Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Artificial Box

Artificial Box

Gracious me. Was I raving?
Please forgive me.

I'm mad.

Let's see... 
where was I?

Oh, yes! The master.

He was kind, you see.

He brought me to 
our mutual acquaintance, 
Father Karras.

Not too well at the time. 
I'm afraid he... was passing on 
in the dying mode, as we say.

So... as Karras was about 
to slip out of his body... 
Is this True?
The master was slipping me in.

There was some confusion 
when the medics said that 
Karras was dead.

He was dead, technically speaking.
His time was up.

He wanted out. But I was in.

A little traumatised, true. 
After all, his brain was jelly.

Lack of oxygen and that sort of thing. 
You understand?

It took a maximum effort... 
that at last got me out 
of that cheap little coffin!

Vow of poverty, disgusting.
Never mind.

Toward the end, a little slapstick... 
and comic relief when old Brother Fain... 
who was tending the body, saw me 
climbing from the coffin.

It's the smiles that keep us going.

The giggles and bits 
of good cheer.

But then, after that, it was 
all blue Mondays for 
a while, I'm afraid.

So much damage to 
Karras' brain cells.
So many lost.

It's not enough, you see, 
to be a spirit.

There's no magic.

In this Artificial Box you call A World... 
we can't Touch, except through bodies.

We must operate through 
neurologic systemsbrains 
that function...  and your friend's was nearly past resurrection.

It was quite an effort to 
regenerate his puny 
little brain cells.
It took me 15 years!

So many years.
Now I'm just 
A Traveling Man.

One who moves.

I have dreams 
of a rose.
And falling down a 
long flight of stairs.

Did you get my message?

I left it with Keating.
Nice girl. Good heart.

Yes! About this body of mine...
Friend of yours.

Well, there I was... so awfully dead in that electric chair.
I didn't like it. Would you? It's upsetting!

There was still so much killing to do, 
and there I was... in The Void without a body.

But then along came... 
well, you know, my friend. One of them.
Those others, there. The cruel ones.

The master.

And he thought that my work should continue.

But, in this body.

In this body in particular, in fact.

Let's call it revenge.

A certain matter of an exorcism... in which Karras expelled certain parties from the body of a child.

Certain parties were not pleased, to say the least.

To say the very least.

And so my friend, the master... devised this pretty little scheme 
as a way of getting back... of creating a stumbling block, a scandal... 
a horror to all men who seek faith.

Using the body of this saintly priest... as an instrument of... Well, you know my work.

But, the main thing... is the torment of your friend, Father Karras... 
as he watches while I rip, and cut, and mutilate the innocent!

His friends! And again! And again!

And on and on!

He is inside with us!

He will never get away!

His pain won't end!

I don't believe you're the Gemini k*ller.

You are issuing a clear invitation to the dance.

What does that mean? Never mind.

Incidentally, don't blame me for that idiot Temple.

That was a su1c1de. The man was a lunatic weakling.

Still, he helped me.

Are there services? I would like to attend.

Temple helped you? Of course! He brought you to me.

I told him if he failed to convince you to come to me... that he would suffer in unspeakable ways.

"Pain that cannot be imagined," I said.

Poor superstitious fool, he believed me. But he couldn't take the pressure.

What pressure? The pressure of inimitable me.

Some other tasks I said I had in mind for him.

Things. Little things.

Did Temple get you out of this cell?

Who gets you out?

Just friends.

Old friends.

Tell the press... that I am the Gemini, lieutenant. Final warning.

Incidentally, I can help. Help what?

Your unbelief.

I'm tired.

I am so tired.

Bill, help me.

Damien? No!

Little Jack Horner.

Child's play, lieutenant.

Unpleasantly-Hard Dangerous, and Unsafe

uncanny (adj.)
1590s, in a now-obsolete meaning "mischievous, malicious;" also in 17c., "careless, incautious; unreliable, not to be trusted," from un- (1) "not" + canny (q.v.) in its old Scots and Northern English sense of "skillful, prudent, lucky" (it is a doublet of cunning).

