun Myumg Moon, defender of Richard Nixon against impeachment.
Reverend Moon is part of General Parks' South Korean Intelligence, CIA. Genuine Christians in South Korea are suspicious of him.
Donald DeFreeze, alias Donald David DeFreeze, Don Cinque DeFreeze, David Thomas, David Kennedy Robinson, Donald John DeFreeze, Donald DeFrez, John DeFriele, Steven Robinson, Gin, Cinque, General Field Marshal Cin, SLA
Born in Cleveland, Ohio, oldest of eight children; beaten by father, forced to leave home at age 14; left Cleveland.
Lived with Reverend W. Foster, Buffalo, N.Y.; became deeply religious.
Arrested for robbing a parking meter; later, for stealing a car and a weapon.
Spent two years in a reformatory, surrounded by "hell," loneliness, fear, hatred. Tried to keep out of fights and avoid homosexual advances.
Married Glory Thomas, 23, mother of three children. They had three more children. Marriage filled with rejection, disappointment. Tried to work and support Glory. Differences drove him to California. Began drinking, taking drugs, collecting weapons.
Arrested on nine separate occasions. Charges involved possession of bombs and explosives, knife, sawed-off shotguns; robbery, assault, possession of 200 firearms, grand larceny, kidnapping, and escaping arrest.
From 1967 to 1969, worked as a police informer for the Los Angeles Police Department, under Detective R. G. Farwell, Public Disorder Intelligence unit. At the time, the LAPD was supplying weapons to black agents, and hiring them to kill Black Panthers. DeFreeze worked with police agent-provocateur Ron Karenga, head of the US Organization. Later, other members of Karenga's group were at Vacaville Medical Facility with DeFreeze. US used the 7-headed cobra, later adopted by the SLA, for its symbol. Nothing in DeFreeze's background indicated a political consciousness while he worked as a Police intelligence informer.
In December, 1967, DeFreeze led police to an apartment where a cache of 200 stolen weapons were found. On November 11, 1969, DeFreeze exchanged gun shots with a bank guard and wounded him – using a .32 caliber Beretta automatic pistol, one of the 200 stolen guns that the police had apparently allowed him to keep.
In 1968, Glory DeFreeze wrote to authorities, following an arrest of her husband, reminding them that they had promised him protection from arrest while he worked for them.
In 1969, DeFreeze subpoenaed Distiict Attorney Evelle Younger to testify in his behalf. Younger has always maintained close contact with LAPD's Criminal Conspiracy Section (CDS).
During 1969, DeFreeze maintained a nice house, only a few blocks from the Los Angeles Airport, close to his death trap. He was in the business of pimping for black judges and airport officials, fixing them up with women. He drove around in a city truck during the day, and gave the impression to one of his women that he was employed by the city.
Late in 1969, DeFreeze's religious conscience began to bother him. Detective Farwell decided that he was no longer useful to the LAPD, and "cut him loose." In December, 1969, DeFreeze was sent to Chino for "psychiatric testing." From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic, and ultimately fatal, personality change.
Dr. Fredric Hacker, an expert on "terrorism," was assigned to Donald DeFreeze for "psychiatric evaluation." He later became a consultant to Randolph Hearst, after Patty was kidnapped.
In 1970, DeFreeze wrote to Judge William L. Ritzi that he "wanted to tell everything." "I want to let you know what really happened and why. I am going to talk to you truthfully like I am talking to God. I will tell you things no one has ever known before." Judge Ritzi wasn't interested.
In 1970, Colston Westbrook, who had been trained in the psychological warfare unit of the CIA, became the CIA control officer for DeFreeze and the group that was to become the SLA. Westbrook headed an experimental behavior modification unit, called the Black Cultural Association (BCA), at Vacaville.
DeFreeze assumed a militant anti-white cover, while meeting with white agents who were brought into the prison system.
While in prison, DeFreeze worked as a double agent, for Westbrook and the CIA, and for the California Department of Corrections and Bureau of Criminal Intelligence and Investigation.
He was responsible to Attorney General Evelle Younger.
Westbrook, in charge of DeFreeze for two years, bragged about how he brought beautiful women into the groups: "They accused me of taking Sexy-looking black women wearing high miniskirts into the prison. Sure I took some foxes, some of my prime stock in there. Because if you want to dangle a carrot in front of the inmates to get them to learn and come to meetings, you don't dangle communism. You dangle fine-looking chicks. The SLA women say I tortured the inmates by taking in chicks they couldn't do anything to. That's why those lesbians were mad at me."
Vacaville Medical Facility was not a political science institute. Colston Westbrook was not instructing inmates in "communism" for the CIA and the Department of Corrections. For what purpose did Westbrook bait DeFreeze with his carrot-stick technique, and his "prime stock?"
In November, 1972, DeFreeze met Thero Wheeler, inmate, for one month.
In December, 1972, DeFreeze was transferred to Soledad Prison. He was placed in South Facility, set up for trusted inmates, and a holding section for informers. One inmate described DeFreeze's departure from Soledad:
"While Donald DeFreeze was here, I had a few conversations with him. I have always questioned his departure as being a simple walk-away. I didn't come into contact with him personally until his last couple of week here. There weren't many who would associate with him. He tried to give the impression of being supercool, and he came across as cold. When I met him, he was working in the maintenance shop. I asked him if he was happy on his job, because if not, I might be able to find him something else.
"He replied that within a few days, he was going to be assigned to work in the boiler room at the South Facility. I questioned that, because he didn't have enough time here to be given that trust. I know cons that have been turned down for that position. He wouldn't comment; he only gave me a big smile. I should explain that no prisoners were kept at the South Facility at that time, because it had no security. No gun towers were in operation, and there were no guards posted.
"A few prisoners with proven records of trust were taken from Central Facility to South Facility to perform certain duties; then they would be returned to Central after their shift. A few days later, DeFreeze did get that job. Midnight to 8 a.m. shift, in the boiler room, South Facility. On his first night, he was dropped off at midnight, and given a few instructions. His job was automatic; it only required an overseer. He was left to himself, and when an officer returned an hour later to check on him, he was gone."
A few months after leaving Vacaville, DeFreeze was given a special privilege at Soledad prison. He was allowed to use the marital trailers for visits with women, a privilege normally reserved for married men.
Did Westbrook provide women for DeFreeze even though he was not meeting him with prison visits?
Donald DeFreeze walked out of Soledad prison in March, 1973. His transportation to the Bay area was allegedly arranged by Deputy Superintendent James Nelson. Another former employee from Soledad, currently owner of a liquor store in Sacramento, assisted in the departure, which was later classified as an "escape." His name will be turned over to a Grand Jury when there is a proper investigation of the case.
In Spring of 1973, Bernard Keaton, a double for Donald DeFreeze, visited the Foster family in Buffalo, New York. He passed himself off as DeFreeze, who had lived with the family 15 years ago, and he knew intimate details of their life.
In August, 1973, Thero Wheeler walked away from Vacaville Medical Facility.
From August to October, 1973, DeFreeze and Wheeler met "at least twenty times" with the SLA in Oakland.
DeFreeze made his public appearance as General Field Marshal Cinque of the SLA following the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst.
In March, 1974, DeFreeze publicly named Colston Westbrook, Chris Thompson, and Robyn Steiner as CIA and FBI informers.
On May 4, 1974, Donald Freed, writer, and Lake Headley, independent investigator, held a press conference in San Francisco. They presented 400 pages of documentation on DeFreeze's arrest records, the work of Colston Westbrook with the CCS and CII (Criminal Identification and Investigation), and evidence of links of the CIA to Police Departments.
May 17, 1974, New York Times carried the story of DeFreeze and the Los Angeles Police Department. That same day, he was cremated by the Los Angeles Police Department.
The LAPD did not notify DeFreeze's family of his death for three days. His remains were sent to Cleveland, Ohio, with the head and the fingers missing.
Billions of dollars are spent confining, arresting, judging, punishing, altering and experimenting upon men like DeFreeze. If the same attention and money were spent on understanding and helping them, events like the SLA saga would never happen.
Amanda De Normanville
Former student of Berkeley School of Criminology. Supposedly housed Donald DeFreeze after he left Soledad prison.
Again: DeFreeze was allowed special visits with women in marital trailers while in prison, a privilege only allowed to married men; Amanda visited DeFreeze in prison, and was reported to be romantically involved with him.
Prisons keep detailed records of visitors, but the police never went to Amanda's house in the Bay Area to search for DeFreeze after his "escape."
JoAnn DeVito, and Ex-Husband Joseph DeVito
JoAnn was Russell Little's sister; she was interested in prisons and in Donald DeFreeze.
The SLA house in Concord was rented by Mr. and Mrs. J. DeVoto, aliases for Russell Little and Nancy Ling Perry.
Joseph DeVito was questioned by FBI agents in Isla Vista, California, on March 26, 1974. Held for interstate flight from prosecution of a prior crime in Florida; nature of crime not stated.
Dr. Marcus Foster, Supt. Oakland Unified School District
Fatally wounded, November 6, 1973. Robert Blackburn, Deputy Superintendent, also critically wounded.
Both men had moved from Philadelphia together in 1970.
Oakland had put police in the schools as part of the federal government's push to solve social problems with "law and order" government. This and other measures became the excuse for Foster's murder.
Willie Wolfe, who had no children, attended Oakland School Board meetings and told prisoners in Vacaville that "something had to be done to prevent Foster from implementing student identification programs." Colston Westbrook and other prison visitors aroused the anger of black inmates against Foster.
Two weeks before the killing, the American Nazi Party handed out leaflets in nearby San Leandro, predicting the murder of a "Mixmaster school superintendent" and his white friend.
Foster was shot with cyanide bullets and didn't stand a chance. Blackburn, the white man, was shot with ordinary bullets, and lived. The quantity of cyanide in the bullets was not as important as the selective methods of kill vs. survival.
Foster's death was a blow to the black community, where he was needed and well liked.
The SLA surfaced immediately after the murder, taking "credit" for the assassination in the name of the "Symbionese Liberation Army Western Regional Youth Unit."
Two "black" people were seen leaving the scene of the Foster murder. When Remiro and Little were indicted for the crime, black make-up was found in their house. This make-up can be worn by whites emulating blacks.
How many other whites in blackface are killing and kidnapping?
Blaming "blacks" for white murders is consistent with a fascistic escalation of terror to speed up genocide.
Dave Gunnell
In late thirties; older than SLA members. Lived with Jean Chan in house on Chabot Road, Berkeley, called Peking House, which was a meeting place for the SLA. The name "Peking House" was played up by CIA agent Wes Davis as "proof" that Mao was behind the SLA.
Gunnell sold Chinese food from a food stand on Bancroft Way, adjacent to the U.C. Berkeley campus, next to Fruity Rudy's stand, where Nancy Ling Perry worked. Gunnell claimed he did not know Nancy. Gunnell was a jazz musician, like Nancy's husband and Rudolph Henderson (Fruity Rudy).
Chris Thompson, named by DeFreeze as CIA, was a frequent visitor at Peking House, and a source of contact with Nancy Ling Perry, Camilla Hall, and Patricia Soltysik.
Willie Wolfe, Russell Little, and Robyn Steiner lived in Peking House.
If Peking House were indeed a haven for radicals, if the SLA was visiting California prisons, and if Maoist doctrines were being taught at the house, the FBI and California police would have been well aware of the SLA members before Patty Hearst was kidnapped.
Yet, in spite of the SLA's attempted infiltration of every radical group in the area, their week-end target practice at gun clubs and the assortment of guns registered in their names, the residents of Peking House were quite inconspicuous as far as the police were concerned.
Gunnell was "not into politics."
Camilla Hall, alias Gabi
Daughter of Lutheran Minister, Reverend D.G. Hall. Graduate of University of Minnesota; excelled in English and art.
Social worker for three years before moving to California.
Shared apartmant with Patricia Soltysik; wrote poetry for her, named her "Mizmoon."
Authentic Berkeley artist; sensitive; gentle; into ecology and the women's movement. Not into radical politics; drawn into SLA with Patricia Soltysik to lend authenticity to cover story that SLA was a group of Berkeley hippie-radicals.
Travelled in Spain in 1972. What other countries?
Worked as a groundkeeper for the Regional Parks. Fired in fall, 1973.
Disappeared in December, 1973, a month after SLA claimed credit for murder of Dr. Foster.
Blue VW, similar to Camilla's, seen scouting Steven Weed's apartment before Patty's kidnapping.
Jan. 2, 1974: purchased .380 caliber automatic Mauser pistol and registered it under her name.
Feb. 4, 1974: Patricia Hearst kidnapped.
Feb. 14, 1974: Camilla moved out of her apartment, taking only her pet cat.
Photographed at Hibernia Bank robbery in San Francisco as a gun-toting radical terrorist. This act was inconsistent with Camilla's hatred of war and violence.
Christine Johnson, the last person to see Camilla Hall alive, said she was holding two bottles in her hands, with "something white around the bottles. She was walking around, looked like a zombie or something, halfway smiling."
Emily Harris, alias Anna Lindenberg, Yolanda
Daughter of a wealthy consulting engineer, from Illinois suburbs.
B.A., University of Indiana, language arts.
Training: CIA think tank, College of Foreign Affairs, University of Indiana, Bloomington.
Worked with William Harris and Angela Atwood in "mod squad," setting up narcotics arrests for the Intelligence Division, Indiana State Police.
When the Harrises apartment was vacated, among the names left in an address book was Tim Casey, from Orange County. Emily and Tim dated during the summers of 1967 and '68 while she was working in California at Disneyland Hotel. Were there any links between two clients of J. Waiter Thompson Advertising Agency – Disneyland Hotel and the San Francisco Police Department?
Was Emily in touch with espionage agents from Orange County?
Described as "cold, intelligent, the strength of the family; had leadership ability."
Moved to Oakland late 1972, with the Atwoods.
Employed as clerk-typist, Survey Research Center, "polling office," at University of California.
Not in politics in Indiana; never involved in radical movements.
On moving to California, immediately joined Chino Defense Committee, an offshoot of Marxist-Leninist Venceremos organization. Worked to aid members accused of a prison break; wrote letters on their behalf. Visited prison inmates Doc Holiday and Barren Broadnax, who had long been targets of the prison system and Attorney General Evelle Younger. She travelled several hundred miles from Oakland to San Luis Obispo each week to make these prison visits. At the time, the Black Guerrilla Family and the Chino Defense Fund were filled with infiltrators and agents provocateurs.
Emily's last prison visit was January 10, 1974, the day Remiro and Little were arrested.
It is not clear why the Harrises left Bloomington. They had "toyed" with politics and posed in the school annual with Bill jokingly holding a book entitled About Communism, but they were not into radical politics.
Cover story to the effect that "underemployment radicalized middle-class America" has no basis in fact. Underemployment is consistent with clandestine assignments.
Through her work, Emily Harris allegedly had access to Patty Hearst's school schedule. Denials merely indicate that investigation should proceed on this matter. Remember Watergate denials?
The Harris' apartment in Oakland was modern, well-furnished, with a color TV, a waterbed, imported kitchenware, and fine china. They read the straight press: Time, the Oakland Tribune.
A Maoist poster and a picture of a starving child hung over their dining table. Donald Segretti, White House spy, had a "Free Huey Newton" poster over his desk, and wore a peace emblem and long hair, for espionage cover. William and Emily Harris were verbally and visually "radical."
Emily owned a gun, registered in her name, and practiced shooting twice a week at Chabot Gun Club, in Oakland.
Emily's father, Mr. Schwartz, said on TV that in her last letter, she explained a change in her life-style, saying she had been "pretending for some time." Her other life – the straight life, with material possessions, non-radical experiences, formal education, and employment at the UCB polling office – might indicate that the SLA experience did not reflect her real self. Suddenly abandoning her husband for a "black lover" and disappearing with Randolph Hearst's daughter might have been part of her next assignment.
William Harris, alias Rip Kimberley, Richard Frank Dennis, Jonathan Mark Salamone, Teko
B.A., University of Indiana; studied Speech and English. Enlisted in U.S. Marines, served at the supply depot at DaNang. Joseph Remiro and Colston Westbrook were in Vietnam the same time.
Returned to Indiana. Joined fraternity; competed in golf and cross-country running.
Member of "mod squad," with Emily, and Angela Atwood. Set up narcotics arrests for the Intelligence Division, Indiana State Police. Studied at College of Foreign Affairs, University of Indiana.
Taught at Bloomington Junior High School before coming to California.
Received Master's Degree in "Urban Education" at Indiana. CIA agent Colston Westbrook, leader of the group which became the SLA, taught "Black Lexicon" in the Department of Urban Affairs at UC Berkeley.
Not a campus radical, but kept posters of Black Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in trailer in Indiana following his return from Vietnam. Later, the SLA headquarters contained a map of Huey Newton's apartment, and his name was listed as a possible death target.
In California, worked as truck driver for Post Office. Postal helmet discovered November 10, 1973, following the arrest of Remiro and Little, at Sutherland Courthouse in Concord. Harris could have been identified by police at that time, before the Hearst kidnapping.
November, 1973: purchased 9mm Mauser pistol, registered in his own name.
Joined Chabot Gun Club, in Oakland, and practiced twice a week. Associated with, but not active in, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, a heavily infiltrated organization.
Rented SLA safehouse in December, 1973, that would be filled with propaganda which would later be used by Attorney General William Saxbe for future political terrorism and repression.
Driver's license from Rhode Island. Never explained when or why Harris was in Rhode Island.
Mayor Alioto claimed Emily and William Harris intended to kidnap his grandchildren. Considering the Harrises' provocateur role, and Alioto's election campaign for Governor, it is possible that they obliged him by making themselves conspicuous in his neighborhood without being arrested by police.
Caused an altercation at Mel's Sporting Goods Store, Inglewood, that would be the signal for the pre-arranged murder of six SLA members. Set Patty up in the "shooting scene." Purposely introduced and identified "Tania" to Tom Matthews during an unnecessary 12-hour captivity; supervised her so-called "confession" to Matthews, framing her so that 22 charges would be brought against her.
Harris's military I.D. was found in the death house on 54th Street, in Los Angeles. It was not explained why a radical revolutionary terrorist was still using his military I.D.
Set Patty Hearst up so that she could witness the massacre of the other SLA members.
June 7, 1974: released another "SLA Communique," hardly the rhetoric of George Jackson, Malcolm X, Chairman Mao, or Martin Luther King. The man with a B.A. in English and a Master's Degree produced a provocative, foulmouthed public display that can only harm legitimate protest.
Harris is probably currently hiding in a CIA safe house ranch, preparing for his next outrageous actions.
While the Harrises acted as provocateurs, and set Patty Hearst up, they themselves are not wanted for anything.
"The Harrises are less militant than their six SLA comrades.... So far, the Harrises were not overtly involved in any of these incidents...." So says Charles Bates, Chief of FBI, San Francisco.

