Tuesday 4 June 2019

The Cause

Know this, Son of Coul. 
You and I, We fight for the same Cause, The Protection of This World. 
From this day forward you can count me as Your Ally, IF you return the items you have taken from Jane. 

The Confederate Flag and the Lost Cause: The Truth About The Confederacy

“ Production came to an end on Buffy, Season 3 [1999], and over my Summer vacation, I was reading The Killer Angels, about the survivors of Gettysburg, and it immediately made me think of the Millennium Falcon. 

You know, as most things do.

As the more advanced cultures become more homogonised and spread out into the other worlds where life is tougher and people are more diverse, there's conflict. 

I was dealing with the idea of a Civil War, and the idea of rebuilding people who had lost The War - this is something that is a big part of American Fiction.

There's very little American Fiction about the people who won The War, about The North, the people we all like to be identified with, we're all interested in The South because they lost, and we love Losers.

The forming of The Alliance causes a power that is so great that there's no way it can justly rule over The Entire Universe, and so I'm dealing with the people on The Fringes who're saying  :

'You Don't Belong Here, You Don't Belong on Our Soil, 
Yes, You Guys are Progressive, 
You've Got Great Medicine, Incredible Healthcare Plan, 
You've Got Freedom of Religion, 
You've Got All These Great Things 
We Don't Have That Stuff, 
Some of Our Customs are Arcane, 
Some of Them, Maybe, a Little Barbaric -  

But We Have a Right to Be Ourselves.'

And that's where the Utopian Vision stops, because whenever you create some kind of Utopia you find something ugly working underneath it."

— Joss Wheedon

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