Canny had also a sense of "superstitiously lucky; skilled in magic." In Wright's "English Dialect Dictionary" (1900) the first sense of uncanny as used in Scotland and the North is "awkward, unskilful; careless; imprudent; inconvenient." The second is "Unearthly, ghostly, dangerous from supernatural causes ; ominous, unlucky ; of a person : possessed of supernatural powers".

From 1773, uncanny appears in popular literature from the North (Robert Fergusson, Scott), with reference to persons and in a sense of "not quite safe to trust or deal with through association with the supernatural." By 1843 it had a general sense in English of "having a supernatural character, weird, mysterious, strange." (OED notes this as "Common from c 1850"; Borges considers it untranslatable but notes that German unheimlich answers to it.)

The Scottish writers also use it with the meanings "unpleasantly hard; dangerous, unsafe." Related: 
Uncannily; uncanniness.
also from 1590s

Entries linking to uncanny

canny (adj.)
"knowing, wise," 1630s, from a Scottish and northern English formation from can (v.1) in its sense of "know how to," + -y (2). A doublet of cunning that flowered into distinct senses in Scottish English. In the glossary to Scott's "Heart of Mid-Lothian" (1818) uncanny is defined as "dangerous," while canny, as used in the tale, is defined as "skilful, prudent, lucky ; in a superstitious sense, good-conditioned, and safe to deal with ; trustworthy ; quiet." Cannily is "gently" and canny moment is "an opportune or happy time."
"Knowing," hence, from 18c., "careful, skillful, clever," also "frugal, thrifty," and, from early 19c. (perhaps via Scott's novels) "cautious, wary, shrewd." Often used superciliously of Scots by their southern neighbors (and their American cousins).
The Canny Scot is so well known as scarcely to require description. He carries caution, cunning, and selfishness to excess. Deceitful when a purpose is to be accomplished, he is not habitually deceitful. One thing he never loses sight of—his own interest. But of his own interest he is not the most enlightened judge. ["The Natural History of Scotsmen," in The Argosy, December 1865]
Related: Cannily; canniness.
cunning (adj.)
early 14c., conning, "learned, skillful, possessing knowledge," present participle of connen, cunnen "to know," from Old English cunnan (see can (v.1)), from PIE root *gno- "to know." Also compare cun (v.). Sense of "skillfully deceitful, characterized by crafty ingenuity" is probably by late 14c. Related: Cunningly.
un- (1)
prefix of negation, Old English un-, from Proto-Germanic *un- (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German, German un-, Gothic un-, Dutch on-), from PIE *n- (source of Sanskrit a-, an- "not," Greek a-, an-, Old Irish an-, Latin in-), combining form of PIE root *ne- "not."
The most prolific of English prefixes, freely and widely used in Old English, where it forms more than 1,000 compounds. It disputes with Latin-derived cognate in- (1) the right to form the negation of certain words (indigestable/undigestable, etc.), and though both might be deployed in cooperation to indicate shades of meaning (unfamous/infamous), typically they are not.
Often euphemistic (untruth for "a lie") or emphatic, if there is a sense already of divestment or releasing: unpeel " to peel;" unpick "pick (a lock) with burglars' tools;" unloose for "to loosen."
It also makes words from phrases, such as uncalled-for, c. 1600; undreamed-of, 1630s. Fuller (1661) has unbooklearned. A mid-15c. description of a legal will has unawaydoable; Ben Jonson has un-in-one-breath-utterable. The word uncome-at-able is attested by 1690s in Congreve, frowned at by Samuel Johnson in the 18th century and by Fowler in the 20th ("The word had doubtless, two or three centuries ago, a jolly daredevil hang-the-grammarians air about it ; that has long evaporated ; it serves no purpose that inaccessible does not ....").
But the practice continued; unlawlearned (Bentham, 1810), unlayholdable (1860); unputdownable, of a book, is by 1947; unpindownable, by 1966. Also compare put-up-able-with (1812). As a prefix in telegraphese, to replace not and save the cost of a word, it is attested by 1936.
With the variety of its possible use, and the need for negatives, the number of un- words that might be made in English is almost endless, and that some are used and some never is owing to the caprice of authors.
Dictionary editors noted this since 18c. but also padded the list. John Ash's "New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language" (1775) has many pages of one-line un- entries; among a dozen consecutive entries are unhaggled, unhaired, unhalooed, unhaltering (adj.), unhaltering (n.), which sorts of words OED (1989) notes were "obviously manufactured for the purpose" and some turn up in other texts only decades later, if at all.
Trends of uncanny