"I feel that Bill and Emily Harris have lost touch with the masses. They have become isolated. The SLA is not an organized group that plans its actions as far as I can see. My political friends and comrades think the SLA has a superfly mentality. They lined their pockets with the bank robbery money and accomplished nothing but spreading of fear."
– Bill Brennan, former roommate of Joseph Remiro

Were Emily or William Harris ever in touch with the masses? Or was their role, as police agents, to do exactly as they were told?
Ron Karenga
Black leader of the US Organization. In December, 1967, Detective Sergeant R. Farwell recruited Donald DeFreeze to work for the Public Disorder Intelligence Unit, of the CCS (Criminal Conspiracy Section, LAPD). Its purpose was to monitor black political activities in California.
Karenga worked with DeFreeze and the LAPD, as part of a "fuck-fuck unit," running guns to various black militant groups, hoping to set off a gang war between the Black Panthers and the US Organization.
US member Melvin Cotton Smith helped set up Black Panther busts for the police. The Steiner brothers, working with Karenga and the LAPD, killed Panther leaders John Huggins and Alpretnice Carter at UCLA.
Members of Karenga's group were at Vacaville with DeFreeze.
In April, 1974, the Steiner brothers were allowed to walk away from San Quentin, as Thero Wheeler walked away from Vacaville and DeFreeze walked out of Soledad a year earlier.
The Steiner brothers seem to have disappeared without a trace. Where are they now? Did they play any role in setting up their former comrade-informer, DeFreeze, back home in Los Angeles?
Bernard Keaton
Double for Donald DeFreeze. Surfaced in Spring, 1973, after DeFreeze walked away from Soledad.
Claimed to be Donald DeFreeze; moved in with Reverend W. Foster and family, in Buffalo, New York; familiar with intimate details of the family history that only DeFreeze would have known about.
FBI stated they are not concerned or curious about DeFreeze's double; that it "isn't illegal."
The only reason for having a double would be that in case DeFreeze had been accidentally picked up by law enforcement officers in the Bay area during the time between his "departure" from Soledad and the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, his double could have taken his place in prison. Three long-years had gone into training DeFreeze for his mission at Vacaville Medical Facility. It couldn't be thrown away.
Ludlow Kramer
Secretary of State, Washington State. Director of P.I.N. (People In Need), the Hearst food give-away rip-off.
Hired by Randolph Hearst to distribute $2,000,000 worth of food to the poor.
Previous experience handing out food during NASA and military job lay-offs in Washington. Quality of that food was good, and provbked violence was not a part of this previous assignment.
P.I.N. food program was a disaster. It was a catalytic, provocateur action to hasten Patty's conversion to the SLA.
Meat was bought for Hearst's program, from "the nation's major meat packers," at triple the normal cost; it contained up to 75% fat. Some of the food was contaminated.
Governor Ronald Reagan hoped the people who took the food would get botulism.
His mission accomplished, Kramer returned to Washington in time to run for Congress on the Republican ticket – with substantial financial backing.
Kramer pushed for "vote by voice print" by 1984 – identiftcation of every adult by voice and social security number.
During this time, March, 1974, Congress passed a bill to pay $10-million to five chicken growers from the South. Their chicken feed was poisoned, somehow, with Dieldren, a cancer-inducing insecticide. Nobody knows how it got into the chicken-feed. Millions of poisoned chickens had already been delivered to poor school lunch programs in Chicago and Detroit.
Question: Did any of those poisoned chickens make their way into the P.I.N. food distribution program?
Russell Little, alias George DeVoto, James Scalise, Osceola
Father a mechanic at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. Little also stated that father was a retired labor relations specialist.
Graduated from University of Florida, Gainesville, 1967.
Allegedly took a course on Revolution, where he was introduced to Communist writers such as Marx, Lenin, Mao, Cleaver and Malcolm X.
Studied engineering, electronics.
Questioned by police in Philadelphia when Dr. Marcus Foster was leading an anti-drug campaign in that city. Why was Little there? Was Foster marked earlier for identification and death?
Traveled in U.S., locations not identified, before arriving in Oakland.
Summer of 1972: made contact with Willie Wolfe through Peking House in Berkeley; started to visit California prisons; joined BCA at Vacaville with Donald DeFreeze.
No previous radical experiences with prisoners or blacks.
It is strange how migratory birds such as Little, Steiner, the Atwoods and the Harrises entered immediately into California prison "reform" groups – their "reforms" would set prison movements back a hundred years.
Little joined Westbrook, DeFreeze and SLA members in a small prison group, "Unisight," with a Maoist cover. All took African names.
Little brought controversial discussion and hatred of Dr. Foster into the prisons.
Visited Death Row Jefferson, supposedly the founder of BCA.
Taught at Peralta Junior College, Oakland.
Bought a .380 caliber Brazilian-made Rossi revolver from Chris Thompson. This kind of weapon could be used with cyanide bullets.
October 8, 1973: rented a house on Sutherland Court, using alias George DeVoto, with Nancy Ling Perry. It became an SLA "Liberated Zone."
November 6, 1973: Dr. Marcus Foster murdered, allegedly by two black men. Little and Remiro, arrested for this crime, possessed black make-up and the murder weapons.
January 19, 1974: Little and Joseph Remiro were taken to San Quentin, charged with the murder of Foster, as well as resisting arrest and assaulting a policeman.
While in San Quentin, Little apparently read an interview with me in the Berkeley Barb on April 19, 1974, titled "Is SLA's Cinque the First Black Lee Harvey Oswald?" Little was furious at my suggestion that the SLA was a CIA operation. He wrote a letter saying, in part, "That dizzy bitch can kiss my ass! That pompous bitch has a nerve to call Jonathan Jackson a 'patsy.' I hope she drops dead tomorrow."
Louis Tackwood, in The Glass House Tapes, describes in detail how the LAPD knew in advance of the George Jackson "escape" plans and the Marin County Courthouse shootout. Jonathan Jackson was double-crossed and left abandoned without a promised backup. He was murdered by members of the LAPD. Risking his life on the line to tell the truth, Tackwood is the real freedom fighter. Little and Remiro are the mouthpieces that Congressmen will quote to "prove" that a violent revolution is taking place.
Any person involved in radical politics is aware that most if not all radical groups are heavily infiltrated by espionage agents and provocateurs. What angers Little is any exposure of the methods and contacts that created the SLA.
Nancy Ling Perry, alias Nancy DeVoto, Fahizah, Lynn Sedworth
Family background: conservative, well off. Goldwater supporter; political conservative.
Attended Santa Rosa High School; cheerleader, Sunday school teacher.
B.A., Whittier College. Graduate work, U.C. Berkeley, specializing in chemistry.
Married for six years to black jazz musician Gilbert Perry; met when he was working for State Employment office. Described as a "love-hate affair."
Topless blackjack dealer in San Francisco; went through a period of heavy use of psychedelic drugs and amphetamines.
Politics always "vague." After being openly conservative, she seemed to have no politics at all. Remained apart from groups in Berkeley; maintained her older friends from high school. She seemed to like to appear as though she had no past at all. People who knew her sensed a curious intellectual loneliness. Into dope, and a good source of where to buy it.
No indication as to where or when radical political indoctrination took place. Trained in behavior modification.
Sold fruit juice at Fruity Rudy's stand, on Bancroft Way near U.C. Berkeley campus.
Dated Chris Thompson, who was the link between "Peking House" and Nancy, Camilla Hall, and Patricia Soltysik.
Began visiting prisoners; cover story was "an interest in prison reform." She and Emily Harris appear to have been given special privileges, in that they were permitted to visit more than one prisoner at a time. Were SLA members given special treatment?
Nancy wrote "Death to the Pigs" inside Fruity Rudy's stand, just as the same slogan was written on the walls of Sharon Tate's home, to make police think that blacks committed the murders.
Nancy paid $553 in cash to rent the house at 1560 Sutherland Court in Concord, using the alias, "Nancy DeVoto." The house was used as an SLA hideout, and filled with ammunition, weapons, and literature.
On January 10, 1974, the day Remiro and Little were arrested for the murder of Dr. Foster, Nancy set fire to the bungalow. She did a remarkably poor job of destroying the evidence, but an excellent job of calling attention to the house and its contents.
There was no personal oppression or experiences in the past that would explain participation in the murder of Foster, or acceptance of a fiery martyrdom in Los Angeles. She was apparently shot by the police while trying to get out of the house.
Joseph Remiro, alias George DeVoto, "B," Charles Robert Peterson
Remiro, in San Quentin, didn't cry when he heard that six SLA members had been cremated. He went on playing gin rummy. "Joe was a political heavy."
Devout Catholic family; raised in San Francisco, trained as a "stone reactionary."
Member of 10lst Airborne Division; volunteered twice for duty in Vietnam. Signed up to "kill a commie for Christ." Participated willingly in numerous search and destroy missions; said they were like Galley's massacre at My Lai.
Declared himself to be a pacifist when he came home; this would be inconsistent with his alleged murder of Dr. Foster, and the subsequent death warrants issued by the SLA.
By January, 1969, Remiro allegedly started to take a lot of drugs. He claimed he "couldn't get outside my house without being completely drugged out of my head." Remiro and Perry, both dependent upon drugs, could be manipulated by CIA agents to form the nucleus of the SLA. Perry was the theoretical "brains" behind the organization. Remiro provided military and tactical support. Chemistry, weapons and radical rhetoric were all they needed to start their "army."
Carlos Marighella's Mini-Manual for Urban Guerrilla Warfare was to the SLA cover story what Marx's Das Kapital was to the Warren Report and Lee Harvey Oswald. The myth that Marx influenced Oswald was pure fabrication, a "cover story."
Remiro was employed as a "mechanic," was divorced, and had one child.
July 19, 1973: purchased a .380 caliber Walther automatic. This gun was found in his possession when he was arrested on November 10, 1973.
October, 1973: went underground with Little and Willie Wolfe. Rented 7th Street apartment in Oakland, with Emily and William Harris, for Foster ambush.
Racist; wanted Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Winter Soldier Organization to take the position that U.S. minorities should each have their own territory.
Helped race war along by owning black make-up. Did he put on black face to escalate violence in the Oakland-Berkeley area?
Developed plans to kill Black Panther leaders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.
Remiro and Little were placed in San Quentin, without trial, immediately after their indictment for the murder of Dr. Foster. They were given maximum media coverage to mouth radical violence.
Lee Harvey Oswald's public radio broadcast in New Orleans, with Ed Butler of Army Intelligence, was to create a cover for U.S. agents operating behind a Communist front.
Colston Westbrook, William Harris and Joseph Remiro supplied the SLA's intelligence and military tactics.

