Showing posts with label Alchemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alchemy. Show all posts

Friday 22 July 2016

The New Christians' Role in the Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch Empires

Henry the Navigator
Prince of the House of Aviz

"We grant you [Kings of Spain and Portugal] by these present documents, with our Apostolic Authority, full and free permission to invade, search out, capture, and subjugate the Saracens and pagans and any other unbelievers and enemies of Christ wherever they may be, as well as their kingdoms, duchies, counties, principalities, and other property [...] and to reduce their persons into perpetual servitude."

Dum Diversas (Until Different)
Pope Alexander V

"He saw the land of India, but like Moses and the Promised Land, he was not permitted to enter."
- Galvano, on Bartholemew Diaz

"[The Spaniards are] heretics, schismatics, accursed of God, the Offspring of Jews and Marranos, the very scum of the earth."

Pope Paul IV,

"So, not only did the royalty of Spain agree to finance Magellan's voyage (it was several ships), but, interestingly enough, the bankers of Antwerp, in Belgium, poured money into this because they could see it as a means of taking over new lands, new wealth, gold, tin, silver, and all those spices and other trade goods. So they financed his trip, and three ships took off."

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty

"The mysterious Venitian was beaten."

Quoting the Jewish Virtual Library :

"When the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama arrived off Angediva in 1498, he was greeted in a friendly fashion by this long-bearded European on behalf of his master. Vasco da Gama self-righteously seized the Jew and compelled him to embrace Christianity under the baptismal name of Gaspar da Gama. He was also known as Gaspar d'Almeida and Gaspar de las Indias.

As a Catholic, Gaspar da Gama became the pilot of Vasca da Gama's fleet. He successfully guided the ships through treacherous Indian waters and was subsequently brought back to Portugal.

In Lisbon, Gaspar was granted a pension by the king, who employed his linguistic ability in subsequent Portuguese naval expeditions. In 1500 he accompanied Cabral on his voyage in western waters and was with Nicolau Coelho when he first stepped ashore in Brazil.

On the return voyage he met Amerigo Vespucci, the Tuscan explorer after whom America is named, at Cabo Verde and was consulted by him.

In 1502, he went to India once more with Vasco da Gama and again in 1505 with Francisco d'Almeida. He took part in the latter's expedition against Calicut in 1510, when he may have died."

"They came with intemperate demands for spices and for the expulsion of the deep-rooted Muslim community; they flouted the taboos of Hindu culture and backed up their threats with traumatic acts of violence beyond the acceptable rules of war."

The History of the Crypto-Jews/Hispanic Sephardic Jews

A Brief History of Crypto Jews of Spanish and Portuguese Descent
By Yvonne Garcia

Jews first settled in the Iberian Peninsula, (the region now known as Spain and Portugal) before the arrival of the Phoenicians in about 900 BCE. Jewish merchants settled along the coast of Spain during the time of King Solomon when this region was called Tarsus, or Tarshish. Iberia was referred to as Sefarad by its Jewish inhabitants and Hispania by the Romans from which the name “Spain” was later derived. More Jews immigrated after the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. When the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem, there were already large well-established Jewish settlements throughout Iberia. 

The first recorded persecution of Jews in Spain began about 489 CE when Jews were forbidden to marry non-Jews or to hold public office, and any children already born of inter-marriage were forcibly baptized into the Catholic Church. 

From this time forward, the Iberian Jews were periodically subjected to progressively worse persecution until finally from 653 to 672 CE, Jews were beheaded, burned alive, or stoned to death for the crime of relapsing from forced conversion to Catholicism back into Judaism. It was during the period of 489 to 711, under Frankish and Visigothic rule, that Crypto Jews (Secret Jews) first emerged as a large group.

In 711 CE the Moors of northern Africa conquered the region and there resulted approximately three hundred years of what is known as the “Golden Age of Tolerance,” when the Muslim rulers coexisted with Jews and Christians. Non-Muslim people were allowed great freedom as long as they paid a special tax, to which the Jews gladly agreed. Jewish art, music, medicine, education and religious study flourished, and the Jewish population increased greatly and prospered, many Jews becoming fabulously rich and famous.