adapted from books.google.com/ngrams/. Ngrams are probably unreliable.
More to Explore

"hideous, ghastly, weird," c. 1500, of uncertain origin; apparently somehow from elf (compare Scottish variant elphrish), an explanation OED finds "suitable;" Watkins connects its elements with Old English el- "else, otherwise" (from PIE root *al- "beyond") + rice "realm" (from P
c. 1400, "having power to control fate," from wierd (n.), from Old English wyrd "fate, chance, fortune; destiny; the Fates," literally "that which comes," from Proto-Germanic *wurthiz (source also of Old Saxon wurd, Old High German wurt "fate," Old Norse urðr "fate, one of the th
"beyond or different from what is natural," 1570s, from Medieval Latin preternaturalis (mid-13c.), from Latin phrase praeter naturam (praeterque fatum) "beyond nature (and beyond fate)," from praeter "beyond, over, more than in quantity or degree" (see preter-) + accusative of na
The English trochee is, in fact, rather an uncanny foot .......
Old English bihaldan (West Saxon behealdan) "give regard to, hold in view," also "keep hold of; belong to," from be- + haldan, healdan (see hold (v.)). Related: Beheld; beholding. A common West Germanic compound, compare Old Saxon bihaldan "hold, keep," Old Frisian bihalda "hold,
1706, "stoppage of pulse, absence of pulse," from Modern Latin asphyxia "stopping of the pulse," from Greek asphyxia "stopping of the pulse," from a- "not" (see a- (3)) + sphyzein "to throb, to beat violently," which is of unknown origin. Obsolete in its original sense; the trans
1690s, "Arabic system of computation," from French algorithme, refashioned (under mistaken connection with Greek arithmos "number") from Old French algorisme "the Arabic numeral system" (13c.), from Medieval Latin algorismus, a mangled transliteration of Arabic al-Khwarizmi "nati
1640s, a legal word, "held through the favor of another," from Latin precarius "depending on favor, pertaining to entreaty, obtained by asking or praying," from prex (genitive precis) "entreaty, prayer" (from PIE root *prek- "to ask, entreat"). The notion of "dependent on the wil
also God speed, by late 14c., "(I wish that) God (may) grant you success," from God + speed (v.) in its old sense of "prosper, grow rich, succeed." Specifically as a salutation by mid-15c. Also in Middle English as an adverb, "quickly, speedily" (early 14c.); the then-identically
1706, "stew pan," from French casserole "sauce pan" (16c.), diminutive of casse "pan" (14c.), from Provençal cassa "melting pan," from Medieval Latin cattia "pan, vessel," possibly from Greek kyathion, diminutive of kyathos "cup for the wine bowl." Originally the pan; by 1889 als
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Dictionary entries near uncanny

Peter Richard Newman

Vast and Lidless

Monday, 30 December 2024



Lenny Meyer :
Am I bothering you?
I'm sorry, I'll put it out.

You Damn Fool - 
The Presence of God 
is in The Smoke
Name's Lenny Meyer.
And you are?

SuperMax :

Lenny Meyer :

Is that Max? Max...?

SuperMax :
Max Cohen.

So, Max does not know it, 
but he is a High Priest
Probably worth a Google.
Lenny Meyer :

It's OK. I'm a Jew too.
Do you practise?