"I believe the SLA actions have had and are having such an inhibiting effect on political works in the Bay Area that I feel the time to speak out has come."
– Bill Brennan, former roommate of Remiro

Mary Alice Siem
Twenty-four years old; mother of small child, friend of Thero Wheeler.
Frequent visitor to Wheeler at Vacaville Medical Facility.
August, 1973: Wheeler "escaped" from Vacaville, and lived with Mary Alice in the Bay area.
August-October, 1973: Mary Alice and Thero made at least 20 visits to DeFreeze and the SLA in Oakland.
DeFreeze wanted to kill both of them, but was "discouraged." Did he suspect them at the time of being provocateurs?
Mary Alice gave $600 to DeFreeze and the SLA; said she was "robbed." Difficult to visualize prison escapee Wheeler and Mary Alice carrying $600 in cash to a meeting in Oakland with the SLA. Possible source of funding for DeFreeze before the kidnapping?
Visitors to prisons are carefully identified; yet police didn't seek or locate Wheeler at Mary's home in the Bay area, or hold Mary for harboring an escapee
America has hundreds of Dreyfus Affairs going. Latest on the list is the creation of the SLA.
Congress gives the CIA and other intelligence agencies all the money they desire. No questions are asked about how much they receive, much less how it is used. CIA Director William Colby wants to tighten the secrecy, with the threat of a $10,000 fine and ten years in jail, for any Paul Reveres shouting in the dark to wake us up.
Until the present time, the CIA was carefully inconspicuous on the domestic scene. Creation of the SLA provides an excuse for the CIA, and special police forces like the German Gestapo, to step forth publicly and assume control of all law enforcement agencies.
The covert operations and psychological warfare techniques that were used to form the SLA were perfected in Britain and Germany during World War II. After the war, our OSS was converted into the CIA by English and German spy masters.
Right-wing groups such as the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan, the Minutemen and the National States Rights Party are used as fronts for CIA and FBI operations. The military-intelligence teams give approval, funding, tactical support and protection from arrest.
Mass education, political organization and the attempt to solve economic and social problems are perceived as threats to the status quo. Recommendations for constructive alternatives to unemployment, sickness, hunger and poverty are answered by chaos, violence and racism. it is because the solutions to many problems exist today that armies and propaganda machines must step lip their domestic warfare. Police, prison guards, and intelligence agents flex their muscles and take aim at their victims.
Motives for Creation of the SLA
Fifteen goals were to be achieved by the creation of this elaborate conspiracy. They have all been launched, and a careful observer can see them being implemented in today's news stories.
1. Create a national fear of terrorist organizations, and of future kidnappings, accompanied by increased bombings.
2. Link U.S. terrorists to international guerrilla groups.
3. Discredit communes.
4. Escalate domestic fear of Mao Tse Tung, brainwashing and indoctrination.
5. Create the apparent justification for UCLA's Institute to Study the Causes and Prevention of Violence, now temporarily shelved and suspect.
6. Discredit the poor, and test food distribution programs.
7. Isolate prisoners from genuine reform organizations.
8. Escalate domestic race war between blacks and whites.
9. Discredit radical and/or leftist organizations, particularly the Black Guerrilla Family, Los Venceremos, United Farm Workers, Women's Movement groups and Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
10. Increase public and private police forces and security agents.
11. Turn the population into informers, who turn each other In.
12. Create new legislation against future kidnappings.
13. Link demons and the Devil to communists, radicals, leftists and other deviants from the official Government line, and virtuous, right-thinking Christianity to strong-arm police tactics.
14. Discredit the FBI; make military and international police and the CIA appear necessary to control terrorism in the U.S.
15. Set up conditions for martial law, prevent free election choices in 1976 and escalate fear, to keep power in the hands of the military and intelligence agencies.
What was Patricia Hearst's state of mind during these various manipulations? None of us was there, so we can only speculate. Could she change over to think and feel with the "radicals" when she was their captive?
The rank-and-file of the SLA consisted predominantly of CIA agents and police informers. For this reason, Patty could be cleverly controlled in order to make it appear that she had joined them of her own free will.
Sophisticated radicals and politically aware people of the Bay Area rejected the SLA, but Patty Hearst had no choice; she was, and is, their captive.
Each day, we were invited to witness the purposeful manipulation of an individual who had been captured, and subsequently drastically altered, over a four-month period of time. Patty lived with fear, was taught terror, became hunted and oppressed, was given a new name, a new family and new "loves."
Was Patty Hearst brainwashed?
What did Vacaville Medical Facility promise Donald DeFreeze in exchange for the use of his head? What "favor" did he do for them?
Why was CIA agent Colston Westbrook – educated in psychological warfare and the indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres – chosen to select and train the group that became the SLA?
Joseph Remiro and Nancy Ling Perry, important to the SLA for military tactics and cover story rhetoric, were dependent upon drugs. Both were political conservatives with a "kill-a-commie-for-Christ" background. Their transition into "radicals" could have been assisted by the same chemical and psychological controls our intelligence agencies are using and experimenting with daily.
Bill and Emily Harris, and Angels Atwood, worked together as a "mod squad" narc team back home in Indiana, for the Indiana State Police. What brought them all scurrying to the Bay Area in the summer of 1972?
Russell Little and Robyn Steiner, college chums from the University of Florida, drove out together from Florida to Oakland is the summer of '72. Though neither had shown any previous interest in blacks or prisoners, both immediately began working with Colston Westbrook and Donald DeFreeze at Vacaville Medical Facility.
Camilla Hall and Patricia Soltysik were at least authentic residents of the Berkeley community. What controls were used to draw them into the SLA and ultimately to their deaths in Log Angeles?
Donald DeFreeze and Patty Hearst are not the only ones who were brainwashed.
The same mass media that told us Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy, that James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King, that Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F. Kennedy, that Arthur Bremer was the lone gunman when George Wallace was shot, and that Ted Kennedy was responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, brainwash this society every single day. The creation of the SLA is only one more propaganda lie. We can't discuss Patty's brainwashing without looking at our own.
Our sensitivities and emotions were tested over the same period of time as Patty Hearst's or Donald DeFreeze's. Patty was taken to a building near the death trap on 54th Street, so that she could witness six of her close associates and intimates for the last four months being shot and burned to death. We watched the event in living color over Friday TV Dinner. All of us took part.
The only ones to gain from the maneuvers of the SLA were the military and police agencies. They have already spent between $5-and-l0-million "pursuing" the SLA. Ten thousand young adults were stopped, searched or arrested within a three-week period. SWAT police teams are now located in every major city. Police helicopter contracts are escalating. Computerized police information systems will increase. And the CIA will openly take over local police departments, where before they hid behind Public Relations doors.
The creation of the fictitious Symbionese Liberation Army was a cruel hoax perpetrated on the American public.
Years of planning went into this operation. It may have started taking shape after the Chicago convention in 1968, when protestors were moving into the streets, displeased with Washington's policies. The intelligence community was determined that large riots such as those in Watts and Detroit would never happen again. The next stage of "political protest" will be planned terrorist activities.
To speed things along, police and the military have selectively provided weapons, knowing that dissidents will be outnumbered, outgunned and handled with brutality. America will become like Vietnam, a battleground of burnings, killings and provocations. Military provocateurs, and the Phoenix Program in the U.S. will be used to control blacks, Chicanos, Indians, and radicals.
The public cremation in Los Angeles on May 17, 1974, was not the end of the SLA. It was only Stage One. Vietnam has arrived in California.
The families of the deceased SLA members wish they understood what the SLA was about. Aside from empty rhetoric, nothing was accomplished that justified their early deaths. The SLA's printed analysis of fascism in America was accurate enough; but their actions did not elucidate any constructive programs for altering society. The military intelligence agents simply iliustrated how easy it is to be wiped out once the issues are declared. Police have made it perfectly clear what can happen to you if you don't like what you are getting.
A 15-member team of psychiatrists, criminologists and suicide specialists has assembled to piece together what they call "psychological autopsies" to answer the "puzzling question" of why the SLA members "chose to die." Yet Nancy Ling Perry was gunned down outside the hideout, after she fled from the flaming house.
Why isn't a psychological profile prepared of the police who did not allow her to surrender alive? Her body was found outside the house. What does that tell the so-called experts?
The "psychological autopsies" of the SLA are a typical CIA technique for producing irrelevant facts from a person's life. They will dangle these facts before us as "motives" for violence, but their analysis will make no reference to how the victims were led and tricked into dying.
Donald DeFreeze may have had fantasies of becoming a great black leader. A genuine void existed, because of the systematic assassination of black leaders. The same agencies that murdered George Jackson, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Martin Luther King, Che Guevara and Jonathan Jackson were not about to provide Field Marshal General Cinque with his own personal army, without having some purpose of their own. Was Cinque's vision of freeing society's slaves born at Vacaville Medical Facility, known and dreaded for its experimentations on the human mind?
DeFreeze didn't outsmart the law enforcement agencies from the time of his "escape," as the SLA communiques would have us believe. These agencies permitted his freedom only until the time came when they wanted him dead.
To act out his dreams, DeFreeze needed assistance. His tragic figure can best be summarized when, on the last day of his life, he was draping his body in ammunition belts, while at the same time unsuccessfully trying to recruit an 18-year-old neighbor on 54th Street and Compton Avenue to join his "revolution." The street was choked with Los Angeles police agents, and DeFreeze was an escaped convict, wanted for murder, kidnapping, bank robbery and assault. He never managed to persuade a single black person to join the SLA. The only support given to the SLA by blacks was given by police agents, informers and collaborators, who conspired to lure him into his death trap.
The man was mechanized and robotized by the CIA and other agencies. He is a pathetic example of the way our society uses black males in its sadistic, imperialistic greed. Legitimate dreams are perverted by the military intelligence system. One black male, surrounded by whites, and all of them led step by step to their death by police informers, was presented as a serious army, a threat to all the nation. And the nation responded, like a hypnotized, robotized zombie; like Camilla Hall, or Donald DeFreeze, or Patricia Hearst, drawn slowly, step by programmed step, toward destruction.
Are there really such vicious and immoral people, making long-range plans and conspiring against us? Of course there are. And the more carefully they plan, the more difficult it is to detect and unravel the master plan.
Politica was a game plan devised by Abt Associates in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Pentagon and CIA wanted a course of action against developing Third World countries, including Chile. Funding came from the Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The aim was to provide methods of anticipating various social groups and personality characteristics that might emerge in response to given specific military actions. Polilica became a reality when Salvadore Allende was murdered and Chile was delivered into the hands of ITT and other investors.
The Phoenix Program was applied to Vietnam the way Politica was used in Chile. Now-CIA Director William Colby was in charge of the Phoenix Program. It included a continuous policy of political assassinations, rigged elections, political imprisonment in American-made tiger cages, torture and slanted misinformation spread by uncontrollable CIA agents. Colby promised at his Senate confirmation hearings in July, 1973 that he would curb the CIA's activities at home and abroad. Instead, he has imported the Phoenix Program into the United States.