During the Golden Age, Spain became the world center for Talmudic Studies, with some of the world’s most famous rabbinical academies. Some of the greatest Jewish scholars lived in Moorish Spain during the years of transition just after the end of this period of time. Rabbi Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra was born in Tudela, Spain, in 1089. He was a poet, mathematician, grammarian, astronomer, commentator of Torah and philosopher. Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, known as “The Rambam” or “Maimonides,” was born in Cordoba, Spain, in 1135, and earned his living as a physician. He is most famous for his codification of Jewish law, entitled Mishne Torah, and for his philosophical work Guide for the Perplexed. Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, known as “The Ramban,” was born in 1194. He, like Maimonides, was a physician and scholar who was the first to incorporate Cabala, or Jewish mysticism, into the Torah teaching, and was a strong proponent of taking possession of the land of Israel. Jews and Crypto Jews flourished in relative peace and plenty, enjoying the Golden Age and the free exchange of ideas, a relatively high level of education for that time in the world, and the benefits from living among Torah and Talmudic scholars. Cities such as Lucena, Granada and Tarragona were populated by Jews magnificently wealthy in culture and material goods.

However, the so-called Golden Age in Spain was also marked by occasional violent upheavals and political turmoil that affected the Jews and Crypto Jews, who were subject to the whims of the frequently changing governments. For example, violence erupted in 1002, when two politically powerful and wealthy Muslims fought to rule Granada; unfortunately the Jews had backed the loser and suffered from Muslim suspicion thereafter. In 1066 a Jewish chief minister of Granada was crucified, followed by the slaughter of more than 1500 Jewish families. The original Moorish dynasty was overpowered by the fanatical Muslim Almoravides in 1086, who were in turn overpowered by the even more fanatical Muslim Almohades from Morocco in 1112.

By 1149 the Almohades had overrun the entire peninsula which had become fragmented into about twelve small kingdoms. The lack of centralized control caused constant power struggles among neighboring kingdoms, such that the Almohades were unable to gain a strong hold on the peninsula. 

Although the Jews had coexisted relatively peacefully with the Muslims, the Catholics bitterly resented the loss of Christian control of the peninsula since 711 and had perpetuated unrest and uprisings, and by 1212, outright rebellion. The centuries-long “Reconquista,” or reconquest, of the entire region was considered a holy obligation. Unfortunately, to the Christians, the Jews were identified with the death of their Christ and with the Muslim rulers under whom the Jews had enjoyed privilege and power. Also during this period of time, the Black Plague was ravaging Europe, killing as many as one in every four people, but far fewer of the Jewish population. 

Relatively few Jews died from the Plague perhaps because of better hygiene. Jews washed their hands before eating bread, bathed weekly prior to Shabbat and before holidays, washed their clothing regularly, maintained sanitary households (especially the kitchen and toilet facilities), consumed only fresh and kosher meats from healthy animals, were required to be distant from sewage and other forms of uncleanliness when reading Torah, and buried their dead within twenty four hours. All of these practices in combination with segregated all-Jewish neighborhoods provided some measure of protection from the Plague, albeit not total immunity.

The Catholics did not observe such hygienic lifestyles, and seldom washed or bathed. The Catholics hated the Jews for their apparent immunity to the Plague, and widely believed the canard that the Jews were the source of the “Black Death” by poisoning wells. 

The Catholics united against the Muslims who were absorbed in fighting one another and slowly took over most of the small kingdoms, one by one. Catholic rule was not kind to the Jews. Widespread pogroms in 1391 resulted in the deaths of fifty thousand Jews, such that, in fear for their lives, tens of thousands converted to Catholicism. These people were called “Conversos” (converts), “New Christians”, and “Maranos” (a derogatory term meaning “pig people.”)  In 1412, the Laws of Catalina were promulgated, which excluded Jews from any economic interchange with Christians.  From this time until the Edict of Expulsion in 1492, Jews were strictly confined to ghettos and had to wear identification badges prominent on the outside of their clothing.  Hard-pressed to survive, many Jews, perhaps as many as 600,000, converted to Christianity by the end of the fifteenth century.  Many of the New Christians were in reality Crypto Jews, outwardly Christians, but tenaciously and secretly practicing Judaism.