SuperMax :
....No. I'm not 
interested in 

Lenny Meyer :
Did you ever hear 
of Kabbalah?

SuperMax :

Lenny Meyer :
Jewish mysticism.

SuperMax :
Look, I'm busy right here.

Lenny Meyer :
I understand --
But right now is a very exciting 
moment in Our History.

Right now is a critical 
moment in Time.

SuperMax :


Lenny Meyer :

Yeah. It's very exciting.
Have you ever put on Tefillin?
You know Tefillin?

Yeah, I know, it looks strange.
It's an amazing Tradition.

It has a tremendous Power
It's a mitzvah Jewish men should do.
Mitzvahs, good deeds.
They purify us.
Bring us closer to God.
Wanna try it?

SuperMax :

Lenny Meyer :
You all right, Max?

(which mean 'Sun' and 
is short for 'Solomon') :
It's been a month. 
You haven't taken a single break.
I'm so close.

(which mean 'Sun' and 
is short for 'Solomon') :
Have you met the new fish 
my niece bought me?

Fish = Jesus  
'Christ is a Meta-Fish' - Jordan Peterson

I named her Icarus after you,  
my renegade pupil.
You fly too high, you'll get burnt.
I look at you, I see myself 
30 years ago :
My Greatest pupil.

Published at 16, PhD at 20.
But Life isn't just mathematics, Max.

I spent 40 years searching 
for patterns in Pi.

I found nothing.

 SuperMax :
You found things.

(which mean 'Sun' and 
is short for 'Solomon') :
found things... 
but not a pattern.
Not a pattern.

SuperMax :
11:22 Personal Note :
Sol died a little when he stopped 
research on Pi.
It wasn't just the stroke 
He stopped caring.

How could he stop, 
when he was so close to seeing Pi 
for what it really is?

How could you stop believing 
that there is a pattern, an ordered shape behind those numbers, when you were so close?

We see The Simplicity of The Circle
we see the maddening complexity 
of the endless numbers -

3.14 off into infinity.

Are the stars out tonight?
I don't mind
if they're cloudy or bright

For I only have eyes
For you, dear
I don't mind
if we're in a...

Lenny Meyer :
Hey, Max. Lenny Meyer.
I'll put it out.

So... What do you do?

SuperMax :
I work with computers. Math.

Lenny Meyer :
Math? What kind of math?

SuperMax :
Number Theory. 
Research mostly.

Lenny Meyer :
No way. I work with 
numbers myself.
I mean, not traditional.
I work with The Torah. Amazing!

Hebrew is all math.
It's all numbers.
You know that? Look

Ancient Jews used Hebrew 
as their numerical system.

Each letter is a number.

The Hebrew A, Aleph, is 1 .
B, Bet, is 2.

But look - The Numbers 
are interrelated.

Take the Hebrew 
for Father, ab.

The word for Mother, haim.

The sum of 3 and 4144.

Now, the Hebrew 
word for Child - 
Mother, Father, Child.


That's 1030 and 4.

Torah is just a long 
string of numbers.
Some say that it's A Code
sent to us from God.

SuperMax :
…..That's kind of interesting.

Lenny Meyer :
That's kid's stuff, check this out.
The Garden of Eden, Kadem.
Numerical translation, 144.

The value of Tree of Knowledge
in The Garden. Right?
Aat ha haim

2, 33, 144,  233.

You can take those numbers...

 SuperMax :
Those are Fibonacci numbers.

Lenny Meyer :

SuperMax :
You know, like 
The Fibonacci sequence?

 Lenny Meyer :

 SuperMax :
[ Leonardo ] Fibonacci is 
an Italian mathematician 
in the 13th. Century

If you divide 144 into 233
the result approaches Theta.

Lenny Meyer :

SuperMax :
Theta -- The Greek symbol for 
The Golden Ratio, 
The Golden Spiral.

Lenny Meyer :
Wow. I never 
saw that before.
That's like that series 
you find in Nature?
Like The Face of 
a Sunflower?