The SLA script is to America what Politica is to Chile or the Phoenix Program is to Vietnam. Methods of political control through manipulation and terror have been perfected. Our response to America's "first political kidnapping" will determine how well these machinations will succeed.
II. Cast of Characters
The California Connections
Donald DeFreeze, Camilla Hall, Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia Soltysik, Joseph Remiro.
Importations–Migratory Birds
Angela Atwood, Gary Atwood, Emily Harris, William Harris, Russell Little, Robyn Steiner, William Wolfe.
Donald DeFreeze, Patricia Hearst
Dr. Marcus Foster, Donald DeFreeze, William Wolfe, Camilla Hall, Angela Atwood, Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia Soltysik.
Military Agents, Intelligence Agents and Police
Wes Davis, Dr. Fredric Hacker, William Harris, Ron Karenga, Ludlow Kramer, Joseph Remiro, Chris Thompson, Colston Westbrook, Attorney General Evelle Younger, Six migratory birds from the East.
Allowed to Vanish
Peter Benenson, Jean Chan, JoAnn Little DeVito and Joseph DeVito, Amanda De Normanville, Dave Gunnell, Bernard Keaton, Tom Mathews, Mary Alice Siem, There Wheeler, Three unnamed black agents of LAPD.
Angels Atwood, alias Deborah Key Crus, General Gelina, Angela DeAngelis
Graduate, University of Indiana.
Trained by CIA think tank, College of Foreign Affairs, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana.
Worked in a "mod squad," setting up narcotics arrests for Intelligence Division of Indiana State Police.
Angela's father a Teamsters' Union Official, in New Jersey.
Never discussed with best friend how she met husband, Gary, or why she married him. "Nobody could get near him."
Moved to Oakland, California, with husband Gary Atwood. Emily and William Harris, summer, 1972.
Upon arriving in Oakland, Angela immediately volunteered to work for United Farm Workers and Los Venceremos, both highly infiltrated by the Federal Government at the time.
Visited Vacaville Medical Facility, and prisoners in the Black Cultural Association (BCA).
Described personally as warm, sensitive; wanted to be an actress.
Not politically sophisticated upon arrival in California.
Employed as a waitress, at Great Electric Underground, in Bank of America Building, San Francisco.
A close friend was afraid Gary might kill Angela. He had beaten her up.
Gary and Angela maintained separate sets of friends. Their husband-wife relationship was similar to that of known espionage agents.
Gary moved back to Indiana in the summer of 1973.
In the fall of 1973, Angela severed other friendships, saying "I am into my own trip now," and moved in with Emily and William Harris.
November 7, 1973, one day before arrest of Remiro and Little, Angela Atwood bought a .380 caliber automatic Mauser pistol, and registered it in her name.
Library card of Gary Atwood was found at Sutherland Court address after Remiro and Little were arrested.
Surfaced as General Gelina, after the Hearst kidnapping.
Was found dead in the house on 54th Street, in Los Angeles, 24 hours after the five other bodies were discovered.
Gary Atwood
Married to Angela Atwood, who trained with Emily and Bill Harris, setting up narcotics arrests for Intelligence Division of Indiana State Police.
Moved to West Coast, summer, 1972, with Angela and William and Emily Harris.
Occupation in Bay Area not explained. Taught part of the time in Chinatown.
Political involvement "all talk"; described as "indoor entertainment, like an intellectual exercise." Threatened to "blow off the head" of a friend who didn't join his revolution. Spoke of Nietzsche, Superman, revolution, Palestinian guerrillas. No evidence of political activism. Not identified with prison or radical groups.
Mean disposition. Angela told a friend, "if you think he is bad now, you should have seen him." "Nobody could get next to him; he didn't like to be touched."
Summer of 1973: Gary went back to Indiana, to Library School.
Angela's body remained unclaimed for three days after her death. Friends called Gary; he signed the release for her to be buried in New Jersey.
Peter Benenson
Mathematician, employed at Lawrence Laboratory, Berkeley; a sensitive government agency.
Was tied up inside his car, on the floor, while five persons kidnapped Patricia Hearst. He heard the shoot-out coming from the apartment as they exited.
Benenson's car was used to drive to a waiting white station wagon, and he was left tied up inside the car. He released himself, and walked one mile to his sister's home, where he spent the night. The FBI and police were not notified for 24 hours about the use of his car for the kidnapping.
He refused to be a witness against anybody, claiming that he "didn't see faces" when he was tied up.
A letter to the Berkeley Barb, Feb. 22, 1974, stated: "The manipulators are brother and sister both by blood and in mind. The male is a mathematician with the U.C. Radiation Lab. His was the car 'commandeered in the kidnapping.'"
The SLA had in their possession books that might have come from Benenson: Chemical Biological Warfare; The Science of Puplic Death; and The Genetic Effects of Radioactivity.
Jean Chan
Oriental girlfriend of David Gunnell, owner of "Peking House," where SLA members lived.
Visited Vacaville Medical Facility; tutored Black Culture there.
No information on her background, or any training which would qualify her to tutor in the prison system.
Sold Chinese food from a food stand on Bancroft Way with Gunnell.
Police stopped a 1965 station wagon in connection with Dr. Marcus Foster's murder, and questioned a female Oriental. A number of "firearms" were found in the vehicle, three weeks before Patty Hearst was kidnapped. If Jean Chan was the person questioned, she was never identified.
Wes Davis
Free lance photographer, Empire News Service, a CIA front, in Vietnam and Asia.
Surfaced after the Hearst kidnapping as an expert on Maoist brainwashing. Often quoting Joseph Remiro, inside San Quentin, with "criticism-self criticism" techniques, as proof of Korean influence in Berkeley.
His sanctimonious speeches ignore the billion-dollar investment in American prisons and hospitals, which funds research on behavior modification techniques, including psychosurgery, chemosurgery, use of mind-altering drugs, electric shock and electrode implants. The Vacaville Medical Facility, where SLA was nurtured, is notorious for such experimentations.
Davis heads an organization called World Humanity Against Totalitarianism. This group helped set up the speeches of Reverend Sun Myumg Moon, defender of Richard Nixon against impeachment.
Reverend Moon is part of General Parks' South Korean Intelligence, CIA. Genuine Christians in South Korea are suspicious of him.
Donald DeFreeze, alias Donald David DeFreeze, Don Cinque DeFreeze, David Thomas, David Kennedy Robinson, Donald John DeFreeze, Donald DeFrez, John DeFriele, Steven Robinson, Gin, Cinque, General Field Marshal Cin, SLA
Born in Cleveland, Ohio, oldest of eight children; beaten by father, forced to leave home at age 14; left Cleveland.
Lived with Reverend W. Foster, Buffalo, N.Y.; became deeply religious.
Arrested for robbing a parking meter; later, for stealing a car and a weapon.
Spent two years in a reformatory, surrounded by "hell," loneliness, fear, hatred. Tried to keep out of fights and avoid homosexual advances.
Married Glory Thomas, 23, mother of three children. They had three more children. Marriage filled with rejection, disappointment. Tried to work and support Glory. Differences drove him to California. Began drinking, taking drugs, collecting weapons.
Arrested on nine separate occasions. Charges involved possession of bombs and explosives, knife, sawed-off shotguns; robbery, assault, possession of 200 firearms, grand larceny, kidnapping, and escaping arrest.
From 1967 to 1969, worked as a police informer for the Los Angeles Police Department, under Detective R. G. Farwell, Public Disorder Intelligence unit. At the time, the LAPD was supplying weapons to black agents, and hiring them to kill Black Panthers. DeFreeze worked with police agent-provocateur Ron Karenga, head of the US Organization. Later, other members of Karenga's group were at Vacaville Medical Facility with DeFreeze. US used the 7-headed cobra, later adopted by the SLA, for its symbol. Nothing in DeFreeze's background indicated a political consciousness while he worked as a Police intelligence informer.
In December, 1967, DeFreeze led police to an apartment where a cache of 200 stolen weapons were found. On November 11, 1969, DeFreeze exchanged gun shots with a bank guard and wounded him – using a .32 caliber Beretta automatic pistol, one of the 200 stolen guns that the police had apparently allowed him to keep.
In 1968, Glory DeFreeze wrote to authorities, following an arrest of her husband, reminding them that they had promised him protection from arrest while he worked for them.
In 1969, DeFreeze subpoenaed Distiict Attorney Evelle Younger to testify in his behalf. Younger has always maintained close contact with LAPD's Criminal Conspiracy Section (CDS).
During 1969, DeFreeze maintained a nice house, only a few blocks from the Los Angeles Airport, close to his death trap. He was in the business of pimping for black judges and airport officials, fixing them up with women. He drove around in a city truck during the day, and gave the impression to one of his women that he was employed by the city.
Late in 1969, DeFreeze's religious conscience began to bother him. Detective Farwell decided that he was no longer useful to the LAPD, and "cut him loose." In December, 1969, DeFreeze was sent to Chino for "psychiatric testing." From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic, and ultimately fatal, personality change.
Dr. Fredric Hacker, an expert on "terrorism," was assigned to Donald DeFreeze for "psychiatric evaluation." He later became a consultant to Randolph Hearst, after Patty was kidnapped.
In 1970, DeFreeze wrote to Judge William L. Ritzi that he "wanted to tell everything." "I want to let you know what really happened and why. I am going to talk to you truthfully like I am talking to God. I will tell you things no one has ever known before." Judge Ritzi wasn't interested.
In 1970, Colston Westbrook, who had been trained in the psychological warfare unit of the CIA, became the CIA control officer for DeFreeze and the group that was to become the SLA. Westbrook headed an experimental behavior modification unit, called the Black Cultural Association (BCA), at Vacaville.
DeFreeze assumed a militant anti-white cover, while meeting with white agents who were brought into the prison system.
While in prison, DeFreeze worked as a double agent, for Westbrook and the CIA, and for the California Department of Corrections and Bureau of Criminal Intelligence and Investigation.
He was responsible to Attorney General Evelle Younger.
Westbrook, in charge of DeFreeze for two years, bragged about how he brought beautiful women into the groups: "They accused me of taking Sexy-looking black women wearing high miniskirts into the prison. Sure I took some foxes, some of my prime stock in there. Because if you want to dangle a carrot in front of the inmates to get them to learn and come to meetings, you don't dangle communism. You dangle fine-looking chicks. The SLA women say I tortured the inmates by taking in chicks they couldn't do anything to. That's why those lesbians were mad at me."
Vacaville Medical Facility was not a political science institute. Colston Westbrook was not instructing inmates in "communism" for the CIA and the Department of Corrections. For what purpose did Westbrook bait DeFreeze with his carrot-stick technique, and his "prime stock?"
In November, 1972, DeFreeze met Thero Wheeler, inmate, for one month.
In December, 1972, DeFreeze was transferred to Soledad Prison. He was placed in South Facility, set up for trusted inmates, and a holding section for informers. One inmate described DeFreeze's departure from Soledad:
"While Donald DeFreeze was here, I had a few conversations with him. I have always questioned his departure as being a simple walk-away. I didn't come into contact with him personally until his last couple of week here. There weren't many who would associate with him. He tried to give the impression of being supercool, and he came across as cold. When I met him, he was working in the maintenance shop. I asked him if he was happy on his job, because if not, I might be able to find him something else.
"He replied that within a few days, he was going to be assigned to work in the boiler room at the South Facility. I questioned that, because he didn't have enough time here to be given that trust. I know cons that have been turned down for that position. He wouldn't comment; he only gave me a big smile. I should explain that no prisoners were kept at the South Facility at that time, because it had no security. No gun towers were in operation, and there were no guards posted.
"A few prisoners with proven records of trust were taken from Central Facility to South Facility to perform certain duties; then they would be returned to Central after their shift. A few days later, DeFreeze did get that job. Midnight to 8 a.m. shift, in the boiler room, South Facility. On his first night, he was dropped off at midnight, and given a few instructions. His job was automatic; it only required an overseer. He was left to himself, and when an officer returned an hour later to check on him, he was gone."
A few months after leaving Vacaville, DeFreeze was given a special privilege at Soledad prison. He was allowed to use the marital trailers for visits with women, a privilege normally reserved for married men.
Did Westbrook provide women for DeFreeze even though he was not meeting him with prison visits?
Donald DeFreeze walked out of Soledad prison in March, 1973. His transportation to the Bay area was allegedly arranged by Deputy Superintendent James Nelson. Another former employee from Soledad, currently owner of a liquor store in Sacramento, assisted in the departure, which was later classified as an "escape." His name will be turned over to a Grand Jury when there is a proper investigation of the case.