The Spanish Edict of Expulsion of 1492 stated that all Jews must leave the country. Those who stayed faced the Inquisition. A small number fled to Italy, Amsterdam, and the Americas, but most went to neighboring Portugal. When the Inquisition came to Portugal in 1496, the Jews were forced to leave, convert, or die. Of those Conversos who opted not to emigrate, many, if not most, were murdered by the “Holy” Inquisition. By 1500, estimates of as few as 40,000 and of more than 200,000 Jews were forced to leave the Iberian Peninsula. Exact numbers are not available because many of the Crypto Jewish family names had been changed after the pogroms of the 1300s in anticipation of future persecution. 

The Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition continued for three hundred and fifty years. Accurate recorded accounts of the names, numbers, dates and punishments were kept by the officers of the Inquisition, such that today anyone who cares to recount the horrors may read of them. Of those Jews and Crypto Jews who chose to not leave, or could not afford to leave the Iberian Peninsula, many later bought passage or a commission on a sailing ship bound for safer destinations, preferably as far as possible from the nearest Office of the Inquisition. 

Some purchased the proper documentation for “temporary” (which frequently became permanent) business trips to Italy or Germany, whereas poorer people fled to the north through the mountains and into France. Entire communities of “Portuguese Christians” were documented in southern France, while others continued northward to Amsterdam, England, Scandinavia, and eastward to the German provinces, Austria, Hungary and Poland. In most of these European destinations, these “Portuguese Christians” eventually revealed their true identity as Jews, and then subsequently blended into the established Jewish populations; thus, we do not find long histories of Crypto Judaism throughout Europe.

Many Jews and Crypto Jews immigrated to the New World, now known as the Americas, or the Western Hemisphere. Their choices were limited to the colonies of Spain and Portugal, so that when the Inquisition came to Peru in 1570, to Mexico in 1571, and to Cartegena in 1610, these same people were forced again to choose to convert or to die. The Inquisition spread throughout what is now the southern United States of America, Mexico, Central and South America, the islands of the Caribbean, and Cuba. No Jew or “Converso” was safe from suspicion, accusation and persecution, thus the numbers of Crypto Jews swelled to encompass almost all people of Jewish descent. The experience of the Crypto Jews in the Western Hemisphere was a litany of suffering, continual fear, social, political, professional, and religious suppression and murder. As late as the 1850s the Inquisition was finally officially ended in Mexico, and elsewhere a little sooner; however, overt discrimination and random incidents of lynching and murder continued until well into the 1950s in what we now call “Latin America”.

The final result of approximately one thousand years of persecution and murder of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews (minus the three hundred years of the “Golden Age”) caused many families who immigrated to the New World to become Crypto Jewish, while living their public lives as Catholics. In the Americas, some of the Crypto Jews reverted back to being openly Jewish, only to find a few years later that the Inquisition had followed them to their new homes, and they were forced to go back into hiding again. All of these people, the “Conversos” or “New Christians”, were forced to submit to Catholicism, thus in Hebrew they are referred to as the “Anusim” or “those who were forced.”

It has been approximately fifteen-hundred years since the emergence of Crypto Jews in the Iberian Peninsula, and five-hundred years since Crypto Judaism moved to the Americas. Today we find a large Crypto Jewish presence throughout the Western Hemisphere. No one knows for sure how many there really are, however in Brazil alone an estimated 10 to 25% of the total population are Crypto Jews, which translates to 15 to 40 million people. 

While not all people of Crypto Jewish lineage are prepared at this time to accept the challenge to return to living a fully Jewish life, there are thousands, if not millions who are hungry to learn and to reconnect with G-d as Jews. 