SuperMax :
Wherever there are spirals.

 Lenny Meyer :
See, there's Math everywhere.
Hey, I... Max?

Restate My Assumptions.

One : 

Mathematics is 
The Language of Nature.

Two : 

Everything around us can be 
represented and understood 
through numbers.

Three : 

If you graph The Numbers 
of any System,
patterns emerge.

Thereforethere are patterns 
everywhere in Nature.

So what about 
the stock market?

universe of numbers 
that represents the 
global economy.

Millions of human 
hands at Work, 
billions of minds.

vast network 
screaming with Life. 
An Organism.
natural Organism.

My Hypothesis : 

Within the stock market, 
there is a pattern,
right in front of me
playing with 
the numbers.

Always has been.

10:18, press RETURN.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Pantheon of Dynamic Discord

The Pantheon of Gods from The Whoniverse | Doctor Who

"There is The Toymaker
The God of Games

There is Trickster
The God of Traps

There is Maestro
The God of Music

There is Reprobate
The God of Spite

There is The Mara
The God of Beasts."

Discover The Gods of old 
and The Gods of new from 
The Whoniverse... but beware 
The One who Waits.


The Fourth Doctor
Tom Baker's Best Moments 
as The Doctor | Doctor Who

Saturday, 21 December 2024

They Have Been Induced to Forget About It

"....I Thought it was 
a Very Good Script --"

Doctor Who Shada Intro 1992

.....hello? hello....? 
Hello? Anybody there....? 

....why! It's a museum...! 

....I've always felt at 
Home in museums....

Giant Robot
-- beat you; 
Cybermen, beat you;
Daleks, beat you; 
Davros -- Davros.... 

I beat him, as well --

I was irresistible in those 
days, irresistible ....

Gundan robot…




….the untransmitted story
why wasn't it transmitted, now — 
….of course, We didn't finish it —

starring Denis Carey, and Christopher Neame…… 

Written by Douglas Adams ….
I thought it was a very good script... and 
there was an invisible spaceship :
Douglas said "anyone can design 
a visible spaceship but to design 
an invisible spaceship
that needs imagination
....I think he said that, or did he say -- 
….I think he said genius, yes -- 
…..he said genius

Poor old Douglas….. 
I wonder what became of him;
….that's right, Cambridge;
about 1979….. 

punting on The Cam….
There was, a choir 
on The Corner as 
I biked by, singing 
foreign song 
or some other Train song —

..…Daniel Hill - I'd heard 
he'd become The Manager 
of an old people's home
or maybe he went into an old people's home, I can't remember; 
or maybe he was always old
I don't know —

and Victoria Burgoyne — 
it was her first Television, 
and when she heard 
it was cancelled she 
was so unhappy….
She cried a lot;
We all cried a lot….
We were all very sad —


Thursday, 19 December 2024

The Human Trap


This way, sir. 

Q. :
You? You summoned me? 

Young Guinan :
You must be Q. 
Took your damn time. 

Q. :
And you are that multi-celled, sanctimonious, 
droning shrew known as Guinan
Right, it's the 21st century. 
Our paths have yet to cross. 

Young Guinan :
I thought The Summoning 
didn't work —

Q. :
The summoning 
is a sacred ritual
Not a chat by which you bipeds 
exchange the nauseating 
minutiae of your pathetic lives. 

Young Guinan :
When the ritual stalled
I felt something. 
Emptiness and Fear
I thought it was me
But it wasn't. I feel it 
on you. You're dying

Q. :
Another quality I sincerely loathe 
about your species. Empathy

Young Guinan :
I knew you could kill each other
But otherwise, aren't you... 

Q. :
Immortal? So I believed
Yet now... for the first time 
as I look across the temporal 
horizon, it darkens

You think I'm dying
I prefer to believe that 
I am on the threshold 
of The Unknowable

When I first I felt it, I thought 
to myself, "This is good
This is new." Infinite Life
after all, has its drawbacks

And so I prepared myself 
to be enveloped 
in the warm glow 
of Meaning

Well, that moment 
has yet to come. 
Not even a glimmer

Dying stars burn brighter 
as they spin towards extinction. 
I, on the other hand, seem to be 
simply disappearing... 
into nothing

Why do you think it took 
me so long to get here? 