In Spring of 1973, Bernard Keaton, a double for Donald DeFreeze, visited the Foster family in Buffalo, New York. He passed himself off as DeFreeze, who had lived with the family 15 years ago, and he knew intimate details of their life.
In August, 1973, Thero Wheeler walked away from Vacaville Medical Facility.
From August to October, 1973, DeFreeze and Wheeler met "at least twenty times" with the SLA in Oakland.
DeFreeze made his public appearance as General Field Marshal Cinque of the SLA following the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst.
In March, 1974, DeFreeze publicly named Colston Westbrook, Chris Thompson, and Robyn Steiner as CIA and FBI informers.
On May 4, 1974, Donald Freed, writer, and Lake Headley, independent investigator, held a press conference in San Francisco. They presented 400 pages of documentation on DeFreeze's arrest records, the work of Colston Westbrook with the CCS and CII (Criminal Identification and Investigation), and evidence of links of the CIA to Police Departments.
May 17, 1974, New York Times carried the story of DeFreeze and the Los Angeles Police Department. That same day, he was cremated by the Los Angeles Police Department.
The LAPD did not notify DeFreeze's family of his death for three days. His remains were sent to Cleveland, Ohio, with the head and the fingers missing.
Billions of dollars are spent confining, arresting, judging, punishing, altering and experimenting upon men like DeFreeze. If the same attention and money were spent on understanding and helping them, events like the SLA saga would never happen.
Amanda De Normanville
Former student of Berkeley School of Criminology. Supposedly housed Donald DeFreeze after he left Soledad prison.
Again: DeFreeze was allowed special visits with women in marital trailers while in prison, a privilege only allowed to married men; Amanda visited DeFreeze in prison, and was reported to be romantically involved with him.
Prisons keep detailed records of visitors, but the police never went to Amanda's house in the Bay Area to search for DeFreeze after his "escape."
JoAnn DeVito, and Ex-Husband Joseph DeVito
JoAnn was Russell Little's sister; she was interested in prisons and in Donald DeFreeze.
The SLA house in Concord was rented by Mr. and Mrs. J. DeVoto, aliases for Russell Little and Nancy Ling Perry.
Joseph DeVito was questioned by FBI agents in Isla Vista, California, on March 26, 1974. Held for interstate flight from prosecution of a prior crime in Florida; nature of crime not stated.
Dr. Marcus Foster, Supt. Oakland Unified School District
Fatally wounded, November 6, 1973. Robert Blackburn, Deputy Superintendent, also critically wounded.
Both men had moved from Philadelphia together in 1970.
Oakland had put police in the schools as part of the federal government's push to solve social problems with "law and order" government. This and other measures became the excuse for Foster's murder.
Willie Wolfe, who had no children, attended Oakland School Board meetings and told prisoners in Vacaville that "something had to be done to prevent Foster from implementing student identification programs." Colston Westbrook and other prison visitors aroused the anger of black inmates against Foster.
Two weeks before the killing, the American Nazi Party handed out leaflets in nearby San Leandro, predicting the murder of a "Mixmaster school superintendent" and his white friend.
Foster was shot with cyanide bullets and didn't stand a chance. Blackburn, the white man, was shot with ordinary bullets, and lived. The quantity of cyanide in the bullets was not as important as the selective methods of kill vs. survival.
Foster's death was a blow to the black community, where he was needed and well liked.
The SLA surfaced immediately after the murder, taking "credit" for the assassination in the name of the "Symbionese Liberation Army Western Regional Youth Unit."
Two "black" people were seen leaving the scene of the Foster murder. When Remiro and Little were indicted for the crime, black make-up was found in their house. This make-up can be worn by whites emulating blacks.
How many other whites in blackface are killing and kidnapping?
Blaming "blacks" for white murders is consistent with a fascistic escalation of terror to speed up genocide.
Dave Gunnell
In late thirties; older than SLA members. Lived with Jean Chan in house on Chabot Road, Berkeley, called Peking House, which was a meeting place for the SLA. The name "Peking House" was played up by CIA agent Wes Davis as "proof" that Mao was behind the SLA.
Gunnell sold Chinese food from a food stand on Bancroft Way, adjacent to the U.C. Berkeley campus, next to Fruity Rudy's stand, where Nancy Ling Perry worked. Gunnell claimed he did not know Nancy. Gunnell was a jazz musician, like Nancy's husband and Rudolph Henderson (Fruity Rudy).
Chris Thompson, named by DeFreeze as CIA, was a frequent visitor at Peking House, and a source of contact with Nancy Ling Perry, Camilla Hall, and Patricia Soltysik.
Willie Wolfe, Russell Little, and Robyn Steiner lived in Peking House.
If Peking House were indeed a haven for radicals, if the SLA was visiting California prisons, and if Maoist doctrines were being taught at the house, the FBI and California police would have been well aware of the SLA members before Patty Hearst was kidnapped.
Yet, in spite of the SLA's attempted infiltration of every radical group in the area, their week-end target practice at gun clubs and the assortment of guns registered in their names, the residents of Peking House were quite inconspicuous as far as the police were concerned.
Gunnell was "not into politics."
Camilla Hall, alias Gabi
Daughter of Lutheran Minister, Reverend D.G. Hall. Graduate of University of Minnesota; excelled in English and art.
Social worker for three years before moving to California.
Shared apartmant with Patricia Soltysik; wrote poetry for her, named her "Mizmoon."
Authentic Berkeley artist; sensitive; gentle; into ecology and the women's movement. Not into radical politics; drawn into SLA with Patricia Soltysik to lend authenticity to cover story that SLA was a group of Berkeley hippie-radicals.
Travelled in Spain in 1972. What other countries?
Worked as a groundkeeper for the Regional Parks. Fired in fall, 1973.
Disappeared in December, 1973, a month after SLA claimed credit for murder of Dr. Foster.
Blue VW, similar to Camilla's, seen scouting Steven Weed's apartment before Patty's kidnapping.
Jan. 2, 1974: purchased .380 caliber automatic Mauser pistol and registered it under her name.
Feb. 4, 1974: Patricia Hearst kidnapped.
Feb. 14, 1974: Camilla moved out of her apartment, taking only her pet cat.
Photographed at Hibernia Bank robbery in San Francisco as a gun-toting radical terrorist. This act was inconsistent with Camilla's hatred of war and violence.
Christine Johnson, the last person to see Camilla Hall alive, said she was holding two bottles in her hands, with "something white around the bottles. She was walking around, looked like a zombie or something, halfway smiling."
Emily Harris, alias Anna Lindenberg, Yolanda
Daughter of a wealthy consulting engineer, from Illinois suburbs.
B.A., University of Indiana, language arts.
Training: CIA think tank, College of Foreign Affairs, University of Indiana, Bloomington.
Worked with William Harris and Angela Atwood in "mod squad," setting up narcotics arrests for the Intelligence Division, Indiana State Police.
When the Harrises apartment was vacated, among the names left in an address book was Tim Casey, from Orange County. Emily and Tim dated during the summers of 1967 and '68 while she was working in California at Disneyland Hotel. Were there any links between two clients of J. Waiter Thompson Advertising Agency – Disneyland Hotel and the San Francisco Police Department?
Was Emily in touch with espionage agents from Orange County?
Described as "cold, intelligent, the strength of the family; had leadership ability."
Moved to Oakland late 1972, with the Atwoods.
Employed as clerk-typist, Survey Research Center, "polling office," at University of California.
Not in politics in Indiana; never involved in radical movements.
On moving to California, immediately joined Chino Defense Committee, an offshoot of Marxist-Leninist Venceremos organization. Worked to aid members accused of a prison break; wrote letters on their behalf. Visited prison inmates Doc Holiday and Barren Broadnax, who had long been targets of the prison system and Attorney General Evelle Younger. She travelled several hundred miles from Oakland to San Luis Obispo each week to make these prison visits. At the time, the Black Guerrilla Family and the Chino Defense Fund were filled with infiltrators and agents provocateurs.
Emily's last prison visit was January 10, 1974, the day Remiro and Little were arrested.
It is not clear why the Harrises left Bloomington. They had "toyed" with politics and posed in the school annual with Bill jokingly holding a book entitled About Communism, but they were not into radical politics.
Cover story to the effect that "underemployment radicalized middle-class America" has no basis in fact. Underemployment is consistent with clandestine assignments.
Through her work, Emily Harris allegedly had access to Patty Hearst's school schedule. Denials merely indicate that investigation should proceed on this matter. Remember Watergate denials?
The Harris' apartment in Oakland was modern, well-furnished, with a color TV, a waterbed, imported kitchenware, and fine china. They read the straight press: Time, the Oakland Tribune.
A Maoist poster and a picture of a starving child hung over their dining table. Donald Segretti, White House spy, had a "Free Huey Newton" poster over his desk, and wore a peace emblem and long hair, for espionage cover. William and Emily Harris were verbally and visually "radical."
Emily owned a gun, registered in her name, and practiced shooting twice a week at Chabot Gun Club, in Oakland.
Emily's father, Mr. Schwartz, said on TV that in her last letter, she explained a change in her life-style, saying she had been "pretending for some time." Her other life – the straight life, with material possessions, non-radical experiences, formal education, and employment at the UCB polling office – might indicate that the SLA experience did not reflect her real self. Suddenly abandoning her husband for a "black lover" and disappearing with Randolph Hearst's daughter might have been part of her next assignment.
William Harris, alias Rip Kimberley, Richard Frank Dennis, Jonathan Mark Salamone, Teko
B.A., University of Indiana; studied Speech and English. Enlisted in U.S. Marines, served at the supply depot at DaNang. Joseph Remiro and Colston Westbrook were in Vietnam the same time.
Returned to Indiana. Joined fraternity; competed in golf and cross-country running.
Member of "mod squad," with Emily, and Angela Atwood. Set up narcotics arrests for the Intelligence Division, Indiana State Police. Studied at College of Foreign Affairs, University of Indiana.
Taught at Bloomington Junior High School before coming to California.
Received Master's Degree in "Urban Education" at Indiana. CIA agent Colston Westbrook, leader of the group which became the SLA, taught "Black Lexicon" in the Department of Urban Affairs at UC Berkeley.
Not a campus radical, but kept posters of Black Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in trailer in Indiana following his return from Vietnam. Later, the SLA headquarters contained a map of Huey Newton's apartment, and his name was listed as a possible death target.
In California, worked as truck driver for Post Office. Postal helmet discovered November 10, 1973, following the arrest of Remiro and Little, at Sutherland Courthouse in Concord. Harris could have been identified by police at that time, before the Hearst kidnapping.
November, 1973: purchased 9mm Mauser pistol, registered in his own name.
Joined Chabot Gun Club, in Oakland, and practiced twice a week. Associated with, but not active in, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, a heavily infiltrated organization.
Rented SLA safehouse in December, 1973, that would be filled with propaganda which would later be used by Attorney General William Saxbe for future political terrorism and repression.
Driver's license from Rhode Island. Never explained when or why Harris was in Rhode Island.
Mayor Alioto claimed Emily and William Harris intended to kidnap his grandchildren. Considering the Harrises' provocateur role, and Alioto's election campaign for Governor, it is possible that they obliged him by making themselves conspicuous in his neighborhood without being arrested by police.
Caused an altercation at Mel's Sporting Goods Store, Inglewood, that would be the signal for the pre-arranged murder of six SLA members. Set Patty up in the "shooting scene." Purposely introduced and identified "Tania" to Tom Matthews during an unnecessary 12-hour captivity; supervised her so-called "confession" to Matthews, framing her so that 22 charges would be brought against her.
Harris's military I.D. was found in the death house on 54th Street, in Los Angeles. It was not explained why a radical revolutionary terrorist was still using his military I.D.
Set Patty Hearst up so that she could witness the massacre of the other SLA members.
June 7, 1974: released another "SLA Communique," hardly the rhetoric of George Jackson, Malcolm X, Chairman Mao, or Martin Luther King. The man with a B.A. in English and a Master's Degree produced a provocative, foulmouthed public display that can only harm legitimate protest.
Harris is probably currently hiding in a CIA safe house ranch, preparing for his next outrageous actions.
While the Harrises acted as provocateurs, and set Patty Hearst up, they themselves are not wanted for anything.
"The Harrises are less militant than their six SLA comrades.... So far, the Harrises were not overtly involved in any of these incidents...." So says Charles Bates, Chief of FBI, San Francisco.