1. The Tanach, Mesorah Publications, Ltd., N.Y., 1996.

2. Malka, Edmond S., Sephardi Jews: A Pageant of Spanish-Portuguese and Oriental Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent, Edmond S. MalkaTrentonNJ, 1979.

3. Netanyahu, B., The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain, Random House, New York, 1995. 

4. Pereira, Dione, “Contemporary B’nai Anusim in the Northeast of Brazil”, Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, Portland Conference, PortlandOregon, 2004

5. Warshawsky, Matthew, PhD., “The End of Jewry in Sephard, Land of the Hebrew Golden Age,” HaLapid, Summer 2004 issue.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Spooky Electric - Is There Someone Inside You?

"That's When I Realised I had to Challenge them with Love."

"So what are we gonna do?

If you want to change things, the first thing you have to change is yourself.

Because if you don’t change yourself, you will take on the world as if it is yourself – and fuck up. 

You will really fuck up, because you don’t understand your own dark side. 

If you don’t understand your own weird, shitty side.. if you don’t understand the fact that there’s someone in there who will kill your mother, if need be – if you can’t take that on; if you can’t take that on board and realise that Charles Manson and me and you are not much different; that John Wayne Gacy and me and you are not much different – except that he did it. 

Y’know, there’s those days when I’m gonna kill that motherfucker over there – but we don’t do it.

But it’s in us, and it’s there. 

And so much of this is denial. That we have no dark side. 

You know: the hippies, and those lovely people in the rave era who were all on ecstasy – they tried to pretend we have no dark side. 

And what happened was they got fucked up by their own dark side. 

As will ALWAYS happen.

So let’s kiss our Dark Sides; let’s f**k our Dark Sides. 


Get him down there where he belongs. 

And he can tell us stuff. Y’know, that thing’s useful.

But above all: let’s become plex-creatures. 

Complex, superplex – be able to take on new personality traits; able to take on new ideas; able to adapt; able to extend our boundaries into what was previously the ‘enemy territory’ – until the point where we become what was once our enemy, and they are us, and there is no distinction."

Eye No

Rain is wet, and sugar is sweet

Clap your hands, and stomp your feet

Everybody, everybody knows

When love calls, U gotta go

(I Know
[repeated in the background]

([Listen, the soul of this song belongs 2 God])

Welcome 2 the Nu Power Generation
The reason my voice is so clear
Is there's no smack in my brain

Ha na na-sha na na na na na na

I know there is a heaven, I know there is a hell
Listen 2 me people, I got a story to tell
I know there was confusion lightnin' all around me
That's when I called his name don't U know he found me

No! Is what Spooky Electric say, it's not OK
But I know love is the only way till my dying day
No - til my dying day I'll be OK
Cuz Lovesexy is the one til my day is done

I know there is a devil because he talks so loud
He makes U do things that your friends do, hang out with the crowd
But my Lord he is so quiet when He calls your name
When U hear it your heart will thunder
U will want 2 hear it every day

No! (people) Is what Spooky Electric say (everbody say)
But don't U know that I know
Love is the only way, til my dying day
No - Til my dying day I'll be OK

Cuz Lovesexy is the 1 til my day is done


Alright y'all, everybody in the house 
(serve it up, Frankie)

Here's what I want U 2 do:
Raise your hand up, straight in the air
Swing it 2 the right, savoir faire
Up on the 2, swing on the 4
Everybody on the dancefloor

Sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho
Sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho

Y'all ain't got it together
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead

Raise your hand up, straight in the air

(let's get it up, let's get it up)


Say no
(say no) No - if U can't find your way - everybody say
(say no) No - if U're afraid, everybody ain't got it made
(Say no) - if U want a drug other than the God above
No - if U need a drink every single day...

Blow that devil away!

Say 'Yes'
Yes - if U want this feeling called love
(come on 'ya, say)
Yes - if U want it now raise your hand 2 the man above
(Yes) Up on the 2, swing right on the 4
We want everybody 2 open this door!