Young Guinan :
That's why you walked in here today? 
Why you're using humans as 
your game pieces? 

Q. : (snaps away 
impotently at Thin Air —)
You see that? I'm honestly trying 
to vaporise you at this moment. 

Young Guinan :
This thing you're doing to Picard, 
it's how you're hoping to find... 
Meaning in Your Life? 

Q. :
I now have A Lifetime. 
Can a single act redeem 
A Lifetime

Young Guinan :
Why bring him 
to The Past? 

Q. :
I did not bring him into The Past. 
He did that on his own
There are many forms 
of Time Travel. 

Young Guinan :
But he's trapped here. 

Q. :
The Trap... is immaterial
It's The Escape that counts
I'll see you when I see 
you... unfortunately


Humans. They're all 
trapped in The Past. 


Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Christopher Walken and The Heart of Darkness

Mel Gibson - Christopher Walken Story

Making of Batman Returns (1992) - Max Shreck Origins

I'd offer you coffee, but my assistant 
is using her vacation time.

Bruce Wayne :
Good time. Everyone but The Bandits'll 
be slacking off till after the New Year.

I'm not sure I like The Inference.

Bruce Wayne :
I didn't realize I made one.

I'm pushing this Power-plant NOW, 
because it'll cost more later.
A million saved is a million earned.

Bruce Wayne :
I commissioned this report. Take a look at it.
Gotham City has a Power surplus. 
I'm sure you KNOW that.
My Question is: 
"What's your angle?"

"Power surplus?" Bruce, shame on you!
No such thing. One can never have too much Power.
If My Life has a meaning, that's The Meaning.

Bruce Wayne :
I'll fight you. I've already spoken 
to The Mayor and we agree.

Mayors come and go, 
blue-bloods tire easy;
you think he could go 15 rounds 
with Mohammed Schrek...?

The Prince of fuckin' Darkness :
“He's an industrialist uh he owns, among other things 
has met uh Schrek's department store —”

Originally, the Max Shreck character, he is 
The Golden Boy -Son of The Cobblepots, 
and it turns out that He and Penguin are Brothers and 
there was that kind of dichotomy in the movie of like 
The Saintly Brother who runs The City 
and the ultimate Black sheep who was 
thrown in The Sewer and 
how they come up together
 but the script and the movie 
is way too rich to begin with 
and that was just another layer 
that we finally had to lose.

“When I suggested to Tim Burton, 
Tim, I thought of Christopher Walken —”
and Tim, who loves ghouls and 
skeletons and odd things said 
Oh, no —”, he said “He’s…. he's..
I'm afraid of him 
he scares me —

And I said “But Tim — you're 
supposed to be afraid 
of Max Schrek -- 
Christopher Walken 

They made up a fictional character 
that's not in Batman's universe, and 
suddenly he becomes the most exciting character 
in the film -- well, sorry but that's what you get 
when you put Christopher Walken in a role 

The Prince of fuckin' Darkness :
He says that there's no such thing as too much power 
he says that, that's what his life is about, now —
that's uh those are actually his lines 
I think he means it —

Bottom line, she tries to blackmail me,
I'll drop her out a higher window —
meantime, got better fish to fry 

The Prince of fuckin' Darkness :
I think Max probably didn't have a lot of education 
and that he sort of made his own way, you know —

The Media :
What's The Deal, Mr. Schrek? 
Is The Penguin a personal friend ?

Yes he's a personal friend, of this whole city  —
so have a heart — give The Constitution 
rest, okay it's Christmas 

The Prince of fuckin' Darkness :
I Think that Max and The Penguin….for their 
own reasons enjoy each other's company
probably because when you're like that 
there aren't that many people 
you can talk to —