"I feel that Bill and Emily Harris have lost touch with the masses. They have become isolated. The SLA is not an organized group that plans its actions as far as I can see. My political friends and comrades think the SLA has a superfly mentality. They lined their pockets with the bank robbery money and accomplished nothing but spreading of fear."
– Bill Brennan, former roommate of Joseph Remiro

Were Emily or William Harris ever in touch with the masses? Or was their role, as police agents, to do exactly as they were told?
Ron Karenga
Black leader of the US Organization. In December, 1967, Detective Sergeant R. Farwell recruited Donald DeFreeze to work for the Public Disorder Intelligence Unit, of the CCS (Criminal Conspiracy Section, LAPD). Its purpose was to monitor black political activities in California.
Karenga worked with DeFreeze and the LAPD, as part of a "fuck-fuck unit," running guns to various black militant groups, hoping to set off a gang war between the Black Panthers and the US Organization.
US member Melvin Cotton Smith helped set up Black Panther busts for the police. The Steiner brothers, working with Karenga and the LAPD, killed Panther leaders John Huggins and Alpretnice Carter at UCLA.
Members of Karenga's group were at Vacaville with DeFreeze.
In April, 1974, the Steiner brothers were allowed to walk away from San Quentin, as Thero Wheeler walked away from Vacaville and DeFreeze walked out of Soledad a year earlier.
The Steiner brothers seem to have disappeared without a trace. Where are they now? Did they play any role in setting up their former comrade-informer, DeFreeze, back home in Los Angeles?
Bernard Keaton
Double for Donald DeFreeze. Surfaced in Spring, 1973, after DeFreeze walked away from Soledad.
Claimed to be Donald DeFreeze; moved in with Reverend W. Foster and family, in Buffalo, New York; familiar with intimate details of the family history that only DeFreeze would have known about.
FBI stated they are not concerned or curious about DeFreeze's double; that it "isn't illegal."
The only reason for having a double would be that in case DeFreeze had been accidentally picked up by law enforcement officers in the Bay area during the time between his "departure" from Soledad and the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, his double could have taken his place in prison. Three long-years had gone into training DeFreeze for his mission at Vacaville Medical Facility. It couldn't be thrown away.
Ludlow Kramer
Secretary of State, Washington State. Director of P.I.N. (People In Need), the Hearst food give-away rip-off.
Hired by Randolph Hearst to distribute $2,000,000 worth of food to the poor.
Previous experience handing out food during NASA and military job lay-offs in Washington. Quality of that food was good, and provbked violence was not a part of this previous assignment.
P.I.N. food program was a disaster. It was a catalytic, provocateur action to hasten Patty's conversion to the SLA.
Meat was bought for Hearst's program, from "the nation's major meat packers," at triple the normal cost; it contained up to 75% fat. Some of the food was contaminated.
Governor Ronald Reagan hoped the people who took the food would get botulism.
His mission accomplished, Kramer returned to Washington in time to run for Congress on the Republican ticket – with substantial financial backing.
Kramer pushed for "vote by voice print" by 1984 – identiftcation of every adult by voice and social security number.
During this time, March, 1974, Congress passed a bill to pay $10-million to five chicken growers from the South. Their chicken feed was poisoned, somehow, with Dieldren, a cancer-inducing insecticide. Nobody knows how it got into the chicken-feed. Millions of poisoned chickens had already been delivered to poor school lunch programs in Chicago and Detroit.
Question: Did any of those poisoned chickens make their way into the P.I.N. food distribution program?
Russell Little, alias George DeVoto, James Scalise, Osceola
Father a mechanic at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. Little also stated that father was a retired labor relations specialist.
Graduated from University of Florida, Gainesville, 1967.
Allegedly took a course on Revolution, where he was introduced to Communist writers such as Marx, Lenin, Mao, Cleaver and Malcolm X.
Studied engineering, electronics.
Questioned by police in Philadelphia when Dr. Marcus Foster was leading an anti-drug campaign in that city. Why was Little there? Was Foster marked earlier for identification and death?
Traveled in U.S., locations not identified, before arriving in Oakland.
Summer of 1972: made contact with Willie Wolfe through Peking House in Berkeley; started to visit California prisons; joined BCA at Vacaville with Donald DeFreeze.
No previous radical experiences with prisoners or blacks.
It is strange how migratory birds such as Little, Steiner, the Atwoods and the Harrises entered immediately into California prison "reform" groups – their "reforms" would set prison movements back a hundred years.
Little joined Westbrook, DeFreeze and SLA members in a small prison group, "Unisight," with a Maoist cover. All took African names.
Little brought controversial discussion and hatred of Dr. Foster into the prisons.
Visited Death Row Jefferson, supposedly the founder of BCA.
Taught at Peralta Junior College, Oakland.
Bought a .380 caliber Brazilian-made Rossi revolver from Chris Thompson. This kind of weapon could be used with cyanide bullets.
October 8, 1973: rented a house on Sutherland Court, using alias George DeVoto, with Nancy Ling Perry. It became an SLA "Liberated Zone."
November 6, 1973: Dr. Marcus Foster murdered, allegedly by two black men. Little and Remiro, arrested for this crime, possessed black make-up and the murder weapons.
January 19, 1974: Little and Joseph Remiro were taken to San Quentin, charged with the murder of Foster, as well as resisting arrest and assaulting a policeman.
While in San Quentin, Little apparently read an interview with me in the Berkeley Barb on April 19, 1974, titled "Is SLA's Cinque the First Black Lee Harvey Oswald?" Little was furious at my suggestion that the SLA was a CIA operation. He wrote a letter saying, in part, "That dizzy bitch can kiss my ass! That pompous bitch has a nerve to call Jonathan Jackson a 'patsy.' I hope she drops dead tomorrow."
Louis Tackwood, in The Glass House Tapes, describes in detail how the LAPD knew in advance of the George Jackson "escape" plans and the Marin County Courthouse shootout. Jonathan Jackson was double-crossed and left abandoned without a promised backup. He was murdered by members of the LAPD. Risking his life on the line to tell the truth, Tackwood is the real freedom fighter. Little and Remiro are the mouthpieces that Congressmen will quote to "prove" that a violent revolution is taking place.
Any person involved in radical politics is aware that most if not all radical groups are heavily infiltrated by espionage agents and provocateurs. What angers Little is any exposure of the methods and contacts that created the SLA.
Nancy Ling Perry, alias Nancy DeVoto, Fahizah, Lynn Sedworth
Family background: conservative, well off. Goldwater supporter; political conservative.
Attended Santa Rosa High School; cheerleader, Sunday school teacher.
B.A., Whittier College. Graduate work, U.C. Berkeley, specializing in chemistry.
Married for six years to black jazz musician Gilbert Perry; met when he was working for State Employment office. Described as a "love-hate affair."
Topless blackjack dealer in San Francisco; went through a period of heavy use of psychedelic drugs and amphetamines.
Politics always "vague." After being openly conservative, she seemed to have no politics at all. Remained apart from groups in Berkeley; maintained her older friends from high school. She seemed to like to appear as though she had no past at all. People who knew her sensed a curious intellectual loneliness. Into dope, and a good source of where to buy it.
No indication as to where or when radical political indoctrination took place. Trained in behavior modification.
Sold fruit juice at Fruity Rudy's stand, on Bancroft Way near U.C. Berkeley campus.
Dated Chris Thompson, who was the link between "Peking House" and Nancy, Camilla Hall, and Patricia Soltysik.
Began visiting prisoners; cover story was "an interest in prison reform." She and Emily Harris appear to have been given special privileges, in that they were permitted to visit more than one prisoner at a time. Were SLA members given special treatment?
Nancy wrote "Death to the Pigs" inside Fruity Rudy's stand, just as the same slogan was written on the walls of Sharon Tate's home, to make police think that blacks committed the murders.
Nancy paid $553 in cash to rent the house at 1560 Sutherland Court in Concord, using the alias, "Nancy DeVoto." The house was used as an SLA hideout, and filled with ammunition, weapons, and literature.
On January 10, 1974, the day Remiro and Little were arrested for the murder of Dr. Foster, Nancy set fire to the bungalow. She did a remarkably poor job of destroying the evidence, but an excellent job of calling attention to the house and its contents.
There was no personal oppression or experiences in the past that would explain participation in the murder of Foster, or acceptance of a fiery martyrdom in Los Angeles. She was apparently shot by the police while trying to get out of the house.
Joseph Remiro, alias George DeVoto, "B," Charles Robert Peterson
Remiro, in San Quentin, didn't cry when he heard that six SLA members had been cremated. He went on playing gin rummy. "Joe was a political heavy."
Devout Catholic family; raised in San Francisco, trained as a "stone reactionary."
Member of 10lst Airborne Division; volunteered twice for duty in Vietnam. Signed up to "kill a commie for Christ." Participated willingly in numerous search and destroy missions; said they were like Galley's massacre at My Lai.
Declared himself to be a pacifist when he came home; this would be inconsistent with his alleged murder of Dr. Foster, and the subsequent death warrants issued by the SLA.
By January, 1969, Remiro allegedly started to take a lot of drugs. He claimed he "couldn't get outside my house without being completely drugged out of my head." Remiro and Perry, both dependent upon drugs, could be manipulated by CIA agents to form the nucleus of the SLA. Perry was the theoretical "brains" behind the organization. Remiro provided military and tactical support. Chemistry, weapons and radical rhetoric were all they needed to start their "army."
Carlos Marighella's Mini-Manual for Urban Guerrilla Warfare was to the SLA cover story what Marx's Das Kapital was to the Warren Report and Lee Harvey Oswald. The myth that Marx influenced Oswald was pure fabrication, a "cover story."
Remiro was employed as a "mechanic," was divorced, and had one child.
July 19, 1973: purchased a .380 caliber Walther automatic. This gun was found in his possession when he was arrested on November 10, 1973.
October, 1973: went underground with Little and Willie Wolfe. Rented 7th Street apartment in Oakland, with Emily and William Harris, for Foster ambush.
Racist; wanted Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Winter Soldier Organization to take the position that U.S. minorities should each have their own territory.
Helped race war along by owning black make-up. Did he put on black face to escalate violence in the Oakland-Berkeley area?
Developed plans to kill Black Panther leaders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.
Remiro and Little were placed in San Quentin, without trial, immediately after their indictment for the murder of Dr. Foster. They were given maximum media coverage to mouth radical violence.
Lee Harvey Oswald's public radio broadcast in New Orleans, with Ed Butler of Army Intelligence, was to create a cover for U.S. agents operating behind a Communist front.
Colston Westbrook, William Harris and Joseph Remiro supplied the SLA's intelligence and military tactics.