Say 'No' - if U don't wanna live life under the gun
(I know) We know a better way 2 have some fun
(I know) I know - there is a heaven and a hell
I know there is a heaven and a hell

[song breaks down into a crowd noise...]

Tell ya what...
Man, are we on the guest list?
Guest list? Guest list?
I don't see no 5 dollars U owe...
I'm gonna go to the car
I'm goin' home.
I'm gonna have one of them sandwiches.

[sleep] sandwich, that's right

I need the green three sheets.
That's right. (that's what I'm talkin' about)
A peanut-butter sandwich (her and her girlfriend)
(the one that was standin')

[D] (right next to my woman...)
(right next to my woman)

Let us praise God [E]

With the fruit of the vine ((My name's Andre Crabtree III))

Our [innocent] symbol of glory ((I've got more holes than a golf course))

And thank him 4 lessons
Of the past, for life, Prince... 
(I said who popped the question?)

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Holtzman is the The Wild Woman of the Forest





(Also: Andrasta, Adraste and Andred)
(Romano-Celtic; British; Breton; Anglo-Celtic; Continental Europe)

Some of her correspondences are: 

Raven (occasionally, the Hare)

Astral Body: 
Moon (probably waxing)




Tidbit: Some Celtic coins are thought to show images of Andraste.
Andraste is a warrior goddess, the goddess of victory, of ravens and of battles, similar in many ways to the Irish war goddess, Morrigan.  Besides "the invincible one," her name is also known to mean "she who has not fallen".  It is told that her presence was evoked on the eve of battle to curry favor, and as a goddess of divination, she was probably called upon to divine the outcome of battles and war. 

Cosplay : 
Invoke Often.

Cosplay : 
Invoke Often.

Cosplay : 
Invoke a little harder...

Boudicca and Lucretia

Boudicca - A Mother's Revenge

[Go to Boudicca: Marriage, Rape & Revenge Part I]

A whole troop of foreigners would not be able to withstand a single Celt if he called his wife to his assistance. The wife is even more formidable. She is usually very strong, and with blue eyes; in rage her neck veins swell, she gnashes her teeth, and brandishes her snow-white robust arms. She begins to strike blows mingled with kicks, as if they were so many missles sent from the string of a catapault.
Ammianus Marcellinus from Celtic Women, p.82.


The Romans had a very different attitude towards women and rape. The latter was a property crime against the husband or paterfamilias. The story of Lucretia (who stabbed herself rather than allow her name to go through posterity tainted) epitomizes the shame felt by Roman victims.Lucretia had been such a model of Roman feminine virtue that she enflamed the lust of the son of the king, Tarquinus Superbus, to the point that he arranged to accost her in private. When she resisted his pleas, he threatened to place her naked, dead body beside that of a male slave in the same state so that it would look like adultery. The threat worked and Lucretia permitted the violation.
Following the rape, Lucretia told her male relatives, elicited a promise for revenge, and stabbed herself. Livy

Chiomara & Camma

For the Celts, rape doesn't seem to have been so much shameful as demanding dial, revenge. In the first instance below, the victim is said to have quipped that there should be only one man alive who knows her carnally. In the second case the woman seems to have hated the man so much that she thought it was worth self-sacrifice to get rid of him. The third instance is a bit different. As Antonia Fraser points out in Warrior Queens, there the rape was a calculated, political move whose intent was to show the Celts their helplessness against the Romans.
Chiomara, a famous Celtic Queen and the wife of Ortagion of the Tolistoboii, was captured by the Romans and raped by a centurion in 189 B.C. When the centurion learned of her status, he demanded (and received) ransom While the centurion gathered his gold, Chiomara took his head. Peter Berresford Ellis, in Celtic Womenattributes this story to a conversation between Polybius and the queen recorded by Plutarch.
Another story from Plutarch concerns that curious eighth form of Celtic marriage, that by rape ( lánamnas éicne no sláithe, in Irish Brehon Law, and kynnywedi ar liw ac ar oleu, in the Welsh). A priestess of Brigid named Camma was wife of a chieftain named Sinatos. Sinorix murdered Sinatos, then forced the priestess to marry him. Camma put poison in the ceremonial cup from which they both drank. To allay his suspicions, she drank first.


Boudicca, one of history's most powerful women, suffered rape only vicariously -- as a mother, but her revenge detroyed thousands.

Prasutagus, king of the Iceni, made an alliance with Rome so that he would be allowed to rule his territory (as a client-king). When he died in 60 A.D., Tacitus reports that he made the emperor and his own two daughters heirs, hoping, thereby, to placate Rome. Such a will was not in accordance with Celtic law; nor did it satisfy the new emperor, for centurions plundered Prasutagus' house, whipped his widow, Boudicca, and raped their daughters.
It was time for revenge (dial). Boudicca, as ruler and war leader of the Iceni, led a retaliatory revolt against the Romans. Enlisting the support of the neighboring tribe of Trinovantes and possibly some others, she headed towards the town the Romans called Camulodunum, the new administrative capital of the Roman imperial province. After Boudicca's forces resoundingly defeated the Roman troops at Camulodonum and virtually annihilated the IX Hispania, they headed towards London. The Roman commander chose to sacrifice London, so when Boudicca's troops arrived, they slaughtered all Romans and razed the town.
Then the tide turned. Not to dwell on the sad details -- eventually Boudicca was defeated, but not captured. She and her daughters are thought to have taken poison to avoid capture and ritual execution at Rome.
Now she lives on in legend as Boadicea of the flaming mane who stands towering, in a scythe wheeled chariot.

Boudicca Resources

  • 61 CE Destruction of Mona
    Another reason the surrounding tribes joined Boudicca against the Romans was the destruction of a holy place.
    From [] Barbarian History
    This essay addressed charges brought against the northerners by the Greeks and Romans.
    It should be noted that for the most part, the Romans with their war-oriented civilization, both appreciated and feared the barbarians as mighty warriors. It was the more effete Greeks who excoriated the barbarians as bloody, subhuman, demonic entities.
  • Boudicca, the Queen of the Iceni, led a revolt against the Roman military in A.D. 60-61.
    from Athena Review, Vol.1, No.1.
  • Description by Tacitus of the rebellion of Boudicca
    From Athena Review. Includes accounts of Boudicca's whipping, exhortation of her troops, and final suicide.
  • Scottish Timeline
    Ancient portion deals with the Romans. Includes Hadrian's and Antonine's Walls.
  • Timeline of Celtic History
  • Women and Violence in Greek Culture
    Article on the article by Edward Harris, which contains legal definitions of rape, punishments inflicted, literary examples, and vocabulary.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Something terrible is about to enter our world, and this building is obviously the door.

Something terrible is about to enter our world, and this building is obviously the door.


So  B Gud!! 4 Gudness' sake!



Some body's cummin'...

Dr. Pete Venkman,

He's commin'....!!
He's cummin'....!!

My Man
Let's Go Crazy
Purple Rain,

Ain't it kinda funny when U C The Dawn...?

Pioneers for The Goddess

"Men! Can't live with them, can't sell 'em for parts."

"Men! With your... Sales!"

Dogs+Cats+Homeland Security = Juicy Government Contracts

Janine, You've Changed...

I want to just give a quick shout-out, Kudos and credit where it's due to J. Michael Strazinski as the Spiritual Godfather of all Lady Ghostbusters : 

Because I do, DISTINCTLY recall that he went out of his way to have Janine Melnitz strap on (sorry) a Proton Pack, don a pink jumpsuit and step up in a crisis to come to the aid and rescue of all of the silly men.

Before deciding she likes answering phones and taking messages better and declares that she knows her place in life, and this is it. Yay, Voluntary 1980s Glass-Ceiling. Girl Power.

Yeah - 'Cuz that isn't at all sexual.