"I believe the SLA actions have had and are having such an inhibiting effect on political works in the Bay Area that I feel the time to speak out has come."
– Bill Brennan, former roommate of Remiro

Mary Alice Siem
Twenty-four years old; mother of small child, friend of Thero Wheeler.
Frequent visitor to Wheeler at Vacaville Medical Facility.
August, 1973: Wheeler "escaped" from Vacaville, and lived with Mary Alice in the Bay area.
August-October, 1973: Mary Alice and Thero made at least 20 visits to DeFreeze and the SLA in Oakland.
DeFreeze wanted to kill both of them, but was "discouraged." Did he suspect them at the time of being provocateurs?
Mary Alice gave $600 to DeFreeze and the SLA; said she was "robbed." Difficult to visualize prison escapee Wheeler and Mary Alice carrying $600 in cash to a meeting in Oakland with the SLA. Possible source of funding for DeFreeze before the kidnapping?
Visitors to prisons are carefully identified; yet police didn't seek or locate Wheeler at Mary's home in the Bay area, or hold Mary for harboring an escapee.
Patricia Soltysik, alias Mizmoon, Zoya, Mizmoon Monique Erlich
Born in Goleta, Santa Barbara County; daughter of a pharmacist.
Outstanding student; came to Berkeley in 1968; attended U.C. Berkeley.
Worked as a part-time janitor at the Berkeley Public Library.
Involved in radical politics, Women's movement, gay liberation.
Seen frequently with Chris Thompson, connecting link between Camilla Hall, Patricia Soltysik, Nancy Perry and Chabot House, and the out-of-state imports. These three women lent authenticity to the Berkeley image of the SLA.
Mizmoon and Camilla were sensitive poets, artists and sometime lesbians.
Mizmoon participated in the BCA at Vacaville Medical Facility; she worked with Donald DeFreeze. After DeFreeze "walked out" of Soledad, he lived with Mizmoon.
Mizmoon had access to the Berkeley library, allegedly where Cinque found source material for SLA rhetoric. SLA tapes and written messages sound more like E. Howard Hunt than George Jackson or "Cinque," the historical slave leader.
July 27, 1973: purchased .12 gauge sawed-off Mosberg shotgun under name Mizmoon Monique Erlich.
Changed housing from September to December, 1973. Missing during time Dr. Foster was murdered.
Identification and library books checked out in her name found at SLA house on Sutherland Court, January 10, 1974, three weeks before Hearst kidnapping.
Vanished from apartment by January, 1974.
Photographed in Hibernia Bank Robbery, San Francisco.
Cremated in Los Angeles, May 17, 1974.
Robyn Steiner
1970: met Russell Little at University of Florida. No political awareness, interest in blacks or prisoners. Not an activist.
Drove to California with Little in July, 1972.
Steiner and Little moved into commune, "Peking House," where Little met William Wolfe, and would join Westbrook and DeFreeze at the Vacaville Medical Facility.
Entered the prison as a tutor to blacks; previous training nonexistent.
Worked at Lucky's Market, Oakland.
Broke up with Little. Left California; returned to Florida in December, 1973, and went back to school.
Named by DeFreeze as an FBI informer.
Protected from questioning by U.S. Attorney and Grand Jury; San Francisco police interviewed her in Florida.
Lives in constant fear, "doesn't know who her friends are." So the tables are turned.
Chris Thompson
Named by DeFreeze as a CIA agent. Black man; not a political radical or activist; described as a "curious man."
Moved freely in and out of "Peking House."
"Dated" Nancy Ling Perry, Patricia Soltysik and Camilla Hall. Served as the connection between the three Berkeley females and the seven who moved west and infiltrated the radical movement groups (Wolfe, Angela and Gary Atwood, Emily and William Harris, Robyn Steiner and Russell Little).
March, 1973: Sold a .38 caliber Rossi pistol to Russell Little. Bullets fired from this gun allegedly killed Dr. Foster.
Drove to Vacaville Medical Facility with a member of BCA, but didn't attend any meetings.
January, 1974: Rented an apartment on 2069 Hillegass Street, Berkeley, half a block from Steven Weed's and Patricia Hearst's apartment at 2602 Benvenue Avenue. His apartment opened on a small alley way. You can walk through the alley way and be on Benvenue, directly across the street from 2602 Benvenue.
Occupation: sells soul food from a stand on Bancroft Way, Berkeley, near food stands where Dave Gunnell and Nancy Ling Perry worked.
After the Foster murder and Hearst kidnapping, Chris was "around now but missing."
He appeared as a secret and protected Grand Jury witness. Typically, in trials of radical groups, somebody in the know remains safe, and suspicious, while the others get roasted.
Not wanted by police or FBI; allowed to "vanish," or possibly to testify against the deceased.
Thompson offered to prove he was not CIA by submitting the facts to a jury which would include Ron Dellums, Bobby Seale, Angela Davis and Mrs. Foster. If he waits another year, they might take him up on the offer.
Steven Weed
Graduate of Princeton University; home in Santa Rosa, California.
Taught school where Patricia Hearst was a student.
Patty and Steven were living together in Berkeley when she was kidnapped.
Black Abductor, a novel published in 1972, described the plans for the Hearst kidnapping, including the "boyfriend who is beaten unconscious." Its publication date indicates how far in advance the plans were made.
Weed's role in the kidnapping can only be clarified by a proper investigation of the author and publisher of this book. His behavior since the kidnapping indicates the need to delve further.
Colston Westbrook, alias Big Daddy, Yajiuma
1962: CIA advisor to the South Korean Central Intelligence Agency. Cover: U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force. Linguistic training took place here.
1962: Enrolled in Inter-Christian University, Tokyo. Got special training in latest psychological warfare techniques. 1962-1966: Worked illegally under cover of AID, Agency for International Development. Handled undercover assignments in Cambodia, Thailand, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Okinawa and Soviet Union.
Claimed to have personal line of communication with Premier of Cambodia.
William Harris' passport indicates visit to USSR. Was he there at the same time as Westbrook? Willie Wolfe was in Europe for nine months. Was it at the same time or same places?
Feb. 5, 1966, to Sept. 10, 1969: Westbrook listed his employment as Administrator, Pacific Architects and Engineers, a CIA cover.
Provided logistical support for CIA Phoenix Program. His job was the indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres.
William Harris, Marine volunteer, was stationed in Vietnam. Joseph Remiro served two volunteer tours in Vietnam. Did Remiro and Harris know Westbrook in Asia?
1969: Plans for the Black Cultural Association were formed.
1970: Donald DeFreeze sent by LAPD to Vacaville Medical Facility. Colston Westbrook, home after seven years in Asia with the CIA, was assigned to visit Vacaville Medical Facility two times a week.
Westbrook ran the BCA classes and decided who would be in the program.
The "cultural" meetings between DeFreeze and his white tutors were infiltrated, under the cover of teaching black male identity. The tri-colored flag of New Africa was paraded on stage, with music and black power salutes. Everyone adopted an African name. DeFreeze became "Cinque."
Westbrook brought in sexy women and pictures to prisoners to induce them to come to meetings.
The Black Cultural Association became the nucleus of the SLA after two black prisoner members, DeFreeze and Wheeler, were allowed to "escape" and join the group in Oakland-Berkeley.
The BCA was a behavior modification and psychological experimentation unit. Illegal funding and direction for the BCA came from the CIA via the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
The cover story was "development of black pride."
Black prisoners were prepared and primed to murder black leaders on the outside. (Dr. Marcus Foster, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale and Richard Foster were on the SLA "hit list.")
"Westbrook's CIA spymaster can be linked to another counter-insurgency expert, William Herrman, an advisor to Governor Ronald Reagan. Herrman was in contact with both SRI, the Hoover Center on Violence and the Rand Corporation in his development, for Reagan, of a plan to win the hearts and minds of the people of California.'" This was the proposed UCLA Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, a front for massive psychosurgical and psychological experimentation on radicals, Third World people, women, children and prisoners.
SRI and CIA Research and Development programs work with drugs such as Librium, which was administered illegally to certain BCA members.
Westbrook's assignment in the BCA behavior modification unit was to recruit future agents for CIA domestic programs. The "zombie" killings, and the Zebra murders in San Francisco, are linked to prison control and training, employing drugs and other forms of mind control.
Donald DeFreeze identified Westbrook as a CIA agent, and one who had betrayed him.
Westbrook must now live in fear for his life. David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby and almost one hundred other persons who served as government agents in conspiracies related to past political intelligence operations, have been murdered.
They were killed by their own team, not by the "enemy."
Thero Wheeler
Described as a "hell of a mind, close to genius."
Brother Bill a member of San Francisco police force.
"Did not relate ideologically with Donald DeFreeze," which might be a political way of saying that his association with DeFreeze was to entrap him.
Allegedly interested in Venceremos. Actually, only mailed them one letter.
November, 1972: met with DeFreeze in Vacaville Medical Facility for one month.
December, 1972: DeFreeze sent to Soledad from Vacaville; "escaped" March, 1973.
August, 1973: Wheeler "escaped" from Vacaville.
Stayed with Mary Alice Siem, a frequent visitor to Wheeler while he was in Vacaville, in the Bay Area. He was never sought there.
August-October, 1973: met with DeFreeze and SLA members in Oakland at least 20 times. Provided the SLA with $600.
DeFreeze wanted to kill Wheeler and Mary, indicating his probably mistrust of them as provocateurs or agents.
Description of Wheeler fits that of the second black man, who, with DeFreeze, kidnapped Patricia Hearst.
After cremation of six SLA members in Los Angeles on May 17, 1974, FBI and police claimed that only William Harris, Emily Harris and Patricia Hearst were still being sought. The SLA thus was reduced.
Why did the police forget about the man who helped kidnap Patty and assault Steven Weed?
Was Wheeler one of the black men who lured DeFreeze to his death trap -- and in exchange, will not be sought or prosecuted?
William Wolfe, alias Charles William Morgan, Cujo
Born in Pennsylvania; son of Dr. L.S. Wolfe, anesthesiologist.
Hobbies, interests, not described.
Studies, education, unclear.
Travelled for nine months in Europe before coming to Berkeley; "not yet decided on his goals."
Only Berkeley class mentioned was course in "Black Lexicon," under Professor Colston Westbrook, who would later bring William into Vacaville Medical Facility.
Westbrook described himself on San Francisco radio station KGO as having been raised in an all-white Pennsylvania town, knowing few blacks. Wolfe had no experience with prisoners, black friends, or radical movements. This team taught "black identity" to a prison study group. They created the pathetic "field Marshal General Cinque of the SLA."
Wolfe lived at Peking House, the common meeting ground from which "prison reformers" would spread into Vacaville Medical Facility, San Quentin, Folsom, Soledad and San Luis Obispo prisons.
Wolfe brought Russell Little and Robyn Steiner into the prison group.
Wolfe, though childless, attended Oakland School Board meetings, and brought arguments against Dr. Marcus Foster into BCA prison discussions at Vacaville. The prisoners were remote from Oakland school problems. Inciting of black prisoners against Dr. Marcus Foster was consistent with police policies. Ultimately, it was two whites in blackface who allegedly shot Dr. Foster.
Wolfe was last seen in Pennsylvania visiting his father in January, 1974, when Remiro and Little were arrested for the Foster murder. Wolfe then went underground; "disappeared."
Burned alive on 54th Street in Los Angeles, May 17, 1974. Not charged with any crime.


In human affairs, some people are born to lead,

Others aspire to greatness,

Still more have greatness thrust upon them.

And some people just come from Ohio.

FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and New York Police Department Spying Unit

NYC Google, NYPD Spying Unit, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force syzygy in a three block series from 8th Avenue to West Side Highway (11th Avenue) between West 15th and West 16th Street.

Perpendicularing this NYC Spy Dark Side Syzygy is the brilliant super-syzygy High Line, its bedazzled visitors unaware of the sensitive operations they decorate and camouflage against an attack, perambulating and lounging directly below and above the NPYD spying unit and across the avenue from the JTTF.

West entrance to FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force 

(NBC are initials of the National Biscuit Company)

Bridge Links FBI JTTF, at rear, to NYPD Spying Unit across 10th Avenue

Iran and WMD

Madeleine Albright on the Iranian Nuclear Program from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
"They say the most ridiculous things about Israel"

When coming to power in 1979, Ayatollah Khomeni proclaimed 

"Nuclear facilities are the work of the Devil, and we shall close them down."

And he did.

It was only in 1984, after 4 years of entrenched warfare with the US-endorsed armies of Saddam Hussain and under chemical and biological assault, Khomeni was persuaded to remove the seals and restart the Persian centrifuges....

Corona KH-4 photograph of Israel’s nuclear research center at Dimona 
(Kirya Le’Mechkar Gariini) (KAMAG), 10 December 1965 (Courtesy of Global Security).

Why are we no longer worrying about Sweden...?

A major U.S. intelligence review has projected that Iran is about a decade away from manufacturing the key ingredient for a nuclear weapon, roughly doubling the previous estimate of five years, according to government sources with firsthand knowledge of the new analysis.
The carefully hedged assessments, which represent consensus among U.S. intelligence agencies, contrast with forceful public statements by the White House. Administration officials have asserted, but have not offered proof, that Tehran is moving determinedly toward a nuclear arsenal. The new estimate could provide more time for diplomacy with Iran over its nuclear ambitions. President Bush has said that he wants the crisis resolved diplomatically but that "all options are on the table."
The new National Intelligence Estimate includes what the intelligence community views as credible indicators that Iran's military is conducting clandestine work. But the sources said there is no information linking those projects directly to a nuclear weapons program. What is clear is that Iran, mostly through its energy program, is acquiring and mastering technologies that could be diverted to bombmaking.
The estimate expresses uncertainty about whether Iran's ruling clerics have made a decision to build a nuclear arsenal, three U.S. sources said. Still, a senior intelligence official familiar with the findings said that "it is the judgment of the intelligence community that, left to its own devices, Iran is determined to build nuclear weapons."
At no time in the past three years has the White House attributed its assertions about Iran to U.S. intelligence, as it did about Iraq in the run-up to the March 2003 invasion. Instead, it has pointed to years of Iranian concealment and questioned why a country with as much oil as Iran would require a large-scale nuclear energy program.
The NIE addresses those assertions and offers alternative views supporting and challenging the assumptions they are based on. Those familiar with the new judgments, which have not been previously detailed, would discuss only limited elements of the estimate and only on the condition of anonymity, because the report is classified, as is some of the evidence on which it is based.
Top policymakers are scrutinizing the review, several administration officials said, as the White House formulates the next steps of an Iran policy long riven by infighting and competing strategies. For three years, the administration has tried, with limited success, to increase pressure on Iran by focusing attention on its nuclear program. Those efforts have been driven as much by international diplomacy as by the intelligence.
The NIE, ordered by the National Intelligence Council in January, is the first major review since 2001 of what is known and what is unknown about Iran. Additional assessments produced during Bush's first term were narrow in scope, and some were rejected by advocates of policies that were inconsistent with the intelligence judgments.
One such paper was a 2002 review that former and current officials said was commissioned by national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley, who was then deputy adviser, to assess the possibility for "regime change" in Iran. Those findings described the Islamic republic on a slow march toward democracy and cautioned against U.S. interference in that process, said the officials, who would describe the paper's classified findings only on the condition of anonymity.
The new estimate takes a broader approach to the question of Iran's political future. But it is unable to answer whether the country's ruling clerics will still be in control by the time the country is capable of producing fissile material. The administration keeps "hoping the mullahs will leave before Iran gets a nuclear weapons capability," said an official familiar with policy discussions.
Intelligence estimates are designed to alert the president of national security developments and help guide policy. The new Iran findings were described as well documented and well written, covering such topics as military capabilities, expected population growth and the oil industry. The assessments of Iran's nuclear program appear in a separate annex to the NIE known as a memorandum to holders.
"It's a full look at what we know, what we don't know and what assumptions we have," a U.S. source said.
Until recently, Iran was judged, according to February testimony by Vice Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, to be within five years of the capability to make a nuclear weapon. Since 1995, U.S. officials have continually estimated Iran to be "within five years" from reaching that same capability. So far, it has not.
The new estimate extends the timeline, judging that Iran will be unlikely to produce a sufficient quantity of highly enriched uranium, the key ingredient for an atomic weapon, before "early to mid-next decade," according to four sources familiar with that finding. The sources said the shift, based on a better understanding of Iran's technical limitations, puts the timeline closer to 2015 and in line with recently revised British and Israeli figures.
The estimate is for acquisition of fissile material, but there is no firm view expressed on whether Iran would be ready by then with an implosion device, sources said.
The timeline is portrayed as a minimum designed to reflect a program moving full speed ahead without major technical obstacles. It does not take into account that Iran has suspended much of its uranium-enrichment work as part of a tenuous deal with Britain, France and Germany. Iran announced yesterday that it intends to resume some of that work if the European talks fall short of expectations.
Sources said the new timeline also reflects a fading of suspicions that Iran's military has been running its own separate and covert enrichment effort. But there is evidence of clandestine military work on missiles and centrifuge research and development that could be linked to a nuclear program, four sources said.
The new estimate extends the timeline, judging that Iran will be unlikely to produce a sufficient quantity of highly enriched uranium, the key ingredient for an atomic weapon, before "early to mid-next decade," according to four sources familiar with that finding. The sources said the shift, based on a better understanding of Iran's technical limitations, puts the timeline closer to 2015 and in line with recently revised British and Israeli figures.
The estimate is for acquisition of fissile material, but there is no firm view expressed on whether Iran would be ready by then with an implosion device, sources said.
The timeline is portrayed as a minimum designed to reflect a program moving full speed ahead without major technical obstacles. It does not take into account that Iran has suspended much of its uranium-enrichment work as part of a tenuous deal with Britain, France and Germany. Iran announced yesterday that it intends to resume some of that work if the European talks fall short of expectations.
Last month, U.S. officials shared some data on the missile program with U.N. nuclear inspectors, based on drawings obtained last November. The documents include design modifications for Iran's Shahab-3 missile to make the room required for a nuclear warhead, U.S. and foreign officials said.Sources said the new timeline also reflects a fading of suspicions that Iran's military has been running its own separate and covert enrichment effort. But there is evidence of clandestine military work on missiles and centrifuge research and development that could be linked to a nuclear program, four sources said.
"If someone has a good idea for a missile program, and he has really good connections, he'll get that program through," said Gordon Oehler, who ran the CIA's nonproliferation center and served as deputy director of the presidential commission on weapons of mass destruction. "But that doesn't mean there is a master plan for a nuclear weapon."
The commission found earlier this year that U.S. intelligence knows "disturbingly little" about Iran, and about North Korea.
Much of what is known about Tehran has been learned through analyzing communication intercepts, satellite imagery and the work of U.N. inspectors who have been investigating Iran for more than two years. Inspectors uncovered facilities for uranium conversion and enrichment, results of plutonium tests, and equipment bought illicitly from Pakistan -- all of which raised serious concerns but could be explained by an energy program. Inspectors have found no proof that Iran possesses a nuclear warhead design or is conducting a nuclear weapons program.
The NIE comes more than two years after the intelligence community assessed, wrongly, in an October 2002 estimate that then-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was reconstituting his nuclear program. The judgments were declassified and made public by the Bush administration as it sought to build support for invading Iraq five months later.
At a congressional hearing last Thursday, Gen. Michael V. Hayden, deputy director of national intelligence, said that new rules recently were imposed for crafting NIEs and that there would be "a higher tolerance for ambiguity," even if it meant producing estimates with less definitive conclusions.
The Iran NIE, sources said, includes creative analysis and alternative theories that could explain some of the suspicious activities discovered in Iran in the past three years. Iran has said its nuclear infrastructure was built for energy production, not weapons.
Assessed as plausible, but unverifiable, is Iran's public explanation that it built the program in secret, over 18 years, because it feared attack by the United States or Israel if the work was exposed.
In January, before the review, Vice President Cheney suggested Iranian nuclear advances were so pressing that Israel may be forced to attack facilities, as it had done 23 years earlier in Iraq.
In an April 2004 speech, John R. Bolton -- then the administration's point man on weapons of mass destruction and now Bush's temporarily appointed U.N. ambassador -- said: "If we permit Iran's deception to go on much longer, it will be too late. Iran will have nuclear weapons."
But the level of certainty, influenced by diplomacy and intelligence, appears to have shifted.
Asked in June, after the NIE was done, whether Iran had a nuclear effort underway, Bolton's successor, Robert G. Joseph, undersecretary of state for arms control, said: "I don't know quite how to answer that because we don't have perfect information or perfect understanding. But the Iranian record, plus what the Iranian leaders have said . . . lead us to conclude that we have to be highly skeptical."
Researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report.

Vladimir Putin Writes for the New York Times

Op-Ed Contributor

A Plea for Caution From Russia
What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria

Published: September 11, 2013

MOSCOW — RECENT events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.

Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.

The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades.

No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorization.

The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism. It could undermine multilateral efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and further destabilize the Middle East and North Africa. It could throw the entire system of international law and order out of balance.

Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multireligious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government. The United States State Department has designated Al Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world.

Mercenaries from Arab countries fighting there, and hundreds of militants from Western countries and even Russia, are an issue of our deep concern. Might they not return to our countries with experience acquired in Syria? After all, after fighting in Libya, extremists moved on to Mali. This threatens us all.
From the outset, Russia has advocated peaceful dialogue enabling Syrians to develop a compromise plan for their own future. We are not protecting the Syrian government, but international law. We need to use the United Nations Security Council and believe that preserving law and order in today’s complex and turbulent world is one of the few ways to keep international relations from sliding into chaos. The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not. Under current international law, force is permitted only in self-defense or by the decision of the Security Council. Anything else is unacceptable under the United Nations Charter and would constitute an act of aggression.

No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.

It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.”

But force has proved ineffective and pointless. Afghanistan is reeling, and no one can say what will happen after international forces withdraw. Libya is divided into tribes and clans. In Iraq the civil war continues, with dozens killed each day. In the United States, many draw an analogy between Iraq and Syria, and ask why their government would want to repeat recent mistakes.

No matter how targeted the strikes or how sophisticated the weapons, civilian casualties are inevitable, including the elderly and children, whom the strikes are meant to protect.

The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. We are left with talk of the need to strengthen nonproliferation, when in reality this is being eroded.

We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.

A new opportunity to avoid military action has emerged in the past few days. The United States, Russia and all members of the international community must take advantage of the Syrian government’s willingness to place its chemical arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction. 

Judging by the statements of President Obama, the United States sees this as an alternative to military action.

I welcome the president’s interest in continuing the dialogue with Russia on Syria. We must work together to keep this hope alive, as we agreed to at the Group of 8 meeting in Lough Erne in Northern Ireland in June, and steer the discussion back toward negotiations.

If we can avoid force against Syria, this will improve the atmosphere in international affairs and strengthen mutual trust. It will be our shared success and open the door to cooperation on other critical issues.

My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.

CIA: Excerpt from the Director's Message to the Workforce: Remembering 11 September 2001

Excerpt from the Director's Message to the Workforce: Remembering 11 September 2001

September 11, 2013


Today we mark twelve years since the terrible attacks that shook our Homeland on September 11, 2001—a tragedy that had a profound impact on our Agency, the Nation, and the world. While much work still needs to be done on the counterterrorism front, CIA officers should be proud of the many, many contributions they have made since 2001. Indeed, the CIA now works more closely than ever with its domestic and foreign partners to thwart the plans of al-Qa‘ida and other terrorist groups. And we will always hold dear the memory of those lost to terrorism on that day and in the years since.

To commemorate the occasion, we have put on display an American flag retrieved from the rubble of Ground Zero. The flag was restored and has graced the CIA Director's office for more than a decade. George Tenet, to whom the flag was originally presented, had recommended that it eventually be put in a more central location so it could serve as an inspiration to the entire workforce. The flag is now directly across from the image of Lady Liberty, on the opposite end of our Upper Lobby. The two symbols make clear to the world the resilience and perseverance of our people, our unwavering support of freedom, and our embrace of those who share our values.

John O. Brennan

Posted: Sep 11, 2013 08:10 AM
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2013 08:10 AM